Elegant Beauty Reviews - 1,097 Reviews | elegantbeauty.com.hk

Elegant Beauty Reviews

undefined review of REVIVOGEN MD Bio-Cleansing Set (360mL + 360mL) image 1 out of 1
Wing Tung C.
用咗一個星期,好似真係甩少咗, 但係護髮素相當‘’傑‘’身好難唧出, 所以要倒轉放😅
REVIVOGEN MD Bio-Cleansing Set (360mL + 360mL)
undefined review of NeoStrata Foaming Glycolic Wash image 1 out of 3+2
Kitty L.
我買喱一支NEOSTRATA嘅洗面泡泡,因為我鍾意佢入面有20%果酸成份-甘醇酸(AHA)及乳糖酸(Bionic Acid);所以我一直以嚟都係有用開喱個牌子嘅深層潔面泡沫;我覺得真係超好用;我超鍾意用.🫠
NeoStrata Foaming Glycolic Wash
undefined review of iS Clinical Active Peel System image 1 out of 1
Kit L.
Step 1有啲吉吉地嘅感覺,Step 2 有舒緩嘅感覺,之後塊面好乾淨keep住每星期做一次
iS Clinical Active Peel System
undefined review of REVIVOGEN MD Bio-Cleansing Shampoo image 1 out of 1
Doris C.
使用後 頭髮會明顯增加豐盈效果,清爽 又不會有油膩的感覺,值得推薦比 髮質稀疏的朋友使用
REVIVOGEN MD Bio-Cleansing Shampoo
undefined review of Exuviance Gentle Cream Cleanser image 1 out of 1
Ritty C.
Exuviance Gentle Cream Cleanser
undefined review of NeoStrata Peeling Brush (Large) image 1 out of 1
Kitty L.
NeoStrata Peeling Brush (Large)
undefined review of Canvas Rose Otto Hydrating Mist (100mL / 250mL) image 1 out of 1
Juven N.
已經用咗好多年嘅玫瑰花水 配合face oil serum 車半功倍 非常適合秋冬天保濕之用
Canvas Rose Otto Hydrating Mist (100mL / 250mL)
undefined review of i-FIRM Ultra-Pro Collagen Boosting Set (5mLx3 + 30mL + 5pcs) image 1 out of 1
Paula L.
一向用開I firm 的產品,用此兩款products 打底,做好護理,wrinkles也淺了。keep住用就可keep young.
i-FIRM Ultra-Pro Collagen Boosting Set (5mLx3 + 30mL + 5pcs)
undefined review of Peel Brush x2 + Dropper & Glass Container for face and body image 1 out of 1
Kitty L.
Peel Brush x2 + Dropper & Glass Container for face and body
undefined review of EAORON Propolis Facial Mask image 1 out of 1
Miranda L.
This honey product is good for sensitive skin and improve the condition of dark spots on the skin. After cleaning of the mask, feel the skin fresh and less dry.
EAORON Propolis Facial Mask
undefined review of REVIVOGEN MD Hair Growth Set image 1 out of 1
Janice K.
REVIVOGEN MD Hair Growth Set
undefined review of HairMax comfort-flex LaserBand 82 image 1 out of 1
Virginia C.
送貨快捷,包裝很好. 使用容易. 未見效果. 會斷續使用. 初次購買有95折. 比其他商戶平一點
HairMax comfort-flex LaserBand 82
undefined review of eltaMD UV Shield SPF 45 image 1 out of 1
Amanda W.
是我用過最好用的防曬,很貼也完全不會搓泥,還有SPF 45夏天用都足夠了
eltaMD UV Shield SPF 45
undefined review of REVIVOGEN MD Bio-Cleansing Shampoo & Conditioner (60mL x 2) image 1 out of 1
Esther L.
REVIVOGEN MD Bio-Cleansing Shampoo & Conditioner (60mL x 2)
undefined review of Perfect Potion Rosemary Shampoo image 1 out of 1
Stephanie F.
Perfect Potion Rosemary Shampoo
undefined review of Bioderma Matricium (1mLx30) image 1 out of 1
Amy L.
Bioderma Matricium (1mLx30)
undefined review of Canvas Rose Otto Multi-Intensive Hydra Essence Mask image 1 out of 1
Priscilla I.
Canvas Rose Otto Multi-Intensive Hydra Essence Mask
undefined review of Exuviance Bionic Tonic Treatment image 1 out of 1
Didi F.
這個產品我已經用了十多年😍每次介紹身邊好友,每一位好朋友都有喜出望外😃超乎預期效果🤩用後皮膚感覺高度保濕潤澤,還可改善敏感肌,皮膚變得晶瑩剔透🌟因為當中含有高抗氧化成分👍🌟 真是開心分享💖😘
Exuviance Bionic Tonic Treatment
undefined review of Canvas Rose Otto Multi-Intensive Hydra Essence Mask image 1 out of 1
Amy L.
我係Elegant Beauty 認識咗Canvas產品。本身係敏感皮膚,通常用cream mask。不過呢款玫瑰面膜入面無酒精呢個致敏成份,敷完都好滋潤,真心推薦👍
Canvas Rose Otto Multi-Intensive Hydra Essence Mask
undefined review of (Expired Date 12/21) Perfect Potion Calendula Infused Oil Certified Organic image 1 out of 1
Amy L.
(Expired Date 12/21) Perfect Potion Calendula Infused Oil Certified Organic
undefined review of (Expired Date 06/21) Endocare C image 1 out of 1
Amy L.
已經係第三次購買蝸牛精華。今次買咗Endocare-C oil free,含40%SCA蝸牛精華,20% 複合維他命C及E,8%補水因子,美白修復,補水抗老,質地清爽唔笠,非常好👍
(Expired Date 06/21) Endocare C
undefined review of Canvas Velvet Perfect Finishing Powder image 1 out of 1
Helen L.
Canvas Velvet Perfect Finishing Powder
undefined review of (Expired Date 11/21) Endocare Tensage Concentrate SCA50 image 1 out of 1
Patty W.
Quality of the sample package product is no different from the normal one. Endocare SCA 50 product is easily absorbed and good at improving skin dryness and firmness. High CP value.
(Expired Date 11/21) Endocare Tensage Concentrate SCA50
undefined review of (Expired Date 11/21) Endocare Tensage Concentrate SCA50 image 1 out of 1
Amy L.
每次轉季,特別係遇上乾燥寒冷天氣,皮膚就會失控。夜晚用Endocare 強效活肌緊緻精華 SCA50,第二朝見到塊面好咗好多,穩定咗,好神奇。會繼續用😁
(Expired Date 11/21) Endocare Tensage Concentrate SCA50
undefined review of Exuviance Age Reverse Hydrafirm image 1 out of 1
Ee Wei F.
I’ve used this product for a few years now and find it really good. It nourishes my skin, keep it’s youth and shine. It is also not too thick or sticky, as such, suitable for our weather here.
Exuviance Age Reverse Hydrafirm
undefined review of Selveskin Copper Peptide image 1 out of 1
Jay T.
本身戴咗一年口罩皮膚都冇乜問題, 但工作關係需要戴住口罩不斷講嘢, 加上室內運動亦需要戴口罩, 導致下巴持續連環爆瘡。 之前曾心思思買呢支精華, 直到見到會員價非常吸引, 所以入手一支試一試修復效果。 我用咗一星期左右, 下巴皮膚明顯大改善; 男朋友有做美容改善凹凸洞嘅療程, 佢試搽咗一次, 第二日大讚修復得好快, 皮膚滑咗有光澤❤
Selveskin Copper Peptide
undefined review of dermalogica skin smoothing cream image 1 out of 1
Suk Ling W.
Very nice to sensitive and combination skin. I love buying stuff from elegant beauty as the shop is neat and the sales lady always give me good advise and never pushy
dermalogica skin smoothing cream
undefined review of NeoStrata Gel Plus AHA15 image 1 out of 1
Yvonne L.
每月必做的煥膚!已經回購了很多次,去角質真的非常有效。除面部外,Gel Plus能用於身體不同位置,薄敷過夜,可解決各種肌膚問題(如毛髮倒生,舊角質,預防粉刺黑頭等)。 附圖便是使用於額頭前後的效果,誠意推薦!
NeoStrata Gel Plus AHA15
undefined review of NeoStrata Gel Plus AHA15 image 1 out of 1
Amy L.
買到新版 gel plus 太好啦! 對油皮嚟講唔可以缺少 gel plus,用完皮膚無咁多油,皮膚滑咗唔少
NeoStrata Gel Plus AHA15
undefined review of dermalogica colloidal masque base image 1 out of 1
Christine Y.
dermalogica colloidal masque base
undefined review of Olecule B5 Moist image 1 out of 1
Ilona Summers
Great for the skin, day or night. Use it before the cream, smooths out the skin appearance. Especially in the winter time, the moisture disappears from the air and the skin needs extra help with the hydration.
Olecule B5 Moist
undefined review of Canvas Rose Otto 24-hour Intense Hydrating Lotion image 1 out of 1
Winifred L.
淡淡的玫瑰花香, 令人有一種 舒暢放鬆感覺 , 保濕度好,亦都唔會出油脂粒或者暗粒!推介,會再入貨的!
Canvas Rose Otto 24-hour Intense Hydrating Lotion
undefined review of (Expired Date 10/2022) Bioderma Sensibio H2O 500mL Limited Edition image 1 out of 1
Didi F.
Bioderma 卸妝水已經用了超過十年以上,已經成為我生活嘅必需品, 即使沒有化妝的朋友也同樣適合,夏日炎炎出汗後 加上要長期帶口罩,令皮膚透不過氣,更容易令皮膚敏感及長出痘痘,回家後馬上先用Bio-Derma 抹面,因質感不油膩,不黏笠,經常保持肌膚清爽,細嫩感覺,是皮膚把關第一度防線👍🏻💖😍
(Expired Date 10/2022) Bioderma Sensibio H2O 500mL Limited Edition
undefined review of DEVEE CAVIAR Luxury Skin Fluid image 1 out of 1
Carina W.
DEVEE CAVIAR Luxury Skin Fluid
undefined review of Canvas Velvet Perfect Finishing Powder image 1 out of 1
Priscilla I.
Canvas Velvet Perfect Finishing Powder
undefined review of Canvas All Day Brightener image 1 out of 1
Priscilla I.
Canvas All Day Brightener
undefined review of (Expired Date 07/2021) Bioderma Atoderm Shower Oil 200mLx2 image 1 out of 1
Amy L.
我係乾性敏感皮膚,皮膚情況好唔穩定,就算沖完涼都好痕。用咗呢個溫和既潔膚油沖涼,之後搽埋 Bioderma維他命PP修護霜,皮膚唔再痕😆
(Expired Date 07/2021) Bioderma Atoderm Shower Oil 200mLx2
undefined review of DermaQuest Peptide Glyco Cleanser image 1 out of 1
Christine Y.
洗面時感覺「吉吉地」用咗一排角質層明顯好咗 搽嘢吸收左 我只係夜晚用佢 日間用另外一隻
DermaQuest Peptide Glyco Cleanser
undefined review of Top Life Squalene 1000Max 99.9% Pure image 1 out of 1
Christine Y.
我同媽媽都有食 對心血管有幫助我都係抱住一試無妨 啱啱身體檢查完報告好靚仔 就當佢都有少少功勞啦
Top Life Squalene 1000Max 99.9% Pure
undefined review of Clinisept + Prep & Procedure 250mL image 1 out of 1
Christine Y.
已經習慣咗用 一番到屋企或公司番到適合除低口罩嘅地方 就用clinisept 消毒一下面部 初頭有少少抗拒輕微嘅漂白水味 但用咗之後面部發紅情況有改善 真係額外嘅收穫 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Clinisept + Prep & Procedure 250mL
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