SMC Merchandise Reviews

SMC Merchandise Reviews

undefined review of Zulfiqar Necklace Imam Ali Sword image 1 out of 1
Kristin Carlson
Salaams, I absolutely love it! I love Imam Ali (AS) and wouldn’t be in the tariqa if not for his sacrifice and impact on my life’s journey as a spiritual father. I had ordered a silver one, not knowing there was a gold option and I appreciate the intuitiveness of the staff to have sent me a gold one as I am female. I love knowing I am wearing a piece with such spiritual significance and it came from SMC with Shaykh Nurjan’s blessings upon it.
Zulfiqar Necklace Imam Ali Sword
undefined review of Laminated Taweezes Pocket Wallet Small image 1 out of 1
To have the Taweez with me when I am away from home is very comforting. I also have the frame size at home , I love having them and am grateful to SMC for providing it for us to have .
Laminated Taweezes Pocket Wallet Small
undefined review of Laminated Taweezes Pocket Wallet Small image 1 out of 1
Alhumdulilah Shukran'Allah, it is such a big blessing to have the Taveez. Feel secure and at peace to have them at home. Thank you Dearest Sayyidi and everyone in the SMC family.
Laminated Taweezes Pocket Wallet Small
undefined review of Ceramic Electronic Incense Burner Bamboo Festival Incense Powder Censer  Clean Air Aromatherapy Electricity Incense Base image 1 out of 1
Ali Aftab
Wow so happy with this incense burner. Amazing. Love the fact that it has a temperature setting. Super helpful as it helps not burn bakhoor in an instant and reps ease fragrance slowly over long period of time. A plus 👍🏼
Ceramic Electronic Incense Burner Bamboo Festival Incense Powder Censer Clean Air Aromatherapy Electricity Incense Base
undefined review of Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim image 1 out of 1
Real honour to have Sheykh Nazim's tawheez much thanks Looks good, good quality,cord length is adjustable Much love and blessings for the Smc thank you very much As Salaam Aleykum
Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim
undefined review of Laminated Taweezes Small image 1 out of 1
Perfect size to suit my needs. It fits nicely into a phone cover/wallet. My kids placed it between their phone cover and phone (popped off the cover, placed the card, put the phone back in place) Only they know it’s there. As they always carry their phones with them, it was the easiest way for me to ensure they carry this Divine Protection with them wherever they go.
Laminated Taweezes Small
undefined review of Pen Gift Set With Basmala, Black Pen With Gold Trim, Gift for Father, Muslim Gift, Islamic Gift, Elegant Fancy Pen for Gift image 1 out of 1
Ysa H
A really beautiful and meaningful pen. Ideal when you transcribe your Shaykh's suhbas or while adventuring on the poetry path. I recommend it to any lady and gentleman who likes the uncomparable feeling of writing by hand. You should also keep in mind that the Basmala written on the pen communicates its light and covers your writing while you are doing it. So its use should be reserved for important spiritual purposes, not your day-to-day grocery list!
Pen Gift Set With Basmala, Black Pen With Gold Trim, Gift for Father, Muslim Gift, Islamic Gift, Elegant Fancy Pen for Gift
undefined review of Laminated Taweezes Pocket Wallet Small image 1 out of 1
Trust building relationship with 💎 Sufi Meditation Merchandise purchasing is phenomenal ! The humanizing touch of shopping online with immediate response to customer concerns is highly appreciated 👏👏👏 Great opportunities for high quality purchase of religious products Is now thankfully so easy. Thank you for the Laminated Taweez It has given me Peace of Mind and Soul Keep Up The Great Works 👍👍👍💯 Mehreen Jafri. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Laminated Taweezes Pocket Wallet Small
undefined review of Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim image 1 out of 1
Alhamdulilah since I got it I slept good no bad dreams no drama. Honestly I can’t explain everything Alhamdulilah It very very very effective and good Alhamdulilah 🙏 may ALLAH AZAWAJAL keeping Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi and the people who published those knowledges . I stop thanks you all🙏🌹🙏🌹
Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim
undefined review of Laminated Taweezes Pocket Wallet Small image 1 out of 1
Trust building relationship with 💎 Sufi Meditation Merchandise purchasing is phenomenal ! The humanizing touch of shopping online with immediate response to customer concerns is highly appreciated 👏👏👏 Great opportunities for high quality purchase of religious products Is now thankfully so easy. Thank you for the Laminated Taweez It has given me Peace of Mind and Soul Keep Up The Great Works 👍👍👍💯 Mehreen Jafri. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Laminated Taweezes Pocket Wallet Small
undefined review of Laminated Taweezes Pocket Wallet Small image 1 out of 1
Trust building relationship with 💎 Sufi Meditation Merchandise purchasing is phenomenal ! The humanizing touch of shopping online with immediate response to customer concerns is highly appreciated 👏👏👏 Great opportunities for high quality purchase of religious products Is now thankfully so easy. Thank you for the Laminated Taweez It has given me Peace of Mind and Soul Keep Up The Great Works 👍👍👍💯 Mehreen Jafri. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Laminated Taweezes Pocket Wallet Small
undefined review of Digital Taweez - Downloadable image 1 out of 1
Subhanallah, alhamdulillah, shokran for giving me the chance to purchase as a means, although small, to help our sisters and brothers. Allah swt grant you all eternal peace and blessings.
Digital Taweez - Downloadable
undefined review of HANDCRAFTED OPAL SILVER RING FOR WOMEN image 1 out of 1
Asallam alykum wa rahmatllahi wa barakatuh🌹Bism Allahi ArRahman ArRaheem. Thank you Sayyidi (Q) for allowing us to carry the holy sunnah of the ring, thank you for so mercifully teaching us the love of the holy sunnah, alhamduliAllah wa shukran’lillah.🌹MashAllah, the ring is so lovely, its intricate and delicate feminine design is overwhelming beautiful, words just cannot describe. Thank you, Allah bless you eternally.🌹
undefined review of Decorative Spirit Animal Staff image 1 out of 1
Asallam alykum wa rahmatllahi wa barakatuh🌹Bism Allahi ArRahman ArRaheem. Thank you Sayyidi (Q) for teaching us the love of the holy sunnah, alhamduliAllah wa shukran’lillah, thank you for allowing us to carry the majestic canes.🌹SubhanAllah, this beautiful cane is so amazingly crafted, it’s absolutely superb. Thank you, Allah bless you eternally.🌹
Decorative Spirit Animal Staff
undefined review of Naqshbandi "Allahu Haqq" Velvet Fabric Taweez image 1 out of 1
MashaAllah AlhamduliAllah. This is My Second Purchase. First one was in Green Color. When Showed to My Cousin, She Immediately attracted by Barakah of Taweez. Mush Have in Every one House. 👌🤲
Naqshbandi "Allahu Haqq" Velvet Fabric Taweez
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
SubhanAllah 🤲🏻 AlhanduliAllah WA ShukranAllah beloved Sayyidi for all the heavenly teachings, the heavenly tools, eternally Grateful. Under your Nazar beloved Sayyidi. Alláh AJ bless you and your loved ones and Nazar of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ be upon all of us. Allah Kareem 🌹
undefined review of High Quantity 10mm Beads White Agates Natural Stone Bracelet Women image 1 out of 1
Assalaamu alaikum Beautiful hand band. I enjoy having this jewelry from SMC and especially that proceeds go towards service. Thank you. May Allah (AJ) reward you all immensely. From Alisha
High Quantity 10mm Beads White Agates Natural Stone Bracelet Women
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Dearest beloved saiydey may Allah azowjal bless you and your blessed family eternaly inshallah may Allah azowjal increase my gift to you inshallah ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Mawlana Shaykh Sayyadi Nurjan (Q) is an immense source of heavenly knowledges and easily available on internet. His (Q) spiritual teachings saving thousands of people from ego and setan. With his (Q) teachings, he is filling the hearts of people with The Love of Sayyadena wa Mawlana Muhammad Al Mustafa SAW.
undefined review of Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim image 1 out of 1
These are absolutely stunning in every way! This is is a gift that is perfect for all loved ones - buy one for every person you love because they will need it one day - Mawlana Shaykh teaches us to live a life of preparedness- inshAllah- May Allah aZ protect our dearest Sayeedi and all of his loved ones - ameen
Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim
undefined review of Bamboo Monk Walking Staff image 1 out of 1
Alhumdullilah wa ShukranLillah for the blessed Asaa! Highly recommend and it’s one of the Asaa’s Sayyidi uses SubhanAllah that’s why i chose this particular one! Arrived quickly and soon as unwrapped and held, Allahu Akbar could feel energy and heat in the hands! Thank You Sayyidi for teachings us the blessings of the Sunnah of our beloved Master Hazrat Muhammad SAW 🙏🏽
Bamboo Monk Walking Staff
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Aslam o alaikum ya sayyidi shukran Alhumdulilah for your immense help. Everything is Masha Allah. May Allah almighty bless you more and more and grant you happy healthy and long life ameen 💕
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
SubhanAllah 🌹 AlhanduliAllah WA ShukranAllah beloved Sayyidi for these heavenly tools and teachings, under your Nazar 🤲🏻 eternally Grateful 🥲. Alláh AJ keep blessing you & love ones, give you more strength, Shifa and Nazar of our Sultán Prophet Muhammad ﷺ be upon all of us. Alláh kareem 🌹
undefined review of Orientica Rose Bouqet perfume image 1 out of 1
Assalam alykum wa rahmatllahi wa barakatuh,🌹 Thank you for the lovely product Sayyidi (Q), mashAllah, beatific infusing🌹rosé & musk fragrance, that smells so sweet and natural, and lasts for so long! The beautiful design made it to be a great eid gift. 🌹 Alhamdulillah wa shukran'tillah, thank you endlessly. Thank you SMC merch team for the beautiful overall elegant packaging.
Orientica Rose Bouqet perfume
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Alhamdulillah such an honour to be able to send a gift to our Shaykh. Jazakallah Sayiddi for all your guidance and teachings. The Heavenly Haqaiqs are an immense blessing and the Tariqa is a beautiful gift for us. May Allah AJ bless you eternally Sayiddi.
undefined review of IRON Handmade Taweez Ottoman Style Limited Quantity image 1 out of 1
Amir Shah
Iron made taweez was well packed the package was delivered prior the delivery date the iron quality is good no sharp edges, after wearing the taweez my energy never went low and I am more stable thanks to the our GrandShaykhs and thanks to Shaykh Nurjahan for making a huge network and all the SMC team they were quick in replying to my mail and process was hassle free Thank you
IRON Handmade Taweez Ottoman Style Limited Quantity
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Dearest beloved saiydey May Allah azowjal bless you eternally may the holy nazar of our beloved Heavenly Father Sayyidina Muhammad (saw) be upon you eternally inshallah ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Bismillah in the name of God. "Deep blue color, very beautiful and lovely handcrafted details. This is a high quality ring matching the high honour of Islam." Allhamdollilah~God be praised 🌹 Thank you so much! Kind regards: DUKE NUKEM☢️
undefined review of Healing Taweez Copper Bottles image 1 out of 1
Kashaf Ud
MashaAllah beautiful bottle, just as description says, cleans the water. The tap water taste changes to a pleasant well balanced in pH water that is fun to drink as well. Thank you to SMC for making this accessible. Please purchase this product and bring blessings into homes and improve health through the blessings and the added healing benefits of copper.
Healing Taweez Copper Bottles
undefined review of Esphand Incense - Wild Rue Seed - Pack of 2 Esfan image 1 out of 1
Kashaf Ud
MashaAllah immense Barakahs of esfand whenever we use it as taught by Sayyidi Shaykh, bad energies in the place go away. Would encourage all those considering a purchase to please go ahead and do it and get the blessings in your homes
Esphand Incense - Wild Rue Seed - Pack of 2 Esfan
undefined review of SMC Mawlana Spiral notebook image 1 out of 1
A notebook is a personal testament that we treasure as it contains InshAllah the teachings of our Murshid our guide. What better way to treasure our notebook than with a beautiful picture of our Baba Shaikh and Sultan Al Awliya Sayyedi Muhammad Nazim Adil Al Haqqani.
SMC Mawlana Spiral notebook
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Shazia Humayun
Alhamdulillah wa Shukrunlillah Ilahi for this path. Every gift to Sayyidi is a door that opens the heart. A door that frees the soul from the chains of Dunya and the imprisonment of the mind. Allah guide us to place all our wealth at the feet of our Sheikh. Aamean
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
SubhanAllah Alhandulliallah WA ShokranAllah beloved Sayyidi for your heavenly teachings,divine love & sabr. We are blessed and eternally grateful for having you as our Teacher and the honor to have a seat in these Heavenly Circles of Paradise. Alláh AJ keep blessing, protecting you and giving you more Shifa beloved Sayyidi InshaAllah Alláh Kareem Ives Family 🌹🤲🏻🌹
undefined review of NAQSHBANDI 200 BEAD WOODEN TASBIH image 1 out of 1
SubhanAllah, Beautiful wooden prayer beads...Looking forward to the mystery of the why they are sectioned...HeHe, I did write Sayiddi but no answer, that means by patient one thing or secret at a time so your not held accountable...🙏🌸🌟🙏
undefined review of NAQSHBANDI 200 BEAD WOODEN TASBIH image 1 out of 1
MashaAllah Alhamdulillah it's beautiful and not too tight. I'm so grateful and really happy with it. The one from tamarind - beads are a bit smaller and it's a bit tighter but it loosens with time. Both colors are beautiful, but green is my favorite. Thank you!
undefined review of Heavenly Cleansing Incense Sticks from SMC (10pcs) image 1 out of 1
Alhamdulillah it smells so good we couldn't resist and ordered 4 more. Initially wanted oud but it's sold out, the price is good and decided to try bint e medina. And so glad we did! Thank you, SMC! got inspired and came up with a project for my kid - to make an incense burner from clay.
Heavenly Cleansing Incense Sticks from SMC (10pcs)
undefined review of *NEW* Adjustable SMC Face Mask image 1 out of 1
I love this mask especially worn when going outside protect the mouth from a lot of bad energy alhamdullilah wa shukran and my grandson absolutely loves this mask alhamdullilah w shukran lillah
*NEW* Adjustable SMC Face Mask
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
SubhanAllah Alhandulliallah WA ShokranAllah beloved Sayyidi Nurjan for all your teachings, opportunities and divine Sabr. Allah AJ keep blessing you, Protecting you giving you more Shifa and your love ones Inshallah. Allah AJ blessed us with a seat in this Caravan of Divine Love and Compassion & having you as our Teacher. Allah HU Akbar 🤲🏻 We can't thank you enough. Ives Family 🤗🌹
undefined review of Healing Quranic Shifa Bowls image 1 out of 1
Thank You, Allah bless You for this healing bowls. Inshallah it will help me. The bowls are beautiful crafted. many Thanks to the Volunteers and Stuff of the shop. And many Thanks to Sheykh Nurjan Mirahmadi Gurbet
Healing Quranic Shifa Bowls
undefined review of Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim image 1 out of 1
Shazia Humayun
I have never been inclined to any taweez before this. But the more I read and saw and interacted with the Nassqbandi Sheikhs online, the more my heart was inclined. I have gifted this to every member of my immediate family. It connects us to Prophetic grace even though we are incomplete in our practices on the Prophetic path.
Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim
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