BestLife4Pets Reviews

BestLife4Pets Reviews

Karen C.
2 outside cats (Feral) 1 inside kitten teething. All getting 2 pills per day. This is my second order. One Feral seems to be chewing better and eating more. The teething kittens breath is some better.
Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis and Gingivitis Solution (450 pills)
Sheila B.
My sweet Moya has Feline Herpes. The “cat with a cold” problem. She tends to sneeze and cough pretty regularly. Her sneezing can be pretty gross as she produces a lot of mucous. In the last few years she has gotten more congested. She was unable to sneeze out the mucous. Meds were impossible to administer unless I wanted to look like hamburger! (She’s a Bengal). I decided to try Breathe Easy to see if it would help! IT HAS! She gets 3 tablets twice a day crushed into her food. She doesn’t noti...
Breathe Easy Respiratory Support & Asthma Remedy for Cats - Eases Cat Flu, Cough, Cold and Runny Nose - (450 pills)
Deborah S.
My cat, who is 12, was laying in bed and not moving. I saw this product on Amazon and thought I would give it a try. Within a couple of days she was back to her most annoying self. She even started to go outside and brought home a mouse. I think this product is great! Thanks😊
Cat Hip and Joint Pain Relief - Effective Anti-inflammatory and Arthritis Pain Medicine (450 pills)
Patrick W.
Our old Dobergirl has very bad arthritis which has badly affected her left front leg. We had been using a combination of CBD and Rimadil to help her maintain her mobility. We decided to try and replace the Rimadil with Walk Easy. After the first three weeks it is apparent that she is getting better relief from this product. She is taking longer walks and seems comfortable putting more weight on that left front foot. We will definitely keep on with this product.
WALK-EASY Extra Strength Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief
Wendi H.
These pills are easy to crush and add to her food. She has had a chronic cough for a few years progressively getting worse with the medication are vet put her on not making much difference we bought this and she has improved greatly.
Breathe Easy for Dogs - Respiratory Support and Kennel Cough Remedy
Cj P.
Hi. The feral cat who eats outside the back door had a pretty bad case of what we thought was mange. There was a raw spot on her back side near her tail. She's been eating the medication for a couple of weeks now, and I am pretty sure i see hair growing out of the area. Since it also works on mites, what ever she has on her back is much better. Not completely healed yet. Thank you for this product.
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
Martha P.
For the last year, Walk Easy made my Sassy's life so much better. She had more comfortable wrists and elbows and was able to enjoy her walks. I highly recommend this for any dog with mobility issues.
WALK-EASY Extra Strength Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief - Single
Jim R.
We started our Rhodesian Ridgeback Yadah on WalkEasy when her hips started going out at age 13. It seems to have helped her. For a good two years after, she had little or no trouble with her hips. And for the last year or so, until just before she died last week, she was able to walk a mile every day with me. Thanks, WalkEasy! Jim
WALK-EASY Extra Strength Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief
Lea Ann G.
Sadly, my cat broke her pelvis about eight years ago so she has arthritis from that. I have her on five of your pills a day which I grind up and she is walking so much better. It’s incredible product. Thank you.
WALK-EASY® Joint and Hip Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats
Diane T.
My Jackson cat had a runny nose and kept sneezing, he also seemed congested and hoarse. I started to give him the usual natural remedies but nothing was abating it. I had ordered this product from you a few days earlier. I couldn't wait for it to arrive. Finally it came and I was relieved that his sneezes started to lesson and after about 3 days he stopped having a hoarse meow. I gave it to my other kitties as a preventative and no one else got sick. I did quarantine him initially so it all work...
Breathe Easy Respiratory Support & Asthma Remedy for Cats - Eases Cat Flu, Cough, Cold and Runny Nose - (450 pills)
Marylou R.
I bought for it for my semi feral cat's, the cat I'm giving it to is Hoss and I've noticed a big difference. Thank you for your wonderful product that works. Sincerely Marylou and Hoss
Breathe Easy Respiratory Support & Asthma Remedy for Cats - Eases Cat Flu, Cough, Cold and Runny Nose - (450 pills)
Kakki S.
My cat had 3 bouts of Herpes eye infection this past year and this last one just wouldn't subside. Took her to the vet who said there must be another underlying infection and she found a urinary track infection also. My cat was given an injection of antibiotics for that and Lysine for the Herpes. I decided to give her your immune booster to help build up her strength since in the past the antibiotic and lysine would only work temporarily and then the infections would come back. She has been...
Immunity Boost for Cats - Helps Prevent Colds and Infections - (450 pills)
Marcie L.
Both my male cats do better day to day on this. My older male has such bad arthritis pain he cries when I pick him up, but when I give him the walk easy he does not. He still has trouble getting up and sitting down, but it is not as painful for him, that makes it worth buying.
WALK-EASY® Joint and Hip Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats - Helps Arthritis, Torn Ligament and Other Joint Conditions
Kristin O.
well it's help her to go and makes it easier for her to go. pain she had when she goes doesn't happen anymore and itching in the back doesn't happen either. Thank you for this product.
Natural Cat Laxative & Constipation Treatment
Michael H.
We have had wonderful luck with the Walk Easy product. Introduced it to a friend and now when we order ours we also have to order some for them. We had an issue with our last order but the cusomer service was absolutely wonderful and took care of the issue right away. Thank You!!!!
WALK-EASY™ Extra Strength Natural Pain Relief for Dogs - Helps Dog Joint Pain, Arthritis, ACL, Limping and More
April S.
My 11 ye old cat has had itchy problems for awhile. His fur was thinning and I figured old age. I found this on the internet amd had to try it. I can tell you this has been a TRUE winner in my book! Theodore's fur is full again and healthy. His itching has virtually gone away and he's so happy! And I haven't even finished the first bottle! Wish I found this sooner. Excellent product!
Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy
Alison B.
My cat, now aged 15 1/2 years, developed, out of the blue, a bumpy rash on his back, along with Extreme systemic itching. It got so bad that he was unable to walk across the room without stopping to chew on himself nor could he tolerate being touched. This condition then exacerbated into oozing open wounds and fur loss. The Vet was only able to offer continuous steroid therapy which I did not want to do. I tried Everything under the sun to help my cat. Luckily I found BestLife4Pets and pu...
BestLife4Pets Demodectic Mange and Scabies Relief for Cats (450 pills)
Arlan S.
This product saved me a major vet bill. I'm not saying you should not go to the vet when you need to or don't know what's wrong with your fur baby but I knew mine had developed asthma. I already believe homeopathic remedies work but had no experience with them for pets. Breathe easy worked immediately. I still am marveling at how well. This company is a God send. Once you get ahold of the problem it's only a matter of maintenance and that's easy enough!
Breathe Easy Respiratory Support & Asthma Remedy for Cats - Eases Cat Flu, Cough, Cold and Runny Nose - (450 pills)
Jane L S.
I’m so glad I discovered this product. My cat was suffering from Stomachtitis and after spending alit of money on multiple vet visits- and all they could suggest was extractions costing Thousands $$$$$. Right away he began eating when I crushed the pills and put it in some pate! He is doing very well! Thank you for such a wonderful product!
Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis, Gum Disease and Gingivitis Solution
undefined review of Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy - Natural Solution for Better Feline Oral Health image 1 out of 1
Ellen L.
Our 14 year old cat Jet has been using it not quite a month yet. Not sure how it is working yet, he does seem to be more active. We definitely will keep using.
Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy - Natural Solution for Better Feline Oral Health
Kim A.
My dad is getting better. She does not leak much. I would recommend this product for anyone that their dog has a UTI and help their kidneys so they won't be leaking.
Dog UTI & Kidney Infection Treatment for Dogs
undefined review of Demodectic and Sarcoptic Mange (Scabies) Relief for Dogs image 1 out of 1
Stephanie P.
It’s been now about 3 weeks, I think? We haven’t missed a single dose. I give her also, her powders for immune boost , and her pro/ pre biotics. She has some good days,, part of a day. But in general, I’m very confused. In the night,, she may wake with violent chewing and scratching,,, and it goes on all the rest of that night. I cool her down with cool wash cloths and maybe put a tee shirt over her entire body. ( dog apparels. ) I’m just at the point of frustration and sorrow for her suffering...
Demodectic and Sarcoptic Mange (Scabies) Relief for Dogs
Lorraine P.
I have no idea how to upload a video, but I can tell you within three days of taking scoot topper my Willow was feeling better. I am having a hard time getting her to eat wet food, and she was clearly constipated and her anal glands were red and swollen and she was starting to scoot. She finally unclogged herself with a giant bowel movement and the red swollen glands are gone. I had to crush them in her food, but the pills are so tiny that she never even noticed them. This product really wo...
Scoot Stopper & Anal Gland Support for Dogs and Cats
Mamie M.
Ordered mange, Forte Health and ear infection & itch Relief for my friend, who has a cat that she has taken to Vet and spent lots of money on but cat was not better. Have taken initial picture of condition of cat. Was at my friends home today and cat has greatly improved but healing is not complete yet. Ask her to continue treatments. Will send before and after pictures when healing is complete. Am retired RN and have 16 outside cats and 2 indoor cats. Treat symptoms with your products as they ...
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
Becky Y.
My lab Shepherd mix she is approximately 9 years old maybe a little bit older than that, had been suffering from a UTI and I tried Medical and then I tried my own way via the Internet to treat her all naturally and I believe she improved some after that but then I could still smell her urine out in the yard so I knew she wasn't better. But since I have been giving her these all natural pills from this company I believe that that smell has tapered off and so I am believing that she is getting bet...
Kidney & Urinary Tract Infection Treatment for Dogs - Relieves Dog UTI, Bladder Infection and Kidney Stones
Heather M.
My dog has a partially collapsed trachea following treatment for heartworm stage 3. He is a rescue and came to me sick. He also has some heart damage. I recently started him on this and the immunity support and he's bouncing around like a pup! He's 7 years old! I'm thrilled. Thank you!
Breathe Easy for Dogs - Respiratory Support and Kennel Cough Remedy
Heather M.
My dog is a rescue. He was positive for heartworm stage 3. After all the treatments he was left with a partially collapsed trachea and of course some heart damage. I started him on 2 homeopathic remedies from this company just recently and he is bouncing around like a pup! I'm so happy!
Dog Allergy & Immune Support Supplement
Teresa S.
Our girl has had this chronically for almost two years, she has seen several vets, and no help with the mites. We have treated the yards the house everything and still she suffers. Knowing very little about homeopathic remedies I was hopeful this would help. Because this is a chronic condition, I also knew it would take a lot of time to get into her system to begin to work. With a lot of prayer, and hope I am seeing some changes, her hair is a bit healthier, her itching is a bit better, her skin...
Dog Allergy & Immune Support Supplement
Mary F.
The eye meds help a lot for my 16-year-old tom cat. He doesn't notice any difference in taste. He is seeing much better. I definitely recommend the eye care tablets for watery cat's eyes. I use 3 at a time in the wet cat food..
Feline Eye Care & Vision Support - Natural Cat Eye-Infection Relief Remedy
Sharon S.
I was concerned about the hair loss on my cat’s legs and belly. I decided to try this product. I can see all the change in the world in her energy level and playfulness. I’m so happy for Lil’ Girl! Also her hair is starting to grow back. YEA!
Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain
Eugenia I.
The product I previously ordered and received is "Joint & Hip Pain Relief Remedy". I assume Walk-Easy replaces it. This is the 3rd or 4th go-around and seems to help my 12 year old cat who was born with Manx Syndrome that has recently started affecting her movements. She no longer can jump but she climbs everywhere easily where she wants to go. She does not seem to have any obvious pain issues but since using the Remedy once a day I upped it to twice a day of 3 pills each time for the past ...
WALK-EASY® Joint and Hip Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats - Helps Arthritis, Torn Ligament and Other Joint Conditions
Diana L.
This product makes my cats fur so soft. She is long haired and since I have been giving this to her she feels like a cotton ball. I was hoping it would help her chin acne but it hasn't. I would recommend this product.
Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy
Susan H.
My newly adopted older cat has horrible breath and I have tried a couple of different things without success. We have been using this product for a week and am already seeing an improvement. The pills are tiny but as she tends to be difficult we just pop them in her food and voila!
Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis, Gum Disease and Gingivitis Solution
Marianne S.
Just been giving the Mange pill for almost 2 weeks, so feel I need more time to see if there is any improvement in my cat's skin condition. Unfortunately, my one cat, Maxwell, passed away over the weekend, but Mixie is still getting the meds and will wait to see how she does.
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
undefined review of Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy image 1 out of 1
Carol C.
my cat lost a lot of fur due to an allergic reaction . I have started him on the allergy and skin formula and its going very well. His fur is coming back nicely and since he is a black cat it is very noticeable . Thanks , its a great product and will always buy from Best life 4 pets from now on. Sincerely, Carol and Boo
Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy
Constance V.
Hi! I originally bought the Eye Care Support because one of my cats' eyes were becoming slightly cloudy. I was concerned that she was going blind and was hopeful that your product would prevent that. The good news is her eyes are not cloudy anymore!
Feline Eye Care & Vision Support - Natural Cat Eye-Infection Relief Remedy
Cindy K.
Our cat has suffered with respiratory issues for a number of years. Our vet has given him steroids to help with his breathing problems with only minimal help. I didn’t like him being on steroids, especially when there wasn’t much relief. After trying your product I am really impressed with how much it has helped. Panther is breathing much better with no side effects. Panther is 14 years old and is our precious baby. Thank you for your product.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
Diana L.
My 12 year old cat has asthma and had been receiving injections for over a year. I bought the breath easy tables and started giving them to him twice daily. It took a while for them to start working. I gave them to him along with the injection that he received every 8 weeks. It has now been months since he has had to have an injection from the vet. I believe it is because of the Breath easy pills. I would recommend them but be patient and give them time to work.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
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