BestLife4Pets Reviews

BestLife4Pets Reviews

Andy H.
Rocco is a 12 yr old Dogo Argentino the Walk Easy extra strength works wonderful. He would not have lasted this long without it. Thanks.
WALK-EASY Extra Strength Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief
Adrian L.
My cat got an steroid shot to stop the severe allergy and skin rash she had over the last 6 months and thankfully stopped. After that I ordered this medicine to control the allergy and she has been taking it for 3 or 4 weeks already. So far she is been doing good and hoping that the shot and these allergy are contributing to her well being. The dose that I am giving to her is 2 pills twice a day. I will let you how she is doing in the comming months. Just a quick note, I really hope you can cr...
Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy
Katy M.
I like these and have been giving them to my kitty. She is not weezing a lot and she is breathing much better.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
Cheri B.
I have just started using it on my two cats that have arthritis. I know it takes a few weeks to work. I will write a review when I see results.
Cat Hip and Joint Pain Relief - Effective Anti-inflammatory and Arthritis Pain Medicine (450 pills)
Cheri B.
This is the third bottle I have bought & used. I have two that have stomatitis. I had ran out of it & I saw a difference in both of the cats after only 2 weeks of non use. I will not allow myself to run out again. It does help! It won't stop the problem, but it does help the cats feel better & they are able to eat much better while taking it.
Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis and Gingivitis Solution (450 pills)
Olga O.
17 year old Chihuahua doing great! Running around like a puppy. Vet had blood work done. Says he’s doing great. No issues. Immunity boost definitely helped.
Dog Allergy & Immune Support Supplement
Jacqueline O.
It works like it says, it helped our kitties symptoms of stomatitis calm down so she could eat & drink like normal, so nice to see her enjoying her food & water again. Thank you for creating this product, also I would recommend it. Sincerely Jackie O'Brien
Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis and Gingivitis Solution (450 pills)
Rhonda K.
I just can’t rate it. Didn’t realize it was lactose base. We need to get him away from lactose so we had to stop the pills. He’s on anti fungal from the vet and some Hydroxyzine.. I still think he has mites but they don’t think so. They didn’t do a skin scrape so who knows. He’s belly fungus issue is cleaning up since he’s been on vet pills but I feel he has mite’s. Like red mange puppy type. But idk how much Lactose is in your product so I better not give it.
Demodectic and Sarcoptic Mange (Scabies) Relief for Dogs (450 pills)
Barry C.
The product is shipped and arrives very quickly. We have been giving the Immunity Boost and Breathe Easy on a daily basis. It seems like good health maintenance to keep the pets healthy.
Immunity Boost for Cats - Helps Prevent Colds and Infections - (450 pills)
Julia G.
Both cats seem healthier after taking this medicine. Our outside cat has grown his fur back from having mange and it is thicker and shinier.
BestLife4Pets Demodectic Mange and Scabies Relief for Cats (450 pills)
Doreen B.
I have many cats and they all have ear mites. It is getting better. I grind up the pills and put it in their wet food morning and evening. I just wish the pills worked a bit faster. I am seeing results. Thank you for this product.
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
Les S.
We started giving this to Simba who is about 23 years old, he was losing weight and vomiting despite eating more, and we really worked with him with more attention and better foods and he responded. He and Slim, another of our cats, have been on it but it has only been for a week now, I think it will take more time to see if it is helping them but I do notice he isn't vomiting as much. But the support from their team is awesome!! Hopefully I can update it from a 4 star review to a 5 star with mo...
Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain
Gyongyi S.
The only downside of this product is that it takes 5 days a week for four weeks to give this. My cats eat twice a day, so I gave 5 crushed pills in the morning and 4 crushed pulls in the afternoon in their wet food. Even then they were suspicious and I had to put extra goodies in the food to encourage them to eat. It does seem To work, though. One of my cats was a dump rescue as a kitten and was heavily infested with worms and this got rid of them after I tried other meds from the vet. His d...
Dewormer for Dogs - Broad Spectrum De-wormer for All Dogs, Large and Small Breeds
Deborah R.
it seems to be helping both dogs they have it so bad they have mange so it might take a little while to completely get gone thanks so much
Demodectic and Sarcoptic Mange (Scabies) Relief for Dogs
Deborah R.
it seems to be helping him a little bit he has it so bad so it might take a little while to get rid of it thanks so much
Ear Infection & Itch Relief Treatment for Dogs and Cats - Helps Ear Problems such as Otitis, Lesions and Papules
Darlene G.
My cat has many scabs on his tail skin and around the base of the tail. The vet says it is dermatitis, perhaps from flea allergy, food or seasonal issues. I am crushing the medication into his food. After several days, I am not seeing anything in terms of relief. A trip back to the vet was for an injection to hopefully give him some relief from the incessant grooming, which is causing massive fur balls. The vet looked at your product and said to keep giving it to him and to let him know...
Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy
undefined review of Homeopathic Broad Spectrum Dewormer for Cats & Kittens image 1 out of 1
Sandra O.
It took 10 days to arrive but I noticed today my 8 yr old male cat is more frisky from taking the recommended dose for 4 days. I’m so happy. I wish I would have started them sooner. Thank you.
Homeopathic Broad Spectrum Dewormer for Cats & Kittens
Sandra M.
I had used it a few times at night for my furry babies and they had been calm and were able to sleep all night. Thanks
Pet Relax Dog Anxiety and Calming Relief Formula
Julie E.
My 6 yr old cat has been having Dermatitis issues. I really didn't want her to have antibiotics or steroids again. So I tried the Healthy skin and allergy relief. Slowly she is improving. Her hair grew back and the scabs got less. Hopefully it continues to improve.
Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy
Rita R.
My cat has an incurable mouth disease. She was dumped on me so sick. Has lost all her teeth due to malnutrition. This medication has helped. Delivery is slow.
Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy - Natural Solution for Better Feline Oral Health
Patricia L.
We are still early days in Poppy's treatment and it seems to be working well. Her rash is mostly gone, there is still a little left, but, hope that will be gone completely soon. Her obsessive licking seems to be tapering off to a more normal rate. We mash up the pills and put them in with her wet food 2 x per day. Originally, we put them in pill pockets, but, she would eat the pockets and leave the pills behind. They always know. I gave the pills 4 stars, but, if things keep going well I w...
Healthy Skin for Dogs - Dog Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Dog Scabs Remedy
Carol M.
I have noticed some improvement in my cats itching. I am giving it a little more time to see more results. I can definitely say it's worth a try if your pet has skin issues.
Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy
Tamara R.
I’m giving this a 4 star review because I think it helps a lot but as always check with your vet if you have one. Due to the lack of vets where I live, you’re pretty much on your own, so when 1 of my cats were sick I bought this. I’m not sure if the medication worked fully because by the time it shipped and we got it he was already slowing getting better, but i gave him 2 and it seemed to help him. Would try their other products.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
undefined review of Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain image 1 out of 1
Marcie L.
I haven't been using this for long, but just in the short time it has made a difference, crying, drinking, and urinating less. He seems more relaxed and happier.
Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain
Lucille L.
My cat Sylvia seem to be okay, to early to tell.The shipping sucked it took 9 days to get here and my cat really not feeling good. As a matter of fact I want to cancel my account for next purchase
Breathe Easy Respiratory Support & Asthma Remedy for Cats - Eases Cat Flu, Cough, Cold and Runny Nose - (450 pills)
Sheila G.
So far it's doing well, I feel it's only been a week and will have to see how it makes my kitty Bella feel in the long run. But I'm happy with it so far. She has had lung worms and I believe they scared her lungs.
Breathe Easy Respiratory Support & Asthma Remedy for Cats - Eases Cat Flu, Cough, Cold and Runny Nose - (450 pills)
Suzan Dianne G.
My very skinny old guy has. Multiple issues andwe are at the palliative care stage. This is the only one of his remedies he likes first of all. Importantly he isnt wandering around yowling in the middle of the night after 2 weeks on it. That has to be good for him. 😻😻😻
Cat Hyperthyroid + Weight Gain Support Supplement
T H.
I've used this for my older Pom with great success for a couple of years. However, since the change to the composition of the Walk Easy, I find I have to give her more of the tablets to get the same results as before the change. So now, besides the change in the number of tablets in each bottle (fewer), the addition of Cell Salts apparently has changed the amount of the other ingredients, causing it to be less effective. I do not believe the Cell Salts have improved the Walk Easy at all.
WALK-EASY® Joint and Hip Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats - Helps Arthritis, Torn Ligament and Other Joint Conditions
Nancy C.
My cat has had skin issues for years and I've tried eveything that comes along that offers even a little hope for relief for him or a cure. A cure would be an answer to prayer! I originally ordered the Healthy Skin... and seemed to see some results at first, but then the licking and crusted spots came back. We've only been using the Mange Relief for a few days and he seems to be licking less. Keeping my fingers crossed that as we continue, this remedy will be the cure! Thank you for giving ...
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
Diane B.
It took almost a week before seeing the beginning of some results. It is helping both my cats. I am glad it is natural and not a drug. I will continue to keep it on hand.
Natural Cat Laxative & Constipation Treatment
James Paul Y.
Just that it seems to be effective after just a couple of weeks of daily use. Coat was fine, but disposition, behavior, appetite are returning to normal. And she's gaining a little weight back.
Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain
undefined review of Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing image 1 out of 1
Marcus C.
Overall, I’m very happy with the products they really help my pets and best of all their natural. I’m a repeat customer because I see how effective they are. Thanks a lot for producing grade products for our pets.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
Angelica C.
It has only been a few weeks since I have been giving it to three of my pets I have seen an improvement in two of them but the other one not yet because his allergies are severe but I am pretty sure with time he will heal.
Healthy Skin for Dogs - Dog Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Dog Scabs Remedy
Gary Y.
We ran out of methimazole pills and vet was unhelpful with renewing perscription so I ordered these tiny pills. It took a week or so and his apetite did increase a lot. Got more meds finally and I will use both. Great customer support answering my e mail quickly!
Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain
Becky W.
I think it’s helping. My feral cat it’s itching as much and seems to have quite loosing big patches of hair. It was like the hair was peeling off. We’ll see if it doesn’t come back and hair grows back. Verdict is still out on that.
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
Dale F.
Our Pom, Buddy had all the symptoms, had been tested by the vet, tried the really expensive food, to no avail. I ordered the kidney UTI supplement, and after a few weeks all symptoms have appeared to improve, some appear to have been eliminated.
Dog UTI & Kidney Infection Treatment for Dogs
undefined review of Scoot Stopper & Anal Gland Support for Dogs and Cats image 1 out of 1
Diane B.
Abbee as anal gland issues. Since using your product she appears to be more comfortable.
Scoot Stopper & Anal Gland Support for Dogs and Cats
Rl D.
I received a free bottle of Immunity Boost, but I did buy a bottle of the pills a while ago on Amazon. I'm giving this product 4 stars because although my pets haven't been sick with colds, I can't really say for sure how effective, but it hasn't hurt either. I've used this product during the cold weather. I usually crush the pills and place it in food. I would give Bestlife4pets 5 stars for their commitment to alternative health products for pets at reasonable prices. I've used a few of th...
Immunity Boost for Cats - Helps Prevent Colds and Infections - (450 pills)
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