UTRx Reviews - 969 Reviews | www.myutrx.com

UTRx Reviews

undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Janice V.
It was just one UTI after another and teaching in a school with one faculty bath didn’t help at all. Believe it or not, since using your product, I haven’t had a one. A welcome blessing
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew image 1 out of 1
Carlyne B.
I used to have UTIs far too often, but since taking UTRx I've had 1 in 5 years, and it may be because I skipped a few days accidentally. Never again, a great product.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 3+2
Georgiann B.
I have been using Ultrex for over a year now and from months UTI’s I have gone to maybe one every six months! I love the product so much I buy it for my friends to try who are having UTI’s! I gave it five stars! If there were ten stars, I would give it all ten!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 2+1
Janice V.
For years I would suffer from reoccurring UTIs, just as my mother did. My husband and I loved to travel, yet every trip included the fear the fear that I’d be miles from my doctor and come down with an infection.Then a couple of years ago I decided to give this a try. To my utter surprise it worked! I actually haven’t had an attack since.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew image 1 out of 1
Linda F.
No UTIS for well over a year. Please contact me as I have a new debit card due to charges that I did not make. PLEASE call me to update my information, I do not want to stop my daily UTRX medication! I have been trying to reach your costumer service number and it state it is not working. Thanks, Linda Floroski 860 653 4307
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Jennifer S.
I absolutely love this product - I have been taking MyUTRX for a few years now and I always make sure I do not run out . The one time I did I got a UTI and now I never run out . I take 2 pills in the morning and it is just that simple .
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Joanne P.
I've been using UTRX for about seven or eight months and I haven't had a UTI since. That is a record for me I think. Normally I have to deal with one during the holidays. This year I didn't and it felt really good. I am really happy with my results. I highly recommend this product to anyone who has to deal with utis.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack image 1 out of 1
Brenda M.
I tried everything! And I mean EV.Ry.THING. One other product sort of helped a little, so I was slow to arrive onUTRx scene. Boy, am I glad I found it! This product not only worked, but it continues to work over a year later! I am elderly, and I was plagued with chronic recurring UTIs. Haven’t had one since I started using. UTRx. At first, I had to take it three times a day, but now I take two in the morning and so far I’m good to go. Fingers crossed. Thanks.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack image 1 out of 1
Marie B.
I have been using this for a year now, I was already get urine tract infection, now I only had two in the last year. Very happy hoping for none .
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Katie S.
Here I am at our condo beach Turks and Caicos. When I travel I take UTRX with me and I’m good to go; even with wet bathing suits. I recommend combining UTRX with Hipprex and Vitamin C.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew image 1 out of 1
Lisa V.
I had 4 UTI's pretty much back to back. I was so grateful that my urologist wanted to keep my bladder healthy with supplements rather than antibiotics. I took this supplement every day, about the same time, and was able to go 9 months with no UTI. I then got one, but was going through a lot of stress and change in my daily schedule. I was advised to double up on the supplement while taking the antibiotic and my symptoms went away faster than past infections and now I am month 3 of no UTI's. I am...
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Mary H.
I love gardening but when I feel bad it is hard to do what I like to do. But with UTRX I have felt great every day. No bladder problems. Thanks
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack image 1 out of 1
Irene F.
I suffered from severe uti's that resulted in heavy antibiotics. I even had them three months in row. Then I saw an ad for UTX. I've taken it faithfully for 4 months with no infections. It really works!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Joanne P.
I've been using UTRX for about a year now and I haven't had a UTI since. Its great not to feel lousy during the holidays or on vacations,which is when I usually got the infections. It's just good to feel good. Thank you.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Deborah S.
UTRx is a great product! I had to go off of it for about a week because of having surgery. My urine became very cloudy. It took only three days of being back on it for my urine to become crystal clear once again!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Sylvia H.
I have been plagued with UTI’s all my life and have become resistant to a lot of antibiotics. I have only been using the product for about three months, but so far I am pleased. No UTI since I started taking it.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Georgiann B.
I had urinary tract infection every month or the longest every other month! I started using Ultrex about eight month ago and I have not had a UTI since! I can’t say anything better then that about your product! It is amazing to me and a life changer!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx subscription Auto renew image 1 out of 1
Denise G.
This product is very helpful to prevent bladder infections which I have a problem. Taking this product has reduced the infections. I am very grateful to have found this product.
UTRx subscription Auto renew
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Sandra W.
I am taking the Utrx along with the regiment proscribed by my urologist. Haven’t had a UTI for five months. Prior to this I was having a UTI monthly. I am very pleased with the results as of today.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack image 1 out of 1
Shawn T.
Honestly, I wasn't expecting these to help me at all. I have been on a daily antibiotic for a year, not want to be but needing to be. Every time I have tried getting off of it, I would have a bladder flare up. Dr. Andros suggested I try these instead, as they do the same thing. Begrudgingly, I tried UTRX and for a MONTH now I have been symptom free and am completely off the antibiotics! I am so thankful to have something that lets me feel normal again without having to constantly be on anti...
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew image 1 out of 1
Carlyne B.
More good times with my family since my health has improved! I had chronic UTIs until starting UTRx several years ago. What a relief, and fewer trips to the doctor!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 2+1
Katie S.
Because of UTRX I am able to travel( pictures are of me with my family in Prague). I use a travel power chair and I used to get a UTI every time I traveled. Now with UTRX and prescription Hipprex, I can travel without worry.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew image 1 out of 1
Joyce D.
I had one UTI after another in a period of about 15 months. I was put on course after course of antibiotics. Since starting on UTRx, I haven't had a UTI in a little over a year. I plan on taking it always.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Kathie S.
UTRX has helped me tremendously. I had stage 4 Lymphoma and it destroyed my bladder. After surgery, I was still having infections. I have had great relief after using UTRX. Nothing else works!!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Peggy K.
I usually get three or four UTIs a year and they scare me very much because it can go into sepsis which I have had twice in the past and almost died was in the hospital a week each time I have not had a UTI since taking your product I hope it continues
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention (Ships every 30 Days) image 1 out of 1
Linda C.
Had major surgery in May of this year...Had 2 UTI'S within a month of each other...July and August...Started taking Utrx...It is working great..I would highly recommend it.. Linda C.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention (Ships every 30 Days)
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack image 1 out of 1
Brenda M.
This company lives up to its promise. I’ve tried others, but none measures up like UTRx! I thought it was going to be like other supplements and my doctors prescriptions – it would seem like it was going to work, but then, in the end, it didn’t. I was pleasantly surprised! I’ve been free of UTIs for several months now. Thanks for living up to your hype!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention (Ships every 30 Days) image 1 out of 1
Sarah G B.
This current year, I have been in and out of the hospital several time between 1-2 months with chronic UTI and on strong antibiotic. Since, beginning taking this product a month ago, I do not need to take antibiotic. The UTRX has seem to prevent additional UTI.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention (Ships every 30 Days)
undefined review of UTRx Boost - Urinary Tract Probiotic 2 Pack image 1 out of 1
Joanne M.
I cannot take antibiotics and Cipro no longer works. My last UTI was a nightmare until I found UTRX. I took double doses for approximately 5 weeks and completely cured the infection. It was like a miracle! I’m 86 years old and I have been taking it every day plus the probiotic BOOST. I am UTI free and feel fantastic. I swear by this life saver and have peace of mind.
UTRx Boost - Urinary Tract Probiotic 2 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Anna H.
I love it I use to have a U t I every month now since I been using UTRX I been free of infection you all save my life again I Love this product. Thank you so much.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Thelma J.
Love it Looking forward to the discount. Photo is a parody on Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up the UK houses of Parliament on November 5th 1605. He failed.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack image 1 out of 1
Patsy R.
I was having infections until I started using the product and I have been free for two years..Thank you Patsy Rice
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew (Ships every 30 Days) image 1 out of 1
Rae N.
I need to use longer to tell if it helps my UTI’S. Thank you, hoping that it works for me !,!,
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew (Ships every 30 Days)
Eva B.
When even on an antibiotic I would develop a UTI. So I stopped taking the antibiotic and have taken the UTRx and have not had a UTI since then. Also they are easy to swallow.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
Natalie B.
Have dealt with a urinary tract infection for over six months. I have been on seven antibiotics. My doctor is now treating me with UTRX plus a slow dose of sulfa. I really can’t tell which is doing the trick but it’s working thank you.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
Christine K.
I have been taking this for over a year now. I have not had any UTI infections at all and the urge to need to pee all the time has resolved itself.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Linda F.
No UTIs since using this treatment. I use to have UTIs 8 times each year!!!! A true dream come true!!!! Thank YOU!!! Linda 🧑‍🦳
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack image 1 out of 1
Marie B.
I am very happy with the product, I don't have to get up during the night which is wonderful. Would definitely continue using the product.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack
Jennifer S.
Ever since I have been taking the MyUTRX it has helped me tremendously. One time I ran out and I got a UTI so for me this product really helps me.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew (Ships every 30 Days) image 1 out of 1
Carlyne B.
UTRx has worked so well for me, no UTIs since taking UTRx! UTIs can really be debilitating, so glad to have found it!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew (Ships every 30 Days)
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