UTRx Reviews

UTRx Reviews

Megan R.
Over the past 3 years I have suffered with continual UTIs, caused by a variety of bacteria and treated with various antibiotics; 5 of which my bacteria is resistant to. Because 80% of our immune system is in the gut, I became very concerned about the effects of the antibiotics on my gut biome, killing off good bacteria. At my last visit to a urologist in Chicago, he handed me an ad for a new product to prevent UTIs called Utrx. He said that research has shown that it is highly successful in prev...
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Jessica F.
I now take one a day and have not had a urinary tract infection in a year ! I do believe that taking this daily had a lot to do with it. I would recommend these highly !
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Shawna N.
I've been having a few UTI's lately and it was suggested that I try this product so it hasn't been long enough to fully rate this product. Hoping this will help keep my system clear.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Liz J.
This product should be the first line of defense against a, UTI. I prefer natural remedies over prescription medications every day of the week. I know that doctors mean well, but, I absolutely hate ingesting medicine with ingredients that I'm unaware of. It started to relieve me of my symptoms immediately. A few days later, and, I'm back in business. Thanks a bunch!!!!!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Ashley B.
Amazing! Like just about every other review has stated, keeps my uti�s, and all its symptoms away! I�ll take this forever if it helps with chronic UTI�s. No need for doctors or antibiotics and all there harmful effects!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Vanessa M.
I have not had a bladder infection since I started using this product. It does not upset my stomach, and I have noticed no side effects. Company has excellent service and I will continue to use.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Mariah M.
Bought this for my mom on the advice of her hospice nurse. Mom has one of those super bugs that antibiotics won�t cure so we are taking this to try and keep it under control. So far she has remained out of the hospital for 6 weeks. So we are pleased. The nurse had another patient using it and it was helping them
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Shana H.
I have been taking this product for more than a month and have been very happy with it. It was suggested by someone I trust very much After I told her I had two Bladder infections back to back.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Brooke T.
I have Type 2 Diabetes. Although I drink lots of water, I wanted the added benefits of this product for healthy bladder function. I've noticed the difference since taking this product.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Therese S.
Very good product and immediate results dealing with uti. It does what it says, cleaned my uti in a couple of days. The price is also very reasonable. Highly recommend! Will be purchasing again.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Tricia S.
I'm prone to frequent uti's and hate taking antibiotics all the time so I've been taking these and so far so good. Just opened my second bottle. I take two pills daily as a preventative and I go ahead and take two extra after intimate moments.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Ashley C.
I am prone to uti's and I have had no symptoms or feelings that a uti was imminent since taking this. I am very please with this high quality product. it appears to be very bio-available which is key to function.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Avril B.
These are good for urinary tract and also for immune support. I read that D-Mannose helps to block lectins which are harmful. I need to take these for a long time. Great product.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Joanna T.
My UTI issues have changed. Not as frequent and that makes my life easier. I am happy and so is my bladder! Give utrx a try, you will not be disappointed.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Colleen H.
I've been using utrx for about 4 months now and I have to say, this stuff works. I was hesitant that this work, as nothing else worked for me. I deal with chronic bladder infections (even outside of intimacy) and it's just an uncomfortable, painful, embarrassing thing to always get. My doctor told me about UTRx and I jumped on the bandwagon, and boy was I happy I did. I'd recommend this product to anyone who experiences chronic bladder infections and feels like nothing works.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Courtney N.
I was getting UTI's about ever 2-3 weeks. My friend told me she starting taking UtrX and it stopped her UTI's so I gave it a try. It has now been 3 months taking these pills and I have been free of UTI's since I started taking them. No more discomfort ... these pills are a Godsend!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Kelly P.
I tried these based on other's reviews. So far they have worked great! I haven't had a UTI in over 2 months. Prior to that it seems like I was having them every month. So far so good! I've ordered another bottle
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Valintina S.
This product seems to be working great. I was getting frequent UTI's for the last couple of months one after another. This product has seemed to keep the UTI's at bay. I have not had a UTI since taking this. I am very happy with my purchase so far. I will continue to use these on a regular basis!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Tori S.
After suffering from recurrent UTI's after a complicated one, I started taking this, plenty of it.. and I have been uti free for months, finally!! Now I've moved down to the regular dose and its still keeping them away..
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Loreni M.
Woke up with very painful urination and blood, I started taking this the next day. 2 pills 3x a day with apple cider vinegar& water mixture and tons of water in between. No more discomfort!! Very thankful for this product and will be kept on hand.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Lucille R.
My doctor recommended I take this, because I am allergic to so many prescription drugs, I can tell a difference when I stop taking it, an at health store it costs way more than this does, I recommend UTRX!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Joy N.
I have chronic it's due to bring paraplegi. I take and antibiotic daily and really wanted to find something natural to replace it. This product has helped keep me uti free when I became immune to my every day antibiotic. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a healthier alternative to uti care.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Nicole O.
I have not had any kidney stones or UTI�s since taking UTRx. I take one every morning and evening. Great value for the money. They were recommended by my urologist. I highly recommend.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Kailyn R.
I love this product I was starting to get a leaky bladder where I couldn't hold my urine. I have a 83 year old mother-in-law and she had the same thing so I gave her some of these and both of us are very happy we don't have to run to the bathroom and pee our pants before we get there. There are no chemicals in this product either I love it
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx subscription Auto renew image 1 out of 1
Kathleen S.
Amazing product.
UTRx subscription Auto renew
Carlyne B.
After several UTIs, I did some research and decided to try UTRx. It has been several years now, and I have not had another UTI. UTRx works!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
Eva B.
I usually have several UTIs in a year. My last one was last March. I started taking the pills in July of last year and have not had any infection since then.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Deborah S.
I have not had even 1 UTI since I have been taking UTRx! It's a blessing!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack image 1 out of 1
Linda P.
I used to have frequent UTI’s until I tried your product. I love it!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Linda F.
It works very well…no more antibiotics!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack
Carol C.
I have only purchased one bottle. I will order another, but it really to soon to tell if it’s going to keep me from getting a uti!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Deborah S.
I have not had a UTI since I started taking UT Rx. It's great!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Joanne P.
I've only been taking it for a couple of weeks. I think I'll have to take it longer to see if it's working. If I don't get an infection,then I'll know it's working. It is easy to take though. I'm hoping this will be the answer for my frequent utis.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Nancy B.
I have Lyme and it affects my bladder. Taking Utrx has kept me off antibiotics for recurrent UTIs.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention (Ships every 30 Days) image 1 out of 1
Bernadette C.
Really love this product ….as I’m prone to UTI I now use daily
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention (Ships every 30 Days)
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Linda F.
No UTIs or symptoms since starting this daily treatment! Very happy so far…almost three months!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Jerri S.
I was having UTI’s at least twice a month! My Urologist recommended this product and it has totally eliminated all UTI’s!!!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Barbara B.
I feel great since I started taking it.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack
undefined review of UTRx Boost - Urinary Tract Probiotic image 1 out of 1
Jeanette B.
I like it because I don't have to drink all the cranberry juice any more!!!
UTRx Boost - Urinary Tract Probiotic
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Patricia C.
Love this stuff. Just hit 72 & no more UTIs. Thank you so very much!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
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