Fatima Zahra Helping Hand Reviews

Fatima Zahra Helping Hand Reviews

undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Walid L.Verified
Thank you SMC staff for all the efforts and thanks to our beloved shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi Q for this immense opportunity to help those in need and spread the love of sayyiduna Muhammad salla Allahu alayhi wa sallim 🌹
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Walid L.Verified
Alhamdulillah for immense occasion and infinite thanks to mawlana shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi Q for all the milads and his actions to support the love of sayyiduna Muhammad salla Allahu alayhi wa sallim ❀️
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Build A Water Well image 1 out of 1
Sarah A.Verified
Alhamdulliah thank you Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan for making these wells available for us- these wells are life transforming and allow the names of our beloved to be associated with the blessed name of Fatima Zahra- this is a gift can help our loved ones hereafter in ways we cannot comprehend- please pray that we are able to support more of Mawlana’s Dargh - ameen Wells are an amazing gift that give back to others
Build A Water Well
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah Wa Shukran Lillah we have the app and FZHH is just a tap away. In sha Allah we are able to attain the nazar of Prophet SAW when we donate and be of a service. Jazakallah Sayiddi for always guiding us to be good do more.
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
In sha Allah so many reasons to give and to receive countless blessings. Jazakallah for giving us this opportunity Sayiddi. MashAllah this is a blessed charity and all under the blessed guidance of Shaykh Nurjan.
undefined review of Build A Water Well image 1 out of 1
Sarah A.Verified
We are so thankful to Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan and SMC for allowing us this amazing opportunity to make a well for our loved ones - it is truly the best gift to give anyone - May Allah AZ allow many more wells, Milads and Qurbans and service all in the love of Sayyidina Muhammad- Salla Lahu Alayhi wa salam
Build A Water Well
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah Wa Shukran Lillah for the giving of Sadaqa. May we all be under the loving gaze of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Jazakallah Sayiddi and FZHH. MashAllah always grateful for this charity and all its continued good work and efforts.
undefined review of Dawah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah Wa Shukran Lillah we are able to receive a share in the reward for giving dawah. MashAllah dawah support is made so simple by FZHH. Jazakallah Sayiddi for giving us immense opportunities to share in immense blessings.
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Dr Nabila Hassan S.Verified
No words to express the work of this trust. It has the guidance by great ShauYkh. AL HAMDO LILAH WA SHUKRAN LILAH, It is the best opportunity to get out if difficulty.
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Dr Nabila Hassan S.Verified
Al Hamdo lilaH wa Shukran lilaH This is the blessed opportunity under the guidance of Sheikh Nurjan Mirhamadi, the trusted one working to gain the love of Syedna Mohammad salal la ho alleh wassalam by continuing his journey of serving the humanity.
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
MashAllah it is the month of Safar and to give a daily Sadaqa with the intention that we are protected from difficulties In sha Allah. Jazakallah Sayiddi for your guidance and beautiful gems of knowledges that always benefit us and our family. May Allah AJ Bless you Sayiddi. In sha Allah we are always in need of blessings and the removal of afflictions and protection from difficulties. Madad Sayiddi.
undefined review of Build A Well image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
What a blessed work you all do πŸ™πŸΎ Is it possible to see the Wells who has been builded whit the names on it? Amen Amen amen Thank you Thank you thank you Inshallah Blessings β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈ
Build A Well
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah we have the blessing of donating through FZHH under the spiritual guidance of Shaykh Sayyid Nurjan Mirahmadi. This is truly a most blessed charity steeped in the love and reverence of Prophet Muhammad SAW and Ahlul Bayt. You feel the relief and lightness when you make a donation. It is a privilege to have access to FZHH and to share in the reward in shaAllah. Jazakallah Sayiddi.
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
MashAllah a wonderfully blessed charity to support. In sha Allah may we continue to do so. Anytime the heart feels inspired-give-in sha Allah. We are blessed to have the opportunity to give and to be of a khidmat. Jazakallah Sayiddi for your teachings and guidance.
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah after listening to Sayiddi speak of other charities-in sha Allah we only give to FZHH Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaat because where we give our money really matters. In sha Allah we want a share in the blessings and to receive the nazar of Prophet Muhammad SAW. This is a sincere dedicated and blessed charity all under the guidance of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi. Jazakallah Sayiddi.
undefined review of New Masjid Support image 1 out of 1
Muhammad I.Verified
Supporting Awliya Allah in their mission brings immense blessings in ones live. Ya Rabbi Allah please allow us to do more and more in the mission of our Shaykh Sayyadi Nurjan.
New Masjid Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
MashAllah it is an honour to donate to FZHH. Such a sincere and loving charity. There are so many projects to donate to and all at the click of a button. Alhamdulillah Wa Shukran Lillah we get to put our faith into action. Madad Sayiddi Jazakallah for your encouragement and support.
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah make it a monthly donation on auto. We always are in need of giving. May we always be under the nazar of Prophet Muhammad SAW. MashAllah FZHH making a huge difference to those in need. Jazakallah Sayiddi for everything. MashAllah you always inspire us to do good and do more. Madad Sayiddi.
undefined review of Month of Ramadan Appeal image 1 out of 1
Shaza A.Verified
Thanks for Shaykh Nurjan for these great programs to help people in different areas . I am grateful for Allah for the opportunity to participate in these programs and help break the fast of fasting other people. May Allah accept our Sadaqa and fasting
Month of Ramadan Appeal
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah FZHH donation projects are the go to place to click away and help those who are in need. In sha Allah AJ forgive us and all our shortcomings. A dedication and a dua request is there at the touch of a button for sickness difficulty kafara. MashAllah through the dedication and efforts of FZHH-we can also do khidmat. Jazakallah Sayiddi for always guiding us towards good. May Allah AJ give you long healthy peaceful life Sayiddi. Madad Sayiddi.
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
In sha Allah trying to gain the nazar of Prophet Muhammad SAW by supporting the Mawlid. Alhamdulillah we are very blessed to be able to donate to such a beautiful celebration and such an auspicious occasion. The most important event ever. Jazakallah Sayiddi. You have opened a door to a heavenly reality for us through The Muhammadan Way SMC and FZHH. Naqshbandi Zindabad. May Allah AJ continue to shower you with immense blessings Sayiddi and protect you from all harm. Blessed to be under your uniq...
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 1
Shady R.Verified
Jazak Allahu Khairan to Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan and his team for your efforts in granting us the opportunity to sincerely be of support to those in need. Having heard bad stories about some organizations throughout the world, I have often preferred donating locally in person to those in need to ensure it was only for the sake of Allah's pleasure, however in the case of FZHH, the sole fact that someone like Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan is in charge of this charitable organization suffices to fill my heart...
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Basit S.Verified
Alhamdulilah Wa Shukranillah for granting us an immense secret in the love of Sayyiddina Muhammad (S) reflected in our Shaykh, Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi {Q} who then reflects and inspires us to join the Majlis of Zikr, of Mawlid every three days of the week. We pray that Allah (AWJ) bless him {Q} eternally with what will make him satisfied. Ameen πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ•‹
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Dr Nabila Hassan S.Verified
Al Hamdo lilaH wa Shukran lilaH. This trust is reliable one for spent of our money in the way of divine. I am sure not a single penny will be lost . The work needs great appreciation for the devotion and love. Syedee Sheikh Nurjan Mirhamadi takes care of every aspect of service on this Mohammadan love . May we always be under his shade
undefined review of Build A Water Well image 1 out of 3+2
May Allah az bless you all, forgive you all and especially people building these wells May Allah az remove your difficulties and protect you, your loved ones bi jahi Nabi (S)
Build A Water Well
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
A U.Verified
Happy and Grateful for the opportunities to Pay Sadaqah while still in Existence, Insha'Allah. May it be a trust for me and my family on Judgement Day and take away every difficulty, Insha'Allah.
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Ali A.Verified
Muslim Charity is the best charity organization whether you’re Muslim or not hunger sees no religion and it is out there everyday feeding human beings. Thank You so much for making us a part of this great blessing.
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Nameera A.Verified
Shukranillah for providing this instant service at our fingertips! The 'Dua' request element at checkout is so sweet. My mother who had not been well, was up and about the next day Alhamdolillah!
undefined review of Month of Ramadan Appeal image 1 out of 1
Refiye C.Verified
Euzu Billahi mines seytanirracim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim 9/TEVBE-60 : Innemas sadakatu lil fukarai vel mesakini vel amiline aleyha vel muellefeti kulubuhum ve fir rikabi vel garimine ve fi sebilillahi vebnissebil (vebnissebili), faridaten minallah (minallahi), vallahu alimun hakim ( hakimun). (Amin) Es selamu alykum ve rahmetullahu ve Berekatu ❀
Month of Ramadan Appeal
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Refiye C.Verified
Euzu Billahi mines seytanirracim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim 9/TEVBE-60 : Innemas sadakatu lil fukarai vel mesakini vel amiline aleyha vel muellefeti kulubuhum ve fir rikabi vel garimine ve fi sebilillahi vebnissebil (vebnissebili), faridaten minallah (minallahi), vallahu alimun hakim ( hakimun). (Amin) Es selamu alykum ve rahmetullahu ve Berekatu ❀
undefined review of Turkey 2023 Earthquake Emergency Relief image 1 out of 1
Refiye C.Verified
Euzu billahi Minesseytanirracim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim 2/Bakara : Sure 14: Ve iza Lekullezine amenu kalu amenna ve iza halev ila seya tinihim , kalu inna meakum, innema nahnu mustehziun. https://youtu.be/f91tgEvBW6U 🀍
Turkey 2023 Earthquake Emergency Relief
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Yasin A.Verified
Asalamu alaykum ya sayidi love πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• thanks for everything ya sayidi love πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• asalamu alaykum SMC family πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Yasin A.Verified
Asalamu alaykum ya sayidi love you ❀️❀️❀️❀️ thanks for everything ya sayidi love you ❀️❀️❀️❀️ asalamu alaykum SMC family πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
undefined review of Build A Water Well image 1 out of 1
Esad R.Verified
Lailahaillallah Muhammad Rasulullah. Allahumma Salli β€˜ala Muhammadin wa β€˜ala aali Muhammadin, kama sallaita β€˜ala Ibrahima wa β€˜ala aali Ibrahima innaka Hamidum-Majeed. Allahumma barik β€˜ala Muhammadin wa β€˜ala aali Muhammadin kama barakta β€˜ala Ibrahima wa β€˜ala aali Ibrahima innaka Hameedum-Majeed.
Build A Water Well
undefined review of Build A Well image 1 out of 1
Refiye C.Verified
Bismillahhir rahmanir rahim 103/ASR-1: Vel asr(asri) 103/ASR-2: Innel insane le fi husr(husrin) 103/ASR-3: Illellezine amenu ve amilus salihati ve tevasav bil hakki ve tevasav bis sabr(sabri) Es selamu Alykum ve berekatu https://youtu.be/7_Sr3VPjCLA with love
Build A Well
undefined review of Build A Well image 1 out of 1
Anil S.Verified
I came here through sheikh nurjam mirahamadi. I was searching for something like this and hopefully I will spend regularly in the future here. I'm glad that this is available, may Allah bless you and the organization.
Build A Well
Fatima Zahra Helping Hand ReviewsMore details