Fatima Zahra Helping Hand Reviews

Fatima Zahra Helping Hand Reviews

undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah a great way to ward away worries and difficulties and to be thankful for all our blessings is by making a donation. Jazakallah Sayiddi for always encouraging us to be of service. MashAllah FZHH is doing an immense service with love and compassion.
undefined review of Orphan Support image 1 out of 1
Sarah A.Verified
SubanAllah - the amount of barkah from this charity is absolutely unmatched! Everything about our beloved Sayeedi and this honorable path is heavenly - May Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi, everyone at the center and all of their loved ones - ameen
Orphan Support
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Arham M.Verified
Salwats Eternal be upon the Beloved Sayyidina Muhammad salallaho alaihiwasallam Let our Mawlid be eternal Ya Allah azza wa jalla We are in the need of our shaykhs blessings and nazar Mawlid is our saving Nejat SMC MashAllah celebrates mawlid three times a week. Shokran Ya Sayyadi Shaykh Nurjan QadasAllahu sirrhu for such a Nemat.. We are "minni wa minhum" from his Holy light salallaho alaihiwasallam and want his Holy loving light salallaho alaihi wasallam to enrapture us for all of eternity.
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Month of Ramadan Appeal image 1 out of 1
Koko A.Verified
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh Ya Hamidu Wabihaq Sayyidina Muhammad(SAW) Ya Aliyu Wabihaq Imam Ali (AS) Ya Khalaq Wabihaq Sayyidatina Fatimatul Zahra (AS) Ya Rahman Wabihaq Imam Hassan (AS) Ya Raheem Wabihaq Imam Hussein (AS) ALLAH(AJ) MERCY, Prophet Muhammad (Saw) Love and Our Beloved Shaykh‘s Presence, the servant‘s repentance and asking for forgiveness and support inshAllah
Month of Ramadan Appeal
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 2+1
Sarah A.Verified
SubanAllah - several days before my mother paid her zakat, her manager mentioned that her hours were being cut because they switched around people’s shifts. My mom was concerned but said she put her trust in Allah AZ. Within 1 week of paying her zakat, her manager offered the position of a key holder and opening the restaurant. They also are offering a raise. This is literally one of miracles on this path, this blessed charity and our beloved Sayeedi. May Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi an...
undefined review of New Masjid Support image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah what an immense blessing to be able to donate to and support a real Muhammadan Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaat Masjid. In sha Allah may we all benefit from its blessings and may it be a saving grace for us and our children. Jazakallah Sayiddi for all the recent teachings about the houses of Allah and Masjids. MashAllah we have been loving the whole subject and it has been very revealing really eye opening.
New Masjid Support
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah we have been giving our annual Zakat to FZHH for the past few years. MashAllah this charity is loving sincere and dedicated and it is all the blessed nazar and guidance of Shaykh Nurjan. Jazakallah Sayiddi.
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah what a blessing to give charity and to be able to donate to FZHH. MashAllah khidmat is just a few clicks away. Jazakallah Sayiddi for making everything so simple for us.
undefined review of Month of Ramadan Appeal image 1 out of 1
Cl V.Verified
Bismillah Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Dear Shaykh, That Prophet Muhammad PBUH may forgive my hypocrisy. This servant asks for forgiveness of judging others instead of myself. For seeing faults in others, and not in myself. Astagfirullah Thank you Shaykh for the teachings and guidance. Very much appreciated. Alhamdullilah Shokran Allah Claire
Month of Ramadan Appeal
undefined review of Dawah image 1 out of 1
Jamal U.Verified
Shaykh AI is such an immense blessing as the answers generated helps in addressing the questions that a student or any curious individual might have ! (https://nurmuhammad.com) Anyone can help this magnificent & helpful project at (https://muslimcharity.com) May Allah Almighty shower the tech team with blessing eternally and the rida and satisfaction of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH always be with all that are involved in making the Shaykh AI a reality JazaakAllah Khair
undefined review of Qurban Support image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah Wa Shukran Lillah as a need or difficulty arises we are able to give the Qurban to alleviate the difficulty. The Qurban is a reassuring means to feed so many people that go without. May Allah AJ forgive us and allow us to do more give more. We always eat but others do not. Jazakallah Sayiddi for all your beautiful guidance and Jazakallah FZHH for your 365 all year around khidmat service to all those who are less fortunate.
Qurban Support
undefined review of Northern Calif Food Programs image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah We can support FZHH and provide food for those who have not. Jazakallah Sayiddi for always reminding us to feed people. May Allah nourish and feed our souls and the souls of our children in sha Allah.
Northern Calif Food Programs
undefined review of New Masjid Support image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah we are able to support a beautiful Tariqa Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaat Masjid. In sha Allah we share in the barakah and blessings of all those whom worship and praise there. In sha Allah one day we are able to attend ourselves. Jazakallah Sayiddi for giving us such an awesome opportunity to be part of this.
New Masjid Support
undefined review of Orphan Support image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah that we have the blessed opportunity to help the orphans that are so beloved to Prophet Muhammad SAW. Beautiful project MashAllah managed by a beautiful charity. Jazakallah Sayiddi and Jazakallah FZHH.
Orphan Support
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah we are able to give our annual Zakat to an Ahle Sunnah trusted charity. MashAllah FZHH is providing a wonderful khidmat. Jazakallah Shaykh Nurjan for all your beautiful guidance.
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 1
Shady R.Verified
Jazak Allahu Khairan to Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan and his team for your efforts in granting us the opportunity to serve those in need all over the world, may Allah always bless you and support you! Ramadan Mubarak to all of you and your families!
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Blessings to the Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to the Soul of Saydatina Fatima Zahra(a.s) to The Soul of SaydatIna Maryam(a.s) to My Beloved Shaykh Sayed Muhammad Nurjan Mirahmadi Inshallah
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Blessings to the Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw)to All Prophets Ahul Bayts Holy Compagnons Allshaqeens Awliallahs To My Shaykh to My Parents To My Loved Ones and begging for Shifa and Healing and Cleaning of Our Hearts INSHALLAH
undefined review of Hadiya for Shaykh Nurjan image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
MashAllah such a beautiful way to show our love and appreciation by giving a gift to Shaykh Nurjan. Jazakallah Sayiddi for your immense khidmat and your dedication. Your words are golden and your presence a blessing. MashAllah you bring so much light into our lives.
Hadiya for Shaykh Nurjan
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Koko A.Verified
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh Ya Hamidu Wabihaq Sayyidina Muhammad (SAW) Ya Aliyu Wabihaq Imam Ali (AS) Ya Khalaq Wabihaq Sayyidatina Fatimatul Zahra (AS) Ya Rahman Wabihaq Imam Hassan (AS) Ya Raheem Wabihaq Imam Hussein (AS) By The 5 Gates of The Divine Palace Ya Rabi the servant ask for repentance inshALLAH
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah we have access to a great charity FZHH to make being of service so easy. It is a blessing to donate to a loving sincere transparent Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaat organization. Jazakallah Shaykh Nurjan for everything.
undefined review of Orphan Support image 1 out of 1
Koko A.Verified
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh Shukran Ya Sayyidi for The Immense Guidance. May the servant‘s Love for Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Increase under The Divine Guidance of Our Beloved Shaykh inshALLAH
Orphan Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah Wa Shukran Lillah. May we gain the nazar of Prophet Muhammad SAW and Ahlul Bayt and have every difficulty relieved in sha Allah. MashAllah FZHH does a wonderful service for the Nation. Jazakallah Sayiddi for all the guidance towards good.
undefined review of Build A Water Well image 1 out of 1
Nameera A.Verified
Shokran Katheeran Ya Sayyidi for giving us this opportunity for giving something back to our elders who are no longer with us. 🙏🏻 Isaal-e-Savab dedicated to our aunt Lalarukh Sultan. Al-Fatiha for her generous, compassionate and loving soul, who loved others' children as her own. 🤲 Allah forgive her sins and grant her place in Jannat-ul-Firdous Ameen. 🌹🌟🤲
Build A Water Well
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 2+1
Sarah A.Verified
SubanAllah yesterday our 3 year old was carrying a glass of water to give to her father, she slipped and fell and the glass shattered everywhere and she fell right into the glass shards - subanAllah she was cut at all- just a little shaken up- the day before we gave a small sadaqah - so many things that are just miraculous happen regularly when following this way and contributing to Fatima Zahra Helping Hand - May Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi and the everyone at the center and all of the...
undefined review of Build A Water Well image 1 out of 4+3
Sarah A.Verified
These wells are an immense gift, this is literally the best gift someone can give to their loved ones. For such a reasonable price as well- it is extraordinary and an immense opportunity- may Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi and increase the charity in ways unimaginable- ameen
Build A Water Well
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah whenever we have a need- we feel the need to give. May Allah accept our khidmat service and may we be able to do more to continuously gain the nazar of Prophet Muhammad SAW in sha Allah. Jazakallah Shaykh Nurjan for all your wonderful guidance and always inspiring us to do good. FZHH is a wonderful charity MashAllah.
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Shazia M.Verified
Every opening is in the hands of the Muhammadan Knights! Your Sheikh holds your key. Do not go empty handed to the Court. Have Adab. Put your faith in action.
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Blessings to the Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to the Soul of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Muhammad al-Haqqani(a.s) to My Shaykh to My Guide and Shifa Love Light and Healing for My Beloved Girlfriend Elane Queiroz Inshallah
undefined review of Build A Water Well image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah Wa Shukran Lillah we can easily set up a water well through FZHH and dedicate it to our loved ones as a blessed Sadaqa Jariyah. It is relief to know that in sha Allah help is always at hand for our loved ones and that so many people benefit from the installation of the wells. MashAllah the water well brings smiles relief and a cooling for so many people-something that we take for granted could be life saving for others. Jazakallah Shaykh Nurjan and Jazakallah FZHH.
Build A Water Well
undefined review of Month of Ramadan Appeal image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah we eat at Iftar suhoor and in sha Allah we want the same for others. Jazakallah Sayiddi for making khidmat so easy for us. MashAllah FZHH is a dedicated sincere loving charity under the blessed guidance of Shaykh Nurjan.
Month of Ramadan Appeal
undefined review of Orphan Support image 1 out of 2+1
Sarah A.Verified
SubanAllah this small donation ended up being a gift for a family member - the way this beautiful charity is set up, we can actually use this website as a way to gift give for our loved ones - there is a dedication page and Everything - we can make the donation and write the dedication and screen shot, print it and give it in a card as a gift! It’s literally the best present to give someone - May Allah AZ bless and protect our beloved Sayeedi and everyone at SMC - ameen
Orphan Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah Wa Shukran Lillah giving Sadaqa to relieve the difficulties of others is such a blessing. FZHH is a beautiful charity and khidmat service is made so easy for us. Whatever we are able to give- a little or a lot- In sha Allah may we be given the opportunity to continue to give more do more. Jazakallah Sayiddi for everything that you do for us. We can’t thank you enough.
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 3+2
Koko A.Verified
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh Shukran Ya Sayyidi to inspire Creation Seen and Unseen to do good and for putting in place systems to make it easy and accessible and possible inshAllah
undefined review of Qurban Support image 1 out of 4+3
Sarah A.Verified
subanAllah! We had a strange virus hit our home - husband came home and couldn’t work for almost 2 weeks, our 5 year old started getting sick and we were inspired to do Qurban - SubanAllah the virus skipped our 3 year old except for a tiny cough - it’s a miraculous - May Allah AZ bless our beloved Sayeedi and everyone at SMC and may Allah AZ bless all those doing the Qurbans, distributing and making this blessings available to us - we would be nothing without our life boat 🚤
Qurban Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Justin L.Verified
Best way to cleanse our soul. With service InshAllah under our beloved Sayyedi and his beloved Muhammadun nazar and loving light. So we may gain a glance from Prophet's Salalahu Alahi Wa Salaam soul his Salalahu Alahi Wa Salaam beloved daughter Fatima Zahra Alahi Salaam InshAllah
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah Shukran Lillah we are inspired to give and to do khidmat. MashAllah blessed to support FZHH and in sha Allah gain the holy nazar of Prophet Muhammad SAW and Ahlul Bayt. Jazakallah Sayiddi for all your guidance.
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Catia M.Verified
May Allah continue to bless the projects of Saydina Fatima Zaaha 💕 our brothers and families as well as our Shaikhy and give us health and conditions to contribute inshaallah
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Qurban Support image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
MashAllah FZHH is doing a wonderful service by feeding those in need. In sha Allah we continue to support this blessed charity. Thank you Sayiddi for all your blessed guidance.
Qurban Support
undefined review of Orphan Support image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah FZHH provides a wonderful sincere service in looking after orphans and we can support FZHH in this khidmat in sha Allah. May we be under the blessed nazar of Prophet Muhammad SAW and Ahlul Bayt. Jazakallah Sayiddi.
Orphan Support
Fatima Zahra Helping Hand ReviewsMore details