Fallenyetnotforgotten Reviews

Fallenyetnotforgotten Reviews

Valerie A.
The Veterans give me a big hug and thank you when I thank them for their service and give them the coin. I will be getting more as I want to give them to everyone I know that has been in the service. Wish my dad and all my uncles were still with us as they all deserve one.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
James R R.
I very much like this coin. It recognizes the extra effort that an Honorably Discharged Veteran made an extra effort to serve the United States and preserve our freedom. It's a wonderful way for a veteran to honor another veteran.
Home of the Free - Thank You For Your Service Coin
Nina V.
I have bought Military coins several times and also bought Police Officer coins too. The men and women we give them out to are so surprised and pleased. It makes them feel like someone cares even after all the years have passed. Most tell us their story. This makes us as happy as they are. Feel good moments. My father,husband and brother were in the Army. My son, son-in-law and two grandsons were/are Peace Officers. Very proud family.
Shipping Protection
Beth D.
My husband LOVES giving the coins to veterans we run into. And the surprise and honor to be given such a beautiful coin and thanks for their service is overwhelming for both them and us!
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
John L.
Only one case had a chip on it. But I believe this was the fault of the shipper. Otherwise, every order has been shipped right away and package well. The quality has always ben top notch. The right quality for those who deserve it. Will continue to order as soon as I empty my pocket.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Ronald B.
In our Condo Association (539 residences) we honor our veterans during the year. I anonymously distributed 25 medallions last year with a stand, and personally handed some out to vets I know. This year I will use stands with assorted medallions.
Fallen Yet Not Forgotten Coin Stand
Dennis C.
I am a Vietnam Veteran. I really love this coin. I carry them with me everywhere I go and give them out to Vietnam Veterans. Some of them cry , which makes me cry to. Most say this is mine to keep. And I say yes. They thank me over and over .
Vietnam Veteran Coin
Donald H.
Loved the medals. We have given to many veterans on cruises, restaurants and many other places. Each veteran is very thankful for the symbol of recognition. Also we gave a medal to a nurse who served at field hospitals in Vietnam. Many thanks and tears for our rememberances . P. S. Make a coin for dog handlers and there dogs.
Thank You For Our Freedom Coin
Timothy K.
They are awesome I've gave several out to fellow Marines and other service members and when I shake their hand and give him a coin I think I make their day your coins are awesome once I run out I will be ordering more have a blessed day and like I said the coins are awesome
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Stephen F.
As always a great product!!! I have given over 1 hundred of these coins to Veterans I meet while out and about. Some even shed a tear when I give it to them. Thanks!!!
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Jackie T.
I believe my husband gave the last away including his...I will be reordering. He loves giving to missionaries who were prior military as well as others. Servants hearts continue forward.
Fallen Soldier USA Memorial Pin
Alan N.
As Marine Corps veteran Its always great to meet fellow veterans. It’s even more rewarding when I hand one of these challenge coins to them. They are always so thankful. I just received my second box of 30 coins and I’m looking forward to giving them out as well. God Bless America! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Linda P.
I feel honored to be able to give this coin I just go to people who I think serviced our country especially the Vietnam war I even h got my niece to give one away my post wants to take it over not sure about that I’m sorry I don’t always text you back but I am thank you again
Free Mystery Pin Pack
Alan Y.
I was very satisfied with the coin. I ordered 20 of them and passed them out to fellow veteran friends. All were impressed with the high quality. And I was pleased with the service.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
John K.
I purchased 3 of these, gave 1 to a close friend of mine who is a Navy veteran. I also gave one to my brother-in-law who is a Marine veteran and kept one for myself, I am a Navy veteran. They both were very appreciative and were commenting on the high quality workmanship. I couldn't agree more.I am hoping that mine will be passed down through generations.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Roy H.
My 3rd, 20 piece bundle of Vietnam coins is as rewarding as my first. The recipients appreciation resonates in the expression on their faces...... the coin is my recognizition of the sacrifices and service of my Vietnam Brothers and Sisters.... Welcome Home!
Vietnam Veteran Coin
Jack H.
I am on my 2nd batch of coins. So far every law enforcement officer I have presented and thanked for their service have been surprised and very thankful. Great way to show them appreciation for a tough and often thankless job.
Police - Thank You For Your Service Coin
undefined review of Honoring All Who Served Coin Bundle image 1 out of 1
Edwin L.
I ordered 20 coins and got them in about 5 days. They are beautiful and can't wait to start giving them to veterans. Thanks.
Honoring All Who Served Coin Bundle
Bert C.
My wife and I hand out service coins to local veterans, officers, medical responders and firefighters at our restaurant. We feel this is a way to let all these heroes know how much they are appreciated in our community!
Police - Thank You For Your Service Coin
Charlotte L.
I ordered these twice for my son who served in the Army for 20 years (retired). He is very proud of his service and admires those who also have served. I saw these advertised and bought them for him to had out to vets when he sees them out and about. They have all appreciated them and it makes it happy to make them happy. He was one of those who came back with PTSD and is still fighting that even with help. I am so proud of him and his guys and his dad who also served, would be so proud of ...
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Patricia B.
I am also a veteran. I was a med spec here during the Vietnam War and the Cuban Crisis! I didn’t see what a lot of other veterans saw and had to deal with in other countries where they were deployed. I am honored to meet and personally thank them for their services by giving them a Thank You Coin. Thank you for giving me this pleasure!
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Jeffrey N.
My wife and I respect all Veterans and we love thanking them for there service. And the look on there face when we thank them and hand them a coin is priceless , Thank you!
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Ronald B.
In our Condo Association (539 residences) we honor our veterans during the year. I anonymously distributed 25 medallions last year, and personally handed some out to vets I know. This year I wanted to specially address areas of service and ordered five to hand out to strangers I meet and say 'thank you'.
Home of the Free - Thank You For Your Service Coin
Dennis C.
I am a Vietnam Veteran . I give these coins out to all the veterans I see. I gave one to a Vietnam Veteran and he said he was going to cry. I said you deserve this coin and he said this is mine and I said yes and he cried
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Herman W.
Pins & coins are as advertized. They are of great quality and the pins are perfect for wearing on your cap or vest, and the coins are prefrct to give out to our deserving Veterans. Thank you Fallen Yet Not Forgotten, I am glad I fially give in an made my order,
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Christopher O.
I ordered a few of these coins last year to give out to a few friends. Of course I ran out quickly. I then ordered 30 for a veteran's group I joined, shucks not enough so, I ordered another 30 as the veteran's group has more than members. I love the reaction of veterans when I give them each a challenge coin. A small investment for our country's finest! Thanks for a quality product.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Laurel V.
My husband was dying when we called 911. The paramedics and fireman came and got him to the hospital. He was on a ventilator in ICU for 35 days, but he lived. This was our THANK YOU!!!! It was awesome!
Shipping Protection
Therese B.
I love giving these out to strangers, yet they are our veterans. I check out their caps that they wear, then ask them when they served. Once I get them to open up and share an experience. I give them a challenge coin that I carry just for this opportunity. I just gave one to a veteran waiting in the bank yesterday and he was very much appreciative of it. He talked about our society in the 70's when our citizens booed them or even spit on them if they were in uniform. I want to erase those memori...
Thank You For Our Freedom Coin
Nancy G.
I bought some of the VietNam Veterans coins. I have been seeing a lot of VietNam veteran hats be worn by men in our community, put a few of them in my purse before heading to Walmart one day. Shopped for my things for a bit and headed back to check out. Heading toward me down one of the wide
Vietnam Veteran Coin
Jeffrey M.
The challenge coins come individually wrapped, each in their own case. I got these beautiful coins to give back to veterans I meet, and thank them for their service! What a beautiful way to Honor Fellow veterans! Thank you for such a fine product, I’m sure we’ll have a relationship for years to come! Jeffrey M. Roby, MSgt, USAF, Retired
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Grant G.
These coins make an excellent ad-hoc gift to veterans I meet in chance encounters in the grocery store, doctor's offices, any where I see someone wearing a military cap. They are so surprised, and appreciative that someone acknowledges their sacrifices and work to protect our country and way of life. Thank you for making these coins available for us to use as gifts.
Free Mystery Pin Pack
Dan K.
I purchased a 20 coin bundle and was extremely satisfied with the quality and beauty of the coins, as well as the dedication to our veterans. I have given most of them away and have found the appreciation of our veterans to be humbling.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
James B.
Myself and all my fellow veterans, who I have gifted with these medallions, have been deeply moved. It put an emotional meaning to the gravity of what we committed to.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Richard W.
I love to hand them to the vet I have 15 left to hand out I did this for my uncle service in world War ll he didn't come home and I had a brother service in Vietnam Nan thank you God Bless your company for the veterans
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Mary M.
As a veteran myself I like to hand this coin out to to others who served that make an impression on me. Everyone I give it to loves it. I plan to keep on giving them out.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Dennis D.
I bought about 50 in three separate orders and I’m currently in a rehab hospital in Brockton where it’s been my extreme pleasure seeing my fellow veterans faces light up when they see and read the inscriptions on the coins and I also bought10 Vietnam vet coins as I’m a Vietnam vet too ( Seabees ) and I gave 7 of the ten and some vets looked at them and some cried as you could read it in their faces but they all were happy to receive them and as I said he has brought bee great please to do it .in...
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
George M.
I have order 110 of these coins. Five different kinds. I own a Barber Shop here in Florida and hand them out to veterans. It’s something they really appreciate. Some of the Veterans leave with a tear in their eyes.
US Navy Sailor’s Creed Coin
Roger R.
I bought the coins to give one to my brother and the other two to friends that were in nam and they really appreciated, also arrived in a reasonable time
Vietnam Veteran Coin
Roberta S.
I want to thank you for having military items we can purchase. This gives us something to give to say thank you for your service or to remember a loved one.
US Navy Veteran Necklace
Wayne M.
It is very rewarding when I see the look on the face of a veteran when I thank them for their service and hand them one of these amazing coin/tokens....It really means a lot to them and they are so honored to receive one...This is an amazing thing to be doing for all the veterans out there and I consider it a privilege to be giving these out to the veterans.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
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