UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack

UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack Reviews

undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Jennifer S.
I absolutely love this product - I have been taking MyUTRX for a few years now and I always make sure I do not run out . The one time I did I got a UTI and now I never run out . I take 2 pills in the morning and it is just that simple .
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Sylvia H.
I have been plagued with UTI’s all my life and have become resistant to a lot of antibiotics. I have only been using the product for about three months, but so far I am pleased. No UTI since I started taking it.
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Kathie S.
UTRX has helped me tremendously. I had stage 4 Lymphoma and it destroyed my bladder. After surgery, I was still having infections. I have had great relief after using UTRX. Nothing else works!!
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Joanne P.
I've been using UTRX for about a year now and I haven't had a UTI since. Its great not to feel lousy during the holidays or on vacations,which is when I usually got the infections. It's just good to feel good. Thank you.
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Peggy K.
I usually get three or four UTIs a year and they scare me very much because it can go into sepsis which I have had twice in the past and almost died was in the hospital a week each time I have not had a UTI since taking your product I hope it continues
Jennifer S.
Ever since I have been taking the MyUTRX it has helped me tremendously. One time I ran out and I got a UTI so for me this product really helps me.
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Linda P.
This supplement is amazing!! I tried everything and nothing seemed to reduce the UTI’s That were afflicting me until this product! I recommend it to everyone!!
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Victoria H.
I was getting a UTI every month. I have not had one since I started using this product. I love it! I’m thankful
Janet C.
A world of difference for me. Before when I had problems I was told to take antibiotics which didn’t solve the issue at all kept coming back. Very happy to be at peace finally.
Linda H.
I love it!!!! I only have to take it once daily. I want to order the $10 off a month deal for life like I saw on my e-mail account
Pat S.
I love the product. I have been trying to order again, I saw wheee you all are out of the product. I need a bottle as soon as you get them in. Very good product!
Roslyn W.
Started taking pills one week ago. Much easier than taking 2 mannose D, 2cranberry pills, and vitamin C. Hopefully they will work for me. I’ll let you know after years of struggle and getting C Diff from Cipro.
Carol C.
I have only purchased one bottle. I will order another, but it really to soon to tell if it’s going to keep me from getting a uti!
Deanna S.
I've been using UTRx, at the recommendation of my doctor, for 3 weeks now and I have not had a UTI since! That's a record for me, especially after traveling. Thank you for this!!!!
Katie S.
I have a neurogenic bladder because of a spinal cord injury. I am very prone to UTIs and got them often. Last Spring I got an infection that would not respond to ANY of the antibiotics that had previously worked. I had to have IV treatment and then saw my urologist for a special laser treatment called “The Mona Lisa” procedure. I was also given a prescription for Methamine Hippurate to prevent future infections when taken with Vitamin C. I added your tablets (2 each AM) to that protocol and I’ve...
Katie S.
I have a neurogenic bladder and am susceptible to UTIs. Combined with my RX for methamine Hippurate, this otc works so well to prevent UTIs. I’m really happy with it!
David W.
I took the pills as directed on the label and it worked! I recovered in a few days and haven't had any symptoms for over a week now. Thanks for a product that really works!
Dion L.
I am currently very happy with product. In January I had a 5 day hospital stay with a UTI. I want to do all I can to prevent another one.
Melinda M.
I am on a prescription anti-biotic to keep bladder infections from happening to me. I take this antibiotic once per week. UTrx has helped me tremendously. I have been able to cut down on the antibiotic usage. Thank you so much!
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Annette L.
Finally found a solution after 10 years of having a chronic UTI. Thank you. UTRX! Annette- NY
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Annette S.
It helped with my Uti Best product ever
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Georgiann B.
I had monthly UTI’s! I started using Ultrex months ago and have not had a UTI since! I will continue using it and recommend to friends! Great product!
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Linda F.
It works very well…no more antibiotics!
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Carolyn H.
No UTI discomfort at all. Considering the monthly auto shop option.
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Karen H.
Peace of mind without worry of a pesky UTI
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Debbie B.
I have been using this for about 3 months ! So far so good, very happy
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Linda P.
This supplement is simply wonderful! It relieves the worry of future UTI’s!!
Judith S.
I've been taking it for 2 months and so far so good! I'm so happy and hope I continue to to keep the uti's away. Thanks for the product.
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Barbara B.
I feel great since I started taking it.
Beverly B.
I have only been using it a little over a month so hope it is doing what it is supposed to do - keeping me from getting another UTI.
Kathleen H.
Really helping to keep me healthy and out of the hospital!
Darlene J.
Bern taking for 2 weeks and so far no UTI, I get them all the time, I will order more after the 3rd week
Linda T.
I really like your products and it helps me from getting UTIs.. thank you
Pamela A.
So far so good. No UTI's for a whole month while taking this. I have hope that maybe they will stay away!!!
Lisa C.
My daughter, mom and I have not had another UTI since taking this product! Recommended by my urologist
Donna S.
Bought this product for my elderly mother who has been hospitalized for several UTIs. Her urologist recommended this product and she has been healthy and out of hospital since.
Madalyn C.
Favorite of all of the UTI supplements
Rebecca C.
I stopped taking antibiotic because of the side effects. UTRx helped with the complete healing. I've had an UTI text and everything is good!!!!
Lydia M.
been taking for a few months and had no problems with a UTI but just had a checkup at doctor's and said I had a UTI but no symtoms. I'll keep taking it
Claudine A.
My urine smells better getting up less at night thank you so much that is why I need to order more
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