UTRx Reviews

UTRx Reviews

undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Jacquelyn Sue M.
Until I started using the UTX products I had one UTI after another. It was getting serious because several of the UTIs were antibiotic resistant and I had to give myself infusions, which were not pleasant. Since starting the UTX products I have not had a UTI and it has been almost a year. THANK YOU!!!
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew image 1 out of 1
Ann E.
Love this product, haven't had a bladder infection since I've been using it.
Barbara B.
I had two UTI's within 2 weeks of each other and the second one was very bad. I got cleared up and I found this product and I am so glad I did. NO UTI's since.
Patricia C.
This product changed my life. I am 70ish & had begun to struggle with reoccurring UTIs. I always felt crampy & sick. I was terrified of sex, because it always aggravated my symptoms. Now I am UTI free & can resume my normal life again. Thank you so much!
Carol H.
I have used this product for many years. I was always plagued with UTIs; using this product has helped immensely. I have it on refill all the time. Carol Hagan
Katie S.
I have a neurogenic bladder due to a spinal cord injury. I’ve always suffered from frequent UTIs—one so severe it required a pic line! But after adding UTRX to my prescription Hipprex, I have not had another one since! Even when traveling! I take two every morning with the Hipprex and vitamin C gummies. I cannot recommend this product enough. Thank you!!!
Lisa Q.
My father, used to have uti every 2 months, he is in Hospice, now they said they are take him out from Hospice, because they is more than one year he doesn't have uti. I am very happy.
Lara A.
The moment I decided to be free of UTIs and tried UTRx, was one of the moments that changed my life completely, I could finally be myself again and live without thinking about my UTI all the time!
Loraine M.
I have an active lifestyle and UTIs were a constant challenge for me. I absolutely love UTRx! I had an UTI when I first bought UTRx and I saw a great improvement after just one pill, after 3 days with UTRx, my UTI was gone, so I'm a believer!!
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Nick H.
I'm a quadriplegic and bladder infections are common with this type of injury. I'm not saying it prevents my infections completely, but it's an excellent way to prevent most of them
Joann H.
I had 5 UTI's earlier this year and decided to search for a solution. I came across an ad for UTrx and thought I'd give it a try. I haven't had a single UTI since I began taking these. So it's a no-brainer, I'll continue to take UTrx because they work.
Mary Y.
I have been using UTRx for about three months and have not had a UTI since mid-summer. I am very happy with the results and will continue until at least next summer when I see the urologist who recommended UTRx for a follow-up.
Katie S.
UTRX is the best back up UTI medicine in my tool box. Because I had a spinal cord injury I have a spastic bladder. In the past I got multiple UTIs a year—one that once didn’t respond to ANY antibiotics and required a pic line. It was dreadful! But after getting on Methamine Hippurate (Hipprex) and taking that with UTRX and Vit C gummies, every morning, I have not had ANY bladder infections !! I am so grateful and happy!! Thank you so much!
Michelle K.
I have used this product for several months. I use to have back to back UTI infections. No more!!! I'm thrilled with the results I have gotten! I would recommend to get this if you have problem UTI'S.
Katie S.
I take UTRX first thing in the morning with 2 cranberry D-manoss supplements and it has kept me uti free! I won’t go anywhere without it! Can’t rave enough
Dana D.
I was going thru alot with my VA but after i start using this product i feel so much better
Joan M.
Have tried everything available on prescription without any improvement. I am very wary of the possibility of non prescription substances but in desperation decided to try UT Rx. I am so happy to report it has been the only thing that has lessened the pain of constant IC which I have suffered for many years. I am more than happy to take it every day and hope it continues to work its magic.
Carol H.
I've been using Ntrx for about 6 months. I was getting UTIs every few weeks before I saw these ads on the internet. I was amazed and thankful that this product really stopped my chronic UTIs. Thank you for this great product!! Carol Hagan
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention (Ships every 30 Days) image 1 out of 1
Darla J.
I've only been taking it a few weeks now. So far so good. It doesn't counteract with any of my prescriptions. I take 2 right after breakfast or a light snack. I plan to continue taking it unless otherwise advised my dr. Thank you!
Carlyne B.
After several UTIs, I did some research and decided to try UTRx. It has been several years now, and I have not had another UTI. UTRx works!
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Paula B.
I have had good success with this product.
Rebecca A.
I have only used Utrx for a month, but do not have any symptoms of a UTI anymore. I will continue to use it , and will return to the doctor in Sept. to check again. However, I think I will be fine because my body feels different. I am confident that all is well.
Ashlee P.
If you are like me and ended up here from searching for a new product that won't eff up your body you have come to the right place. I haven't gotten a UTI since using the product for months! PRAISE BE UTRX!
Deborah B.
Have been using this product for about five months, no UTI's ! Was having one about every six weeks ! I will continue to use it and have recommended it to friends !
Mary B.
I love the product. I've been taking it for 6 months and I have not had any uti's since I have started this product. It's wonderful and well worth the money.
Diane K.
have not had a troubling symptom since I starting taking it months ago and in fact had a panic attack when I ran out. All fixed now with my subscription.
Patricia L.
I had UTIs all the time until I found this product. It saved my life. I have not had a UTI fir three years.
Laura R.
Love it, have not had any uti in 2 months, plus I take it at night before bed and it seem to do what it says.
Joanne P.
I've been using this product for three months and I haven't had any utis.. I'm very happy with the results so far.
Barbara H.
I find Hem Healer extremely helpful!! I want to keep getting it monthly!! Please keep sending Hem Healer, I take three pills twice a day and find them very helpful with Hemmorids, thank you and expect to receive them monrhly. Should be getting them very soon. Thank you, Barbara Homler.
Carol K.
My special needs brother takes it, Dr. Sawney had preformed a superpubic catheter on him, and we still give him the Utrx pills cause we definitely don't want him going through any Uti infections, and so far it's been working great for him now!!
Patricia N.
I had been on so many antibiotics for uti’s it was ridiculous. They always came back and the doctors solution… more antibiotics. I was done with that! I’ve tried this product and I feel so much better. It’s Natural and seems my Uti’s are gone.
Anita C.
I was having UTI every two weeks for the past two years. I would take antibiotic for a week and as soon as I finished the antibiotics Uti would be back! Tried numerous antibiotics. Thought I would try this product. Have not had UTI since June. Love this product!!!
Margaret B.
I have been taking the UT Rx for 3 months now and plan to keep taking it for prevention of a uti. I am pleased with the product and take 2 every morning.
Victoria A.
I break cameras so no pic. 😊 Honestly I look forward to getting the email that says to look over my order. That means another bottle of UTRX is on the way! Sounds crazy? Well then you have not had back to back UTI’s with stronger and stonger antibiotics. It feels great to be able to pee with no pain, actually pee a nice stream. To not always have to bend foward while on the toliet to make sure that little bit of urine comes out. This product has made a real differance for me. I have had no more ...
Judith A.
UTIRX and UTIRX BOOST have been very helpful with my UTI's . I am very happy I started using UTRX about 1 year ago and have not had a UTI in months. (I used to have chronic UTI problems). So when UTRX Boost was introduced I thought I would try that one also, these products are taken together, So far the results have been wonderful, have not had a UTI at all since I started taking both products. I can't say enough about how happy I am that I took the information from the Dr.'s office and o...
Marcie S.
I don’t like to say it out loud because I’m afraid I’ll jinx myself but I have been very pleased with this product and after having years of reoccurring infections and even sepsis twice things are good now. I don’t ever want to be without it!
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew image 1 out of 1
Jerri S.
Not one bladder infection since I started this medication!!! Love it!
Sharon J.
Have had more than 6 UTI's in the past year. Being postmenopausal. I experience vaginally dryness which my Gynecologist says causes these UTI's. I use an estrogen cream but was still getting recurrent UTI's. Tried various OTC products to ease the burning and constant urge to urinate. Nothing really got rid of the UTI's until I started using your product. I've been using it for over 2 months now, and have not had one UTI.
Wayne V.
My doctor recommended this product and it has worked very well. I am 86 and was having a great deal of burning when I urinated. It only happens occasionally now and not daily as before.
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