Wild Earth Reviews

Wild Earth Reviews

Natalie P.
I cannot continue buying this product. I really really loved it BUT I’m feeding 3 dogs and they all weigh around 70lbs each. As I understand why you had to do a price increase, it still out of my budget now. I was scrimping you buy your product as it was, but considered it worth the sacrifice. I just simply cannot afford the increase. I’m so sorry. Best of luck
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
Abi S.
Our little Marley (small poodle mix) absolutely loves it and it sits really well in his tummy, he has a sensitive stomach but he loves wild earth and noticing he is eating more
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
Caroline C.
The girls seem to really enjoy their new food. I bought the small bag so I could transition, and now they are fully on their new food. Glad I made the switch!
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
Steve W.
My dog is a super picky carnivore and I really hate how dog food smells when I combine it with some cooked meat for her. With this brand, the food smells good and she actually like it as well. And I'm planning to cut down on her meat and change the ratio for her health. I'm glad there are healthy vegan alternatives to dog food.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Judith J.
My 14 y/o 50# girl has Valley Fever, early kidney disease, and general decline.....i had chosen a kidney specialized food which she wouldn’t even touch. Tried wild earth then saw another vegan food so tried that but she immediately reacted to it even tho i only gave one small serving mixed with her wild earth - terrible reaction so back to wild earth we went and she has continued to do well with it. Most grateful to find this product and won’t be looking for greener grass anymore!! This is wh...
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
Michelle D.
I’m trying the sample package mixed slowly over with my Nutro and doggy meatloaf...o have two small dogs 10 and 13 lbs...I will continue to use mostly your product and can take pictures then...so far...so good!
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
Janet S.
My daughter told me about this product and how great it was. And, it doesn’t have any chicken products in it. (Both of our labs have allergies related to chicken products) So I tried it for our lab and he loved it...when rewarded with the treats, he gets very excited when I pull out the package!!! They are wonderful!!!
Dog Treats Subscription
Joyce S.
My pit bull, Harley has had issues with allergies and was getting red inflamed bumps between his toes, they were bleeding and sore. Vet didn't know what was wrong, tried several things, nothing worked. I decided to try your dog food and see if it would make a difference and it has!!! I'm not sure what was bothering him in the food I had him on, which was one of the top recommended foods, but apparently it was something! He loves your food, it's not as pretty as his Blue, but it's working! Yours ...
Superfood Dog Treats With Koji (5oz) Auto renew (Ships every 4 Weeks)
Tracey J.
This is THE FIRST food that I have not had to try to entice her to eat, by adding human food. She loves it! Now we are actually seeing a HUGE difference in her itching. Reagan Pepperoni says, "Thank you, Wild Earth!" and so do I!!!!
Complete Protein Dog Food
Yvonne T.
My little chihuahua seemed to like it because I found her picking out the new Wild Earth nuggets to eat them first when I started to transition her by mixing her old food with the new. Huge success.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Elaine M.
My dog, Apollo, totally loves this food he eats this up as if it’s going out of style! Very pleased also for his digestive system he was having issues with diarrhea and now he does not. Thank you
Complete Protein Dog Food
Karen R.
My dog.a Cavalier. was having problems with his stools, being soft and frequent. Since he has been eating Wild Life everything has changed. He is back to normal, no problems, And he seems more alive than before, bright eyes and it might be my imagination but his coat looks better. Thank you
Complete Protein Dog Food
Linda B.
I learned that they need to improve the communication and delivery. Every time I order dog food from you. No tracking number the order was mess up. That’s not good for business. I don’t know if I would order more because of my experience on the orders being mess up. It upset me.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Dawn D.
The girls loved Wild Earth. They knew it was the good stuff and begged for more. We noticed how the food smelled good, not like their other food ( that actually is rated high and costly) We will be switching
Clean Protein Dog Food - 14 Day Free Trial Auto renew (Ships every 4 Weeks)
Kristina Y.
Roxy was a little hesitant at first, but after a few days she was so happy!! Her allergies seemed to subside drastically!! Love this dog food! We are lifers!! Highly recommend!!
Complete Protein Dog Food
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb) image 1 out of 1
Gregory L.
My dog's had an easy transition to plant based food and love it more than anything I have given them before!
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb) image 1 out of 1
Autumn B.
Nora and Sailor are proud supporters of this tasty food! Thank you for making such a great flavor that is plant based!
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb) image 1 out of 1
Kelly F.
PJ & I made a taste test video. She got one bowl of each of the top 3 vegan dog foods and she chose Wild Earth! 😁🐼
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
undefined review of Superfood Dog Treats With Koji (5oz) image 1 out of 1
Donna B.
I would have liked the treats to be a bit crunchier, but my dog, Cubby, likes them anyway. And for our sometimes visitor, Floyd, who has very few teeth, they are ideal.
Superfood Dog Treats With Koji (5oz)
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb) image 1 out of 1
Julie L S.
I gave them the food as a treat to see if they would eat it first. They absolutely loved it!! I'm still mixing it with other food.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb) image 1 out of 1
Rosalind F.
Henrietta loves your food. We did a side by side taste test with her previous vegan food and your won out totally!!!
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
undefined review of Dog Food Subscription image 1 out of 1
Dolores M.
She eats all of her food all the time. Before she would leave the dry kibble in her bowl and just pick at it
Dog Food Subscription
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb) image 1 out of 1
Rexane B.
My dog loves this food She eats it she plays with it and she hides it too and her bed
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb) image 1 out of 1
Cameron S.
My dogs LOVE wild earth. They can’t wait to eat their breakfast and dinner and their noses go crazy as soon as I open the bag.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
undefined review of Dog Food Subscription image 1 out of 1
Diane S.
My fur baby loves this food... and it must not be as salty.. as she doesn’t drink a gallon of water
Dog Food Subscription
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb) image 1 out of 1
Roxanne N.
Belle Rose loves her new food so much that she eats around her old food to get to the new only!
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb) image 1 out of 1
Paul A.
Beauty LOVED her food! She was getting allergic reactions to all meats recently, scratching all over. Switched her to Wild Earth and it's all gone!
Clean Protein Dog Food - Large Bag (18lb)
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb) image 1 out of 1
Madison M.
My dog is in full blown happy food coma after eating Wild Earth! Thank you so much for caring about dogs and our Planet.
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
undefined review of Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb) image 1 out of 1
Sheila G.
Since he’s been eating Wild Earth, everyone had better get out of Pinto’s way as he races to his bowl!
Clean Protein Dog Food - Small Bag (4lb)
Christina O.
My two pups (yes, I still call them pups, even if one is going on 10 and the other is 7) live for treats. If I even just think the word "treat" they are excitedly circling my legs in anticipation. These peanut butter treats are no exception and I love giving them something I know is not only tasty, but good for them. Win-win!!
Free Superfood Dog Treats (Peanut Butter Flavor)
Lori S.
Tag, my Golden Retriever, is picky about his dry food so I have stuck to the one I know he will eat... We were lucky enough to get a bag of food from you and Tag hasn't missed a beat!! He loves it!! He also loves your treats!!
Clean Protein Dog Food
undefined review of Complete Protein Dog Food image 1 out of 1
Becky C.
I’m on my 2nd bag, both of my dogs are doing very well on this food! It’s a little pricey for the 18 lb bag, over $60, but no issues 😄
Complete Protein Dog Food
undefined review of Complete Protein Dog Food image 1 out of 1
Pat A.
We have seen a reduction in the raw hot spots on Charlie's skin replaced by a dark trail down her back which I think is just the dead skin that we will have to get off eventually. She still has some scabby spots but not the immense redness and bleeding from scratching and chewing so much. That has been all but eliminated. So we are thrilled.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Norma F.
I took my chances to try your product with my freda my mix Chihuahua and because she's a picky eater I thought that she's not going to like it but she really surprised me that it seemed like she loves it. So thank you very much. I really enjoy your product
Complete Protein Dog Food
Debra B.
Our dog, Remy, loves these peanut butter treats. He is a small dog so he takes small bites thus it breaks into smaller pieces. He makes to eat up all the crumbs!
Superfood Dog Treats With Koji (5oz) (Ships every 4 Weeks)
Karen M.
Both my dogs seem to like it. I have never seen them poop as much as they do now. They also are drinking more water, which had been a concern of mine. I just wish it was not so expensive.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Catherine S.
My 11 year old schnauzer mix was having issues with the food we were feeding her, so we tried Wild Earth. She absolutely loves it and seems to be far happier and more active. So with these results we’ll continue with this regimen.
Clean Protein Dog Food (Ships every 4 Weeks)
Yancette H.
I wasn't certain if Gracie would like the change but she truly seems to prefer this food. I have thought about try cruelty free food for her b4. As an Ethical Vegan I have felt awful about continuing to support cruelty when it came to my dog. When I saw your offer, I decided to make the leap. And. She loves it! I couldn't be happier now.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Deena K.
I always thought my Mastiff needed meat, and a lot of it. He had itchy skin, sometimes spots of hair missing, licked his paws, loose stools, and was congested. I tried grain free dry kibble, high-end freshly made dog food deliveries, and basic homemade chicken and rice, but nothing seemed to help. It wasn't until getting him on Wild Earth that all his symptoms went away within 2 weeks. Instead of feeling guilty that it took me so long to figure out his diet, I am grateful for Wild Earth.
Complete Protein Dog Food
Sheila D.
My dogs seem to enjoy this food. I shared some of it with some of my dog friends this weekend at the Fast Cat Trial. Had one lady with a rescue basset that has a lot of allergies like my beagle. We have ruled out food allergies but hoping it will help with the itching (histamine issue I believe). I have done raw for years and my girls still get raw knuckle bones once or twice a week. They are now on Wild Earth 1/3 Cup twice a day, as they are both 21 to 23# and that is what I have always fed ...
Complete Protein Dog Food
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