Scratchy Ramp Reviews

Scratchy Ramp Reviews

Eric U.
Our little female Manx is 13 years old, and she gets gabapentin for pain, along with another arthritis med because she's just not jumping up onto anything like she used to. So we got this in the hope that she would start using it right away. But if you know anything about cats, you know how they just kind of ignore change. But we've left it at the foot of the bed, because we know that, someday, she'll figure out what it's there for and begin using it.
Madelyn F.
My cat LOVES it. I just wish there was a replacement pad. Please let me know when they are available. Someone in your company told me they are going to make them.
Charles B.
I was pleasantly surprised when I unpacked the Scratchy Ramp. The build quality was far better than I expected. I bought the ramp while my sweet kitty Wanda was having her front leg amputated due to a bad break. Since then, the Scratchy Ramp has helped my new tripod cat get around to all of her favourite spots.
Bee Bee S.
My Mary could not love that scratchy ramp more! I have bought one for every cat owner I know. Including extra fo me I believe it’s a total of seven. Fabulous quality. Best item I have ever bought my cat. Bee Bee
Patricia C.
The minute I set up the Scratchy Ramp both of my cats used it. I can see the nails that are removed and all I have to do is vacuum them away instead of worrying about my furniture! Thank you very much!
Karen S.
My little dog loves it. She runs right up it. She has an injured back so this is just the right thing for her so she won't jump on the couch.
Cynthia F.
Rosie, our 13 year old cat, has some muscle weakness in her back legs and it was very difficult for her to get on and off the bed. She just loves the new ramp.
Wendy T.
I'm always leery of buying anything off a FaceBook ad, I've been burned before. This arrived promptly and is beautifully constructed. I got it for elderly cat to help him get up on the bed. He took to it right away, it saves his arthritic joints from having to jump. He also loves it as a scratcher. The other 2 cats also like it. A lot less scratching on other furniture now.
Willie D.
04-06-20 I received the Scratchy Ramp for my cats... They love it and play on it..It's good for their nails.. I would recommend this Scratchy Ramp to other people.. Willie Mae deGraffenried [email protected]
Ginny S.
I have a window bench in front of the front window. My 13 year old silky can't jump up to watch out the window. She learned to use the ramp the first day and the cat sharpens his claws on it all the time.
Jan A.
I wish I'd had this 3½ years ago, when I adopted my 6½ year old rescue. She had destroyed some furniture that mattered. But at least I have the scratchy ramp now, and she loves to exercise on it.
Laurel M.
I purchased the large ramp for my 10 year old cat to help her get on and off my bed. Which sets high. She was having shoulder/hip problems. Started it out on the floor til she got use to it. Then put it at the sofa for a week or two. My cat is very skeptical. Moved it to the bed and she loves it. She is moving better not having to jump up and down. This second one I recently bought is at the sofa. Now I don’t have to worry about her getting hurt.
Tricia D.
I love this ramp! I haven’t brought my kitten home yet, but I have no doubt that he’ll love it. (My last cat would have adored it. 🐾.) It is very sturdy and well-made. It was definitely worth it. I’ll be checking back to find out if replacement carpet pads will be available for purchase. It seems like it can take quite a bit of abuse before that though. Thank you! 🙂
Susan P.
I have never had a cat that would use a scratching post, and I’ve tried many of them. But my cat loves this ramp for scratching! She also likes playing on the ramp. Great purchase!
Kim W.
Our cat is 17 and seems to be having more problems with jumping on and off the bed. This really helps her joints jumping down and it’s easier for her to get on the bed too! And she scratches on it too. Good product!
Catherine L.
This is my third one! We have two for our cat and just bought one as a gift. Cats are drawn to it immediately and are able to work out both front and back paws. They love it! Highly Recommend!
Kathy M.
I still have not got my new kitten, but ordered the scratchy ramp because I have decided not to declaw my cat. I am a bit worried about my furniture so I am hoping the ramp helps a lot. We will see! It is very well made though.
Kellie O.
I love it but the kitties are still not using it. Ive used catnip, changed its location, changed its slope. Still holding out hope. I know it will only take once and they will love it too.
Vicki S.
I have four cats and each one absolutely love it. From day one, they’ve all scratched it. I wish there was a refill mat to put in there. Sure saves my furniture
Elizabeth F.
I was reluctant to buy this. It's a bit more than I would normally spend on my cats but then I added up what it costs me to replace the cardboard scratch pads I've been using (about 2 per month) and figured that it's more than worth it! I have 2 cats. They are huge! They are heavy! They both fit on this ramp at the same time and they love it! No more little cardboard shreds to clean up! They also enjoy running up and down the ramp and launching themselves onto the bed. The ramp is very well made...
Susan D.
My cats took an instant loving to the scratchy ramp. They use it several times a day and like the incline to climb on. I am very happy with this purchase and have recommended to several of my cat loving friends.
Tina R.
My cats just love this! The minute I unboxed it they started using it and it’s always in use since then. I’m glad I bought it. And so are they!
Rollin P.
All three of my beasties absolutely love the Scratchy Ramp! It ramps up to the window sill where they watch birds flit about. It was a great purchase. And the quality is outstanding. And the fact it can be easily tucked away... perfect!!
Sharon R.
Although my senior cat isn't that interested in this product for scratching...he loves it to get on my couch or chair. He has arthritis and the incline is perfect to get to a higher place. He seems to feel real secure and I know his joints are not hurting him;;;
Gary O.
I was pleasantly surprised at the very high quality materials, with very sturdy construction. My Serena is still getting used to it, but I'm sure she'll be "tearing it up" very soon.
undefined review of ScratchyRamp 2.0 image 1 out of 1
Christine U.
Our cat Cujo only once has used it for scratching. I have tempted him with cat nip and also served his food on the ramp. He has scratched furniture. I was hoping to stop him from doing that. We'll see.
Carol H.
I put the Scratchy Ramp as an access to the bedroom window. My Keiki gets to stretch, sharpen her claws, and to sit looking out at the birds and squirrels. Great product.
Jodie J.
We have four cats, one of them loves the scratchy ramp, the other three aren’t quite sure how to use it! We will keep encouraging them, and hope they will get the hang of it!
William S.
Cats love it but we noticed something that happens. When cat scratches on the ramp they were able to pull up the ramp off the latch and the top has collapsed a couple times. There could be some risk of injury so I used a tie wrap to keep it secure.
Laura D.
I bought this for an extra-large (20+ lb) cat I adopted recently from the SPCA. The ramp arrived quickly, required no assembly, and is sturdy enough to hold her weight . . . most importantly, while she wouldn't touch the regular scratching posts I also bought no matter how much I tried to coax her to use them, she loved the scratchy ramp right from the start. I sprinkled a little catnip on it and rewarded her with treats and praise the first times she used it, and we've never looked back. My fur...
Patricia A. W.
My kitty loves it so much that she sleeps on it. Great invention there! My cat loves it and so do I. Don't have to worry about my furniture being destroyed, just have to figure out how to teach her to share with my other cat.
Karen S.
I have purchased two of your ramps. My little dog has a hurt back leg and can no longer jump like she used to. These ramps are just perfect. We have one at our recliner in the front room and the other next to our bed (which she sleeps with us.) We are grateful we found your website. Karen Simpson
Jeanette T.
Our elderly dog uses this ramp to get up on the couch, and then another ramp to come up the stairs from outside the house. Because the ramp has two settings it is perfect for both purposes. The textured, but soft, surface makes it easy for his claws to grip. And the angle is gradual so he does not become off-balance. I was so happy with the first ramp that I recently bought a second. I recommend this ramp to anyone with an elderly or disabled pet.
Jan S.
I know winner when I see it and your Scratchy Ramp is a definite winner. We have three cats from a 11 yo 23 pounder to two 8-10 pounder youngins'. I had bought several much less expensive ramps that were a complete waste of money. The Scratchy Ramp hadn't been set up for 5 minutes when young Josie strolled over and sniffed it, followed by a long full body stretch, then up she went scratching all the way! A full four footed scratch too! It has been in use several times a day ever since . W...
Sarah S.
Totally solid build and easy to use. These ramps are perfect for our older cats, and of course ALL our cats-and our furniture-enjoy them because they also serve as a scratcher.
Patricia W.
The ramp is beautifully made and simple to set up. No assembly needed!!! My 19 year old cat uses it daily and only took one day for her to figure it out. I highly recommend this ramp!
Joann P.
I had been looking for a sturdy adjustable ramp for my 14 year old cat with arthritis and this seemed like a perfect choice. Knowing how picky cats can be and having purchased many items in the past which they completely ignored I was concerned about whether they would actually use it. I set it up next to the bed and right away all three cats gave it a try. They love it! My old cat can now comfortably get up on the bed and all three like to scratch it. I highly recommend it.
Emily G.
Harriet Tubkitten loves her scratchy ramp. More than scratching. She likes to hid her toys under it and play. She is always playing on it and scratching away. She is such a cute and odd kitty.
Nina F.
So far, my elderly cat has been afraid of it, but my 4 yr old grandsons LOVE it!!! They play mountain climbers on it. Last night my cat used it to exit the bed (hours after I placed him on the bed. Progress!
Irene V.
Originally got this for my old lady, and she loved it! Very good in assisting her up onto the bed. Since I have 8 cats they scratched the carpeting all up, but got another ramp and it’s just as awesome!
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