Wild Earth Reviews

Wild Earth Reviews

Dru N.
hello so far wild earth is doing pretty good for my dog. I like most is that the kibble is not as hard as the rest and easier for my dog to chew and eat. I think i will continue to use wild earth as my primary food source.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Gina M.
My overweight dog is losing weight i feed her the same portions I fed her on her old dog food and she losing weight in just 2 1/2 weeks we see the difference!
Complete Protein Dog Food
Sylvia I.
Just got 2 German Shepard puppies 8 weeks old and they like the food a lot. I was a little concerned to put them on it so young. I had a lab/golden retriever mix Buster and he died and he loved the food also. I add some coconut oil at times just to give them a good fat with it, this is what one of your staff told me to do since they are puppies, hope this is correct. Do I need to purchase a good vitamin to give them everyday? Thanks, Sylvia Ice
Complete Protein Dog Food
Aspen H.
My dog has been eating so much better now, he has great energy and his skin and fur already look so much healthier after a few weeks, I couldn’t be happier!
Complete Protein Dog Food
Mary T H.
Tinkerbell is making a slow transition but has immediately taken to the new meatless kibble. She has such a sensitive tummy and allergies with itching and scratching. However, I can already see some improvement in the itch and scratching. I believe some of her other allergies are pollen related but am still hopeful the change will help there too. She is showing signs of more energy and playfulness already. I can't wait to see how she does when she is 100% Wild Earth❣
Dog Food Subscription
Dawna R.
I have a Great Dane with a sensitive stomach and he loves it!! I also have a 4 lb. Chihuahua that is crazy about this food. I hope I can continue to afford it. Thanks for caring so much about animals.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Lee D.
My dogs love it. They usually have their dry food mixed with wet food but when I gave them the new food by itself they did not hesitate and cleaned their bowls. The transition went well without any problems. Good job wild earth!!
Complete Protein Dog Food
Martha R.
The first time I gave Wild Earth to my dog, I gave her a small amount of her old food and a small amount of the new, Wild Earth. I set them down for her together see which one she would go for first. She sniffed her old food and went straight to Wild Earth. She ate this food first and then went back to the old food and did eat it. She passed up the old food, waiting for the Wild Earth, during the transition period. Needless to say she loves it. She was completely switched over in 3 days without...
Dog Food Subscription
Brittany U.
I wanted to try this food for my dog with allergies as I've seen people posting positive results with this food. I dont think they have been on it long enough to see a change just yet but they seem to love it! During the transition period when you're supposed to feed the old food mixed with the new food, my dogs would pick out the bits of new food and leave their old food in the bowl.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Sheri D.
Unfortunately, my Spaniel mix dog is on the list for possible DCM. The chickpeas, peas, and even potato are foods recommended he not eat. I will definately consider this food in the future, for a different dog.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Brenda L K.
Our little 4 leg baby has fought us to eat any kind of dog food. This is the first time she is eating it and not turning her nose at it. Thank you, hopefully with this she will lose some weight.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Lori C.
I bought this for 39.00 because I can’t afford it at regular price, mainly because my dog has skin issues. Because of the price I can’t afford to feed him just this so I mix this with a decent grain free that I buy for 37 dollars for 40lbs. Due to my job closing down due to virus I am worried about how I’m gonna pay bills and feed my family. Right now I would like to get another 19lb bag to mix with his food but am asking to only pay the 39.00 again if possible. Thank you
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Carmela S.
My dogs love it but I’m still learning how much I need Have send you numerous emails not to put me on a monthly basis for the moment!! Hopefully you’ll get back to me soon and let me know you got my message Thanks Carmela Sutera
Complete Protein Dog Food
Nancy S.
Indie seems to love this new healthy food, too soon to tell if it'll help her maintain her weight or lose weight, which is always a goal with yellow labs!
Dog Treats Subscription
Kathleen I.
our three dogs love the taste. We weaned them onto this new food over a week, but they have a ton of gas and loose stools. I am sure this will get better over time. We are so happy to have our dogs living a vegan life like the family.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Lisa S.
My two dogs who are 8 and 11lbs. never ate kibble before but they seem to like it. I love the Knowledge that they are ingesting good clean Protein without the sacrifice of animals.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
Lydia K.
This smells like real people food if people food were to be turned into kibble. I like the fact that it is vegan and a clean protein however, it gives one of my dogs horrendous gas that smell more human than dog...which could be seen as a step in the right direction as far as gases go.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Ruth M.
Our dog, Rainey, just loves this food, starts bugging me about an hour before her dinner time to eat, and often waking my husband up to feed her her breakfast. Even though I feed her more than I did her old food, she is maintaining her weight.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Wendy F.
I have two dogs. Jo and Reba. They both can be pretty picky about their dinner. They looked at me and looked at each other when they saw me open a bag they've never seen before. They looked at me again when I put their bowls in their stations. That was the last they looked at me. Well the last they looked at me for about two minutes. They inhaled their food. They loved it.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
Phyllis T.
Sydney lives the food. She is nearly 13, Blue Heeler, and was getting a little stiff and lazy. Though not dramatic, she does seem to be more alert and walking with less stiffness. Thank You.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Leslie P.
Kaylie my little princess is about 9 years old. She was showing signs! of slowing down which I thought was probably normal. She was being fed what I thought was a high quality dog food. When I started Kaylie on Wild Earth she loved it and had no problem transitioning to it from her other dog food. What we noticed first was her energy was coming back. She now will play with her toys both by herself and us which had greatly subsided. I then noticed her eyes were no longer weeping and her coat is ...
Dog Food Subscription
Scott S.
Transitioning our pets foods over the past few months ... and Wild Earth has been a boon and a relief knowing the care taken to create it came from good intention. Dogs eat it right up!!!
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Laurie D.
Our Husky is the pickiest dog we've had in our 39 years of having them. She LOVES your food! No hesitation, just GONE! Thank you! PS, Bowie says thanks too!😉
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
Leslie B.
My dog absolutely loves this food! He was diagnosed with a heart murmur a couple of years ago and with Wild Earth I feel like I’m doing everything I can to support his heart. I’m so glad he’s no longer ingesting icky animal by products, and I’ve noticed his breath is better and he’s no longer having a problem with tarter build up on his teeth. Love the subscription service, as well. Thank you so much for creating this “clean” food and making it easy to get!
Dog Food Subscription
Sherry H.
I had just bought my first bag before the price changed, and the increase means that I cannot afford to purchase again. Which is a shame because our dogs do like it.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Diana V.
My dog Petey has environmental and food allergies and is doing fantastic on Wild Earth. He loves it and because of the high protein this 10 year old is acting like a puppy. He also has Cushing's disease.
Dog Food Subscription
Marilyn D.
My dog loved your food, however he has ibd and it made him throw up. I was so excited when I found your dog food. I was hoping this was the answer.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
Claudine K.
Our whole family is plant-based, including our dog Mia. She was previously eating a premium no grain expensive dog food that we had to add vegetable broth to in order to intime her to eat. Now She wakes us up every morning to joyfully eat the Wild Earth dog food. Please tell me you ship worldwide, as we encourage friends and family to make the change!
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Jayasree N.
My Dogs love this food and I feel good knowing that other animals didnt die to feed my babies. I will be writing another review in a couple of months on changes to their health and wellness. But right now, I just love the fact that they enjoy this food.
Dog Food Subscription
Jennifer A.
Rascal loves wild earth—it makes me happy to see her gobble it up when I know it’s making her strong and healthy. She burns plenty of energy during trail runs and outdoor adventures! Thanks wild earth!
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
Lane Simone J.
My miniature schnauzer is so strange when she has kibbles - I have to talk to her about how good her dinner is before she will start eating, but once she takes that first bite, she scarfs it down and cleans the bowl! Every other kibble I had bought for her, she wouldn’t eat it until I added table food to the kibbles. I feel confident with Wild Earth that I am feeding her a quality nutritious food.
Dog Food Subscription
Isabelle F.
All three of my dogs ranging from a Pitmix, to a mini poodle to a maltipoo are gobbling down their new Wild Earth vegan food. I wish I could provide an interview with them but they don't do interviews. I can only observe their happy eager eating. Thank you for a food that is consistent with me being vegan.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Melinda C.
Tanner is 12 yrs.old, has extreme allergies and now has cancer This food is helping tremendously with his allergies. He needs to enjoy the time he has left with us. So nice he is not itching and miserable Thank you Melinda and Tanner, and.the whole family. Thank you.
Dog Food Subscription
Monty B.
All three of my dogs loved it!!! I won’t be able to purchase it very often because of the price, but I definitely recommend to anyone who can afford it!!!
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb) image 1 out of 1
Brittany F.
Waylon (white pup) absoutely loves the food, and his poops are so much healthier. Unfortunately, Mike (black pup) turns his nose up to it, so he's still being fed Orijen.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Anna N.
I have two dogs. One have not noticed any difference and inhaled it just like his previous meat-based generic brand. My second dog is older beagle. She is a little slower and pickier, but she eats her whole portion as well. The dogs act and behave the same, so I consider it a good adaptation. I also tried this food - it tasted like a whole wheat toast to me. I sleep much better at night knowing the ingredients in my dogs food and that they are eating healthier option and will be buying more for ...
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Mary S.
He loves it, But I understand you raised your prices I can't really do much more than the $49 I spent on the last bag... but I appreciate you guys and the great work you put into this ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Amy M.
My dogs really like the food, but unfortunately the price hike of $25 per bag will keep me from continuing to purchase. At 39 per bag I could manage it. At $63 I cannot. Please try to bring the price down.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
Leslie P.
My Kaylie girl is really enjoying the treats as well as the dog food. I feel much better giving her food that doesn't come from meat given what goes into the other nasty dog food!
Superfood Dog Treats With Koji (5oz)
Kathy D.
My dog loves this food tremendously! I've never seen her eat so fast. My dog is almost 12 years old and I feel that she's really very healthy! Also less trips outside too if you know what I mean!
Dog Food Subscription
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