SMC Merchandise Reviews

SMC Merchandise Reviews

undefined review of Healing Taweez Copper Bottles image 1 out of 1
When I purchased these I couldn't wait for my order to arrive as I was super excited to see them! 🌟 Thank you soooo much Dearest Sayyedi and SMC for these beautiful Healing Taweez Copper Bottles, I purchased 3 of these, two as a gift and 1 for myself and absolutely love them! 🤎 Great for healing and protection wherever you Go Alhamdulillah 🙏🏻 WOW!…The bottle is stunningly designed and looks aesthetically luxe too, which is great bonus when taking out, Mash'Allah I really can't wait to use it ...
Healing Taweez Copper Bottles
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
I love Sayyidi teaching. He is the best teacher in the all world. We are very blessed to have Sayyidi. May Allah bless us and dress us with his lights. Ameen
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Beautiful tasbeeh! Beads and string are of a very high standard. The beads glide along the string smoothly too! Very happy with this. 200 beads also helps with the daily practices!
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
In these days of immense difficulties, Shaykh Nurjan Nurjan (Q) is saving humanity from dajjal, and bringing them towards Love of Sayyedena Muhammad SAW. His lectures goes deep into our heart and soul. His work his highly admirable. One must continue to support him so that he can save more and more people. May Allah give him good health and long life and always keep us under his spiritual emanations.
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Shazia Humayun
Alhamdulillah wa Shukrulillah Ilahi for our Sheikh. Never before did we reach a door that is always open, a sadqa that is always accepted and a himma to face every difficulty.
undefined review of NAQSHBANDI 200 BEAD WOODEN TASBIH image 1 out of 1
Masha'Allah! This is the perfect tasbih/rosary for the Naqshbandi Haqqani Nur Muhammadi way! InshAllah get yours today they are also very affordable and beautiful smelling wood carries immense blessings.
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
I love watching Sayyidi videos. We are very blessed to have Sayyidi among us. All team are doing great job. May Allah bless us and dress us with the light of Sayyidi. Ameen
undefined review of Digital Taweez - Downloadable image 1 out of 1
I love this digital Taweez, I received it literally the moment I purchased my order, I have it stored on my phone/laptop and I have it as my screen saver. It is a stunning visual to behold. Thank you SMC for a gift that keeps giving.✨ 💫🌟🎁 🌟💫✨
Digital Taweez - Downloadable
undefined review of Incense Bakhoor Oud Sharqia image 1 out of 1
Nadia Andreea
MashAllah, alhamduliAllah such a beautiful bakhor! I specifically ordered this for Ramadan and I can’t be greatful enough! The quality is great, the incense lasts for a long time and even a tiny bit goes a long way! MashAllah it’s full of barakah. The perfume of this bakhor is citrus sweet truly amazing mashAllah 🌹
Incense Bakhoor Oud Sharqia
undefined review of Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim image 1 out of 1
So grateful to have received these Taweez. They are beautifully made and entirely comfortable to wear. It is a privilege and an honour to be able to purchase such a blessed product. Thank you again SMC for your endless assistance in making so many wonderful products available to us 🌺
Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim
undefined review of Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim image 1 out of 1
Alhmdlh, these taweez can be worn by the whole family, especially young children. My girls say they're comfortable to wear and have no problems taking them off for certain times e.g games at school. So my mind is at rest knowing they're extra protected. Thankyou to the staff at SMC, everything from the moment I place my order has been like clockwork!
Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim
undefined review of Incense Bakhoor Khalifa image 1 out of 1
Nadia Andreea
MashAllah AlhamduliAllah. I love this bakhor! Such beautiful packaging great for an eid or Ramadan gift. The lovely fresh-sweet perfume of this particular bakhor is rejuvenating and awakens the senses, mashAllah. Thank you SMC for these high quality bakhors may Allah Almighty bless you for bringing beauty to our lives. 🌹
Incense Bakhoor Khalifa
undefined review of Incense Bakhoor Aehsas Al Hub image 1 out of 1
Nadia Andreea
AlhamduliAllah so greatful to receive this beautiful product, it’s of such beautiful smell I can’t even describe it! It’s sweet perfume is just beautiful and makes the hearts full of joy 🌹 Out of all the other bakhors ordered this one is my most beloved. It has a lasting fragrance which will beautify and elevate the atmosphere of your home turning it into a wonderful spring like experience. Thank you dear SMC team🌹
Incense Bakhoor Aehsas Al Hub
undefined review of Mens Turkish Rings Sunnah 925 Sterling Silver Burgundy Agate Stone image 1 out of 1
AlhanduliAllah this is my second ring purchased from the amazing collection that Sufimerch has t o offer. Even though this is a gentlemans ring (and I'm a petite lady) I was astonished by the beautiful details and I got it in the smallest size. Its even more gorgeous in person! Thank SMC family Fatima LA
Mens Turkish Rings Sunnah 925 Sterling Silver Burgundy Agate Stone
undefined review of Laminated Taweezes Pocket Wallet Small image 1 out of 1
I Love this laminated pocket size Taweez, it fits perfectly into my wallet, purse and bag tags. It’s a convenient size to keep on your person too. Very grateful to SMC, Thank You for an excellent product.🙏
Laminated Taweezes Pocket Wallet Small
undefined review of Incense Frankincense Resin Organic Somalia Incense image 1 out of 1
Nadia Andreea
MashAllah, alhamduliAllah I really love this frankincense, it’s beautifully and neatly packed. once burned it releases a calming, aromatic, natural resin-like perfume, mashAllah. Totally recommend it for beautifying and creating a soothing environment. Thank you for this beautiful product.
Incense Frankincense Resin Organic Somalia Incense
undefined review of Silver Or Gold Handmade Taweez Ottoman Style Limited Quantity image 1 out of 1
Alhamdulillah I am really happy I was able to get this beautiful taweez. It has such great design and a wonderful feel to it. Thank you for providing such nice work for us.
Silver Or Gold Handmade Taweez Ottoman Style Limited Quantity
undefined review of Taweez Islamic Ruqya Stickers Small image 1 out of 1
These taweez are a perfect size for any window and/or door, especially white pvc or white wooden doors. The sticker itself is not plainly visible and quite discreet. I'm really happy with my purchase and I've stamped my whole house with delight...big thankyou!
Taweez Islamic Ruqya Stickers Small
undefined review of Zulfiqar of Imam Ali Stainless Steel Pendant  Necklace Islam Muslim Jewelry image 1 out of 1
I absolutely love this. The finish and details on this Beautiful Zulfiqar of Imam Ali (as) is incredible MashAllah. Anyone who has managed to catch a glimpse has given the nicest compliments. JazakAllah Beloved SMC team. Would most definitely recommend.
Zulfiqar of Imam Ali Stainless Steel Pendant Necklace Islam Muslim Jewelry
undefined review of Taweez Islamic Ruqya Stickers Small image 1 out of 1
Subhanallah we are very pleased by our new taweez 👌 very nice quality stickers 👍🏻 Alhumduillah 🌹Jazakhallah khair Sayyidi for a wonderful blessed item. It’s highly recommended to all and you can put it anywhere from bed post to windows☺️
Taweez Islamic Ruqya Stickers Small
undefined review of SMC Toddler Short Sleeve Tee image 1 out of 1
Assalam alykum wa rahmatllahi wa barakatuh, 🌹 thank you for this amazing Jersey Tee, it was an adorable Eid gift for our nephew, alhamduliAllah wa shukran’lillah, the fabric is so soft and beautifully dyed with a vibrant blue color, mashAllah, thank you Sayyidi (Q) for providing us with the Divine protection and heavenly logo. Allah bless you Eternally.
SMC Toddler Short Sleeve Tee
undefined review of SMC Denim bucket Hat image 1 out of 1
Assalam alykum wa rahmatllahi wa barakatuh 🌹 Thank you for the most beautiful Denim bucket Hat, it was a wonderful Eid gift for our nephew, alhamduliAllah wa shukran’lillah. The hat is sewn beautifully mashAllah, and is adorned by the loveliest logo, thank you Sayyidi (Q) for blessing us with the beautiful heavenly taweez. JazakomAllah khayran.
SMC Denim bucket Hat
undefined review of Orientica Rose Bouqet perfume image 1 out of 1
Assalam alykum wa rahmatllahi wa barakatuh 🌹 Thank you for the lovely product Sayyidi (Q), mashAllah, beatific infusing rosé & musk fragrance, that smells so sweet and natural, and lasts for so long! The beautiful design made it to be a great eid gift. Alhamdulillah wa shukran’lillah, thank you endlessly. Thank you SMC merch team for the beautiful overall elegant packaging.
Orientica Rose Bouqet perfume
undefined review of Bamboo Monk Walking Staff image 1 out of 1
Magnificent good quality shiny and an immense gift from our beloved Shaykh Sayedi Nurjan Mirahmadi 🌹 may Allah grand you long life and good health you and your family eternally. Thanking the SMC team for shipping this item, it safely arrived and in a good condition thank. Asking from the spiritual support from this cane.
Bamboo Monk Walking Staff
undefined review of Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim image 1 out of 1
These Taweez are stunning in every way! They are the perfect gift for anyone especially kids to protect their energy! They are so well made and a treasure beyond anything we can comprehend!
Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim
undefined review of NAQSHBANDI 200 BEAD WOODEN TASBIH image 1 out of 1
Love it SubhanAllah! A reminder to recite salawaats as much as we can and use for daily awrad. Helps so much. Thank You for this 200 Bead Tasbih, brilliant quality and highly recommend for anyone! 🙏🏽
undefined review of Laminated Taweezes Pocket Wallet Small (1.5" x 2") image 1 out of 1
Alhumdullilah wa ShukranLillah for the blessed Tawiz’s. Framed and will definitely be ordering more! Thank You Sayyidi for making it possible for us to have these blessings in our homes 🙏🏽
Laminated Taweezes Pocket Wallet Small (1.5" x 2")
undefined review of SMC Screen Savers Digital - Downloadable image 1 out of 1
A blessed tawiz Alhumdullilah and use the screensaver on my work PC to keep negativity away and a daily reminder during work to practice the Tariqah teachings and also take heed of the teachings 🙏🏽
SMC Screen Savers Digital - Downloadable
undefined review of The Sage's Paraiba Turkish Gemstone Ring for Men image 1 out of 1
MashAllah. We are very happy with our ring. It's a beautiful stone and we'll made. We are very grateful to carry Prophet's (Salalahu Alahi Wa Salaam) Sunnah is an immense blessings. Get your Sunnah ring today and connect to the blessings of the Muhammadun Way InshAllah 🧿
The Sage’s Paraiba Turkish Gemstone Ring for Men
undefined review of Taweez Islamic Ruqya Stickers Small 1x1 in. image 1 out of 1
This blessed thaweez is a must have thaweez it can be put anywhere in the home and phones and laptops computer fridges microwave aniwhear you want inshallah it’s immense protection and blessings you’ll notice them and feel them cause I know i did
Taweez Islamic Ruqya Stickers Small 1x1 in.
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
🌹SubhanAllah, Alhandulliallah WA ShokranAllah beloved Sayyidi eternally grateful🤲🏻for the opportunities,the heavenly teachings and being part of this divine Muhammadan garden🌹, Allah AJ keep blessing you and your love ones and Nazar of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ be upon all of us . Alláh HU Akbar 🤲🏻 under your Nazar beloved Sayyidi 🌹
undefined review of Yaseen: Prophet (s) Is The Walking Quran image 1 out of 1
Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi {Q} Alhamdulilah has taught alot about Sayyiddina Muhammad via the youtube channels, with this book it will serve as a backup, we pray that the teachings about the immense reality of Sayyiddina Muhammad remains etched into our hearts.
Yaseen: Prophet (s) Is The Walking Quran
undefined review of Attar Oils Sufi Meditation Center Perfumes image 1 out of 1
Golden Flower Attar Oil is true to its name, the fragrance is golden and beatific as it wafts through our consciousness during Salah and meditation like an angelic fragrance. Alhamdulillah. High recommended.
Attar Oils Sufi Meditation Center Perfumes
undefined review of NAQSHBANDI 200 BEAD WOODEN TASBIH image 1 out of 1
I have waited a while for my tasbeeh and received it this morning.MashAllah the fragrance is so beautiful. In sha Allah I can’t wait to start using it today for the Awrad part two and Salawaats zikr. I wrap it round my wrist to imitate Sayiddi. ‘Tasbeeh is the Buraq of the believer’ MashAllah your guidance is heavenly Sayiddi. Jazakallah for everything.
undefined review of Healing Quranic Shifa Bowls image 1 out of 1
MashAllah one of my favourite items from the shop. We drink from it every morning and whenever we feel we need a top up during the day. We feel the healing from it and the cleansing. MashAllah Sayiddi you have opened up a whole new world of heavenly haqaiqs for us that we never knew existed. A must have for every home in sha Allah.
Healing Quranic Shifa Bowls
undefined review of Taweez Islamic Ruqya Stickers Small 1x1 in. image 1 out of 1
Alhamdulillah we always buy these in batches as so not to run out. They are placed on all the windows around the home and on the cars. I would not want to be without them and they fortify the home and protect us on our journeys. Jazakallah Sayiddi for your khidmat. May Allah AJ bless you your family loved ones SMC and FZHH.
Taweez Islamic Ruqya Stickers Small 1x1 in.
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Subhanallah AlhanduliAllah WA ShokranAllah beloved Sayyidi. Allah AJ keep blessing you and your love ones, and Nazar of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ be upon you. Eternally Grateful for the opportunities. Allah kareem 🙏🏻
undefined review of Taweez Islamic Ruqya Stickers Small 1x1 in. image 1 out of 1
The Taweez arrived sooner than expected , with the bonus . I had to relocate and move to a different home , so alhamdolillah it was so beneficial. Definitely will order more Truly grateful
Taweez Islamic Ruqya Stickers Small 1x1 in.
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
My dearest beloved saiydey this small amount I given is nothing may my life be sacrificed for you dearest beloved saiydey May you and your blessed family remain in the holy light of haq eternaly inshallah
undefined review of REAL SILVER 999 FOR MEN TWISTED CUFF BRACELET image 1 out of 1
Abdul Khader
MashaAllah Alhamndulillah. It is a strong silver bracelet of good quality that is easy to adjust, has a uniquely beautiful design, and gives you a positive feeling. It gives you a sense of connection for which you are wearing it.
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