ImmuneMist Reviews

ImmuneMist Reviews

Mike M.Verified
This is the second time we've purchased immune mist. My wife and I both just got over covid and we used our first bottles of immune mist. We follow the flccc protocols and this falls right in line with that. We just purchased more in case we happen to get covered again.
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Diane C.Verified
I haven’t gotten sick since I started using Immunist Oral Spray 9 months ago. The minute I get a scratchy throat, I spray and gargle with Immunist spray and it goes away!
ImmuneMist® Oral Cleanse
Julia P.Verified
I purchased it as my final option. I have been having breathing issues since my last cold and have had lost nasal drip for some time that developed into having a hard time breathing even have a pulmonary appt set up. I am not one hundred percent but no more nasal drip and I am not having as difficult time breathing.
ImmuneMist® Nasal Cleanse
Victoria R.Verified
Every week I'm around a large group of people.....and they are always sick with something. I really like the nose mist for before and after . So far I made it through Christmas and NY not sick . The throat spray is a extra bonus. I love them.
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
J. S F.Verified
I started using both of these last night. I thought I had allergies but might actually be strep throat. It is helping to clear out my throat if sinus drainage. Thank you
ImmuneMist® Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
Ying W.Verified
I have ordered and reordered many times for my Chinese friends. They all like the products. Both oral and nasal sprays helped them in fighting viruses. Thanks so much for creating such great products!
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
Laura T.Verified
Caught what was making its way through our town. Sinus stuff then to a deep cough. Sprayed that and it took two days of sprays in the morning then I felt normal!
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Aileen S.Verified
All I can say is it certainly seems to do the job. On more than one occasion I've been in close contact with persons carrying a virus (who knows what) and following the protocol I luckily have avoided contamination. On other occasions I've actually felt a niggly sore throat starting and again followed protocol to find that within 24hrs the symptoms disappear. It's easy and quick to do..
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
Danean C.Verified
We are so thankful to have found this! Over the last three weeks, there have been people at my husbands work sick with the flu every single day....(why they still come to work is beyond me) he uses the mist morning and night and hasn't caught anything!!!
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
Sherry K.Verified
I use both of these daily. I tend to have a dry mouth, and the oral cleanse seems to help with that and may be preventing cavities. The nasal spray helps clear congestion.
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
Jonathan H.Verified
Whenever I feel like I'm coming down with something, I start using the ImmuneMist. So far my experience has been that whenever I start ImmuneMist at the onset of symptoms, I get better and have not experienced the symptoms taking grip and becoming a full-fledged virus / flu / whatever. I like to keep ImmuneMist handy; I feel like it helps me to stay healthy.
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
undefined review of ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse image 1 out of 1
Maria F.Verified
I use both the oral spray and the nasal mist although I prefer the nasal mist. I use each in the morning and the nasal mist every night. I noticed the nasal mist burned a bit when I first started using it but now it just clears my congestion without the burn. The oral spray attachments did not work for me so I removed them, spray 4 times in my mouth, gargle and spit out.
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
Jacqueline K.Verified
Excellent nasal spray! I’ve used it in prevention of Covid and it really worked. At the 2nd year of Covid I had stopped using the spray and did get sick. I then started to use the spray which helped greatly to reduce symptoms. My family also uses Immune mist. We highly recommend!!!
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Gail C.Verified
This was recommended by my doctor, and I have used it twice. It does burn for a few seconds after I use it, but that tells me it is working! I have a compromised immune system, so my doctor recommended that I use it after I think I may have been exposed to germs. Maybe if everyone used it, the world would be a healthier place to live in!
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Valerie R.Verified
We love the nasal mist at our house. Each person has their own, and we have found it nips viral cold symptoms in the early stages very effectively. Great product.
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Brittany C.Verified
This stuff works! Our family took a trip to Universal Studios for a few days in the fall. Anyone who’s been knows how many people your going to bump into. We also have kids and they touch everything lol. But we used this spray for a few days once we got back, and not the slightest sniffle or cough. Everyone remained healthy and it was such a relief as a mom.
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Janalynn M.Verified
I LOVE ImmuneMist! It is a game changer after having long covid and wanting to avoid sickness as best I can! I use it frequently as a teacher in a K-2 classroom as well to keep me healthy!!
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Jane J.Verified
I took advantage of the latest promotion, and now I am stocked for months. I take Immunemist nasal spray with me wherever I go. It's the best protector against illness!
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Bernadette L.Verified
What can I say? I use this when I gather with groups of people and I stay healthy. My college nursing student daughter uses it and she stays healthy all semester long (and her friends have been sick). Can't expect better than that, right?
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Eleanor D.Verified
I’m extremely happy with this product and company!! I ordered not knowing there was a special…and was given the extra product!!! Plus in the blink of an eye my order was on my front stoop!!!Thank you !!!
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Gloria H.Verified
I have immune deficiency so I don't take a lot of chances. I use this anytime I visit a hospital, crowded waiting room or if I feel an infection is just getting started. I love this product. I have two sets on hand just in case. I travel with them too.
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
Twana S.Verified
I keep three grandchildren nearly every day. When they get a respiratory illness so do I. I’m relatively new to this product but I’m becoming a believer! I’ve nursed grandchildren through three illnesses so far and not gotten sick myself!
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
Kathryn H.Verified
Immune mist is a powerful little duo. I really used the minimal spray in both nasal and throat . I really think it kept some symptoms from becoming a big deal. I will keep this in med cabinet always.
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
Janet M.Verified
I highly recommend this spray. I first purchased this when Covid19 was on the rise. My husband contracted the virus and I received my shipment of the mist 2 days later. My husband fully recovered in less than a week with the exception of a mild cough. He felt much better one day after using Immune Mist. I have used the mist on the few occasions when I have had nasal congestion. I have avoided contracting any viruses. I will always keep this on-hand and I check my expiration dates regularl...
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Rachel W.Verified
My husband and I always take ImmuneMist nasal/oral spray with us when we travel. I also keep my adult daughter supplied, who lives in Northern Ireland to help her fight off viral infections. She and her partner love the products.
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
Nealey S.Verified
I always get sick when my kids come home with something. So far this year, Immune Mist has kept me healthy and the kids have been sick multiple times. Thank you!
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
Genevieve C.Verified
A friend recommended the immuneMist Nasal cleanse kit as she was very pleased with her purchase. I bought 2 kits, one for myself and one for my husband. My husband put his kit away to use when he really needs it. I have already used it 2x. As soon as I feel like I’m getting a stuffy nose I use the product immediately. So far I feel like it works, I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I will also use it whenever I’m going to be by a large group of people.
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
Erin S.Verified
Stops a cold in its tracks! I have avoided 2 family colds in the time that I’ve had this in my arsenal. (And I ALWAYS get sick!) I will probably never go without this stuff. I heard Dr. Peter McCullugh talk about making something like this on your own. I never got around to researching how to do it, and then this product popped up on Insta several months later. Couldn’t be happier!
ImmuneMist™ Oral Cleanse
Karen T.Verified
I love the ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse. It is the second time that I ordered it but there was just one issue— the expiration date is March of 2024. The last one I ordered was during the height of Covid and it just expired 10/23. I ordered it so that I could have it on hand for the fall/ winter spring and into the next winter season if I needed it.
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Margaret O.Verified
For my volunteer work, I frequently drive neighbors to medical appointments. Many of them have coughs and sneezing. I use Immune Mist on those days, and have been fortunate to never gotten sick from this job. I also use it before the grandkids visit because they always have a little cold or virus from school. I wouldn’t go without it.
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
Julie J.Verified
I am so glad I heard about immune mist. I use it myself and have purchased bottles for others too! I am a grandmother who watches young grandchildren all week. When they get the sniffles or coughing and sneezing and runny noses, I run to my immune mist. I’m telling you that stuff works! I have managed to escape many a virus with this. Thank you for a great product. I just ordered bottles for all my adult children for their Christmas stockings! They will thank me :)
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Hanne J.Verified
I love this product! Whenever I feel like I might be coming down with a cold or some other virus, I use this product and most times I feel better the next day. Immunemist keeps me healthy.
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Leslie S.Verified
We use this a lot because we have continued to travel & fly the past 3 years. We only got sick once (a time where we stayed home for 2 months), but we haven’t been sick since starting to use immune mist along with Vitamin D, Vitamin C zinc, and horse medicine. My nephews wife swears it keeps her healthy despite her 2nd grader coming home sick with one bug after another from grade school. (It is hard to get the fussy 7 yo to use it.)
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Mary M.Verified
I started using Immunemist because my daughter gave me some I don't know whether that''s the reason but I never got Covid even those around me did even family members who stayed with me. I feel confident when in groups if I've used it
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Louis S.Verified
We used ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse during our trip to Europe. 10 hours each way on a plane with 200+ people, and a 13 day bus tour with 40 people. Numerous people were coughing and sneezing. We used the nasal cleanse after exposure and felt it kept us healthy. We did not get sick. Thank you
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Jeannie C.Verified
The nasal & throat sprays are great! My family & I used them during the covid virus in 2022 and then recently when just being around large crowds. They helped shorten the length of a virus/cold when sick. I also believe when used after being with a large crowd (like a shower, wedding, family gatherings etc) they work to kill any bacteria etc in the throat & nasal passages to prevent sickness. Thank you
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
Marty B.Verified
My husband and I have been using Immunemist for the last few years with great success! So, we decide to stock up on it for the upcoming cold and flu season. Unfortunately, the two bottles we recently ordered expire in just three months! Previously, when we ordered Immunemist it had a shelf life on at least one year. Needless to say, we're disappointed that the two bottles of Immunemist we ordered in late September, will expire in January 2024!
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Autumn C.Verified
I'm so impressed with the Immune Mist. I have times when I'm in a large group or after flying when I use this I feel so much more comfortable.... and I never get sick!
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
David R.Verified
I started using ImmuneMist over a year ago and I have been extremely pleased in that I have no sinus infections or the “common cold.” I’m also very susceptible to bronchitis and I have not had to deal with bronchitis since using ImmuneMist. A great product and it has become a big part of my preventative medicine regimen. DWR
ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse
Darren N.Verified
I recently travelled overseas for several weeks. I used immune mist as a precaution regarding guarding against viruses e.g., on plane, train etc. It was very effective. I remained well throughout.
ImmuneMist™ Kit - Nasal/Oral Cleanse
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