BarkMute Reviews

BarkMute Reviews

C. P.
she has stopped barking at the dogs behind us and she hasnt had the caller on an hour really works
B. G.
This product works Great! My dog no longer barks constantly when he hears someone walking by the house. Thank you!
D. D.
Barked at every dog and person now it only took two weeks and he stopped barking and learn just to look and go on.
K. A.
It is working great! My daughter's dog was barking alot and as soon as we put it on it has lowered the amount of barking!!!
S. P.
A. K.
I think it’s helped my pup’s barking tremendously. He still will at times but he does it much quieter or it at least has caused him to hesitate. Worth a try for anyone trying to calm a “barky boy.”
J. W.
I ordered the humane bark collar for my mini schnauzer. I had moved from a house into an apartment. Schnauzers are natural big barkers, now he was so nervous everytime I took him out he barked. Everytime. Since starting this collar a week ago the difference is totally amazing. Much less barking, even other residents have noticed how much less he is barking and on top of that it seems to calm him. Great purchase for sure!
D. C.
Collar works very well. Dog reacted right away on day one. Typically my dog would bark continuously, but after putting the collar on, he quits on the first buzz. Wish there was a indicator to show the charge is full. Also, the controls are a little clumsy and the instructions need improvement.
P. K.
Moved into senior community recently and my 2 shih tzus are not happy. Golf carts, walkers, a lot of dogs...they're not adjusting as soon as I'd hoped and barking waaaay too much. Tonight my male was barking incessantly until I put the collar on. It beeped and he stopped barking. It works. I don't keep the collars on them continually. Only when the barking begins and doesn't stop by my command. So far, so good.
2 BarkMute™ Sets
G. T.
We received the BarkMute about a week ago. Our three Yorkies tend to be barkers. This device is very effective, but one Yorkie is terrified of the sound. But the 4th of July probably did that to him with the neighbor's fireworks noise. But it does work as a training device very well.
BarkMute™ GO
S. B.
My dog and my cats love to play with the floppy fish. Bought a second one to increase their fun.
BarkMute Moving Fish Toy
R. D.
It works! Very effective right from the get go in quieting our elderly dog’s boredom/senile barking. He stops with the sound and vibration and returns to peace on the porch.
A. S.
This worked great on one of my dogs. It virtually stopped the barking from my 10 year-old dog — a life-long barker. It seems like a miracle. It was less effective on my 9 month old pup, though it had a small effect. A citronella collar did the trick for the puppy.
2 BarkMute™ Sets
S. E.
My dog is responding pretty well to this method. He is a high energy breed so he is figuring out when the collar is not on and barks then. Lol crazy dog
Y. E.
My dog is a daschaund yorkie so pretty small for being 4 years old. We are only on first week and seem major improvement as he was very barkative and aggressive towards all. Very safe and effective on him.
P. F.
It has made a difference. Our year old Jack Russell mix, although exhausted would not settle down when he went into his crate for bedtime (we have another dog who lets us know when it's time for bed and readily gets in her crate). So my sleepless short nights have been transformed due to BarkMute. Initially he was a little skiddish about the collar; but with a treat reward when I put it on him the struggle is over. I anticipate to wean him off the BarkMute in a couple of weeks (We've been usin...
E. S.
This has worked pretty well for my very loud/very tiny dog! She still barks some but it's much more infrequent and quieter now. Surprised how well this worked, and very glad I was able to adjust my dog's behavior in a humane way.
D. P.
These are so much easier and humane than the shock collars I had before I found these. My dogs bark at EVERYTHING... and it is annoying. I also want to be a good neighbor, so they do wear them a lot. So far, so good. I still have the noise notification on, so it gives me an opportunity to see how they react when the vibration goes on. They still bark, now they stop after one or two, instead of the incessant barking. Another thing I really like about these collars is they are just like quick...
2 BarkMute™ Sets
L. S.
It’s worth it’s weight in Gold. Has modified my dogs behaviour immediately and he regulates himself and is much calmer.
BarkMute™ Collar
S. S.
Collar works great. Does not hurt the dog but does get their attention fast. My little yorkie caught on very fast. My only complaint is that the small was a little loose. Need to make an extra small.
G. H.
It really works. My dog is stubborn, I MEAN STUBURN!! lol lol lol But You can really see / hear the difference. When we go for a drive he is Unbearable, as he whines so loud and so much. But with the collar on, you can literally see him try not to whine . It made for a peaceful 3 hour trip. Now without the collar on, he thinks before he whines or barks. I do not use full time, but when he gets out of hand, on it goes.
N. U.
My dogs constant barking at cars going by to a bird in the tree was driving me nuts.Since applying the Barkmute collar his barking has stopped by 95% and thats on the vibration setting alone.I was sceptical about these sort of products, but they really do work.
BarkMute™ Collar
D. C.
they are bulkier than I expected and we have small dogs. they worked very quickly, already much more quiet in the house. they don't wear them all the time but they still seem to know not to bark as much. I don't know about the battery life yet because we just started using them. so far, I am pleased.
2 BarkMute™ Sets
R. T.
Best thing ever ! Totally works , I’m on my 2nd one but only because I accidentally put it in the washer
BarkMute™ Collar
M. E.
My dog bark so much but when I put the collar on him it calm him down a lot thank you for the barkmute!!
M. H.
It works for our dog. She does not bark continuously in her crate while we are gone running errands etc. our neighbors are happy too!
C. H.
I applied the collar to my dogs and now if the bark I will ask them if they want the collar on and show them it all of a sudden they get quiet and hang their head down
3 BarkMute™ Sets
A. S.
I did not want to use a "Shock Collar" so this seemed to be a good alternative. I was a little confused with the instructions. I did not know when the unit was on, there was no light etc. So I programed it as instructed and put it on my pooch. It appeared to work. After his first loud bark, my dog just offered several low woofs and then stopped. It seems to have done the trick as his barking is significantly reduced.
M. M.
I have two dogs so one barking encourages the other. I have only used them twice so far on our walks but I feel they are getting the message. Glad I invested.
BarkMute™ Collar
A. C.
I have two small dogs and bought the collar for them. They are little dogs so they like to bark at everything! Once I put the collars on, the still barked but once the sound came on they stopped and ran towards me. It was great! I like that it doesn’t do it with every bark so they that don’t get used to it. They still bark like crazy when they get over stimulated, but I think the collar were a good investment! I’m excited to see how they continue with them.
C. M.
It has helped my dog to not continuously keep barking, it stops him after 1 bark. It has gone off with him scratching at the collar or jumping off the couch. Satisfied with it so far
M. S.
I dont know if I am just hoping it works but my dog seems to be barking alot less and if he does it's only a couple of times rather than constant - didnt realise just how much my other dog barks as always been masked by the other :) very happy
BarkMute™ Collar
M. M.
I've only used the product a couple of days, for a few hours each day, and have noticed a difference already. My dog's barking has been quite a problem at night, so that is when he has worn it. His barking has lessened, even when not wearing it.
BarkMute™ Collar
J. S.
It was absolutely hilarious watching my dog the first time. It does work wonderfully without harmful effects. I would recommend this to everyone.
V. U.
Used on my two dogs a couple of times now but they have continued to bark while it buzzers then activates vibration mode still at the trial and error stage atm. Hoping it stops there nuisance barking in the future. Playing with the settings to help control there nuisance barking, hoping this will help us control there nuisance barking. There is times I want them to bark and there's times we don't.
BarkMute™ Collar
J. B.
I was sceptical at first but the collars really worked and discouraged my two yappy dogs from barking. They would bark incessantly at everything. Now they bark once and the collar disrupts the behavior. They wear it during our walks and now we have a peaceful outing. I gave it 4 stars because the collar only reacted at the 2 highest settings. Overall it is a good product and I would recommend it.
T. K.
I live on a busy road n my dog barks at anything that moves past the windows. Bark mute is quietening him down n its only been a week. He now only soft boofs, no loud barks. N he was loud being a 45kg dog. Recommend this product.
BarkMute™ Collar
K. J.
Maybe a bit early to tell, first couple of times, our big mouth barker still barked like a lunatic when we arrived home, or if someone walked past the house, I adjusted the intensity and used vibrate and sound. When we arrived home today, our barking Buster had a slight rumbling to greet us, so I think it’s doing the job. 👍
BarkMute™ Collar
V. S.
Perfect for the sensitive dog. Very safe for small dogs. Make sure you trim the hair from the throat area.
D. D.
It works so well!!!! We have peace at last & Charlie (our dog) doesn’t get hurt-except his pride lol. We love it!!!
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