Green Salt Reviews

Green Salt Reviews

undefined review of Green Salt image 1 out of 1
Patricia K.
Showing off our great tasting green salt in the wooden salt cellar I purchased to house it in. This Green Salt is the best...even on popcorn 🍿
undefined review of Green Salt image 1 out of 1
James T.
I made a simple tomato, cucumber, red onion salad and the green salt really came through in the oil&vinegar dressing
Charlotte B.
I have not used salt in anything for a long time, just because of excess sodium in the body. I have others in the family that should also avoid too much salt (chips, etc. have a lot) so I thought I would give green salt a try. I've used it on salads and in soup and love it. It gives a nice boost to the flavor of the food and you do not need much to get that extra taste you have been missing out on - especially if you are someone who has used salt in everything. I haven't had my supply long e...
Karen D.
Love the powdery with darker green flecks texture. I feel like I’m eating greener when I shake I it on. Moderately salty, easy on the tongue even when I taste it without food. I add it to soups in place of salt.
Parago J.
Love the Green Salt as a replacement for salt. My direct salt use has diminished significantly since beginning to use Green Salt instead. I’d recommend. And it’s nutritive. Try it.
Nicholas R.
Was really surprised by this product. You can use double the quantity that you would salt and still consume 50% less sodium. This has plenty of salt flavor. Truly surprising.
Linda M.
I think your salt has a unique taste and flavor. However, I question whether or not it is the genuine Celtic salt I was looking for. I first learned of this from watching Barbara O'Neill's lectures on You tube. I didn't get that burst of energy she talked about after putting it on my tongue and then drinking water. Is there a white Celtic salt that is not so expensive? I really think your salt is priced way too high for my budget. Thank you.
Margo M.
I use it in pies and on potatoes. I use it in soups. It is good. I don't like salt very much. Green salt isn't real salty. You can use less and it's perfect for me. If you like salt you can use more and it is just as salty as regular salt but has half the sodium.
George B.
I Totally love your green salt!!!! It is amazing. It is now the only salt I used for my food. It is the healthiest salt I have ever had and the price is reasonable!
Alan P.
Just had open heart surgery so needed to cut back on salt! A dear friend who went through the same surgery and he recommended this product!
Kathryn D.
Love the taste and the fact the manufacturer did not add sea salt as others do. If you want a great way to reduce sodium intake, this is a delicious solution.
Judith G.
This product has allowed us to cut back on regular salt without sacrificing the salty taste. I use it in cooking and it gives extra flavor. I’m sure I’ll be reordering in the future.
Stephanie O.
Customer service is wonderful! I added the wrong billing address and they quickly corrected it for me. I LOVE this green salt and have started using it in place of my regular table salt. It's delicious!
Rosa T.
Main reason for buying this amazing salt was due to me eating a plant based diet I needed a quality nutrient rich salt with iodine, this is the perfect salt for me.
Jane L.
We love this product. We both have kidney disease and have to be on a low salt diet and this has helped us tremendously. So glad we found it.
Patricia W.
I was using too much salt and because of my kidneys needed to stop using lots of salt. This green salt is the BEST tasting substitute Ive ever had. I bought tiny salt shakers for my purse and I use the Green salt anytime I eat out.
Corlyn B.
I am impressed by your product. I have kidney disease so I have to watch my salt intake and I can use it on anything . I don’t use regular salt anymore. It taste like the real thing but without having so much sodium in it. Thanks !
Linda R.
Green salt has been my go to for a salty taste for months now. It really takes the place of table salt. I love the container too. It is durable, refillable and handy. I recommend this product wholeheartedly.
Mary G.
My adult son and I BOTH need to cut back on the sodium and we’ve made a really concerted effort at that … but the Green Salt has really helped! After about a month of use my blood pressure is going down!! BTW … it tastes great!! (Buy the recyclable shaker … it helps, as it is a tad coarser than table salt.)
Marianne B.
This product is a great substitute for salt. the only problem is that it is green and some people have a hard time with it. I have made many recipes with it and find it has a good texture and does make the dish flavor like it was salt. A great find and I thank Chef AJ for introducing me to this amazing product.
Carla S.
I was skeptical about this plant based salt until I tried it. Deliciously salty with just a hint of seaweed. Perfect table salt. I don’t use anything else now. It was so good, I purchased a package as a thank you gift for good friends. They were trying to reduce their salt intake and were struggling until they tried GreenSalt Carla
Michael M.
Hi! And thank you. Very happy to find your product, as I don’t want to load my blood with ANY sodium-chloride……I did find a nice shaker for it….one with adjustable holes and also seals; to keep the moisture out. First thing I did was to fry an egg….oh yeah, it works. My degree of smell and taste varies, but I’ll go with this. Oh there’s more….you come out with little environmentally friendly green salt shakers……I’ll be passing them out to family and friends when I receive my order. Now I’m ...
Robin B.
I’m very salt sensitive and can’t use much at all so this is a delicious and healthy substitute. I just keep it on the table with the salt and pepper and use as I like! Love how environmentally friendly it is! Try it on halibut!
Kerma K.
I really like this Salt. It really tastes like Salt. I wish that sub. sugar tasted as good. I use this Salt sub. as a finishing Salt I put a little bit of regular salt in, then When I eat I put some of the Green Salt on until it tastes right.
Judy G.
I tried this product and love it. I had the plant with dinner when we were in New Orleans and I loved the flavor and saltiness! When I saw it available in "salt" form I knew I had to try it. Love it!
Paulette B.
I really like this stuff. My husband is a big salt user and he needs to cut back. I use this in my cooking and he can't tell the difference. I actually got him to sprinkle it on his food instead of salt.
Russ J.
Husband and I both have high blood pressure and I thought this might help. I didn't tell my husband I was using it, when I told him it was in his dinner he was surprised and has been using ever since. We haven't had it long enough to see if it's impacted our blood pressures. My neighbor tried a little and may be using it as her husband is currently in hospital after triple bypass and will need to watch his sodium intake.
Linda N.
Was very skeptical, but LOVE THIS, I thought it would take like seaweed, but it has a salty taste, NOT seaweed. Gave my eggs a funky color but hey... the doc said get rid of the salt, I did
Joseph H.
This is an excellent alternative to rock salt. In fact it is a great way to market it IMO as I talk to my friends about this product all the time. I have drastically cut my intake of rock salt to near zero and feel healthier for it. Salicornia is an awesome plant I look forward to encountering in its true form as I have been loving it in its dehydrated form. This is a great substitute for recipes 1:1 in most cases I have found, but it's not a one size fits all, all our taste buds vary. Excellent...
Sheryl L.
I am on a low sodium diet so green salt enhances the flavor of food for me. Only thing I don't care for is the color. Lol My roasted cauliflower had a green tint to it but still delicious!
Glenn S.
Really like this product as it adds nice salt flavor to food, but with less actual "salt". We have found this to be as versatile as regular salt for most of the cooking we do. The actual ingredient has a nice nutritional profile which blends nicely with other herbs to make dishes more flavorful and tasty.
Donna H.
I was delighted to find GreenSalt, as I have bought fresh Salicornia at my local farmers market and loved it, but it's availability was sporadic. I would chop it finely and use it to season various foods, especially eggs. Now I can have GreenSalt to use every day. I really enjoy the taste with its hint of the sea, and using it as a finishing salt on anything that I would normally use regular salt on improves the dish, from meats and eggs to vegetables. Yes, you can cook with it too, and you can ...
Catherine Marie G.
I really love this I do not eat any table salt anymore No more explosive 🧨 headaches for me. Salt gives me horrible headaches The salt in green salt is plant sodium Converted by plant into organic sodium by plant , completely different effect on body .i use alot no ill effects. Sleeping better too
Cindy C.
Happily using Green Salt in place of table salt, which I had been using too generously for years. It was an easy transition and a change I feel really good about. Thank you.
Jami R.
I am attempting to decrease the sodium in my diet without sacrificing taste. So, for the past week, I have been using green salt in everything except on my salads or for baking and, so far, am quite satisfied! Cool discovery!
Mitchel G.
My experience with green salt has been amazing so far- I prefer the complex flavor over that of regular salt, but appreciate the vastly lower sodium because I have high blood pressure. It has completely replaced table salt in my diet. 6/5!!
Connie P.
I bought this because my son shared it with me and told me how much he liked it;he also told me the benefits of using less salt! I bought it even though the price is steep. However, it does have a wonderful taste-which I love♥.. It's too soon to tell any health benefits gained, but stands to reason less salt is better. I've tried it on several things including french fries(Okay, those aren't healthy) and they were smokin"!
Connie H.
I monitor my sodium intake because of high blood pressure. Green Salt is a great substitute. It adds flavor without the guilt. I love the fact it’s full of other nutrients as well. It’s a win win.
Jeremiah D.
I was a little nervous about trying this product being a salt lover. When I tried it on it's own I wasn't impressed, but when I cooked anything with it I tasted no difference between it and regular salt. I will continue using this.
Stalee V.
Green salt is a wonderful replacement for salt. I feel better knowing I can get the salty flavor with less sodium.
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