Elegant Beauty Reviews

Elegant Beauty Reviews

undefined review of Nutraluxe MD Eyebrow image 1 out of 1
Katherine M.
抱著一試嘅心態,買入呢支眉毛增生精華,5月底購入,6月開始每晚潔面後搽,去到依家8月,一支未用完,已經見到效果,眉毛變成濃密,相中嘅我無畫眉已有如此效果,價廉物美,真心推介 👍🏻
Nutraluxe MD Eyebrow
undefined review of REVIVOGEN MD Bio-Cleansing Set (360mL + 360mL) image 1 out of 1
Ying Kit L.
已經用了3年,暫時仲未搵到一支比呢支更好嘅洗頭水,多謝elegant beauty🙏🏻介紹如此好產品
REVIVOGEN MD Bio-Cleansing Set (360mL + 360mL)
undefined review of а² Pharmaceutical oli-1® Therapeutic Serum image 1 out of 1
Kala L.
а² Pharmaceutical oli-1® Therapeutic Serum
undefined review of (Expired Date 06/2021) Bioderma Hydrabio Moisturising Mask image 1 out of 1
Amy L.
剛好遇上優惠就買嚟試下。內含保濕成份甘油、菸鹼胺(維生素B3之衍生物,可維持肌膚中神經酰胺和游離脂肪酸水平,維持肌膚含水量,增進真皮層微循環。) 。薄敷一層就可以幫皮膚急救,為皮膚深層補水。非常好用👍
(Expired Date 06/2021) Bioderma Hydrabio Moisturising Mask
undefined review of (Expired Date 10/2021) Endocare Concentrate SCA40 1mLx7 free 1mLx2 image 1 out of 1
Amy L.
一直係Elegant Beauty 買開Endocare 產品。之前用過Endocare C Pure (SCA20),今次見到有Endocare Concentrate SCA40 就立即選購。因為天氣及壓力問題皮膚狀態好唔穩定。連續用9日Endocare Concentrate SCA40 明顯見到皮膚無咁敏感,修護一流👍 會繼續回購。
(Expired Date 10/2021) Endocare Concentrate SCA40 1mLx7 free 1mLx2
undefined review of DermaQuest Delicate Cleansing Cream image 1 out of 1
Sau Fong Y.
使用產品後明顯皮膚净化了,毛孔也細了,暗瘡也逐漸少了,較之前一用其他牌子的洗面奶就會面部紅腫,暗瘡逐漸湧現,皮膚明顯改善。 如果你的友膚屬敏感型,有暗瘡可以考慮使用,相信它會幫到你。
DermaQuest Delicate Cleansing Cream
undefined review of eltaMD UV Physical SPF 41 Lightly Tinted image 1 out of 1
Yvonne L.
eltaMD UV Physical SPF 41 Lightly Tinted
undefined review of NeoStrata Facial Cleanser image 1 out of 1
Belle Y.
NeoStrata Facial Cleanser
undefined review of dermalogica special cleansing gel (250mL / 500mL / 946mL) image 1 out of 1
Jie J.
價錢合理,快遞超快, 今日下單, 明天到家。 方便快捷!呢隻cleanser 好好用, 唔會乾。用咗好多年。 Teenager 皮膚都啱用。
dermalogica special cleansing gel (250mL / 500mL / 946mL)
undefined review of OptiMe B5 Peptide Serum image 1 out of 1
Helen L.
OptiMe B5 Peptide Serum
undefined review of i-FIRM Rejuvenating Pro-Collagen Oil (5mLx9) image 1 out of 1
Loretta H.
已用第6支, 皮膚的抵抗力越來越好,之前戴口罩導致的皮膚敏感都已經好返晒,皮膚感覺強壯了很多。好用。
i-FIRM Rejuvenating Pro-Collagen Oil (5mLx9)
undefined review of Canvas Jasmine Jojoba Oil Serum image 1 out of 1
Stephanie C.
Canvas Jasmine Jojoba Oil Serum
undefined review of (Expired Date 12/2021) Bioderma Atoderm Ultra-moisturising Milk image 1 out of 1
Amy L.
一直用開Bioderma 維他命PP修護霜,到咗夏天想換清爽啲既乳液。剛好遇上保濕輕柔乳液就買嚟試。乳液搽完好快吸收,保濕效果維持一整日,係唔錯既乳液👍
(Expired Date 12/2021) Bioderma Atoderm Ultra-moisturising Milk
undefined review of iS Clinical Active Peel System image 1 out of 1
Kit L.
Step 1有啲吉吉地嘅感覺,Step 2 有舒緩嘅感覺,之後塊面好乾淨keep住每星期做一次
iS Clinical Active Peel System
undefined review of OptiMe B5 Peptide Serum Duo (30mL x 2) image 1 out of 1
Katherine Y.
OptiMe B5 Peptide Serum Duo (30mL x 2)
undefined review of Amber Spray Bottle image 1 out of 1
Amy L.
Amber Spray Bottle
undefined review of (Expired Date 05/21) Endocare C Pure Concentrate 1mLx8 image 1 out of 1
Amy L.
(Expired Date 05/21) Endocare C Pure Concentrate 1mLx8
undefined review of Exuviance Triple Action Neck Creme image 1 out of 1
Ee Wei F.
After using for about 2 months , day and night, my neck skin is firmer, whiter and the fines lines seem to have reduced. I’d recommend this neck crème to all. Remember to use it day and night
Exuviance Triple Action Neck Creme
undefined review of NuFACE Trinity PRO with ELE Facial Trainer Kit image 1 out of 1
Corinne W.
I have been using the NuFace for a few weeks now and I love the feel of lift it provides. Service from Elegant Beauty as been excellent from ordering to delivery.
NuFACE Trinity PRO with ELE Facial Trainer Kit
undefined review of Top Life Bilberry 5000Max image 1 out of 1
Didi F.
已服用Bilberry 一至兩年時間,因工作關係要長時間用神睇手機,用後感覺舒緩因眼睛過度疲累而引致眼睛乾澀問題👍😃
Top Life Bilberry 5000Max
undefined review of dermalogica ultracalming cleanser image 1 out of 1
Maggie C.
My skin becomes more stable and less red after using it, I will probably buy the ance one from them after using this up, this price with 500 ml is reasonable as well!!
dermalogica ultracalming cleanser
undefined review of Canvas Rose Otto Multi-Intensive Hydra Essence Mask image 1 out of 1
Amy L.
一直用開呢個,見到有加購優惠就立即買👍 我皮膚時常唔穩定,用呢個面膜嚟急救,效果好好👍
Canvas Rose Otto Multi-Intensive Hydra Essence Mask
undefined review of Olecule Rebalance Tone 1L image 1 out of 1
Didi F.
天氣開始轉涼,皮膚容易敏感,成份含有洋甘菊同水解蜂皇漿蛋白,可以加強保濕同時鎮靜肌膚,轉入秋多季節配合埋Olecule B12 mask 使用真係最好不過,我介紹埋身邊好朋友用,用過之後個個都讚口不絕👍🏻😍😘
Olecule Rebalance Tone 1L
undefined review of DEVEE CAVIAR Luxury Eye Cream image 1 out of 1
Carina W.
DEVEE CAVIAR Luxury Eye Cream 質感柔軟、不油膩、滋潤,搽上眼容易吸收,加上將眼霜放入雪櫃後取出使用冰頭碌眼非常舒服,有助舒緩疲勞。本人極喜歡支裝包裝,清潔衛生,已第二次回購此產品。
DEVEE CAVIAR Luxury Eye Cream
undefined review of (Member Exclusive) md:ceuticals 3D Moisturizing Sunscreen Protection™ SPF50+ image 1 out of 1
Tracy H.
(Member Exclusive) md:ceuticals 3D Moisturizing Sunscreen Protection™ SPF50+
undefined review of DEVEE HYALURON 24h Moisture Cream Concentrate image 1 out of 1
Carina W.
DEVEE HYALURON 24h Moisture Cream Concentrate
undefined review of (Member Exclusive) md:ceuticals 3D Moisturizing Sunscreen Protection™ SPF50+ image 1 out of 1
Wingtung C.
好用! 一啲都唔油膩又唔乾,仲可以令膚色均勻,係我用過最滿意嘅防曬👍
(Member Exclusive) md:ceuticals 3D Moisturizing Sunscreen Protection™ SPF50+
undefined review of eltaMD UV Shield SPF 45 image 1 out of 1
Carina W.
eltaMD UV Shield SPF 45防曬質地非常好,唔會太厚,搽上塊面容易推開,而且唔會有好厚好膩嘅感覺,非常值得推薦比大家使用。
eltaMD UV Shield SPF 45
undefined review of NeoStrata Gel Plus AHA15 image 1 out of 1
Moon K.
I have large pores due to having pimples on my body, even on arms and legs. This NeoStrata Gel Plus AHA15, when used twice per week, reduces the acne marks, and beautifies the skin.
NeoStrata Gel Plus AHA15
undefined review of mesoestetic hydravital mask (100mL / 500mL) image 1 out of 2+1
Lynn C.
MESOESTETIC Hydravital Mask is as per its description, an intensive moisturizing mask. Skin feels soft, smooth and moisturised after use. Effects can be felt immediately after usage. Skin feels like it has drank water.
mesoestetic hydravital mask (100mL / 500mL)
undefined review of i-FIRM The BIO-CREAM image 1 out of 1
Ying Kit L.
面霜用後一個月真的感覺排酸。平衡 。潤養。疏通淋巴阻塞 面部皮膚渙然一新,冬天必備
undefined review of mesoestetic anti-aging flash ampoules with ha densimatrix image 1 out of 1
Amy Y.
係醫生美容認識這品牌,用了一套這產品後皮膚有緊緻及滋潤,已再回購 keep 住用。而家試用埋 Energy C Complex 第1週皮膚見光澤點期待用完一套4週療程有冇更明顯效果 😊
mesoestetic anti-aging flash ampoules with ha densimatrix
undefined review of DEVEE CAVIAR Luxury Skin Fluid image 1 out of 1
Carina W.
DEVEE CAVIAR Luxury Skin Fluid
undefined review of (Member Exclusive) BABOR DOCTOR BABOR PRO HA Hyaluronic Acid Concentrate image 1 out of 1
Jacqueline W.
(Member Exclusive) BABOR DOCTOR BABOR PRO HA Hyaluronic Acid Concentrate
undefined review of NeoStrata ProSystem Peel 35% (30mL + 200mLx2) image 1 out of 1
Suet Yee L.
NeoStrata ProSystem Peel 35% (30mL + 200mLx2)
undefined review of i-FIRM Rejuvenating Pro-Collagen Oil (5mLx9) image 1 out of 1
Vera B.
i-FIRM Rejuvenating Pro-Collagen Oil (5mLx9)
undefined review of Nutraluxe MD Eyebrow image 1 out of 1
Katherine M.
就係用過好,介紹埋俾個朋友,又入手多3支! 效果太好,實會keep住用 🤭
Nutraluxe MD Eyebrow
undefined review of NeoStrata 35% Glycolic Acid Peel image 1 out of 1
Kaycee L.
NeoStrata 35% Glycolic Acid Peel
undefined review of dermalogica active clearing age bright clearing serum image 1 out of 1
Connie P.
首次用給青春期的囡囡,用後臉部皮膚減少泛紅👍🏼 ,補水功能也很好,用完會再買。
dermalogica active clearing age bright clearing serum
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