Füm Reviews

Füm Reviews

Ryan H.
The product was actually pretty good. Unfortunately a day after I received it, a new model was released and (let’s say) version 1 cores were all but discontinued. Available flavors were cut in half.
FÜM Quit Naturally Pack
Steven C.
Honestly I feel like I just threw $150 out the window. Very little taste and what I can taste is just off somehow. I can’t even put my finger on it. I was hoping this would work but, no
The Journey Pack
Adam S.
I really enjoy this. It definitely helps me with needing some sort of oral fixation. My only issue is that the cores tend to fall out no matter how much I fray them. :/ Also a little sad that mine got delivered, and THEN the new version comes out! Would have waited to order v2 if I knew it was coming out.
FÜM Starter Pack
Shane A.
The flavors that was sent didn’t help or taste great. Black pepper- wasn’t it! I didn’t try it bc just no. White cranberry-I smelled it and I cringed, like I ate a tangy sour something. Peppermint- spearmint gum kinda taste, kinda oily tasting. Conquer- I don’t understand that flavor at all, guess it is different taste palettes. Great idea. But the flavors need to be more appealing to vape flavors. The flavors are to different.
FÜM Quit Naturally Pack
Tarryn L.
The peppermint cores are my favorite, they give the same effect as menthol would.
Original - Peppermint Version 1 Cores
Braeden P.
FÜM Solano
Elaina L.
The taste is AMAZING!!!
Original - Conquer Version 1 Cores
Dante B.
For the price, it was not worth it. I think most likely it has taught me to cut back but ultimately, I think the marketing campaign and its over usage of the word "quit" is extremely misleading. I like the product, I dont love it. I think there should be an improved apparatus for your fum cores as well. I dont think that the original model is efficient and the new model may be even worse due to the potential of rust
FÜM Starter Pack
Taeko G.
I wasn’t super fond of this flavor because I expected it to at least have a hint of chocolate flavor since it’s cocoa mint. Instead it pretty much is just like hitting straight eucalyptus which I’m not into. I was aware going into this that these were essential oil based, but I was expecting more flavor
Cocoa Mint Cores
Preston D.
love the flavors
FÜM Quit Naturally Pack
Sebastien F.
Orange Vanilla has citrus outnumbering vanilla by 5 to 1 I believe and you can barely taste any vanilla at all. The combination of citrus' ends up tasting like bitter orange peel and zest. It also irritated my throat.
Orange Vanilla Cores
Joni A.
I have changed my bad habit thanks to my FUM!
Original Cores Bundle
Nicki G.
Not for me I'm afraid... nor for my son... we thought it looked like a good idea but there isn't enough of a 'pull' when you try to draw on it.. may as well have cut a straw in half and used that instead.
FÜM Prominent
Gerardo T.
The Journey Pack
Naser S.
Was enjoying it until it got stolen 😕
The Journey Pack
Heath T.
The whole concept is great but the flavours need t on be different for me, lots of the flavours leave a fruity sour/butter taste in the mouth and isn’t very enjoyable, but my favourite would be the mint. I think some sweeter cores need to happen
The Journey Pack
Carlene B.
This cool invention is like a breath of fresh air everywhere I go..
The Journey Pack
Brandon H.
Great flavor and long lasting!
White Cranberry Cores
Diahann M.
Hands down my favorite so far! My family loves the smell. Please add more flavors!!!
White Cranberry Cores
Benjamin B.
Smooth pure clean really helps to kick the bad habit
Original - Peppermint Version 1 Cores
Brandon H.
Great flavor and long lasting. Smells wonderful and others around me enjoy the smell also.
Cozy Chai Cores
Gregory S.
Not a fan. I don’t like the flavors in the pack. I haven’t found one I can say I like.. I do like the Fum itself though. It is very well made and quite interesting.
The Journey Pack
Corey P.
I found fum and bought it right away. By the time it came in I got so sick of all the fum ads across my device that it actually turned me off to the entire product and brand. The flavors are nothing great, they taste more like potpourri than anything else. I will definitely look into making my own proprietary flavors to use in fum devices. Great idea, poor execution.
The Journey Pack
David M.
This product is trash,tastes horrible and doesnt help at all. Support is even worse because it takes days to a week for them to get back to you. Don't waste your money on this cheap scam.
The Journey Pack
Jacob B.
It’s been more of gateway as I continued my hand to mouth habit with no reward the only flavor that I found to be good being the maple pepper. I’m going to request a refund.
The Journey Pack
Kim C.
Very nice when an urge hits! Helpful.
Crisp Mint Cores
Anik S.
This is so far my least favorite. It reminds me a bit of vapor rub- might just be me but I will not be ordering this one again. The cores flavor however did last a good 3+ days of mild taste which is good.
White Cranberry Cores
Allen G.
I’m not sure about my Füm? I have seen the reviews and videos about how much flavor people claim to get… I’ve tried all the different flavors and find them to be faint. It almost like it’s getting more air than flavor? I’ve tried to widen the end that is suppose but up to spring… which I’m not sure if it’s working properly. I’m still trying to use it but the flavor is underwhelming.
The Journey Pack
Harley D.
Was super excited to try the product out, got it and absolutely disappointed. All of the "flavours" tasted like soap or in the case of the orange and mint flavours , just tasted like super strong potpourri. And their return/ refund policy is not worth the hassle I still am unable to get a hold of anyone about a refund for a product I was forced to use for 30 days in order to even get a refund/return which again I have still not gotten a reply about getting a refund for a vastly over priced potpo...
The Journey Pack
Griffin L.
Love it
The Journey Pack
Miguel T.
Flavors are way too strong and chemically. Nothing natural tasting about any of them and they are way way to strong. Used each flavor once and haven’t used it again
The Journey Pack
Stoney B.
The idea is great. But the cores taste horrible. I’m trying different things for flavoring. Like flavor oils for food. The ones I’ve tried are a bit better. But I definitely won’t be buying anymore cores.
The Journey Pack
Tracey W.
It’s ok but I’ve only tried the Raspberry lemon which I did not like AT ALL it tastes like MINT 🤢🤮 And the Orange Vanilla which does not have ENOUGH flavor!
The Journey Pack
Austin A.
Shipping was fast! Haven’t tried the flavors quite yet, but excited nonetheless!
Retro Sweets Cores Bundle
Michelle S.
Definitely helps with cravings. You get that inhalation fix. Flavors are great!
The Journey Pack
Dael H.
The taste of the packs sent was not pleasant to me. Tried several, but as a transition was not liking the flavor so hard to transition. Gave up almost immediately after the trying
The Journey Pack
William V.
Feels like I'm sucking on a poorly scented glade plug in. Flavor is just awful. Didn't work for me. Had a lot of hopes due to the high price. Turns out it's just another gimmick. Once we get some more I fo on inhaling essential oils this thing will probably be banned.
The Journey Pack
Nathaniel A.
I've found the Füm very handy. The issue I have is the flavors, the only flavor that is at all appealing to me is the mint. Everything else is below what I had expected, and I didn't expect much.
The Journey Pack
Kenny Y.
Fum is amazing. They should make all models and cores available because I prefer the original.
Original - Peppermint Version 1 Cores
Alex S.
The device is good but it's just not what I was looking for. May work for some but did not for myself or my girlfriend. Not the biggest fan of the flavors
The Journey Pack
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