BestLife4Pets Reviews

BestLife4Pets Reviews

Natasha D.
This product has been a life saver for my dog. We have a blue pit that gets frequent ear infections. So far it has been a game changer for us. He went from being miserable to a happy dog after his first dose. If your dog gets frequent ear infections, I recommend this for you. It was worth the money and you get a good amount of pills. I also love that it's safe enough for dogs that get frequent ear infections, like mine, no matter what we do. It's also safe for cats.
Dog & Cat Ear Infection & Itch Relief Remedy
Rhonda P.
The dewormer pills seem to have been successfull. We have 1 more week of treatment. I give the breathe easy pills to 1 of my cats all the time. He has allergies and they seem to help.
Dewormer for Cats and Kittens - Broad Spectrum Feline Wormer Remedy
Spencer C.
My kitty never would take any medicine in the past. I had my doubt that this would work but from day 1, she don't only ate the chopped up pills but actually enjoyed it.
Cat Hip and Joint Pain Relief - Effective Anti-inflammatory and Arthritis Pain Medicine (450 pills)
Cynthia A.
Pan, my 13 year old strictly outdoor male cat (I know it's not the recommended but he is still somewhat feral and he does NOT want anything to do with coming in the house) has breathing issues, not sure if it's asthma or something else. Since I started him on the Breathe Easy supplement, his breathing has greatly improved. This is the second bottle I bought and will continue to buy for his health.
Cat Cold, Sneezing & Respiratory Support Remedy
Ambia P.
I ordered this for one of my cats who was diagnosed with Stomatitis. He had been very sick and the vet was recommending removal of all teeth. I saw this online and wanted to try. He had started going downhill again a month after his first steroid shot so I took him back in for another shot to get him eating again so we could try these pills. I crush them and mix with his wet food 2-3 times per day, and he is thriving!! We have been using these for 2 weeks, and there is an amazing difference. He...
Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy - Natural Solution for Better Feline Oral Health
Sharleen P.
Only been using a couple of weeks, but I can see a difference in my older cats activity. They are more able to play more and jump more easily. I think as time goes on with continued use it will work even better.
Cat Hip and Joint Pain Relief - Effective Anti-inflammatory and Arthritis Pain Medicine
Eugenia I.
Bonnie is 11 year old Manx and has Manx Syndrome. I give her 4 tabs a day crushed and added to a small amount of water in a syringe. She comes to me on her own every afternoon for her "dose". She no longer jumps often - but climbs well and seems to be comfortable and functional. I crush 4 at a time for maximum response - and give once a day. So far it seems to help her with no other issues. She has been on this medication for over a year. The tabs don't have a bad taste (like the Rx pr...
Cat Hip and Joint Pain Relief - Effective Anti-inflammatory and Arthritis Pain Medicine (450 pills)
A big Thank You to "Breath Easy", My 3 y/o "Charley" has no more asthma attacks and they were really bad.... He gets 3 pills once a day crushed up into his wet food and I have'nt seen an asthma attack in months....... What a product !!!!!
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
Regina T.
My cat was pulling her fur out and biting her paws till they bled. Once I gave her this religiously her fur is so much better and no scratching! I need to give it to 2 of my other cats,but unfortunately I've ordered twice through Amazon and it says it was returned. I don't know how to get it again! But if you can get it,it is a great product!
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
Nancy W.
I have a few cats that we rescued that has chronic sneezing, running noses and this actually works great! We just mix it in their food and they eat it with no problem!.
Breathe Easy Respiratory Support & Asthma Remedy for Cats - Eases Cat Flu, Cough, Cold and Runny Nose - (450 pills)
Janie J.
The Ear Infection & Itch Relief pills are working! I love the size of the pills, they are so easy to hide in his food. Thank you for saving me an expensive trip to the vet! My package arrived on time. I will order again!
Ear Infection Treatment for Dogs and Cats
Trina N.
Zeus has been taking these walk easy arthritis and joint pain extra strength pills for a couple years now. They work great for him and has keep us out of the vets office ! It has also kept him off of pain meds from the veterinary.
WALK-EASY Extra Strength Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief
Susan B.
I have a little cat who is 17 years old. I’ve had her since I rescued her at 3 weeks old. On New Year’s Eve, she got very sick being unable to defecate. I feared she had a blockage. I ordered the Constipation for Cats and it has really helped. I give it to her daily now because she needs some help. I’m really grateful for it. Thank you.
Natural Cat Laxative & Constipation Treatment
Lise L.
My Pitchoune (gray feline) was limping so bad and is only 2 1/2 yrs old, went to the vet and he told me after checking her out that it could be arthritis, when she was 8 months old she broke her left leg, then healed no limping ,,her limping started all of a sudden , I tried T-Relief , it helped a bit, but after 2 months it was the same, so i started searching for another solution, I found bestlife 4 pets, yes yes yes!! It works and my cat eats it crushed in wet food , hardly any limping l...
Cat Arthritis & Joint Pain Relief Remedy
Tasha R.
My boyfriend wanted to kick out my kitty Ozrael cuz it was accessively licking and scratching all day and night he had no fur left on the whole Back half of his body. It only took one dose of this medicine for my cat to stop scratching!!! After the first night his hair had started growing back. It's only been 5 days and he has already had so much hair growth 💚. This medicine has saved my cats life. I will definitely be Buying more!!!
Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy
Paige C.
I definitely see major improvement in my baby girl! She has WAY more energy! She actually has too much energy now lol. I have put her on a diet and implemented this medication daily and can tell she has lost weight. She even started getting muscular now. I’m very grateful to have found this holistic product! The customer service was great and I love that they have enough pills to last us a while!
Dog & Cat Weight Loss & Hypothyroid Support Remedy
Debra B.
Two feral kittens had a bad case of mange. They barely had any hair. It took over a month but both now have a full coat. Thank you so much for your products
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
Deborah D.
I bought the Breathe Easy for my cat when my Vet informed me he had asthma and I had to purchase a $60.00 inhaler asthma chamber and an inhaler with medicine out of New Zealand (because in US it was over $600😫and their fee was $55. Before I ordered any of that above, my friend had informed me about her cats asthma medicine she ordered from your company. I ordered a bottle and have been using 4 pills mashed up twice a day for my cat in his wet food. S8nce the pills are tasteless and odorless, he...
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
Steven M.
We have a ferrell cat that has been visiting us for months. I recently noticed that her ears were showing what I think is probably mange or feline scabies. I then felt that we needed to try and help this cat. Two weeks ago, I began adding 2-3 tablets twice daily of the mange / scabies medicine to wet food. I can already see results. Hair is now growing where she had scars and she no longer shakes her head and scratches. You need to be persistent and on a routine.
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
undefined review of Pet Relax Anxiety and Stress Relief for Cats image 1 out of 1
Kathleen M.
I am retired and home alot, so I am able to give Mr. Bigglesworth 1 tablet 4 times a day. Starred with 2 tabs am and 2 tabs pm. The first keeps the medication evenly distributed. Helps him tremendously! I am so grateful for all the products I use from Best Life for Pets.
Pet Relax Anxiety and Stress Relief for Cats
Nancy W.
We have one of our precious seniors (18yr) in kidney failure. Our Sweet Pea has been for approximately 4 yrs! She has a great appetite, loves being very vocal, active, loving❤ We will continue keeping her on the kidney support because it really works!
Natural Cat UTI Remedy - Feline Kidney Stones, Bladder & Kidney Infection Treatment
Caroline H.
We’re about a week in to using these and I can already tell a difference. My old lady cat isn’t scratching herself constantly and she doesn’t have any scabs. She’s suffered from miliary dermatitis for years, and we’ve tried everything. I’ve never been able to find anything to help soothe her skin until now. She will definitely be a regular customer.
Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy
Trina N.
My dog Zeus has been taking Walk Easy for 2 years now. It has really helped him with his joints and his ability to be more active . I love it!!
WALK-EASY™ Extra Strength Natural Pain Relief for Dogs - Helps Dog Joint Pain, Arthritis, ACL, Limping and More
Annette C.
The eye care support is working very well for my Trixie...👍👏☺️🐾 I Love your products. I'm looking to order some calming products for my girl soon .. Thanks again, Annette C. & Trix 🐾
Feline Eye Care & Vision Support - Natural Cat Eye-Infection Relief Remedy
Jean M.
My 14 year old cat was suffering from an accute attack of arthritis, had been hunkered down under a chair for 5 days. After the FIRST dose of Walk Easy she was out from under the chair and now, 3 weeks later, is back to her old self. Beats the vet who wanted to give her pain pills that could only be taken for 3 days due to toxicity and charged me $500!
WALK-EASY® Joint and Hip Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats - Helps Arthritis, Torn Ligament and Other Joint Conditions
Bonita L.
My cat has asthma and other respiratory issues. We did neb treatments, but she didn't like doing them and fought with it. I got the tablets from you and after a few days noticed a big improvement. I checked with her vet and he was on board with them as well saying the ingredients were natural and would do not harm. She has been on them for about a year and I am grateful that she is doing as well as she is. Thank you.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
Lynda U.
My cat is an adopted stray with an apparent panic disorder who would under no circumstances tolerate vet visits. This supplement combined with the oral health pills probably aren't curing her condition, but they do seem to make it tolerable for her. She also refuses to eat any food that doesn't have these ground up pills sitting on top of it, which tells me a lot in it's self. This is the first medication she has willingly taken.
Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain
Susan H.
My cat has had ongoing breath issues. These tablets have helped tremendously and are easily mixed with food. As they are small and tasteless she doesn't pick them out from her wet food treat so that's an added bonus. This is my second bottle.
Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis, Gum Disease and Gingivitis Solution
Jay H.
Ok well I've been working to get rid of some mange on a few cat's brought in buy a skunk . The B4L team has hooked me up with Mange Relief pills add to water almost got it under control . Customer service is great very Knowledgeable kind and caring Thanks to everyone that's involved JTH
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
undefined review of Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites image 1 out of 1
Maria P.
My sweet community cat Theo, was full of ear mites . These pills have done wonders . I’m so glad I found bestlife4pets!!
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
Angelica C.
My 18 year old cat has congestive heart failure and also he suffers from allergies and these pills help him out alot. I love that they shipped it out fast.
Feline Eye Care & Vision Support - Natural Cat Eye-Infection Relief Remedy
undefined review of Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing image 1 out of 1
Kathleen M.
When my kitten had his first asthma attack it was horrible. It was my first as well, and so, I thought it was a cold. It got worse and I panicked. 2 trips to the emergency, 2 times to my vet. Just to find out there is really no "cure". It was 2 years before he had another. I was NOT going to let us go through that again. I searched and searched. I found BestLifeForPets! I was skeptical, how could something homeopathic work? Well.....IT WORKS! I was amazed, within a week, no cough, hack, sneeze o...
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
Sporykhina V.
My pug had strong allergies last two years and all shots, shampoo, cream dose not worked… but after one week with this peal he almost forgot about his problems. It’s worked!
Healthy Skin for Dogs - Dog Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Dog Scabs Remedy
Jay H.
I have several strays 25 + my 5 unfortunately a shunk brought a type of mange good news the B4L pills for mange had made a big change still working with it but it's getting under control thanks B4L
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
Gayle B.
I have been using medicine from Best Life 4 Pets for a few years. I used to buy pills at other places but even when I crushed those & put it in her favorite Bisque she would not eat it. She didn't like the flavor. The great thing about these pills is that they have no flavor, are super small, & easily crushable. Now my cat eats all of her Bisque, pills too. I love this company for taking into consideration that some pets are picky eater & don't like pills with a flavor. Best Life 4 Pets rea...
Natural Hepatic Liver Support for Cats
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