Wild Earth Reviews

Wild Earth Reviews

Emily T.
So far so good! I have 2 chihuahuas 5 lbs and 3 lbs that tend to be itchy. I break one skin and coat vitamin in half for them and they seem to be itching less. It's only been a week so this is amazing! Thanks Wild Earth for making high quality vegan vitamins for my babies!
Skin & Coat Supplements Subscription (Ships every 8 Weeks)
Eric S.
Champ is our 4 legged Beagle son. I had noticed on his current dog food he was pretty lethargic and belching alot. He is 12 and we got him at about 8 months old (stray). We have had him on a Probiotic since 2009'. I am in the transition stage with Wild Earth. We are at 75% Wild Earth and 25% his former dog food. He does have a sensitive stomach, so that is the reason for the slow transition. I have noticed that he wants to do his "crazy dog" routine way more often now than not. He was onl...
Complete Protein Dog Food
Tobi T.
I was hesitant to buy these b/c I hate fake banana anything and thought they would have that smell. Much to my surprise, they smell wonderful! No fake banana here. Oh yeah, and my dog loves them, too.
Superfood Dog Treats With Koji (5oz)
Patricia R.
I have a finicky eater and we have tried many many dog foods...tried homemade, fresh food delivered to our home, fresh food in our supermarket and all types of dry and canned foods. We tried Wild Earth 2 weeks ago as a treat and gradually added it to His dog food with bits of cooked chicken and beef he does like... So as of today, he is eating, but I try not to get too excited because he tires of the same old food everyday. I am constantly changing his meals so he does not get BORED👍👍
Complete Protein Dog Food
Tony A.
My Frenchie started eating Wild Earth dog food immediately and she's loved it ever since I've switched. It's been about 2 weeks and she's very active, full of energy and doesn't have any issues with allergies. I'm sure that this food has contributed greatly to her good health...Thank you, Wild Earth!
Complete Protein Dog Food
Tamra H.
My mini Australian shepherd is very picky with her food but also gained a bit of weight over quarantine (like the rest of the family:)...so I was looking into healthier options. To my suprise she loved this from the beginning! The clean protein makes me feel good that I'm getting her back on track! I will continue to order.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Karen B.
They love it! My little chi has to take an allergy pill every morning so I break a piece off & stick the pill in there, & begs me for the rest. My dachshund goes crazy for them. They are not itching as much as they use to. I can tell it’s definitely working. I just wish it was a little cheaper.
Skin & Coat Supplements Subscription (Ships every 8 Weeks)
Sabrina S.
My dogs love this food! My pitbull has allergies so I switched his food. His skin looks better and he's lost his extra weight. I feel better knowing that my dog's too can have ethically sourced food.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Suzanne S.
Our two standard poodles love wild earth and finish every bite! We feed them twice per day and sometimes I add a little chicken or egg but they are now basically vegetarian , And eat no yucky by products ...thanks ro you !
Complete Protein Dog Food
Agnes P.
Did as instructed on food intake, they like it! food bowls are always emptied...walks away satisfied, my one is not so bloated, the other not scratching so much, one diagnose with a collapsed trachea but so much better I think due throat not be irritated...love it, I'm a very happy dog mama.
Dog Food Subscription (Ships every 4 Weeks)
Pauline F.
My two Border terriers have shown great enthusiasm a meal time. I would like the option of a canned wet version to add to the kibble. I am anxious to see if there are discernible health benefits as well. Now we are all vegan! Pauline
Dog Food Subscription (Ships every 5 Weeks)
Shelby C.
This is the choice of my dog, Audi. It took a while but with this food I found the right combination of this food and an extra added protein that we put in his bowl with it. Audi gobbles it right up everyday. He loves it and we love it!
Complete Protein Dog Food
Randi M.
I purchased Wild Earth dog food for my senior dog. She has been licking her feet for the past seven years despite allergy medicines, special shampoos, and prescription dog food. When I saw the promo for Wild Earth with the dog owner praising the food for ending her dog's itchy paw problems, I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. The dog LOVES it. Even the cat loves it. Unfortunately, she's been eating it for several weeks and it has changed nothing about her paw issues. Its very pricey, so...
Complete Protein Dog Food
Gretchen S.
Nya absolutely loves the food! Wish I could be more specific, but she's a Ridgeback so she will eat anything!! Today she devoured two dead crabs off our beach - never has any side effects from anything she eats. So.....since she has just finished her first bag I will need to wait probably several months to see if I see any difference in coat or other good side effects. Appetite is not a good criteria for her. I do like it however 🤣 Gretchen
Complete Protein Dog Food
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb) image 1 out of 1
Arlene H.
My doggies cannot wait for me to put the bowl down for them. I think they like it! but even better than that is I think it likes them. That is what I try to shop for these days - turns out I like it; but I focus on what likes me. I feel that is perfect when caring about what goes into my family. My husband, my doggies & I - we are family. This is the time to care for us all. It is excellent food. They like it a lot & it likes them.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
undefined review of Dog Food Subscription image 1 out of 1
Kimberley L.
I would like to say I LOVE Wild Earth, but my dogs have only been on it for 2 months. So far so good, but I'd like to give it longer before we say we LOVE IT. I like that it's so natural, and that my dogs are Vegan. =)
Dog Food Subscription
Kathryn G.
My Moose is a pain in the tush. He’s picky about food, toys, treats, etc. The only thing he universally likes is attention:) I really loved the idea of limiting my environmental impact and animal product consumption, but was skeptical. Like some kind of miracle, he actually likes it and doesn’t leave half his food sitting there anymore! Another concern I had was that he had a pretty good poop consistency going on there (in NYC, where he’s going on the sidewalk, I have to worry about these thing...
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
Susan S.
My dogs love the Wild Earth kibbles and the treats! All four of the dogs will work to earn even one kibble! Thanks for producing a clean and nutritious food for my dogs.
Dog Food Subscription
Alan M.
Substituted Wild for a premium brand of dog food.We have four small dogs and a medium side dog. All of the pups immediately started eating and left nothing! For me and the pups you have a great product! Like the idea of the ingredients you are using. I will be ordering the larger size bags soon!
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb) image 1 out of 1
Donna M.
Hi! Penny the Pig and I are curious! We would love to know if there are any plans in the future to make piggie dinner delights--to feed rescued sanctuary pigs and those pigs who are companions of humans at home. Not only does that say a TON (hee hee) about plant-based foods and compassion for animals, but the pigs who wanna eat it--well--ya know. Yeah! Donna McCall Pig docent Pig lover Pig advocate Pig Perfection.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Rabecca E.
My dog isn’t really eating every day. He is only eating when he is absolutely starving. I love knowing that I am feeding him plant based and he is “pooping” like a champ! But he isn’t eating twice daily like usual. It’s only been a week so I am sure it will be fine.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Gloria J W.
I had been struggling with trying to prepare good meals for my 3 Pomeranians . The dry food that I added to their meals in the past was not really liked by any of them and I tried numerous brands. Because of their small mouths and teeth I would moisten the kibble with water or some type of broth. I also added cooked turkey, chicken or chicken livers to the meals and also included mixed veggies. They would eat most of their meals but didn't really like the dry kibble. Since trying the Wild Earth ...
Dog Food Subscription
Kammi D.
Transitioned my two beagle mix pups (12 and 10 years young) to a plant based diet about 2 years ago. I was making homemade balanced wet food in bulk and freezing it for about the first year while free feeding another brands dry kibble. Their coat and skin improved dramatically. We started a home remodel and I could no longer keep up with the homemade production so I relied solely on dry kibble. They maintained good energy but their coat became more dull. Skin stayed great! So after seeing Shark...
Dog Food Subscription
Sarah B.
My dog is such a picky eater and I wasn't sure if he would eat this. But because I try to feed him only healthy foods and snacks so I was really excited about trying this. Thankfully, he loves it and we will be a regular customer. Thanks for making quality food for my best bud!
Superfood Dog Treats With Koji (5oz)
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb) image 1 out of 1
Dana C.
Scooter likes your dog food! I have an enormous amount of Natural Balance dog food which I will use up and then I’m going to start feeding him with your food!!
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
Katharina F.
Both of my dogs really enjoyed the treats. One of my dogs is small and has hardly any teeth left, he was able to eat these easily because they are soft.
Superfood Dog Treats With Koji (5oz)
Coreen D.
She really enjoys it. Good she’s getting healthy food in her. She was so fussy. She’s already thin. Doing a lot better now. Al u hear is crunch crunch lol
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
Bonnie P.
She really likes it but has few teeth and I have to soak it . Would love a wet option . She’s almost 8 my little rescue Halo it’s making her a lot healthier 😀thank you
Dog Food Subscription
Angel L.
I'm so thrilled to have treats that I am happy to give my dogs!! I love the food, I love the treats. My dogs eat both! I have tried them next to 2 other brands in one hand and 2 of my 3 dogs chose these first! (The third dog ate all 3 at once!! lol) Thank you for giving us cruelty free treats!!
Superfood Dog Treats With Koji (5oz)
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb) image 1 out of 1
Bunny O.
I didn't expect Moby to like this food. He has been eating only food from the supermarket refrigerated case, refusing his usual dry food for a year or so. I gave him some of your meatless kibble. He turned his nose up. Then I mixed in some of the food from the tube with a bit of the vegan dry. He gobbled it. He's now at half and half mixture. So far so good. He eats it all, still with the addition of the wetter, meatier food. I don't know if he will transition to eating only the meat free, but...
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb) image 1 out of 1
Janis B.
The box was crushed and the tape missing from a corner and a cut in cardboard and chow bag. Some chow lost. But my dog loves the chow and so far no skin rashes.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Lesley L.
So far my three dogs are really liking this Wild Earth kibble. They are all healthy smallish senior mixed breed rescues. I was delighted to find this product as I myself do not eat meat. It has seemed very wrong to support the cruel factory farming of animals or the slaughter of domestic and wild animals just to feed our pet dogs. So I am very glad and appreciative to have this healthy and environmentally kind alternative.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb) image 1 out of 1
Patricia H.
I am caring for 2 Min Pins and a Boston Terrior. They all like the food, and have no digestive upsets from eating it. I make their food, so I use the ‘kibble’ as a filler, also as a treat for correct behavior. They eat it right up!
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
undefined review of Dog Food Subscription image 1 out of 1
Donna M.
Hi Wild kids! I want to tell ya, Ilove to have this plant-based food appear in my orange dinner bowl every night-- but I am wonderin'-- could there be a little more interesting shape added, other than round? I mean--for sure keep the round guys--they ar so fun to chase as they roll around on the floor! But, I am laying here a-thinkin'....what shape could I suggest for a second one? How about rod-shaped? And maybe a different size! Maybe twisty! Whatever you come up with, I will happily be a firs...
Dog Food Subscription
Gail H.
I am on only my first bag of Wild Earth. When I adopted my fawn doberman from doberman rescue he had a very sensitive stomach. He is selective in the food he eats. My vet put him on a special prescription diet and he improved a little. Since I have changed him to Wild Earth his appetite has dramatically improved and he really likes the food. It is too early to tell if it will improve his coat! I am so glad to know that there is no "junk" in this food. Will keep you posted. Gail Hawkins Cocoa, F...
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Cheryl F.
My dog has been on some very expensive dog food from the vet because of food issues and allergies. She was to the point where she would eat the wet, but not the dry. Talked to my Vet about trying Wild Earth, and she said give a shot. DayDen is doing wonderful on it. No stomach issues - so far, so I am hoping we have something she can continue to enjoy - which she does with every meal!
Complete Protein Dog Food
Mary J.
My dog Ruby, a Cocker spaniel, had skin allergies and I took her to the vet for help. It wasn't until I started feeding her Wild Earth kibbles that her skin problems subsided. I am hooked on Wild Earth and so it Ruby!
Complete Protein Dog Food
Bonnie C.
My daughter recommended this food because her dog does so well on it. I've been mixing it in with my dog's previous food to get her adjusted and she seems to be doing well with it, so I'm grateful for that. Also waiting to see, if some of her allergies will lesson.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Sylvia M.
Transitioned my dog to plant based after attending Plant-Stock. My family eats only plant-based. It is a must that our dog does as well. He loves it, looks, great, and has great energy.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Kenneth C.
Right from the time I served the food to both my dogs they immediately started to chow right away. I thought it might be fact that it was a new flavor but we have been feeding them the same food for 3 weeks now and they seem to enjoy the taste as much as the first time. In order to give them some variety I have mix the food with eggs and tuna to give them something different. They love it
Complete Protein Dog Food
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