Declinol Reviews

Declinol Reviews

Gayle D.
i'm very happy I have received my declinol. I feel like I'm in more control now and I only have a couple of glasses of wine on Friday and Saturday night
Declinol Extra Strength 60 Day Supply
Ashlyn W.
I am only on day 8, but I do feel it has helped decrease cravings for alcohol for me. Vivitrol injections did nothing for me, so the fact that I feel a slight difference in such a short time is really promising to me!
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
Kristen A.
This is the second time ive taken declinol the first time stopped drinking for almost 2 months but i couldn't afford it i ordered it again 3 weeks ago have not drank since the first dose i would recommend it to anyone who truly wants to quit drinking only other thing i would say is i wish it wasn't so expensive but other then that its saving my life
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
William W.
I’ve been drinking heavy for the past nine years since my wife died. Tried to quit many times but couldn’t get past the cravings. It’s been three weeks without a drop of alcohol and I really believe this product has made it easier for me. You still need a strong desire and determination to quit. I wish success to everyone trying to stop this highly addictive habit.
Declinol Extra Strength 60 Day Supply
Walter G.
I first bought Declinol in September 2021 for my brother, whoc has been an alcoholic for the past 20 years. He has been taking Declinol since then. So far he broke a record of 4 months of sobriety. It is now December 2021. I am hopping he makes it a year. Declinol has really helped him. It's a blessing along with my prayers.
Declinol Maximum Clinical Strength 60 Day Supply
Joseph F.
It really helped with cravings. Haven’t had a drink in 2 years. Since I don’t use it much anymore, it seems to clog up, which is disappointing. But it works!
Declinol Regular Strength 15 Day Supply
Nancy S.
Really works if your serious. With holidays here its hard enough. I’ve gone from everday drinking to maybe 3x week and instead of 4+drinks per day to about 2 and I can no longer stand to drink margaritas. Waiting for after holidays to take these pills everyday. Didn’t care much for the spray, awful charcoal taste yuck! (maybe thats the point??)
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
Bridgette Y.
I've had my extra strength formula for about a week. I feel great all day and cravings are much less at night. I bought it for my daughter-in-law as well and she's very sensitive to vitamins she can't take them, they upset her stomach and she's loving these, they're helping her stay hydrated as well!
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
Allen S.
Now I swing by the store and buy a coke instead of beer!! Or I get home and realize hmm I didn't even have the urge to stop. Used to I'd think I can't wait to get home and have a beer.. now I think man I gotta get home and do this or that before it gets dark!!
Declinol Maximum Clinical Strength 60 Day Supply
Kathleen B.
Works great! Taking extra strength. Started with two pills a day and after a few days only taking one after breakfast. Three weeks with no alcohol and felling and sleeping great!
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
Jamie G.
I witnessed how Declinol helped a friend of mine. A young friend of mine was in desperate need. I gifted a 3 months supply to invest in this young man's future.
Declinol Maximum Clinical Strength 90 Day Supply
Angelique D.
Wasn’t sure if it actually would work before I got it, but said let me give it a try. It shockingly does work, I no longer have the cravings to drink, just by taking the pills! I tried the spray, didn’t really like the taste so I don’t take it every day, only will if any urges come up after taking the pills. Great product! Definitely would recommend it!
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
Kelley E.
I am so grateful for this product! It truly does take away that monstrous craving to grab a drink at night, which is allowing me to reassess what emotions have been causing me to drink in the first place. I am using this along with the Stop Drinking self hypnosis from Marisa Peer, and Annie Grace's "The Alcohol Experiment" program. I wasn't too keen on the price at first- I purchased the clinical strength two month supply, regardless as to whether or not I even needed "clinical strength", but ...
Declinol Maximum Clinical Strength 60 Day Supply
Valerie J.
I decided to quit but I have those cravings that seep into one's subconscious and try to grow. Kinda like an adorable little lizard that starts morphing and turning into a building sized fire-breathing dragon that must be fed. When a craving starts creeping in, I recognize it, reach for a dose of the clinical strength Declinol, and carry on. This supplement works. It won't do the really hard work for you - that change comes from within. But this supplement definitely works as it's described. I h...
Declinol Maximum Clinical Strength 30 Day Supply
Virginia R.
I was totally impressed with the product. I used to have a cocktail at follow by several glasses of white wine. Taking declinol I haven’t drank ANY alcohol I don’t have cravings. None
Declinol Regular Strength 15 Day Supply
Rebecc F.
I've only used it a few times but the effect is immediate! Especially at cocktail hour, the spray helps me so I'm not immediately reaching for a glass of wine at 5pm.
Declinol Regular Strength 15 Day Supply
Bill G.
This stuff is amazing!! Since I started Declinol, I have had ZERO cravings for alcohol and I am sleeping better and generally feel so much better physically. For what it cost me when I was drinking as far as dollar and cents go, Declinol is a bargain and a life changer. I would recommend it to everyone. By the way, I have not needed the spray at all. Thanks for saving my life!!
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
Julia L.
My husband has been drinking since he was a teen. He is 37 years old and declinol has made it easier for him to quit. He has not had any cravings and he has been in great moods.
Declinol Extra Strength 60 Day Supply
Francine P.
I've only been using it for 4 days, but I really feel it's helping to stop that craving for a glass of wine (or 4) at 5:00. I'm already feeling so much better!
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
Lisa E.
This product definitely works. It’s not a miracle pill but if you are truly ready to reduce or quit drinking this really helps. I went from drinking every night to once a week.
Declinol Maximum Clinical Strength 90 Day Supply
Courtney B.
Stuff works!! Of course I was skeptical, but I don’t know if it’s a placebo thing or what, I’m not craving alcohol like I used to. I’ve lost 6 pounds in a couple of weeks. That and walking I needed to get healthy. Product is fantastic!!
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
Sara H.
I’ve taken declinol for a week now, cutting back on my alcohol (with one exception and I knew better). Last night I was able to spend two hours in our local restaurant bar with good friends and not have a drink!! I was tired, but happy, read to relax before going to sleep, and best of all, woke up with NO HANGOVER!! I will continue to take it indefinitely.
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
Simone D.
This product is pure magic!!! I just received my shipment last night and took my first 2 pills this morning. I used the spray around 10am, which is usually when I start to crave a drink. I usually have about 4-6 drinks per day (sometimes more), but today I have barely even craved ONE! I took a few sips and didn’t even want to finish it. I can’t wait to see how the rest of the month goes with these supplements! I truly believe that this is going to save my relationship, as well as help me reach h...
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
Jeff B.
Its the Shit!!! I recommend it to everyone I know.If there is a possible way of me talking with someone in company I would highly appreciate it.Would love to grow with this company somehow!!
Declinol Extra Strength 60 Day Supply
David H.
In 2022 and before, I used to have a couple glasses of wine most every night. Now in 2023, I've been doing dry January and have not cheated once. It is now the 18th so I am more than half way there and can see the finish line. After January my goal is to not drink during the week. I purchased the 60 day supply of maximum strength and am very pleased with the results. I also started working out almost daily and have lost 10 lbs. I can't say whether it's the pills, the spray, the placebo eff...
Declinol Maximum Clinical Strength 60 Day Supply
Juliet S.
This product has helped me to significantly cut down my drinking. I no longer crave alcohol. I can go without!
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
Cathy Y.
This truly changed my cravings but I really wanted to stop which is required for it to work, I believe!
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
Jewel D.
It really works. Since my Trigger that's causes my excessive drinking was not going away I know I needed help. I was fearful this was not going to work and then what. I literally went from 5 drinks (Spirits and Wine.) a day to not finishing my First which is now my Last. The craving/urge is not there. Not sure how it works, and at this point it doesn't matter to me. Ordered the 15 Day to be sure it worked and it's only been 3 days. But if this is the crutch I need to keep me on track, then I'll ...
Declinol Regular Strength 15 Day Supply
I am now over 6 months without a drink. I started taking declinol about 2 years ago. I noticed right away that my cravings were not as strong and I was able to cut back on my drinking. I was drinking between 8 and 14 drinks a day was able to cut back to about 4. With declinol and counseling I stopped drinking completely in October 2022. I haven't needed the declinol in a while but I keep the pills on hand, just in case. Thank you!
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
Shelia M.
I bought this products 4 my son about 2yrs ago. He was drinking and drinking almost every day. He is only 27 yrs old. He have wrecked 10 cars and he have only been driving since he was 19. I was so scared that he was gone kill hisself or some1 else. I put him in counseling it didn’t work. I have try just about everything. He was raised in da church so I know he know right from wrong, til 1 day I was scrolling online and saw this product. At first it was a struggle 2 get him try it, but once he s...
Declinol Extra Strength 60 Day Supply
Arlyn D.
I ordered this for my husband, he was averaging 15-20 beers per day. I was ready to quit our marriage, he was ready to quit drinking but needed help. During the first week of receiving this product, he had reduced to 6 beers per day and by day 6 he stopped drinking completely. The first 2 weeks were a challenge with all of the changes. One month sober and he started telling me he physically felt better, it was nice to remember everything and to not be hazy. He is now 5 months sober and a co...
Declinol Extra Strength 60 Day Supply
Roxanne B.
I am pleased to start a process and not feeling a ashamed. Doing well so far. The vitamins has helped tremendously!!
Declinol Extra Strength 60 Day Supply
Josephine B.
I first got drunk at 8 years old, I’m now 58. My binge drinking just stopped with declined maximum strength (I got a 90 day supply) I was bingeing about every other day for years. I just have no desire to drink. There is no fight or white knuckles. I am amazed, holy cannoli. What a load off
Declinol Maximum Clinical Strength 30 Day Supply
undefined review of Declinol Maximum Clinical Strength 30 Day Supply image 1 out of 1
Jodi N.
It works really works
Declinol Maximum Clinical Strength 30 Day Supply
George K.
This product has been a lifesaver for me for 3 years now. It has kept me sober and changed my life.
Declinol Extra Strength 60 Day Supply
Kris B.
It helps with cravings but isn't a cure all. For me it works to help reduce cravings while I'm also working some sort of program. For me, it's the Sunnyside app. There are other options from the Reframe app to AA to actual rehab. The two together help me get to more alcohol free days and help me drink less on drinking days.
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
undefined review of Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply image 1 out of 1
Chris P.
Amazing product and quite effective! Will continue to use!
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
Sondra S.
A friend I were talking about 2020 and when we both getting Covid together and since then we agreed that both of us were drinking more. Working from home, adult kids at home, and a lot of extra time. Drinking was the thing to do when we were all together. I had already cut back when She told me about your product. I am happy with the product, Still pretty new with the it but I have had no drink Mondays and going to start no drink Thursdays. I give it a Thumbs up!
Declinol Extra Strength 30 Day Supply
Diana S.
I think the Declinol works, but the user needs to be ready to make the commitment to slow down drinking. It is not a magic bullet, but it works if the user cooperates. The product lasts a day, so it is essential to remember to take it every day.
Declinol Extra Strength 60 Day Supply
Christopher A.
Just a great product all around. I find the more times I take the less likely I am to drink. Cheers
Declinol Extra Strength 60 Day Supply
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