Seedsheets Reviews

Seedsheets Reviews

undefined review of Custom Container Garden image 1 out of 1
Courtney M.
So easy to plant. Perfect for my new garden.
Custom Container Garden
Kacie N.
Unfortunately it didn’t work for me. Cool concept but even with the extra pods I ended up with only two carrot plants. Not sure if the seeds washed away, birds ate them or maybe user error but I never got any other sprouts. I’ll stick with buying seedlings.
Design Your Own Garden
Vernon S.
It's a good idea, but the seeds are not planted deep enough in the soil. Seeds float to the top and don't germinate. Germination as a whole is not consistent. I did much better with the areas I planted seeds or seedlings. I consider this a total waste of money.
Design Your Own Garden
Darryl K.
Love it
Design Your Own Garden
Carlee M.
I bought 2 sets of these. One entire set did not grow ANYTHING!!! The other set about 50% is growing. I was not happy at all. Half of my garden is the seedsheets and the other half are plants that I purchased and they are doing awesome. Next year I will just purchase the plants and I will have a full garden rather than just a portion growing. I put the initial product on TikTok but never did a follow up because I was actually embarrassed that I spent so much money on this product and then ...
Design Your Own Garden
Janice N.
I was hoping it would work--the radishes are doing ok, the cuke plants are begining to appear-thats it. Time will tell I guess but it seems very slow.
Design Your Own Garden
Lisa O.
Most of the seeds haven't sprouted and the ones that have are extremely slow growing. Planted almost two months ago and not a lot is happening. Was excited over the potential but disappointed with results so far.
Design Your Own Garden
Gina D.
This year nothing grew that I purchased. Even after getting a replacement order, the seeds I planted were a dud! The lettuce is the only thing that grew! And that wasn’t as robust. Last year I was swimming in eggplants, tomatoes, zucchini, scallions, and other vegetables. I tested my soil, used good fertilizer, the works, and I got NOTHING. My review would be; buy seeds, they are less expensive, and if they don’t grow at least you don’t loose much in terms of cost. Over $200 and a dud. Gigi
Replacement Seed Strips
Stacy S.
It was simple and easy but most of the plants didn’t grow even after I got replacements. I’ve had success previous years with similar or same vegetables. Didn’t have a full garden this summer
Design Your Own Garden
Brendan F.
My experience with seedsheet was terrible. Half of the plants didn’t end up growing and the wind kept blowing the sheet off despite following the instructions for adding stakes. The regular seed packets we bought did much better than our seed sheets. It was a definite waste of money.
Design Your Own Garden
Susan H.
I blame myself for the poorly produced garden area. Something has seemed wrong about the space since I moved here. Despite the fact that I put a yard of compost in the garden area and prepped the space it did poorly. It was watered everyday and only produced a dozen bush beans. Nothing else grew or if it did it did not produce. The carrots did not even come up, there was one very small tomato plant nothing yet, as too small.
Design Your Own Garden
Glenn E.
I think it was too late to plant here in central Oregon. One large yellow squash came up and has a few flowers (soon to be squash), However the whole plant came up outside the sheets. I guess the seed floated out the edge instead of the little hole. Also all the little name plates washed clean before anything came up. It looks like I will have some Zennias ? 3 came up and look like they might bloom but not all 4. I also got one cherry tomato, and some other kind of squash. Nothing from...
Design Your Own Garden
Kristi T.
I was so excited to start my gardening journey with the Seed Sheets. Unfortunately, of the 4 things I ordered (corn, mini peppers, cherry tomatoes, snap peas) only the corn actually grew (then some critter chewed them all down) I started them in a raised bed that was smaller than the dimensions of the sheets, so I planted only one tomato plant and one pepper plant. They sprouted, then just died off. . . I tried again with the other tomato and pepper in grow bags, but they, too died. The snap pea...
Design Your Own Garden
Rande B.
Seed sheet was easy to set up. I just water it and watch it grow. The harvesting instructions are really helpful for me as a first time gardener.
Custom Family Size Garden
Karen F.
Purchased my 2nd Seed Sheet. All the seeds sprouted and grew herbs. The first one lasted 1 year with a lot of aromatic and delicious basil.
Jessi C.
Overall pretty happy I did have one area that didn't come up with anything but the other pod did. Still very happy and we'll buy next year too.
Custom Raised Bed Garden
Yitzi K.
Everything died except for the tomatoes. The seed packets became undone quickly. A lot of the kale didnt sprout nor did the eggplants Corn died after reaching 5 inches Only thing left at this point is the tomatoes
Design Your Own Garden
Matthew H.
I wanted to wait awhile before reviewing this product, but I got the email and I planted over six weeks ago, so what the heck. I thought I'd try this product, but for the money, it's not worth it. The fit and finish are fine and it appeared well made when I opened it up. However, only about 40% of the seed pods germinated. The company had sent some extra seed pods, and according to their website, I can send in for more possible seed pods, but I'm not certain I will. Given the high price o...
Design Your Own Garden
Sandra F.
I really like it and I shared one of my seedsheets with my nephew. I will keep you updated.
Super Raised Bed
Kristie C.
I love the idea of the Seedsheets but unfortunately ours did not grow as hoped. The tomato seeds were actually radish (those were doubled up) and the only thing that actually grew was one squash plant, customer service was good and resent seeds, too late to plant this year will try again next year and hope they work out better.
Design Your Own Garden
Kathleen R.
The packaging and instructions are great. The actual sheets are good too, however, the seeds themselves did not seem to set sufficiently in the soil and I had to push the plants down into the soil once sprouted. Don't think that is going to work well for the radishes and beets. Those seeds needed to be planted deeper than the very little soil that came with them in the seed pods.
Design Your Own Garden
Julie R.
I loved this idea, but the execution simply didn't work. I followed the directions to a T, making sure I lightly watered until all the little packs disintegrated. We setup a hoop house so the seedlings would stay warm in the early spring. I watered well. My arugula came up right away. My lettuces eventually grew and were productive, and a got a few radishes. But that was it. My tomato plants took weeks to sprout then never grew. I got 1 kale plant out of 12. My parsley eventually came up, but...
Design Your Own Garden
Kristi G.
Very disappointed with this purchase. We built an entire new raised garden just for the seed sheet - with high hopes. We planted our regular garden in the old raised bed on the lift, with the usual dollar store seeds at 4 for a dollar. Two months later, the old garden is full, plants are getting big. The new garden has exactly two small plants that I don't think will make it. Unfortunately we planted some of my favorites - radishes, peas, dill, cucumbers, green onions.... so for the first ...
Expeditious Delicious Raised Bed Seedsheet
Robbie D.
Ordered the "salsa" seed sheets (tomatoes, cilantro, jalapeños, red peppers). The tomatoes never had more than inch of sprout, nor did the cilantro. All other seeds did well. I even used the extra seed pods to try again for tomatoes & cilantro. Those never sprouted beyond an inch, either. BTW I have an irrigation system in place. Think I'll just buy starter plants next year.
Fresh Salsa Raised Bed Seedsheet
Dorothy H.
It was a gift
Design Your Own Garden
Nicole B.
Our seeds did not take after following all instructions. Seed sheet promises replacements, so we attempted to contact support and order new seeds. We filled out the form and sent pictures of our garden bed and what plants we ordered, but never got a response. The whole point of using them was to help make sure we did what we needed to. Horrible customer service has made us stick to germinating our plants and moving into our raised bed. I am very disappointed with this
Design Your Own Garden
Nancee Y.
This is my second year with Seedsheets, and my last. This season was almost a complete failure, I did get one row of lettuce and one row of arugula-making it the MOST expensive lettuce and arugula on the planet! I grew tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini from seeds that I bought from Eden Brothers and everything is thriving. The website is difficult to use, I asked for replacements that never came and there’s literally no way to get in touch with them, their contact tab is useless. It’s unfortunat...
Design Your Own Garden
Ellen D.
So far nothing is growing. The instructions that came with the seed sheet weren’t exactly clear. I will come back and update later but it’s been about 2 weeks and there hasn’t been any action.
Design Your Own Garden
Tory K.
I staked down two large gardens using the supplied stakes and the wind took up both gardens scattering the seeds. I was able to save some of the seeds and replant them, as well as used the extra pods that came with. Only two plants have germinated; a pumpkin and a single beet. What a colossal waste of money this was. I had to replant both beds with starts from the nursery.
Design Your Own Garden
Julia M.
The seed grew beautifully into healthy plants! The pumpkins are especially fantastic.
Design Your Own Garden
Robin D.
Very disappointed. Several seed pods never germinated. No tomatoes at all it is mid June and not even the greens are ready. Every thing else in the garden is thriving with abundant rain and heat. I really wanted this to work. I am a seasoned gardener, but as I age this appeared to be a real human energy saving product. Can’t recommend. Big investment for practically no return.
Design Your Own Garden
Emilie R.
Nothing grew. We did it exactly as said within the zones and watered it. This was the worst garden I have ever had. Beyond disappointed. The plants If they did come up were very small and barely a crop. Wish I could get a refund.
Design Your Own Garden
Howard L.
Awesome everything has started to grow. They answered every question I had. I highly recommend this to anyone.
Design Your Own Garden
Stacey B.
I wanted to love this. And I did, until it rained and washed my seeds into oblivion. The ease of set up, the planning, it was all great. But when the only thing that comes up after $200 are two bean plants and a handful of beet sprouts… I can’t say it’s a success.
Design Your Own Garden
Sandra B.
We followed the directions and the garden was in a good location with hours of direct and indirect sunlight. Other than a few small sprouts, nothing has grown. A waste of money and I will be requesting a refund.
Design Your Own Garden
Heather A.
Most of the vegetables that I planted using seedsheets have sprouted. However, only 1 tiny lettuce seed is growing, and zero of my chives seem to be growing. I followed all directions for planting and watering...I was hopeful, but next year I'll just plant my own seeds.
Design Your Own Garden
undefined review of Custom Raised Bed Seedsheet image 1 out of 1
Shannon V.
We had rabbits so not everything is harvesting the greatest.:(. We are excited for our beets, green beans & Thai basil. The fertilizer is a no brainer.
Custom Raised Bed Seedsheet
Jai D.
It didnt turn out the way we expected some of the seeds didnt even grow and instructions were not clear Light blocked the seeds cause of the black mat Also the vegetable white tags had no ink or code left after a week or two, all of it disappeared
Design Your Own Garden
Danica H.
This was expensive, and the videos showing the sheet rolling out turned out to be false advertising for this type of garden, which came in sheets. I was not forewarned that there were extra sheet pods included, so when everything was removed from the packages they got mixed up and I don't know what's what. Of my 14 plants, only 2 have sprouted. I am having more sent to me, but after waiting several weeks for the sprouting before realizing they were not going to come up, and dealing with customer...
Design Your Own Garden
Laurie K.
I was so excited to plant my garden. I built my raised beds and filled it with just the right soil and rolled out my sheets. I attached all the green anchors everywhere I was supposed to. It looked amazing. It rained that night and there was some wind. Because of the wind, the sheets all had blown off. I trusted the green anchors would be enough. I did find all the sheets and anchored them again to find them blown off again the next day. I gave up on the sheets. I won’t buy them again.
Design Your Own Garden
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