Betterbrand Reviews

Betterbrand Reviews

Deborah W.
BetterBrand Lungs is amazing! My breathing and lung health is so much better! Who knew that you could actually take something that improved your breathing ❤️❤️❤️ Lifetime customer here! Thanks Betterbrand ❤️
BetterLungs Subscription
Bea D.
First I was so sad when the formula changed. The former one helped me a lot. Trying the new one gave me a lot of problems with my stomach, gave me heartburn. Then I decided to try my own way: I took one capsule in the morning on empty stomach. No problems. Second capsule in the late afternoon on empty stomach too. So in this way I don't have any problems but a lot of relief for deep breathing. Probably this way might help others who also gets heartburn too.
BetterLungs® 25.00% Off Auto renew (Ships every 30 Days)
Darlene W.
I am on a second bottle and feel like it's really helping however I found taking them after dinner works better for me , I had stomach craps when I took them in the am.
Maria L.
I love this product I feel that I can breathe better. My chest feels clearer. I’m only half way done with my first order. I can definitely feel a difference.
BetterLungs Subscription (Ships every 30 Days)
Kathy V.
Really helps me fall asleep..without the groggy feeling the next morning...Been taking it every night for awhile now.. I recommend it to those who have a hard time falling asleep..But can stay asleep..
BetterSleep Subscription
Cristina R.
This stuff is a god send!! It has helped to keep me from getting my yearly bronchitis. I can definitely tell the difference when I am not using it. If you are on the fence about this working for you, all I can say is it won’t hurt to try but it will definitely help your lungs keep clear.
BetterLungs Subscription (Ships every 30 Days)
Stacey J.
Honestly helps alot in this humid weather. Definitely can feel difference with and without. Thank you for an honest product. I am a regular customer now. X 4 months and going even my dr said best my lungs sounded in years.
BetterLungs Subscription (Ships every 30 Days)
Debbie S.
I was told by the doctor that I have COPD 8 years ago. I have been using an inhaler all this time. The cost of the inhaler is $300.00 a month. After researching for a better alternative I came across your site and thought why not. I am very pleased with the results. After one dose my husband said that he could hear the difference in my breathing. I haven’t felt this great in a long time. I didn’t even pick up my prescription today. Thank you!!
BetterLungs® Mullein + Chlorophyll
Sharon H.
I haven't given the gummies a good trial --- I am so stuck on the benefits of the capsules. I need to use the summies every day --- each type --- for a while to see if I notice any benefits --- thanks for your gift! Sharon Heffner
BetterLungs® Gummies
Pamela M.
I really feel like Better Lungs has helped me stay well. I am prone to upper respiratory illnesses and I haven’t been sick with one since I started taking this supplement. It’s been easy to incorporate into my daily routine and there has been no unwanted side effects.
Stiles K.
It took along time to receive, it is strong . I could only take half a dosage. It took me a week to get it out of my system. 😊I’m sure it is worth it .
Mullein Leaf Extract
Theresa D.
I believe its helping me with my breathing.. But also I’m not happy on NOT getting any discounts IF I’m gonna continue ordering from you on a monthly bases... it’s too expensive to continue without any deals or discounts. I also pray that its not doing any damage anywhere in my body! That it’s all around helpful.. thank you in advance for your response back!
BetterLungs Subscription
Katherine S.
I had Stage 4 COPD, I had smoked for 50 years. After quitting I was almost, under the acceptance of not being able to breath again, and my body would decline rapidly from lack of oxygen. What could I possible loose by trying BETTER LUNGS.. I gained everything.. My body is healing, my lungs are healing, my mind is clearing. I had never realized the damage that smoking was doing to me slowly over the years. Yet after 1 week of taking BETTER LUNGS, I could feel the difference. My friends notic...
BetterLungs Subscription (Ships every 30 Days)
Tammy R.
I have been a smoker for many year and now work with pigs I have been taking better lungs for about 45 days . I have seen a better improvement in my breathing since I started taking it. Thank you.
Donelle M.
My SPO2 at night has increased by 5 to 9 points so that's great and I sleep better getting more oxygen. I love this stuff and will continue with it. Thank you
Kimberly B.
I'm still a bad but this medicine has helped so much and my daughter and son in law use this and absolutely loves it ...I will continue to take this works great took about 5 weeks to really help but it did ...thanks for the product
BetterLungs Subscription
Elsa Laverna H.
I use medical cannabis and suffer with asthma. I was using rescue inhalers too often. After using Better Lungs for only 3-5 days my need for inhalers diminished. After using Better Lungs for just over 1 1/2 weeks, I no longer required an inhaler. Better Lungs is all natural, which I love most of all. Elsa L. Hethorn
BetterLungs Subscription
Ana G.
My husband is taking it daily to strengthen his lungs. He has had Valley Fever many years ago, and his lungs have never been the same. We believe these supplements are boosting his immune and soothing his lungs.
BetterLungs Subscription
Paul W.
I was diagnosed with acute COPD in March and have tried many deferent products to help with my breathing. This product has been a game changer for me . No longer do I have to use my rescue inhaler three or four times a day. Thank you to Better Lungs for helping me to breath again.
BetterLungs Subscription (Ships every 30 Days)
Connor E.
It’s a great product, I’ve noticed my hair grow significantly faster & it’s much thicker. The gummies & pills are also fantastic and make me feel much better on a day-to-day basis.
Betterbrand Kit
Nicholas K.
I'm a pretty frequent smot poker, and Better Lungs has helped clear up months of congestion and build up. I came here to order my second bottle because the relief I started feeling after just a few days lasted down to the end of the first bottle. Glad I finally talked myself into trying this after months of considering it.
Levator T.
Aesome product, but on my order for some reason it got delivered to my old address, and haven't lived there for three years, other than that I love the seamoss and mullen gummies
BetterLungs® Gummies
Joseph W.
Ok, I had a bout with covid and it left a film in my lungs. Since I found your product I have been taken off of oxygen, breathing machines, albuterol inhalers, trilligy inhalers. I have been swimming and when I started I could only swim 4-6 lengths in a hour from stopping to catch my breath now I just swam 39 lengths in a 50 meter pool in a hour and 8 minutes. So yeah your products have definitely made a big difference to me. I have returned all of my oxygen supplys and I am making large strides...
Cathy F.
I love Better Lungs. I credit it for helping me breath better. I used to be out of breath just walking out to the car in my driveway. I don't get out of breath anymore and I can walk a mile without getting out of breath now.
Valentina B.
I have taken the lung capsules for a while with good results. I wondered how the gummies would work,so I tried them. They are tooo yummy. Id like to try the mushrooms next! Your products are helpful and do.not give me any negative side effects. In fact when I ran out of them I quickly lungs were not happy. Good thing my.nezt batch is on the way.
Mullein Gummies
Dana N.
I am only a few day’s in using the Mullein but it seems I can catch my breath better. I am not coughing up junk yet hopefully soon! I recommend it!
BetterLungs® Mullein Leaf Extract
Carol S.
We live this as my husband had bad cough that he passes out . Airways are not staying clear at times. Well we tried this as prescription was not working. Within 3 days his cough was almost gone. Unbelievable. Thank you.
Mullein Leaf Extract
Irene F.
I've been taking better lungs for a couple of months , and it's great . I recommend this product to all my co workers . We are flight officers and are subject to all kinds of illnesses. Since taking better lungs I have not been sick .
Richard G.
Took a month for me to really start seeing my results but I also smoke like a chimney and breath in concrete dust etc.. do to my job but I will say I’ve coughed up some craziness and feels much easier to breathe
BetterLungs® Mullein + Chlorophyll
Todd W.
So somehow all my toe nails got fungus I tried lots of home remedies and over the counter ones. My daughter in law said to try this. It's taken my toenails from fungus to new clean, pink, fresh and healthy toe nails. Toenails grow slow and recover slow. I’m on my 3rd bottle but all my toe nails have recovered. I put it on every time I put on my shoes and leave it by my shoes and use it on a tile floor then cover wimpy socks. I’m very happy!!!
Mullein Leaf Extract
undefined review of BetterLungs® Mullein + Chlorophyll image 1 out of 1
Tammy N.
I would like to change my one Star to a four star. Maybe it took a little while But for the past week, I’ve been coughing up a lot of mucus and what made me do this review again just now it’s because I’m still coughing up the mucus and I stop drinking this stuff I’m actually gonna start drinking and I’m gonna purchase some more I am flabbergasted About the amount of mucus coming up. I think I love this
BetterLungs® Mullein + Chlorophyll
Warren O.
This is a fantastic product. And should whoever is reading this, it would be in your best interest to also try the "Better lung" tea. I would definitely suggest this product to anybody interested
BetterLungs® Mullein Leaf Extract
Annette M.
I have had a cough for at least 10 yrs. I am a nonsmoker so my doctor just asks is the cough still there. Now my cough that used to be severe and constant is down to once or twice every day. Huge improvement. Thank you.
Robert P.
I cope with Pulmonary Fibrosis and Bronchisasis attributable to Agent Orange and Asbestos exposure. I can not honestly say that Better Lung is a 'miracle cure', but I can honestly say that my lungs are clearer and I am able to breathe more easily since I began using this product.
BetterLungs Subscription
Jim G.
BetterLungs Subscription (Ships every 30 Days)
Pamela M.
Hello My name is Pam, and I must say I wasn’t sure about the product at first, but I took a chance. I’m glad I did, because in these couple of weeks on Better Lungs tablets, I can truly say, My breathing is better. I was getting winded going up My stairs, but now I’m going up them without stopping. My breathing is much better. Try it, You want be disappointed 🌻😎
Animesh C.
BetterFocus truly has helped me become more aware and tune into what some may consider dry areas. Thank you thank you! Hoping to try some of the other products soon!
BetterFocus Subscription
Ted S.
I have stage four lung disease and was having a lot of trouble with mucus and phlegm. Saw this on Facebook and thought I would give it a try and after a week I was not rattling and was finally getting a good night’s sleep. Been taking this product for about six months now! Thank you better brand for a great product that really helps me breathe!!!!
BetterLungs Subscription
Mike M.
I've never used a product like this. I have really bad cat allergy. Plus where we live , dust from agricultural processing. My lungs we're feeling terrible. This supplement works, and works well. Deep breaths are easier and less painful. Definitely ordering again!
Lacey S.
This is made my hair thicker, grow longer and to be healthier. It also makes your skin healthier as well. What awesome products this company has thank you so much
BetterHair Ultimate Kit
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