Fatima Zahra Helping Hand Reviews

Fatima Zahra Helping Hand Reviews

undefined review of Mobile Food Relief Program image 1 out of 1
Ahmad M.Verified
SubhanAllah, what an amazing charity program to be apart of. 1st saving food that would go to waste / garbage and then 2nd giving it those who are needy, MashAllah, SubhanAllah Jazakalakhyer Dear Sayidii for allowing us to be a part of this amazing charity and to represent Fatimah Zarah (A.S.) with every action
Mobile Food Relief Program
undefined review of Build A Water Well image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah Shukran Lillah a wonderful project from FZHH. MashAllah what a privilege it is to help others and give the gift of water. We love to dedicate the wells in the names of our loved ones as a sadaqa jariyah. Jazakallah Sayiddi for giving us so many opportunities to be of service.
Build A Water Well
undefined review of Mobile Food Relief Program image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah Shukran Lillah for FZHH. Through this wonderful charity we are able to feed others and in sha Allah gain the nazar of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Jazakallah Sayiddi for all your amazing guidance.
Mobile Food Relief Program
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Nameera A.Verified
Shokran katheeran ya Sayyidi for everything you do for us. Allah make us dust under your feet and Allah bless and dress you eternally Ameen 🌹🙏🏼🌟🌙🌴🐪
undefined review of Dawah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah Shukran Lillah for a great opportunity to give dawah by donating. In sha Allah we have a share in the goodness of the propagation and support Shaykh Nurjan in his mission.
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Dr Nabila Hassan S.Verified
Al Hamdo lilaH wa Shukran lilaH we have this opportunity to show our love and respect to beloved Syedna Mohammad salal la ho alleh wassalam by putting our tiny share in thus ocean of Mohammadan way.
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Qurban Support image 1 out of 2+1
Sarah A.Verified
SubanAllah, we have a Virus going around in our family and subanAllah - the adults got it - but the kids seem to be sheltered - they are a little sick but nothing like the adult that came home with it. It’s like the Qurban helped protect the home from the immense difficulty of the sickness - it’s miraculous. Everything that our beloved Sayeedi makes available to us is an immense blessing and protection. May Allah AZ protect and bless our beloved Sayeedi and everyone at SMC and their loved ones -...
Qurban Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Ihtishaam Y.Verified
Alhamdulilah best charity organisation ma sha Allah and alhamdulilah Allah Azza Wa Jallah has given us the opportunity to serve and to be of service to our beloved Mawlana Shaykh As-Syed Nurjan Mirahmadi QS
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah Shukran Lillah. In sha Allah the simplest and easiest way to be of a khidmat service is to click away on the FZHH charity. In sha Allah the charity provides relief and blessings for everyone. Jazakallah Shaykh Nurjan for your support guidance teaching-it is soul saving.
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 2+1
Sarah A.Verified
My father in law had a stroke about a week ago, we did a very small donation ) I wish it was more) and his recovery has been blessed - there is no other way to explain it except that there is blessings all around - he is not English speaking but he’s still finding a way to communicate with loving staffs and rehabilitating - there is power in this organization and the power source is Sayyidina Muhammad - Salla Lahu Alayi wa Salam - subanAllah May Allah AZ bless and protect our beloved Sayeedi -...
undefined review of Qurban Support image 1 out of 2+1
Sarah A.Verified
There is an immense secret in the Qurban - Sayeedi has told us many times but SubanAllah when you see it actually happen it’s just amazing. The sacrifice of that blessed animal to take our family’s burdens just shows the nobility of Allah AZ’s creation and how us humans fall so short - May Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi, everyone at SMC and guide this ummah back to truth - ameen - Islam is majestic - our Sayeedi is majestic and its hard to even comprehend or articulate- if people can affor...
Qurban Support
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Blessings to the Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets Ahul Bayts Holy Compagnons Allshaqeens Awlyallahs To my Beloved Shaykh to my Guide to my Teacher to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation to the Soul of Shaykh Abu Ahmet Sughuri(a.s) Karbala al Shuhada to remove afflictions and difficulties to be blessed and dressed from that reality inshallah
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Blessings to the Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to the Soul of Saydat Fatima Zahra(a.s) to the Soul of Prophet Isa(a.s) to the Soul of Saydatina Maryam(a.s) to the Soul of Sayed Imam Abu Bakhr Siddiq(a.s) to the Soul of Sayed Imam Ali (a.s) to the Soul of all 124000 Prophets all Ahul Bayhts Holy Compagnons Allshaqeens Awlyallahs 7007 Naqshbandy Saints 313 Messengers of ALLAH 41 Naqshbandy ati alia Saints to My Shaykh to My Guide to My Parents to my Teacher to my loved one...
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Blessings to the Soul Prophet Muhammad (saw) to Shuhada and Karbala to all Ahul Bayts Holy Compagnons Allshaqeens Awlyallahs to my Beloved Shaykh to my Guide to my Teacher to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of creation inshallah
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah a blessing to give in the month of Safar in sha Allah to remove afflictions. May Allah AJ bless all those in need and allow us to continue with the khidmat through FZHH. In sha Allah may we continually be under the blessed gaze of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Koko A.Verified
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh Shukran Ya Sayyidi for The Immense Guidance inshALLAH. Astaghfirullahul Azim Wa Atubu Ilayh for the shortcomings. May the servant be given chances to do it better inshALLAH
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 2+1
Sarah A.Verified
This is the only organization that we would ever give zakat to now, Beloved Sayeedi is the most trustworthy shaykh on this planet during this Dajjalic time - inshAllah we can share this immense blessing with everyone we know - beloved Sayeedi and SMC is moving mountains - I wished we lived closer to be in his holy presence, how could I have called myself a Muslim before Sayeedi?? May Allah AZ increase the followers to 2 billion - Ameen
undefined review of Orphan Support image 1 out of 2+1
Sarah A.Verified
This charity is miraculous, Whenever things start feeling a little dark because of all of our shortcomings, we make a small donation and it seems to just reset. Everything in this path is miraculous, I can’t believe what I didn’t think was capable and now I know that miracles happens and are common place under Beloved Sayeedi - May Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi, everyone at SMC and all of their loved ones - Ameen
Orphan Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Blessings to the Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets to Ahul Bayts Holy Compagnons Allshaqeens Awlyallahs to my Beloved Shaykh to my Guide to my Teacher to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation to Shaykh Ahmed Sughuri(a.s) to the 7 Sleepers of the Holy Cave to Sayed Imam Mahdi and all His Holy Compagnons to remove Afflictions difficulties and be blessed and dressed by this beautific Lights Tajalis realities through your Door Sayidi INSHALLAH
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Blessings to the Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets Ahul Bayts Holy Compagnons Allshaqeens Awlyallahs to my Beloved Shaykh to my Guide to my Teacher to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation to the Soul of Shaykh Ahmet Sughuri(a.s) to the Soul of the 7 Sleepers Holy Saints of the Cave to remove afflictions and be blessed and dressed by the beautific lights INSHALLAH
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 2+1
Sarah A.Verified
Our beloved Sayeedi was speaking about balancing our account with every day, to take a hisab and if we know our account is negative to make a donation, do good deeds so as not to leave the day bankrupt. May Allah AZ protect and bless our beloved Sayeedi, everyone at the center and all of their loved ones - ameen
undefined review of Orphan Support image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Blessings to the Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw)to all Prophets to Ahul Bayts to Holy Compagnons Alllshaqeens Awlyallahs to my Beloved Mawlana Shaykh Sayidi Nurjan Muhammad Mirahmadi to my Guide to my Teacher to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation inshallah
Orphan Support
undefined review of Mobile Food Relief Program image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
MashAllah wonderful to see the mobile food relief vans delivering food to those in need. Alhamdulillah FZHH makes it so easy for us to be of service. MashAllah All the projects are amazing. Thank you Shaykh Nurjan for all your great guidance-your words are beautifully inspiring.
Mobile Food Relief Program
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Koko A.Verified
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh Alhamdulillah wal Shukranillah Shukran Ya Sayyidi for The Immense Guidance. May Prophet Muhammad(SAW) Kingdom Manifest in the servant‘s reality as sole reality inshAllah May the servant‘s opinion be inexistent and Muhammadun Rasulullah(SAW) Divine Opinion and Will be omnipresent in his reality inshAllah
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah a beautiful way to be of khidmat is to donate to FZHH. In sha Allah for every circumstance we can give our Sadaqa and be under the nazar of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Jazakallah Shaykh Nurjan for all your guidance and teachings. We are lost without it.
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Walid L.Verified
Alhamdulillah for the immense opportunity to support the first light and the birth of creation our kind sayyidina Muhammad salla allahu alayhi wa Ala alihi wa Salim 🌹🌹🌹
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 3+2
Sarah A.Verified
There is no better charity on this planet 🌏- everything about SMC and beloved Sayeedi is literally paradise on earth. May Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi, everyone at SMC and all of their loved ones - Ameen
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 2+1
Sarah A.Verified
We had a health scare in the family - and I have no doubt that beloved Sayeedi and this majestic Tariqat brought help- we know nothing is done without the permission of Allah AZ but beloved Sayeedi has been our life line. I pray that we can change ourselves and be worthy students of beloved Sayeedi - ameen May Allah AZ bless and protect everyone at SMC and all those working at orphanages, doing the qurbans and distributing the sadaqah and zakat - this is literally heaven on earth
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Blessings to The Soul Of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to the Souls of all Prophets , Ahul Bayts, Holy Compagnons, Allshaqeens, Awlyallahs to my Beloved Mawlana Shaykh Sayidi Muhammad Nurjan Mirahmadi, to my Guide to my Teacher to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation INSHALLAH
undefined review of Orphan Support image 1 out of 2+1
Sarah A.Verified
Alhamdulliah for this amazing charity - Everything about our beloved Sayeedi is so blessed and full of barakat. I don’t know how I’ve been so blessed to continue to be part of this amazing association- I think I somehow slipped through the cracks - but I pray to die under our beloved Sayeedi’s guidance - ameen and all of our loved ones - ameen
Orphan Support
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Blessings to the Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets to all Ahul Bayts to all Holy Compagnons to Allshaqeens to Awlyallahs to Shuhada al Karbala al Ashura to the Soul of Imam Hussain(a.s) to my Beloved Mawlana Shaykh Sayed Muhammad Mirahmadi to my Guide to my Teacher to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation INSHALLAH
undefined review of Month of Ramadan Appeal image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah to be able to give Zakat Ul Fitr to FZHH. In sha Allah we give in the last ten days to increase rewards and to reach those who need help days before Eid. Jazakallah Sayiddi you always inspire us to do more and do better MashAllah.
Month of Ramadan Appeal
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 3+2
Sarah A.Verified
Alhamdulliah we are so grateful for this blessed organization under the nazar of our beloved Sayeedi, thank you to beloved Sayeedi and everyone at SMC for making this immense blessing available to us - there is no charity or association that is more connected to the heavens, inshallah more and more people will donate during this Ramadan - may Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi, everyone at SMC and all of their loved ones This way is such a miracle- it’s such an honor to share these teachings...
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 1
Fabio S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets to Ahul Bayts to Holy Compagnons to Allshaqeens to Awlyallahs to our Beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation to forgive and be forgiven to be Safe Ramadan Mubarak Kareem INSHALLAH
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Anja L.Verified
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem MashAllah 🌹 Shukran Ya Sayyidi 🌹 With your protection and the connection to Sayyidatina Hajjah Amina, so much will be made digestible. The lot The friendly interaction within the group makes this person very grateful. May Allah bless and dress you Sayyidi eternally 🌹🌹🌹
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Blessings to the Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets Ahul Bayts Allshaqeens Holy Compagnons Awliyallahs to my Shaykh to myGuide to my Teacher to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation INSHALLAH
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah the fastest easiest most affordable way to be of service is to give sadaqa. MashAllah it can be given 24/7 and we have felt its immense blessings and relief. it is the to go project to click. Jazakallah Sayiddi for shedding so much light into our once darkened lives and giving us the beautiful gift of FZHH. MashAllah such a beautiful charity. Donating to FZHH is a pleasure and relieves us of so many burdens and negativity. Alhamdulillah.
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah we are able to support the beautiful Mawlid. May we all be dressed by its fragrant beautific lights and blessings in sha Allah. Jazakallah Shaykh Nurjan for educating us about Mawlid Un Nabi SAW and how crucial it is for us our children and all of humanity.
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Sarah A.Verified
Alhamdulliah for this amazing charity. There are no words to describe the immense Barakah from this charity and everything that our beloved Sayeedi’s blessed hand is upon. Jazak Allah Khayran for making these blessings available during our time of need. May Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi and everyone at SMC and all their loved ones - ameen
undefined review of Orphan Support image 1 out of 2+1
Sarah A.Verified
This is the best charity on the 🌎 - it has brought so much blessing into our lives - whenever life starts getting exceedingly negative we make a small donation and it takes effect almost immediately. This is the month of testing but with beloved Sayeedi and his immense barakat it’s been bearable. May Allah Az protect our blessed Sayeedi, everyone at SMC and all of their loved ones - Ameen
Orphan Support
Fatima Zahra Helping Hand ReviewsMore details