Fatima Zahra Helping Hand Reviews

Fatima Zahra Helping Hand Reviews

Kareemah Wadud G.Verified
As Salaamu Alaykum Sheikh Nurjan and SMC team, Ramadan Mubarak! Shuqran for allowing us to give sadaqa to these precious little souls. may Allah shower endless blessings on us all in this world and the next. πŸ€²πŸΌπŸ•‹πŸŒΉ
Orphan Support
Javeria F.Verified
Mashaallah!! Amazing project by smc team and our beloved sayyidi this time aiming at 60,000 iftar meals to be distributed, May Allah bless you eternally sayyidi for giving us hope in these dark times , don't know how my heart and soul would ever find peace without your beloved guidance shukranillah sayyidi πŸ’š
Month of Ramadan Appeal
Shahnaz L.Verified
Bismillahier Rahmaan nier Ragheem Jazakallaah ghair for the opportunity to be connected to the Muhammadan way fellowship that encourages faith in action, with Sayyidi Nurjan Q.S (as the maestro) to guide ME through haqqaiqs and khidmat through the challenges of these LAST DAYS! I am grateful to be on this proverbial ship of safety, Alghamdolilaah!
Month of Ramadan Appeal
Salieu J.Verified
The rewards and the joy you put on those who are far more less fortunate is beyond expression that’s why only Allah Zawajall con reward the Devotees. We are lucky the Shaykh provide such a platform for us to show our gratitude πŸ™πŸΎ
Month of Ramadan Appeal
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Walid L.Verified
Many thanks to Fatima azzahra helping hand and to mawlana shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi and all the staff for this immense opportunity to put our faith in action
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Assad S.Verified
Shukran Sayyidi and to all the SMC team for making it easy for us to have a share in these blessings
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Zahrakayna N.Verified
Asalam alaikum warahmatullah wa barakatuh shukran sayyidi and team May Allah Azza wa Jal protect you and your loved ones
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Walid L.Verified
Alhamdulillah for the service ,what a great honour and blessing to raise the flag of sayyiduna Muhammad salla Allahu alayhi wa sallim 🌹
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Zahrakayna N.Verified
ASalam Alaikum, Alhumdulillah wa shukran'lillah,may Allah Azza wa Jal give us more opportunity to participate in those beautiful project
Month of Ramadan Appeal
undefined review of Build A Well image 1 out of 1
Walid L.Verified
Alhamdulillah, thank you sayyidi and SMC team.may we keep the flag of sayyiduna Muhammad PBUH and his honour high β™₯️
Build A Well
Atiq Ur R.Verified
Assalamualaikum I don't have words to share for the enormous teaching of muhammadan haqqiaq from Sheikh nurjam mirahmadi(q) and sultan ul awliya Shiek Mehmet Adil Rabbani (q). It's a beautiful sunnah... sharing water to underprivileged. Alhamdulillah for being part of this network kudos to the team behind putting the best... may you be rewarded in both the world's with afiya aameen.
Build A Water Well
Rashad A.Verified
It's such a blessing to be able to share with others who are in need. The giving of charity is a means of our advancement along our path as taught by Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan.
Mobile Food Relief Program
Rashad A.Verified
We are blessed to have the guidance of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan. He encourages us to be of service by whatever righteous means are available. We are allowed to be a part of something far greater than ourselves.
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Zahrakayna N.Verified
Asalam alaikum warahmatullah wa barakatuh shukran sayyidi and team May Allah Azza wa Jal keep u safe and healthy Amine
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Farah Liza F.Verified
Masyallah. Alhamdulillah Wal Shukrulillah. Thank you Ya Sayyidi for the opportunities and many more to come. Immense blessings.🌹🌹🌹
Orphan Support
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Farah Liza F.Verified
Alhamdulillah Wal Shukrulillah. Masyallah! Immense blessings. Thank you Ya Sayyidi for the opportunities and many more to come. 🌹🌹🌹
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Zahrakayna N.Verified
Asalam alaikum warahmatullah wa barakatuh shukran sayyidi and team May Allah Azza wa Jal protect you and your loved ones amine
Salma K.Verified
Assalamoualailoum. It's with great pleasure that I listen to Sheik Nurjan almost daily. He reminds me of my Peer Murshid, the teachings are very very similar, Prophet Mohammad SAW is the most beloved for Allah AJ. Its thanks to the Almighty that I have been blessed to be able to contribute for two water Wells. Alhamdullillah, Shukran Lillah. Hope that my small contribution is accepted as I know I am nothing , barely a small dot in this whole universe of the Almighty. May Allah AJ accept our de...
Build A Water Well
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Zahrakayna N.Verified
Asalam alaikum warahmatullah wa barakatuh shukran sayyidi and team May Allah Azza wa Jal protect you and your loved ones
Justin C.Verified
SHUKURALLAH, for this app and for you all who work so hard to keep it running , thank you for all the hard work . May Allah (AJ) dress and bless you all and may Prophet Muhammad (Saw) do the same. Shukran Smc team . I pray for your continued success in all that you do.
Mawlid Support
Nikhat S.Verified
Feeling blessed to be part of this service under the guidance of our Sayyidi Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi. May Allah bless him and SMC team each moment. May Allah allow me to do more service under the banner of this blessed organization.
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Zahrakayna N.Verified
Asalam alaikum warahmatullah wa barakatuh shukran sayyidi and team May Allah Azza wa Jal protect you and your loved ones amine
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Amir A.Verified
Alhamdulillah wa Sukranillah Thank you Mawlana(Q)🌹 for the barka and the opportunity that like me person never gonna achieve or never gonna have
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Esad R.Verified
Alhamdulilah Shukran Allah for the Guidence. Ati`oollaha wa ati`oo 'r-Rasoola wa ooli 'l-amri minkum,” Shukran Sayyidi πŸ€²πŸ»πŸ™
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Zahrakayna N.Verified
Asalam alaikum warahmatullah wa barakatuh shukran sayyidi and team May Allah Azza wa Jal keep u safe and healthy and your loved ones too AMEEN
Mariam S.Verified
May these Wells be accepted in the name of the blessed souls that we dedicate to. May the team who makes and maintains these Wells stay blessed. May our lil efforts be accepted. May the heavenly souls bless our Shaykh and his team and his students. Aameen
Build A Water Well
Mariam S.Verified
Great work is being done by our dearest Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi and his blessed team. The heavens seem to be very happy. Hoping and praying that they grant me more to support this heavenly cause. Aameen
Fatima N.Verified
Alhamdulillah for the wonderful labour of love that Fatima Tuz Zahra Helping hands does. May the Nazar of our Beloved Nabi Muhammad S.A.W be on you as well as the pleasure of Allah Azza wa Jal . It is an honour to be able to partake in the tiniest of ways Alhamdulillah wa Shukrulillah Ya Sayyidi and SMC family. πŸ’šπŸ€²
Orphan Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Amel A.Verified
Thank you ya Sayyidi for your guidenes MashaAllah Allah bless you InshaAllah and protect you from all evil Amin yaRabbi πŸ’πŸ’šπŸ’
Salieu J.Verified
Alhamdullillah Wa Sukrlillah for this opportunity that’s being Granted thru Shaykh Nurjan to show our support, dedication and Love for the Divine and Beloved Master by loving those who attained his Love and Gaze πŸ™πŸΎ Jazaakallahu Khayran Yaa Shaykh
Build A Water Well
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Walid L.Verified
Alhamdulillah we were granted the opportunity to celebrate the milad of the sultan of anbiya sayyiduna wa mawlana Muhammad salla Allahu alayhi wa alihi wa sahbihi Al Kiram β™₯️
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Zahrakayna N.Verified
ASalam alaikum warahmatullah wa barakatuh shukran sayyidi and team May Allah Azza wa Jal keep us with the love of sayyidina
Shahnaz L.Verified
Bismillah hierarchy Rahmaan nier Ragheem Shaykh Nurjan Q embodies the love and Nur of Habeebullaah SAW through his own KHIDMAT and the structures Sayyidi put in place to show that we need to love SAW more than ourselves...The LIVE Mawlid thrice a week is example of Love... that's authentic and genuine leadership that inspires any sincere seeker, Insha Allah...
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Build A Water Well image 1 out of 1
Farah Liza F.Verified
Alhamdulillah Wal Shukrulillah. Thank you Ya Sayyidi for the opportunity and many more opportunities to come, insyallah. Immense blessings.🌹🌹🌹
Build A Water Well
Shahnaz L.Verified
Bismillah hier Rahmaan nier Raheem The Qurbaan was inspired through the BARAKAH of Shaykh Nurjan's evergreen haqqaiqs of divinely knowledges....It's a source of healing, guidance and a support in my jihad against my enemies: Nafs, Shaytaan and Dunya, and my insurance for my Transition, Insha Allah...
Qurban Support
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Farah Liza F.Verified
Alhamdulillah Wal Shukurillah. Immense blessings. Thank you for the opportunity, many more blessing opportunities to come insyallah . Thank you Ya Sayyidi abd SCM team.🌹🌹🌹
Mawlid Support
Mina P.Verified
Assalam aleykum dear Sayyidi 🌹 Alhamdulillah for this trustworthy charity organization, where everything is spent for Allah AJ and Rasullulah SAW contentment. May Allah AJ and Rasullulah SAW bless and dress everyone 🀲
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Nameera A.Verified
Allah accept our humble offering for the magnificent soul of Shah Khwaja Naqshband. Allah exalt his stations higher and higher, Ameen. Al-Fatiha
Mariam S.Verified
Sadqah in general takes away so many afflictions but giving sadqa here on muslimcharity.com under the nazr of Dearest Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi is the best possible remedy to any issue. Makes one so light. Alhamdullilah to have this portal that takes away our burdens. Jazakallah kaseeran.
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Mareen K.Verified
Shokran Sayyedi and the SMC team for immense opportunity to partake in blessings. May Allah bless you and your loved ones eternally Ameen 🌹
Mawlid Support
Fatima Zahra Helping Hand ReviewsMore details