Seedsheets Reviews

Seedsheets Reviews

Eleanor C.
It is not as easy as advertised to cut the sheets to fit an odd shaped bed. Moreover, unless you water with a fine mist, seed packets will not stay in place. In our case, we followed instructions but only two tomato plants germinated and then promptly died. While there are extra seed packets and I used those as well, this was a waste of money. The company is willing to send additional seed sheets or packets if things don't go as planned, so they are in that way very reliable. I also had seed sh...
Easy Breezy Caprese Raised Bed Seedsheet
Beth K.
Great concept. But for the space challenged gardner, the sheets take up a lot of space. Herbs such as parsley, cilantro, basil can be planted much more closely together, conserving space. Carrots as well. All of the seed pods were spaced too far apart taking up unnecessary space. The overlap cloth on each sheet also takes up too much space...I cut the flaps off to conserve space.
Design Your Own Garden
Tracy V.
I ordered beans, cantaloupe, tomatoes, an eggplant. The only seeds that came up were the beans. I am very disappointed. And the last year when I had ordered cauliflower, what came up or collard greens. We have gotten plenty of rain, I have fertilized. But every day I look out and there is absolutely nothing growing where there should be eggplant, tomatoes and cantaloupe.
Design Your Own Garden
Ralph M.
More emphasis should be placed on what to do in the case of a very wet spring, heavy rain when germinating. We lost Way to many potential plants with this oversight. Don't know if we'll do this method again 😭
Design Your Own Garden
Lauren K.
Maybe one pod out of each row actually yielded anything. All the little signs denoting what was planted in each row ended up being bleached white by the sun, so we had to re-label everything. Disappointed.
Design Your Own Garden
Sandra J.
1/2 produce is growing great- other 1/2 did not grow. Unfortunately the items I most wanted were in the did not grow area. Tomatoes and my peppers..🥲
Design Your Own Garden
Dennis S.
I was very disappointed with the quality of the material received for the price I paid. It was not what I expected. I planted half of the seeds rather than returning the package and they all sprouted, but every plant died within 2-3 weeks. I have half of the package remaining. Dennis Simoneaux 225-678-1591 [email protected]
Design Your Own Garden
Kathleen S.
The seed sheets seemed effortless but although I followed directions precisely several plants didnt come up So I have a much smaller garden than anticipated Only thing that has matured evough to harvest on my green beans and I picked a whopping ten beans today Wont be a repeat customer
Design Your Own Garden
Ann H.
I really wanted to try something new for my garden and unfortunately the pods did not sprout up well. I did follow the watering directions but I was unlucky with them. Only a few of the pods sprouted up after a few weeks!
Design Your Own Garden
Jackie D.
This is a terrible product. We spent over $300 on two sets and one jalapeño plant and one tomato plant grew. Nothing else did. I reached out to see about the company making it right in some way twice and they have completely ghosted me. It’s very sad that they don’t even reply when their product grossly under preforms
Design Your Own Garden
Jackie D.
This is a terrible product. We spent over $300 on two sets and one jalapeño plant and one tomato plant grew. Nothing else did. I reached out to see about the company making it right in some way twice and they have completely ghosted me. It’s very sad that they don’t even reply when their product grossly under preforms.
Design Your Own Garden
Robbie D.
Ordered the "salsa" seed sheets (tomatoes, cilantro, jalapeños, red peppers). The tomatoes never had more than inch of sprout, nor did the cilantro. All other seeds did well. I even used the extra seed pods to try again for tomatoes & cilantro. Those never sprouted beyond an inch, either. BTW I have an irrigation system in place. Think I'll just buy starter plants next year.
Fresh Salsa Raised Bed Seedsheet
Cristina R.
These things started growing almost immediately!
Custom Container Garden
Susanne D.
Dispute my best efforts and following the instructions- Almost nothing is growing as it should. Organic soil, sun, watering. I contacted the company by email a while ago - no one replied. I need a refund. Disappointed.
Design Your Own Garden
Dolores O.
Not all of the seeds germinated. Time will tell how the harvest ends up. I did add some additional plants that were already started to ensure that I got something. Also, why don't you offer cucumbers?
Design Your Own Garden
Shauna A.
I didn't have luck with these. My hand planted seeds grew like crazy yet these didn't. I have the cu-melon plants growing and a few carrots, very sparse. Not much else. I felt this was a neat idea and wanted to give it a try, i have 3 beautiful garden boxes and did this in the one, the 2 hand seed planted ones are full and lush and unfortunately the seed sheets didn't take off as i expected.
Design Your Own Garden
Tammy R.
Most of my seeds did not sprout. I did as I strutted almost to a “T”. I watched videos and made sure the weather, soil, and watering was right. I am so sad that I spent so much money in hopes of this glorious and abundant garden and only a few seeds are actually growing to maturity.
Design Your Own Garden
Ilyse S.
Great product so far. Easy to set up and garden is abundant.
Design Your Own Garden
David G.
Product sucks. None of the plants grew. The fabric doesn’t stay intact where the spikes go through. The plant labels fade in the sun and are unreadable after 3 weeks . Don’t waste your money
Design Your Own Garden
Nick F.
Super easy to plant absolutely love the idea. But not sure if a frost took out a bunch but there are a lot of veggies not growing. Like the seeds just didn’t take and that may be on me for planting a little early maybe but who knows. Love the idea but don’t think I’d pay that price for the turn out.
Design Your Own Garden
Abby R.
After seeing plants appear on day 5, I was excited. But then they withered an died. Same thing happened to my other seed sheet. I followed instructions but it just didn't work. Very frustrating. I won't purchase again as it's too expensive to have zero success. We even used organic compost and soil.
Expeditious Delicious Raised Bed Seedsheet
Abby R.
My stuff started to grow but then suddenly withered and died after 2 weeks. I followed all the instructions to the T. I noticed a brown fungus/mold growing in most of the plant circles around each plant, which was the problem, probably. I'll just buy established plants from the store next year. This is too expensive to not have any success.
Design Your Own Garden
Patricia S.
I liked it until my fuzzy friends ate my seeds. Then you said I was able to get a replacement. But all I got was packs of seeds, only one that was from my original order. VERY DISAPPOINTED !
Custom Container Garden
Alexandra J.
So far all the seeds are sprouting and I've had to thin out my radishes. A carrot and chive were mislabeled so I have a couple surprises. I'm having fun watching them grow. Easy to plant.
Custom Container Garden
Suzanne A.
My son and I love to garden each summer and we thought that this would be a great way to keep weeds at bay and grow lots of yummy vegetables. Boy were we wrong! We spent hundreds of dollars to purchase 12 different vegetables. We purchased eggplant, Cucamelon, spring carrots, butterhead, lettuce, French green beans, spinach, fall carrots, basil Tomatoes, large bell peppers, corn, and beets . It is the beginning of August the only thing that we had grow were the carrots, basil, green beans, beet...
Design Your Own Garden
Christopher R.
The lettuce never really came in. The entire garden is really disappointing. We haven't gotten anything out of it. The signage also is poorly done as my sprinkler system waters the garden and the labeling of the vegetables washed off immediately, so I don't even know what's in my garden.
Design Your Own Garden
Elisabeth M.
Disappointed. The first rain I had after installing the sheets…and they blew over. (Yes, used the green secure spikes) the identification tags faded to be unreadable. Was hoping for much more for the price. They did include spare seeds. That was a plus. Mostly mediocre results on plants too.
Design Your Own Garden
Suzanne C.
We followed all the directions and watered daily and only 1-2 plants grew from each strip!!! Very disappointed. I would never use them again!! Plus we had all fresh mushroom soil in the raised beds!
Design Your Own Garden
Nheena I.
I live in a northern climate. While I had a raised bed built just for the seed sheets my daughter got me for my birthday, only two of the four have come up. The tomatoes started to sprout but by the time the frost comes in a month or two, they won't produce fruit. The arugula is great and my basil is taking forever to grow but it's growing. The peppers never sprouted. I watered them religiously and even had a hose installed just for the raised bed. I went out and bought two tomato plants a...
Design Your Own Garden
Mark C.
We bought two large garden layouts and the only plants that grew were the lettuce leaves. I followed the instructions that came with the seed sheets, but got nothing. Most of the seeds didn't even start growing. Ends up we paid for some lettuce and ground cover with holes in it. Total waste of our money.
Design Your Own Garden
Rachal A.
Can't wait to see my plants growing.
Custom Container Garden
Daniel B.
I am a fairly accomplished gardener. I grew up working non family farms and have had a backyard garden for decades. This year has been a little rough, so I thought that I would give Seedsheets a try. This was a big mistake. The idea is great, but the execution needs a lot of work. The seedpods in each sheet doo not seat properly, and I lost all of the beets, carrots, radishes, and greens. Most of the seeds just washed away in the rain, but the carrots never showed up at all. I want to stress t...
Design Your Own Garden
Brian M.
None of the pods sprouted the first time. They sent replacement pods and, literally, nothing sprouted again. I’ve had gardens for years, so I’m not a newbie. It’s not just confusing, it’s very frustration. It’s mid- July and it’s completely evident I don’t be enjoying a garden this year.
Design Your Own Garden
Rebecca F.
Works perfectly. Hold down sheets for plants to be more stable
Biodegradable Planting Stakes (10-pack)
Kate S.
Lousy germination rate. Had to replant using my own seeds. The plants that did germinate needed a lot of help. The seed pods don’t differentiate for the variety of planting depths that different vegetables need. Will never consider buying again. Total waste of time and money.
Design Your Own Garden
undefined review of Design Your Own Garden image 1 out of 2+1
Donna D.
Design Your Own Garden
Jill M.
I was so excited to try several seedsheets and I would say only 1/3rd of the pods terminated. I even bought more thinking it was me and they did not grow either. I was super bummed.
Design Your Own Garden
Leslie S.
Delivery was great & all the veggies I had ordered were there. The reason for the 3 stars... half of the seeds did not grow. The ones that are growing are fairly behind the growth of the plants I grew from seeds.
Design Your Own Garden
Jeannie V.
I have had no luck with my purchase. I only thing that's growing is the corn.The Swiss chard is one hight small and has not grown in 2 weeks.To expensive to get results like this.
Design Your Own Garden
Brenda P.
I am a pretty avid gardener but had surgery on my hand in March and thought the seed sheet would be easier to maintain and less weeding this year. Three of the lettuce bunches came up. None of the zinnias or the carrots came up. About half of the beans came up and they were delicious. I did take apart one of the extra seed pods for the zinnias and planted it in potting soil in a pot. Came up just fine. I might just have to do this for all in the future. Hoping to reuse the fabric next yea...
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