BarkMute Reviews

BarkMute Reviews

P. L.
It worked immediately and has continued to work when it is on... I do not keep it on him 24/7. Like with anything overuse can make it not as effective. I only use it outdoors since that is where he likes to bark constantly. He now runs outside barks once then silent after that šŸ˜... Before he would bark from the time he went outside up until he wanted in and would sit in the middle of the yard looking up at the sky and bark until someone would go out and get him. The door would be opened so he c...
M. R.
By far the best $25 I have spent. Harley was so crazy with the barking at everything, demand barking all the time, separation barking, but now ā€¦ calm and sweet boy all the time. This is the best bark collar I have ever used.
J. D.
After the purchase of various bark collars we were ready to give up. Our 19 month old Cavalier Spaniel just loves to bark. We decided to try one more site for this item and yours came up. Since you offer a money back guarantee, we decided to try one last time. Guess what!!! It worked!!! She doesn't like wearing it but it works!!! Thanks for this product, it is so much more peaceful now! sincerely , Joyce Duarte
B. H.
The first time I put them on my dogs it worked a treat, I don't keep them on all the time, only when they start barking. Told my friend about them, so she is going to get them for her dogs!
BarkMuteā„¢ Collar
B. P.
It only took 1 day before my dog figured out that if he didn't bark the collar wouldn't beep/vibrate. Yes I am still using it a week later but I'm doing it when he's acting up.
BarkMuteā„¢ Collar
T. R.
When my barkmute collars arrived I had my reservations but to my surprise and great relief the collars worked straight away which is amazing as my 3 rough Collies barked at anything most of the day and when it was feeding time twice a day and now all is peaceful well for two of my dogs as one of the collars didnā€™t work at all and when I contacted the company they responded straight away and has resolved the problem as they are sending me out a new one which I canā€™t wait to arrive and then Iā€™ll h...
BarkMuteā„¢ Collar
T. H.
Absolutely brilliant. I have an anxious poodle who is scared of his own shadow and barks constantly. Since starting with this collar, no more uncontrolled barking. Love it. Thank u
BarkMuteā„¢ Collar
A. P.
We saw results on the very FIRST TIME we tried the collar on Murphy. He is a 5 year old French Bulldog, so we have to figure out the sensitivity settings more precisely because he snores and it will vibrate/buzz. I LOVE THIS COLLAR!!!! It is well worth the purchase price!!
S. H.
I have a barking nightmare Chihuahua Mix. I've had trainers here to help fix this issues and used other bark collars and nothing has worked. I bought BarkMute on a whim based on reviews. It worked like a charm instantly until it didn't. I had it 13 days and wrote the company and told them it would not come on. I communicated with a Rosalinda and she had me take a video and show them what was going on. I did and they got back to me the same day and said a replacement was on its way. In the meant...
S. C.
I was skeptical about this but I'm super pleased with it. Both of my little yappy dogs are quieter and even calmer with these collars on. It doesn't hurt them but it definitely deters all of the crazy barking. Love it!
C. B.
1 year old puppy can't stop barking wildly especially when it is time to go out. Got th collar and almost immediately she stopped barking uncontrollably. Ditched the shock collar and now this is to one.
S. H.
Worked on the first day, extremely satisfied. No more crying and sometimes get one bark and then they'll wait for you to attend the door. No crying or yelping when we arrive home. Postage from you was extremely quick also.
BarkMuteā„¢ Collar
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ Collar image 1 out of 1
P. L.
As you can see we have couple of dogs have tried it on all of them works great on the small ones Jack Russell and Jack russel/staffie but doesn't work at all on our full breed English Staffie even on full hilt. Doesnt seem to bother him at all
BarkMuteā„¢ Collar
L. S.
What a brilliant product our Jack Russell was starting to non stop bark when put in the dog run before we would go out and continued to bark till we came home. We were worried the neighbors would start complaining to our local council , I didn't want to use a bark collar that delivered electric shocks so we purchased this one. It was an instant success not only has he stopped his non stop barking in the run but has stopped barking at people walking or cycling past our house. Highly recomme...
BarkMuteā„¢ Collar
K. M.
It only took a couple days and the barking quit. It doesnā€™t hurt them. If he forgets and starts to bark all I have to do is show him the collar.
A. T.
I wasn't sure it would work but it's like a magic collar! The barking stop instantly. The only thing is that it that when we take a walk, it works even if another dog barks. šŸ˜‚
BarkMuteā„¢ Collar
A. H.
Had a small yapping dog. What a relief. About to get kicked out of apartment. Barkmute was a life saver. Thank you for a reliable product with out electrical schock.
M. F.
Ever wonder how much Iā€™ve spent on ā€œstop barkingā€ merchandise? Itā€™s embarrassing. For some reason I decided to try one more product and Iā€™m so glad I did. This actually worked. No cruel electrical zapping. We have 2 Dauchunds that LOVED to bark at everything. First day set on lowest setting and it brought them both to a quiet standstill. Now we have about 90% less barking, and with training, itā€™s getting less and less. With 2 dogs they feed off each other. This was a dream come true. Now we get ...
K. C.
Our 1 year old puppy would bark whenever he saw anything move outside the window out the front and keep barking for about 10 minutes after it had gone and with bark mute he barks once, then stops. It doesnt hurt him, it just annoys him so he stops after one bark. It so much better not to have him going crazy at the window. BarkMute was worth every penny.
BarkMuteā„¢ Collar
S. H.
Our toy poodle barked all the time. Every time the door opened or she heard something outside she would start barking and she would bark for a long time. Since we got the bark mute she has been quiet. It doesnā€™t hurt her but scares her if she starts to bark and instantly she stops. We love this!!
C. S.
This product is fantastic!!! Never thought it would work as well and as fast as it did!!!! Does not harm or hurt and almost instantly works miracles. I will recommend this product to anybody . Love it. Thank u
D. L.
Saw an ad for this product on TikTok and thought Iā€™d give it a try since it was only $30! Best investment ever! Honestly we have tried so many other collars and none of them actually get him to stop barking this one worked instantly
L. B.
Love it! It only took a couple of beeps and buzzes for our (very vocal) dog to figure out it was a result of her barking and to stop. We only used the vibrate feature for a couple of days and now just have it on beep. Our lives are so much better!
J. F.
It worked perfect! Didnā€™t hurt my dogs and they only had to wear it a couple times and now I just show it to Them when they start barking unnecessarily and it makes them stop.
2 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets
S. B.
Car seat cover is awesome!! . My dog tends to shed more than i like and it fits great in my car ..and was a lot bigger than i thought...which was a blessing! The bark collar worked just as no complaints...took her to a friends house and she actually behaved herself without constant barking. And most of all.. pain free for her..Thank you Barkmute!!
BarkMuteā„¢ Car Seat Cover
D. M.
So far so good. We are seeing a difference in Sam and it has certainly curved his barking. We are happy with it our purchase and want to thank you for your product. We would recommend it to our friends and family.
R. G.
Works great. My dog has been barking all night for years. Bark Mute works. It doesnā€™t hurt her, but she is quiet at night. I take it off during the day. I love it! So grateful for a humane solution to our problem.
C. S.
We have a neurodivergent household and most of us have sensitivities to loud/random noises, so our dog has been accidentally torturing us for YEARS. Within a few days of putting this collar on her, I have 100% more confidence in her ability to moderate her own barking compulsion. Even when itā€™s not on her, sheā€™s more intentional about her barking now. I love it.
B. F.
I am blown away with the results! I LITERALLY put the collar on my dog the first day, and she hasn't barked at other dogs, people, vehicles or anything ever since the first time the collar "BEEPED"!! The dog hasn't even experienced the vibration yet. I never thought that she would have picked this up so quickly. Thanks!!!
N. C.
So far, my dog has only had to wear it once and it has quelled his barking significantly. There have been times that I have only had to show him the collar and he stops. Very pleased with my purchase.
H. L.
We didn't have AMAZING results like some people (i.e. "It worked in two hours!" or "Our dog never barks now!"), but there has been definitive improvement, which for us, is still wonderful! Our dog is a rescued one-year-old Beagle/Jack Russell mix (yikes!), so his energy level and need for "fun" are insatiable. A lot of his barking was due to boredom, but we have lives to live that can't include him every minute of the day. At first, the BarkMute collar vibration was causing him to bark MORE, but...
J. C.
My puppy was driving me crazy with his barking ALL...THE...TIME. I tried water, I tried the coins in a jug shaking thing, I tried it all. Nothing was working as he's the most stubborn thing I've ever met, haha. My collar came two days ago and it's peace and quiet. He even was silent when it was off him for a while. I can't believe how fast his behavior has changed. It's the best money I've ever spent on my pup. I also LOVE that it doesn't shock, just startles. If I knew of anyone who had a dog w...
N. P.
My three barkers have been at it for a long time. We've tried all kinds of training and collars but none have worked as well as the BarkMute, and so quickly. I think the sound coupled with the vibration, which is not a shock, has really done the trick. I like that there are 7 levels of settings for the vibration. My 8-month old, 14 pound Schnauzer is on a 2 or 3, the Boston Terrier is on sound only (because his snoring would set off the sound activation) and my 85 pound Standard Poodle is the mo...
3 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets
L. D.
i have 3 dogs that bark like crazy when people walk by my house. I started using barkmute collar and now every time they start barking all i have to do is turn it on and they stop.. i would recommend this.
3 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets
G. D.
after 12 different collars from spray to noises this is the only one that gets my 16lbs attention I can just leave it on the table and if she barks once, I say no bark and the collar makes a high pitch beep that gets her attention plus the price was reasonable so far so good dont have to keep replacing battaries
B. B.
We have had 6 dogs in our home!!!! Family members who were effected by covid that came home to ā€œstay for awhile.ā€ It we ended up with 6 dogs that barked incessantly at our neighbors as they attempted to walk peacefully along the trail behind our home. With the addition of BARKMUTE bark control collar, our problems are solved. This collar worked on a Chinese Crested, a Havanese, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, a Catahoula, a Pointer and a 50 pound mixed breed rescue dog. They all assimilated in...
3 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets
M. B.
I never thought this was going to work but I figured I would give it a try , and it works ! I have two shepherds who bark at everything .But they donā€™t now! Iā€™m sure my neighbors love it as well
2 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets
E. P.
Our 3 dogs, who bark at everything! - are totally new dogs. They still get excited and maybe a couple of barks - but oh my goodness they are so much better. Should have done this years ago!
3 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets
G. H.
All I can say is I am totally amazed by this product. I tried everything short of a shock collar to get my dog to stop barking. This works! Nothing else made the slightest difference. With BarkMute, I now have a nice quiet dog even when he sees a squirrel or something in the yard that used to set him off.
T. F.
Collar is on level 1 for my Pitt Bull. It works great so far. He barks once and the collar fires off, he looks around and runs over to me and sits down. I say ā€œGood Boyā€ and pet him. Iā€™m up to level 2 for my Lab/Pit mix. She is still barking but NOT nearly as much. There is hope for her.
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