BarkMute Reviews

BarkMute Reviews

D. A.
I love this collar. My Aussie has a tendency to bark uncontrollably when in her crate if we are getting ready to leave the house or any time that is not nap or bedtime. This collar has been so effective. We have used all settings and I really like that it does give her a chance to bark a bit but then activates after a few barks so she knows what and how much is ok. She is doing much better and it has only been a few weeks. It started helping immediately. Only issue is that it is way too big, it ...
J. K.
Stopped my 5 year old dog from barking almost immediately. We are taking care of her for my daughter and she was not trained to not bark at people walking by. She is now tho thanks to Barkmate.
M. D.
Nothing worked on my dog bubba...barks at everything!! This is amazing!!! He barks once and usually stops with the collar on. I’ve tried other collars before and would suggest this one❤️
M. N.
I have a total of 10 dogs. Needless to say, when the barking stops, it can get chaotic. There are several instigators in my pack who start things - once they bark then everyone else barks even though they have no clue why they are barking. I knew that if I could get the leaders' barking in check that the rest would follow. Sure enough, it works. I got collars for four of the dogs and I truly appreciate how gentle the collars are. I've witnessed horrible things with correction shock collars and k...
V. R.
I wish I had a picture to share. My dog, Harley, is proud to wear this on her walk. It only took one day and she was cure of her loud barking. She now has this very nice "indoor" bark that is so much pleasant on our ears! This has been the best purchase we have made. It does not shock the dog. It is her own bark that will set it off!
H. S.
Definitely works! Me and my fiancé moved in with my grandpa to help take care of him and our dog did not stop barking for a week. Every time he talked or got up she would start barking uncontrollably and we could hardly get her to stop. We got this specific collar for her because it doesn’t shock. The beep alone has completely stopped her barking. If she does get a bark out now-a-days it’s only one and done 👍 highly recommend for any dog that has barking problems with new people, bikes, cars, b...
D. D.
I have a busy bee for a dog, she is always in everyone's business and barking non-stop at folks walking by my house, not to mention any other animal that might cruise by. I saw this bark collar on "tic tok" and decided to give it a try. I am telling you, it's cruelty-free, it surprises my dog with vibration and a beeping sound, within two days her excessive barking and whining, is down to a minimum even when the collar is off and charging. I really do like this collar and I recommend it for dog ...
H. L.
So glad we bought these collars for our corgis! They work so well and we love the fact they only beep and vibrate compared to a ‘shock’ collar. One of our collars frayed after a few days and customer service was quick to send us a new one.
2 BarkMute™ Sets
S. C.
I have an Anatolian Shepherd and a German Shepherd. Both puppies. At times, they would bark so constant and for unnecessary reasons. And they are VERY loud! I decided to get the collars to use mainly at night because their barking was disturbing my neighbors. From the moment I put them on them the collars worked! They barked once or twice and then stopped! Just from the sound on low setting! I definitely recommend these collars to anyone needing help correcting barking!
2 BarkMute™ Sets
E. W.
I have a basset hound who has separation anxiety and will bark for hours non stop. I tried this collar on him for a day and a half and he was like a new dog. I took it off and he still didnt bark. I think he realized he can get my attention without needing to bark. I was absolutely amazed and happy it's such a humane way to try to train a dog
H. D.
This is the Best product ever! Our dog Pistol would bark non stop, I mean she would bark at the wind, at our neighbors, anything & everything. Therfore she was only allowed in the backyard for very short times & would sit at the door & cry & whine as she watched our other dogs play outside. This collar has changed her ( & our) whole life, she is happier, sleeps better & we are able to enjoy her so much more! Best bark collar on the market we have tried A lot. Thank You Bark Mute!!
C. B.
I have a mini Aussie that barks at everything and it was difficult to get him to stop. Literally the first day he had it on him his barking decreased dramatically. We can tell a difference when we take it off of him at night compared to when he has it on during the day.
C. B.
A bit difficult to set up, and has short battery charge life, but it seems to have gone a very long way in curbing our puppy's barking. I'm not sure where we'd be without it. Thank you. Chip Burke, Milwaukee, WI
A. S.
I have a border collie which barks at anything that moves, people walking down the street, dogs going bye, birds that land in our back yard. I purchased the bark collar because of her excessive barking even in the early hours of the morning. I was very skeptical but also very desperate. I must admit that since she has had the collar on her barking has decreased and is more acceptable, not totally controlled but about 90% improvement. At least the barking during the night has greatly improved a...
BarkMute™ Collar
D. H.
Bought a pair for my Scottish Terriers as they have developed a habit of barking and howling at anything and everything! Three days of Bark Mute and much much improved even when the collar is not on. Have now started to use in the car and again the same result on the first journey.
2 BarkMute Sets
K. A.
My dog barks furiously when people ring the doorbell or come in the house. Now after a day with Barkmute he no longer terrifies visitors. He was extremely confused when he first wore the collar, didn’t know what was happening but it works. I tried it on my own neck to make sure it wasn’t cruel and it most definitely is not!
A. R.
We tried other collars, scented ones and yes ones that zap but this is the first collar she doesn’t hate putting on and doesn’t bark with. She is also learning not to bark without it which is fantastic.
BarkMute™ Collar
C. K.
This works perfectly and has actually calmed down two dogs barking when were at the dog park. Only issue we've had so far is one of the clips have broke.
2 BarkMute™ Sets
A. Y.
My dog is a greyhound Chihuahua mix, strange...I know! But she is a constant barker, it was getting so bad that the neighbors were complaining because she would bark for hours on hours doesn't matter what time, the first day I tried it was already an improvement, 2nd day she didnt bark at all! It's been over a week now and all I can say is that I'm grateful for this collar
B. M.
The product is fantastic. I just wish that the extra shipping I paid for had meant something. There were 4 days of incessant barking that we wouldn’t have had to deal with if “ships in 4 hours” hadn’t meant two days later.
J. T.
Has worked really well with our 8 month cavoodle . His overall behavior has improved. We had it in for a couple of hours on day 1 and now a week later just randomly if he forgets. I’d highly recommend
BarkMute™ Collar
B. F.
Collar works as expected my Beagle no longer barks at every dog around he seems happy to have it on as well and gives me a strange look when I remove it. Great way to train the puppies and keep the noise down. Thanks for a great product.
J. M.
THere is no pain...but he really respects it. It has really cut his barking down - even while being tormented by a squrrel! I need to puy iy on him every 3-4th day to reinforce it ,but expect that to end as time progresses.
M. S.
No more barking. My dog was a barker. So much so he would bark at everything. With Bark Mute once on his neck his own barked scared him. Each time he barked he would feel the vibrations. This really does work. Not harmful at all. No shocks and it works
I. L.
Bear would consistently bark at people and dogs walking in front of our house. Now he barks twice, and collar beeps. He is distracted looking for beep and stops barking. Two barks I can live with. Excellent.
BarkMute™ Collar
K. G.
The very first use got my puppy to stop barking so much. Now I don't even have to put it on her, I pick it up and she quiets right down! Everyone is so surprised when I tell them it isn't a shock collar, it just beeps! (I don't use the vibrate function as it scared her too much). Great product - 5 stars!
G. M.
Pleasantly surprised to say that This product actually does work exactly as it says on adverts. Our dog has stopped barking at people passing garden and she seems more confident when wearing it.
BarkMute™ Collar
K. A.
After borrowing a neighbours bark mute collar for only 2 hours I put my order it was that good. I mind my daughters dog occasionally and he does not stop barking at everything that goes past. It only took 2 barks and he stopped. Thankyou for our peace.
2 BarkMute Sets
N. C.
I have a dog that barked at EVERYTHING! He'd bark at people walking on the opposite side of the street to our house. He'd bark when I put on my coat to leave the house. He'd bark when my husband and I would have a conversation. He'd go completely hysterical like the WB Tasmanian Devil when somebody rang the doorbell. While we haven't yet had a chance to check out what he does now when somebody rings the doorbell, overall the house has been MUCH quieter. He freaked out bit when we first put th...
BarkMute™ Collar
C. G.
We have tried a number of different collars bit this one beats the others hands down. Safe for the dog with enough triggers to cut the barking levels. Great product!
BarkMute™ Collar
N. P.
A really great product. Our neighbours are very grateful that our dogs are no longer annoying them all day with barking while we are out at work! I like that you have the option of both noise and vibrate or just noise. Our fury friends now respond by stopping to bark just with the noise warning!
BarkMute™ Collar
G. R.
We are surprised by how well this works on our eight-year-old dog. He responds to the tone only and we do not have to use the vibration. What a relief!
J. S.
It works really well . We put it on our dog and she barked at someone walking down the street and stopped immediately ! we took it off and she hasn’t barked since !
K. A.
Have a German Shepherd that barked at everything (people, birds, dogs, cats, when she wanted to come in, etc and nothing else worked on she is very well mannered thanks to Bark-Mate!
A. S.
bought barkmute for my dog. he barks at everything he hears and sees. I put the collar on him and he only gives one bark and then stops. I was surprised at how quickly he got the idea not to bark so much like before. Our house is a lot quieter because of the collar. I am very pleased with the results.
K. A.
This has made a 100% improvement in my dog’s barking. I only had to put it on him a few times in order for him to get the point. Now I just leave it on a surface in whatever room we’re in because it’ll react if he barks even if it’s not on him. The sound of the beeps scares him enough that he remembers that he’s not supposed to do that and he stops in his tracks. This has been a lifesaver as we live on a street that has heavy foot and car traffic and he was barking incessantly! We’ve been sittin...
C. R.
I am amazed!!! I have tried everything to stop my dog from barking, spray bottle, citronella collar, shock collar, yelling, even moving to a new place where I thought he would have less to bark at. Nothing worked, he actually got worse. Literally one day with this collar on, doing positive reinforcement with treats as the user manual suggested, and I have a new dog, he barely barks, and when he does it is just once and not a long drawn out bark fest. Thank you thank you thank you Bark Mute!!! Yo...
L. S.
have a problem where one dog barks at one dog but the other barks at anything 2 or 4 legged was nice this weekend with no barking when they were outside
2 BarkMute™ Sets
L. W.
I have a Golden Doodle that loves to bark. When I put on the collar he was pretty surprised when it vibrated when he barked. I am also giving him a treat and telling him he is a good bog and no bark when he tries to bark or starts to bark. This really works. At first I wasn't sure as his hair is very thick but it does work!! So glad I got this.
D. L.
Works great, just like all the reviews said!!!!! Unfortunately, our dachshund shredded one side of the collar to pieces by scratching it. I guess he didn't like having it on :) Anyway, my husband is going to try to replace the collar. I doubt anyone else will ever have the same experience. Suggestion to manufacturer: perhaps choose a more rugged type of material to make the collars.
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