Fatima Zahra Helping Hand Reviews - 8,619 Reviews | muslimcharity.com

Fatima Zahra Helping Hand Reviews

undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the Heart Light and Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets to Ahul Bayts to Holy Compagnons to Allshaqeens to Awlyas to our Beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi and all Projects to Hajji Koko to Moreno to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation to Sayed Abu Bakr Siddiq(a.s ) InshAllah
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets to Ahul Bayts to Allshaqeens to Awlyas to our Beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi and all his Loved Ones and Projects to my Parents to my loved ones to all of creation inshallah
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the Heart and Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets to Ahul Bayts to Allshaqeens Awlyas to our Beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi all his Loved Ones and Projects to Hajji Koko to Moreno to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation INSHALLAH
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets to Ahul Bayts to Holy Compagnons to Allshaqeens to Awlyas to our Beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation Inshallah
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
MashAllah great way to do a daily sadaqa and dedicate it to holy souls and loved ones. Alhamdulillah lessens burdens and difficulties in sha Allah. Jazakallah Sayiddi for all your wonderful guidance.
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the Light Soul and Heart of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets to Ahul Bayts Holy Compagnons Allshaqeens Awlyas our Beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi ti Hajji Koko to Moreno to my Parents to my Loved ones to Sayed Abi Bakr Siddiq(a.s) to Saydatina Fatima Zahra(a.s) to Carmelo Barbaro(a.s) and his family to all of Creation inshallah
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets to Ahul Bayts to Holy Compagnons to Allshaqeens to Awlyas to our Beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation to Sayed Abu Bakr Siddiq(a.s) InshAllah
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Blessings to the Light Heart and Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets to Ahul Bayts ,Holy Compagnons Allshaqeens Awlyas our Beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi to Hajji Koko to Moreno to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation Inshallah
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Sarah A.Verified
Alhamdulliah- beloved Sayeedi advised us to support the Holy Mawlid especially with the difficulties opening in this world - May Allah Az protect our beloved Sayeddi, everyone at SMC and all of their loved ones Ameen May Allah AZ raise the rank of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Haqqani (q) and Mawlana shaykh Hisham Kabbani (q) Ameen
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Orphan Support image 1 out of 1
Sarah A.Verified
Alhamdulliah for this immense organization under the Nazar of our beloved Sayeedi (q) it’s absolutely life changing - may Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi, Everyone at SMC and all at the center - Ameen
Orphan Support
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem AtiALLH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the Heart and Soul and Light of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to our Beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi to all of Creat INSHALLAH
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the Heart Light and Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets to Ahul Bayts Holy Compagnons Allshaqeens Awlyas to our Beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi and all his Loved Ones and Projects to Hajji Koko to Moreno to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation to the Soul of Shaykh Hisham al Qabbani(a.s) to Saydatina Fatima Zahra (a.s) to the Soul of Carmelo Barbaro(a.s) to the Soul of Ivo Agassis(a.s) to forgive a...
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 3+2
Koko A.Verified
Jumma Mubarak AtiALLAH AtiaRasul Wal Ulul Amrin Minkum. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem May Shaykh Hisham (Q) Deliver a Message To Our KING by His Divine Reunion PLEASE GUARD US Whatever Fitna, in The Botom of Our Heart is The Love For The Ahlul Bait including Our Beloved Shaykh. We Love You Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and we Love Our Beloved Shaykh, May ALLAH(AJ) grant us infinite more Love inshALLAH SHUKRANALLAH
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
MashAllah FZHH is a beautiful charity that serves and helps those less fortunate. In sha Allah may we share in its goodness and blessings and may Allah protect us and our children family loved ones from difficulties. Jazakallah Shaykh Nurjan for all your guidance and teachings. May Allah AJ bless you abundantly and infinitely more.
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the heart and soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to our beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi to all of creation inshallah
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Anja L.Verified
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem AtiaALLAH, AtiaRasul, Wal Ulul Amrin Minkum. MashALLAH🌹 to be in the presence of Sayyidatina Hajjah Amina. May ALLAH aj make the path with her absolute. what an incredible gift. InshALLAH. May her soul and the souls of her loved ones be blessed eternally🌹🌹🌹Ameen🌹 Shukran Ya Sayyidi for everything🌹🌹🌹
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the Light Heart and Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets to Ahul Bayts to Holy Compagnons to Alwyas To Allshaqeens to our Beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi to Hajji Koko to Moreno to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation to Sayed Abu Bake Siddiq al Muttlaq(a.s) to forgive and be forgiven INSHALLAH
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the Light Soul and Heart of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets Ahul Bayts Holy Compagnons Allshaqeens Awlyas to our Beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi and all his Loved Ones and Projects to hajji Koko and his Loved Ones to Moreno to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of CreatIon to the Soul of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Al Qabbani(Q) (a.s) to the Soul of Carmelo Barbaro(a.s) to forgive and be forgiven INSHALLAH
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the Light Heart and Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw)to all Prophets to Ahul Bayts Allshaqeens Awlyas to our Beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi all his Loved Ones and Projects to Hajji Koko to Moreno to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation inshallah
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the Light Heart and Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw)to our Beloved Shaykh all his Loved Ones and all Projects Inshallah
undefined review of Build A Water Well image 1 out of 1
Risalat B.Verified
Alhamdulillah supporting FZHH is a blessed opportunity to give the gift of water to those who need it. In sha Allah may we gain the blessed nazar of Prophet Muhammad SAW and may our difficulties be eased.
Build A Water Well
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the Light heart and Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to all Prophets Ahul Bayts Holy Compagnons Allshaqeens Awlyas to our Beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi and all his Loved Ones and Projects to the Departed Soul of Shaykh Hisham al Qabbani(a.s) to the Soulnof Saydatina Fatima Zahra(a.s) to the departed Soul of Carmelo Barbaro(a.s) to my Parents to my Loved Ones to all of Creation Al Fatiha Inshallah
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 1
Koko A.Verified
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh AtiALLAH AtiaRasul Wal Ulul Amrin Minkum ana abdukal‘ajeezu, dayeefu, miskinu, zhalim wa jahl and but for The Grace of ALLAH we‘re still in existence ALLAHUMA SALI ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMAD WALA ALI SAYYIDINA MUHAMMAD May the servants actions be based on The Love Our Beloved Shaykh has for us inshALLAH ALLAHUMA SALI ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMAD WALA ALI SAYYIDINA MUHAMMAD Shukran Ya Sayyidi
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 3+2
Sarah A.Verified
Alhamdulliah beloved Sayeedi advised us to support the Holy Mawlid, not waiting until we are closer because none of us know if we will be alive by next Mawlid. There is such a blessing in this heavenly association and majestic charity 💜 May Allah AZ bless and protect our beloved Sayeedi, everyone at SMC and all of their loved ones- Ameen May Allah AZ allow us to attend the Mawlid and support the most important event in our lives Ameen
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Build A Water Well image 1 out of 4+3
Sarah A.Verified
SubanAllah we have a beloved person that had many family issues, unhappy in their marriage and in all of their relationships. Something inspired us to sponsor a well in the family’s name. SubanAllah since the well has been established- the family is functioning in a completely different light. She knew about the well and several months later she mentioned that things had changed in their family and attributed it the well. It’s absolutely astonishing to see the difference from before and after ...
Build A Water Well
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 2+1
Sarah A.Verified
This beloved charity and organization is a an absolute life line, it is majestic. Something it happening with SMc and issues in our lives are are resolving that we never could have imagined- May Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi, everyone at SMC and all of their loved ones Ameen may Allah AZ raise the rank of Mawlana shaykh Nurjan, Mawlana shaykh Nazim Haqqani and raise the rank and expand the grave of Mawlana shaykh Hisham Kabbani - q - ameen
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Sarah A.Verified
May Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi, this charity is absolutely majestic!! It’s like you can feel the barakah as soon as you hit submit! May Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi, everyone at SMC and all of their loved ones Ameen
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Mawlid Support image 1 out of 1
Ahmad B.Verified
No better charity, investment, money spent has ever been used for anything greater, more beneficial and rewarding than supporting Grand Mawlid ! ! ! We tremendously thank our Shaykh NurJan Mirahmadi for giving us the guidance and opportunity to support the best blessing in our lives SubhanAllah, Wa ShukranAllah, Jazakalakhyer Dear Sayidi ♥️ ❤️ ♥️🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏
Mawlid Support
undefined review of Orphan Support image 1 out of 2+1
Sarah A.Verified
This organization is absolutely majestic, I cannot say it enough and I’ve never, in my life experienced the blessings that have come into our lives since beloved Sayeedi and SMC. When we support this majestic charity it’s propagating Islam with spirituality intact - everything Sayeedi teaches is with the love of Sayyidina Muhammad- Salla lahu Alayi wa Salam and the Holy Ahl Bayt and Holy Sahaba - what is Islam without those key ingredients? May Allah AZ grow this charity and allow us to do good...
Orphan Support
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the Soul and Heart of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to Our Beloved Shaykh his Loved Ones and all his Projects INSHALLAH
undefined review of Build A Water Well image 1 out of 1
David D.Verified
I’m grateful for the inspiration to help support in the water well projects and the teachings of what they represent. “The greatest gift one can give to another is water”. Shukran for the immense support Shaykh Nurjan. May Allah bless you eternally.
Build A Water Well
undefined review of Orphan Support image 1 out of 3+2
Sarah A.Verified
Alhamdulliah for this heavenly association and their majestic charity - this charity is an opportunity for us to contribute to - the donations literally make significant changes in our lives in ways unimaginable- InshAllah we can give more and support our beloved Sayeedi and his heaven sent mission Thank you SMC for everything that you all do - may Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi, everyone at SMC and all of their loved ones - Ameen
Orphan Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Sarah A.Verified
SubanAllah my almost 6 year old woke up throwing up, had a fever, has been pretty miserable - we gave the sadaqah earlier this afternoon - few hours later SubanAllah right now she’s smiling and laughing and just ate - this is a path full of miracles - our beloved Sayeedi is a miracle - may Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi, Everyone at SMC and all of their loved ones - ameen
undefined review of Food Bank image 1 out of 1
Cl V.Verified
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh AtiALLAH AtiaRasul wal Ulul Amrin Minkum ana abdukal‘ajeezu, dayeefu, miskinu, zhalim, wa jahl and but for The Grace of ALLAH we‘re still in existence Asking for Repentance by The Divine Palace Ya Hamidu Wabihaq Sayyidina Muhammad (SAW) Ya Aliyu Wabihaq Imam Ali (AS) Ya Khalaq Wabihaq Sayyidatina Fatimatul Zahra (AS) Ya Rahman Wabihaq Imam Hassan (AS) Ya Raheem Wabihaq Imam Hussain (AS) By The 5 Gates of The Divine Palace the servant’...
Food Bank
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
Cl V.Verified
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh AtiALLAH AtiaRasul wal Ulul Amrin Minkum ana abdukal‘ajeezu, dayeefu, miskinu, zhalim, wa jahl and but for The Grace of ALLAH we‘re still in existence Asking for Repentance by The Divine Palace Ya Hamidu Wabihaq Sayyidina Muhammad (SAW) Ya Aliyu Wabihaq Imam Ali (AS) Ya Khalaq Wabihaq Sayyidatina Fatimatul Zahra (AS) Ya Rahman Wabihaq Imam Hassan (AS) Ya Raheem Wabihaq Imam Hussain (AS) By The 5 Gates of The Divine Palace the servant’...
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amri Minkum Blessings to the Heart and Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to Our Beloved Shaykh and all his Projects INSHALLAH
undefined review of Orphan Support image 1 out of 1
Cl V.Verified
Bismillah Rahmanir Raheem Ati Allah Ati Rasul Ulul Amrin Minkum May Prophet Muhammad SAW put his Nazar on all these beloved children, inshALLAH. Bless their Souls. And this servant be forgiven for all the mistakes. inshAllah
Orphan Support
undefined review of Sadaqah image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the heart and soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to our Beloved Shaykh and all his Projects inshallah
undefined review of Zakat image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal Ulum Amre Minkum Blessings to the Heart and Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw ) to our Beloved Shaykh and all his Projects INSHALLAH
undefined review of Orphan Support image 1 out of 1
F S.Verified
Bismillah Rahman Rahem Ati ALLAH Ati Rasul Wal ulum Amre minkum Blessings to the Heart and Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to our Beloved Shaykh and all his Projects inshallah
Orphan Support
Fatima Zahra Helping Hand ReviewsMore details