BestLife4Pets Reviews

BestLife4Pets Reviews

Rhonda V.
I volunteer at an animal rescue/shelter taking care of cats and we have had a lot of issues with respiratory which is common in this type of environment. I purchased the Breathe Easy and have been giving it to the cats in their water. I have noticed a decrease in the number of cats sneezing and coughing, and those that have been are finally starting to get over it.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
Sally A.
Have these to an outside cat who comes to my door and he had lots of bald spots and hairloss, nearly a month after giving him the supplement, he is doing much better. his hair is growing back !
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
undefined review of Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy image 1 out of 1
Angela K.
Love it! Haven’t had to use prednisone (I’m determined not to). It took a couple of weeks, but he is so less itchy and red!
Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy
undefined review of Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing image 1 out of 1
Julie W.
Our 8 year old cat boy was having rapid breathing. The vet had diagnosed him with asthma. Since he is also a diabetic and treated with insulin the vet did not want to prescribe a steroid because it would have increased his BG levels. Vet suggested we look for a homeopathic remedy. Your site looked to have good reviews so after talking at length with you we decided to try it at 3 pills twice/day. Within 4 days our cats breathing was significantly better. And no coughing either. It’s been 9 ...
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
Cristine P.
I have a kitty who tends to get stuffy on colder mornings and days. This definitely helps her stuffiness go away and lets her breath better. Love it- it works!
Cat Allergy Relief & Immune Support Remedy
Rhonda C.
I have used this before for my dog and we just bought more off of Amazon and it is cheaper to order from the company. But we don’t live in the states my aunt will bring them back for us. They for sure help my dog with her arthritis. I buy pill pockets and put them in there for her. Love the product.
WALK-EASY® Joint and Hip Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats - Helps Arthritis, Torn Ligament and Other Joint Conditions
Barbara M.
no pics, But, Healing years of dermatis blisters, My Leo, feral, lives under my house, The tiny pills, crushed mix w/ Pate he eats it twice a day, you are a Godsend to me. and appreciated when i see my Big Orange boy sleeping in sun on my deck
Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy
Sharleen P.
This seems to really help my cats with upper respiratory problems caused by allergies and the Herpes Virus that seems all my cats have. The stray I took in last year had issues really bad which I think from the herpes virus and this helps keep it at bay. I also give lysine for pets in the cat’s wet food too along with other products from here and others. I also put in their drinking water and let soften then crush with a spoon. They don’t taste anything.
Cat Allergy Relief & Immune Support Remedy
Linda L.
My little pitbull has had kidney problems for years. She has been to the vets and on numerous medication’s for years. The medication she is on from your company has helped her tremendously, I cannot believe I’m has helped her! Thank you.
Dog UTI & Kidney Support Remedy
Gloria M.
My fur baby is doing so well that I'm just keeping her save and healthy. She was so miserable before I found your all natural remedies! Now she's back to being herself again. Thank you for helping me keep her healthy without those ugly drugs that seem to do nothing and maker her miserable. She even gives us love where before she was mean. So Thanks again.
Cat UTI & Kidney Support Remedy
undefined review of Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing image 1 out of 1
Christine S.
My cats won't take it by mouth. I have to dissolve it in water or crush it to mix it in their food. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working as well as I thought it would.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
Page R.
I noticed that Hansel --- my 19-year-old Tabby ---- was moving much more easily about a week after starting the pills. And he seems more communicative now that he is getting around more easily. Thank you, Thank you.
WALK-EASY® Joint and Hip Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats - Helps Arthritis, Torn Ligament and Other Joint Conditions
Carolyn C.
I have been using these pills for my cat 2X a day for a couple of years now. I put them in her wet food. I use them in conjunction with an herbal liquid that gets applied to her gums. This routine has enabled us to avoid having all her teeth pulled out due to stomatitis. As long as I'm faithful and on time daily with these medicines, she eats both her wet food AND HER VET-PRESCRIBED DRY FOOD, pees, poos, plays, spends time on "her" screened in porch and is as happy and active as one would hope ...
Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy
Betty L.
I give it to all five of my cats. Dental work is very expensive at the vet's office. If I can keep from having that expense, that would be great. So far my cats have had good reports when I have taken them in.
Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy - Natural Solution for Better Feline Oral Health
Sonja P.
Love this product. They are small tablets and easy enough to crush in a little bit of water. I put it in my cats wet food and she can't taste them. Lots of tablets in a small bottle. Plenty for the money. My cats skin is starting to feel better. Scabs are almost gone.
Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy
Krystyna R.
My cat eat less, is more demanding. I am mixing wet/canned/ saucy food with some cats dried goat milk to push your smashed diet pills. Sorry he does not like their smell. He was always curious about my herbal teas, was wiping face. Since on diet dropping on a floor Ginko and Bacopa, Indian Ashwagandha in pills. In a night went farther, find somewhere Valeriana roots tea bags damaged 3-4 and ate something couple other was wet, Cat is alive and very sleepy. It is not complain just for your info ab...
Natural Weight Loss & Thyroid Support Supplement for Dogs & Cats
Sherry P.
I have proof that this works along works. My dog had a dental procedure and blood work, stool check for parasites etc. His lab work came back no parasites ! I follow the protocol of every other month for seven consecutive days. I do give my dog ivermectin each month but this additional supplement I give is for the parasites that ivermectin doesn't cover. The standard pharmaceutical medication that I used to use gave my dog an upset stomach that made him very restless. My dog is 12 yrs old ...
Dog Broad Spectrum De-Wormer Remedy
Yolanda H.
I have been giving my 16 yr old cat the tablet twice a day. Her breath is not as bad as before. She is eating a bit more. I hope the gingiva is improving. Thanks.
Cat Dental Care & Bad Breath Remedy
Daniela P.
My elderly cat has been scratching, and damaging her skin. The vet has seen her and we do not know the cause. The supplement has helped the condition of her fur and calmed down the inflammation. It is a great benefit to her without resorting to medications.
Cat Allergy Relief & Immune Support
Sharleen P.
I don’t feel this helps my cats as much as I would like, but every cat is different. I am going to increase the dosage to see if that helps some with my two girls who have more anxiety issues daily.
Pet Relax Anxiety and Stress Relief for Cats
Roslynn O.
I was so happy to find a product that works so fast. I have a gathering of feral and abandoned cats I care for and some of them are not approachable and this product is heaven sent for them because they suffer terribly with eye diseases, wounds and conjunctivitis and I can easily slip this product into their food. One in particular was almost blind and eyes almost completely shut and I fed him today and 3 days prior with crushed tablets in his food and his eyes are now open with just a small am...
Feline Eye Care & Vision Support - Natural Cat Eye-Infection Relief Remedy
Brenda P.
Our little dog "Shortie" has dry eyes and allergies and everything the vet gives me to treat her issue is Genteal, a liquid steroid and a eye salve to treat her eyes with 3-4 times a day. It helps for a little while but it doesn't fix the problem, so I decided to go the more natural route and see if I could help her with her eye problem and her breath has gotten terrible, and we know that everything has to be filtered out of the body, and the liver plays an important role in that so that is w...
Natural Dog Eye Infection Treatment - Helps Conjunctivitis, Watery Eyes, Red Eye, and General Eye Care
Kim W.
I cannot believe how quickly this worked. I have a feral kitten I brought in that had upper respiratory problems, including gunky eyes. Within 2 days her eyes were clear.
Cat Cold, Sneezing & Respiratory Support Remedy
John G.
my 12 year old standard poodle was having a problem with going up and three steps to go to the bathroom, since giving him these pills i see a great difference in his mobility.
WALK-EASY® Joint and Hip Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats - Helps Arthritis, Torn Ligament and Other Joint Conditions
Sherril H.
this has worked well for my cat and i have been grinding them up in his food. i am glad i found this product . is alternative to dental surgery. came quickly. thank you
Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis, Gum Disease and Gingivitis Solution
Brenda M.
My 5 year cat was sneezing constantly. I gave her 2-3 tablets per day. She stopped sneezing after 2 weeks. She is doing fine. I also have a small feral cat that i shelter and feed outside. I give him tablets in his food. He is looking and sounding much better. Your product is great! Thank you very much.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
undefined review of Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis, Gum Disease and Gingivitis Solution image 1 out of 1
Diana K.
I purchased Oral Health for cats with a little skepticism but very hopeful thinking there was nothing to lose. We've been told by the vet that feline stomatitis has no cure and the only option is to take her for steroids every 2 months or so and in extreme cases remove all her teeth. Cookie has now been taking the supplement for 6 months and we have not had to visit the vet for 4 months. It has worked slowly but it does appear to be working. I will continue to give Oral Health to Cookie. I am ve...
Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis, Gum Disease and Gingivitis Solution
Theresa L.
Previous to starting my dog on the Weight Loss & Thyroid Support supplements, my dog was lethargic and would cry everytime he wanted to go outside or come in. After a few weeks on this new Weight Loss & Thyroid Support supplement my dog is now behaving more like himself, running in and out of the house and jumping up and down! Mind you, he's entirely back to himself but the fact that he is getting up and able to run in and out of the house without crying brings me so much joy and a great amount ...
Natural Weight Loss & Thyroid Support Supplement for Dogs & Cats
Sherice B.
It's only been about 2 weeks or so, but I feel like my lil kitty girls tail and cheeks look fuller. I'm excited to see with continued use. I was so so worried she was looking so frail. But The Almighty GOD led me to this website. Which I think is such a Blessing. Especially not having to go thru the hassle of getting a prescription filled. Thank you sooo so much❤️🙏
Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain
Barbara G.
He hasn't been taking it to long but he's moving around better so I'm hoping the more he takes it the more it will help, but I have seen some improvement so 👍
WALK-EASY™ Extra Strength Natural Pain Relief for Dogs - Helps Dog Joint Pain, Arthritis, ACL, Limping and More
Jeanette S.
My husband & I adopted a 9-year-old poodle 2 months ago who was confirmed blind but healthy by their in-house veterinarian. After 3 days we noticed him coughing and were afraid he had Kennel cough. A chest x-ray showed him having clear lungs. The vet said that Poodles are very susceptible to secondhand smoke and asked if anyone in our house smoked? My husband admitted to smoking inside when he's been promising to only smoke outside! Caught him! After 2 weeks on "breathe Easy" Scruffy has ...
Breathe Easy for Dogs - Respiratory Support and Kennel Cough Remedy
Piper C.
We have many kittens and puppies in our rescue and we are using this incredible combination of remedies to help keep their immunity up to ward of potential young animal sicknesses. We are seeing benefits to the mom cats and keeping their immunity up from giving birth. Healthy cats , kittens,puppies and dogs are so important !!!! We are beyond thrilled at the success so far!!!! Love these products and highly recommend it for shelter, rescues and personal pets!!! Piper
Dog Allergy & Immune Support Supplement
Joyce G.
My baby Pheenie was rescued from a shelter years ago. Upon my adopting her, she was diagnosed with respiratory problems that would interfere with her everyday life. When having difficulty breathing smoothly I would take her to a vet who would put her on steroids. As we both know, vet bills can be costly. During her sleep, she would snore and it would make me feel helpless. So, I came across your site and saw that you carry natural ingredients in your products, so I purchased Breath Easy cat cold...
Cat Cold, Sneezing & Respiratory Support Remedy
Patricia J. B.
Treating 2 outside feral cats th at can't get to a vet. Both have responded well with this medication even with only using the dose once daily with feedings. Thank you
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
Marianne S.
Just been giving the Mange pill for almost 2 weeks, so feel I need more time to see if there is any improvement in my cat's skin condition. Unfortunately, my one cat, Maxwell, passed away over the weekend, but Mixie is still getting the meds and will wait to see how she does.
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
Jan C.
I’ve been using your products for many years. The Walk Easy seems to really help my 12 year old Golden Chow (with lots of “ouchy” joints) to have a lot more good days! He is still able to walk a couple of miles each day. I’ve become a believer in Homeopathy through your company. Thank you!
Dog & Cat WALK-EASY® Joint & Hip Pain Relief Remedy
S C W.
Wow! I’ve tried various options for my girls achy joints, but she developed a limp! I was afraid I would have to take her to the vet. However, I put her on these pills and within 48 hours….gone!!! She runs around like a puppy again! I can’t thank you enough!
Dog WALK-EASY™ Advanced Hip & Joint Pain Remedy
Linda W.
Our cat Scooter is slowly eating less but it’s I believe it’s starting to work. She usually sleeps all day but she does get up and walk around a little more, I give her catnip also to arouse her and she loves it!
Dog & Cat Weight Loss & Hypothyroid Support Remedy
Sharleen P.
This stronger dose really seems to help my older cats with stiffness and joint pains. They seem to be more active and able to jump up and down off things much easier. I crush in their wet food and mix before adding a little water to their pate. I also put in the water bowl one tablet a day and let soften than crush and stir.
Cat Hip and Joint Pain Relief - Effective Anti-inflammatory and Arthritis Pain Medicine
Helaine G.
Male feral cat whom I have been feeding has mouth/gum issues. They are greatly improved since giving Dental Care tablets which I crush and mix into his food. This formula does work. I have re-ordered twice.
Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy - Natural Solution for Better Feline Oral Health
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