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SMC Merchandise Reviews

undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Alhamdulliah, subanAllah this organization is absolutely majestic and heavenly. I wish I could give our beloved Sayeedi a gift with several 0’s behind it for everything he does for his students and his absolute complete self sacrifice - May Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi, everyone at SMC and all of their loved ones ameen When Sayeedi talks it’s literally lights from the heavens - what could we possibly do to show our eternal gratitude
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Thankyou dearest beloved saiydey for all the blessings and heavenly pearls that even if I paid with my life it would not be enough for what you give me may Allah azowjal bless you eternally ❤️🌹
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Shukran immensely for every Divinely teaching you have given to us and for your blessed guidance and holy presence. Allah bless you eternally ya Sayyidi ق, raise your high darajat and station higher, and forgive us. بسر السـورة الفــتيـحة آميــن يا رب العـلميـن.
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
My master has sown in my heart, the jasmine of Allah's (AJ) name. He has taught me how to captivate the heart of my charming beloved. He keeps me in his thoughts eternally, He always makes me do his will. He himself grants me his wisdom, O Bahu, He himself molds me into his own real self.
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Ya Sayyidi a tiny token from us, in comparison to the universes and galaxies you opened for us! Forever grateful Alhamdolillah wa Shokranlillah. Allah raise your stations higher and keep us tied to your feet eternally Ameen.
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 5+4
Alhamdulillah Thank you dear Sayyidi Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi QS for your guidance, Duas and Nazar. May Allah (AJ) bless you eternally and forgive me. Jazakallah Khair Allahuma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa Ala Ali Sayyidina Muhammad wa Salim 🌹❤️🌹
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
MashAllah can’t thank Shaykh Nurjan enough for all the guidance and teaching. We never even knew of the world of Light before listening to The Muhammadan Way. In sha Allah it is the only way now. Sayiddi your words and your presence are always needed and always appreciated and you have taught us to love Sayiddina Muhammad SAW. Jazakallah.
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of SMC Phoenix Key Chain image 1 out of 1
I always have the PIN and the tag on my rucksack as a constant companion. I love the SMC logo with the phoenix and the beautiful lettering. I am often asked about these pins and what they mean. They are crafted excellent and were delivered very quickly. Thank You SMC Family 🌟🌟💐💐💐🌟🌟🌟🌟💐💐💐
SMC Phoenix Key Chain
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 5+4
Alhamdulillah. MN ay Allah (AJ) bless you eternally dear Sayyidi Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS) for your Nazar and guidance. Allahuma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa Ala Ali Sayyidina Muhammad wa Salim 🌹❤️🌹
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Alhamdullilah wa shukran lillah ya rabbi for giving this much strength ya rabbi increase my haddiya for my blessed shaykh dearest beloved saiydey for the heavenly pearls you teach me even if I sacrificed my life for it wouldn’t be enough ❤️🌹
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of SMC Phoenix Taweez Bento Lunch Box image 1 out of 1
MashaAllah, blessed food storage and protection 🤲🌹 barakah of Shaykh ق in every bite inshaAllah 🤲🌹 thank You ق Sayyidi ق 🤲🌹 Alhamdulillah 🌹🌹🌹💎
SMC Phoenix Taweez Bento Lunch Box
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh May ALLAH (AJ) Bless Our Beloved Shaykh with a long life and keep the servant perpetually at His Divine Feet inshAllah. Shukran Ya Sayyidi
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh AtiALLAH AtiaRasul Wal Ulul Amrin Minkum ana abdukal‘ajeezu, dayeefu, zhalim, wa jahl and but from The Grace of ALLAH we still in existence Shukran Ya Sayyidi for The Immense Divine Gifts, May all our loved ones wherever they are be granted access to Our Beloved Shaykh‘s Divine Nazar inshALLAH
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Sayyidi Alhamdulillah. Asking Our Shaykh‘s Nazar to grant us infinite Forgiveness from Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the Zeal to bring others toward Muhammadun Rasulullah (saw)‘s Forgiveness
undefined review of Naqshbandi SMC Turban Taj (Cone) - Multi Colour image 1 out of 1
Blessings to the Soul of Prophet Muhammad (saw)to all Prophets Awliiers Holy Compagnons Allshaqeens to My Shaykh to my Guide to my loved ones all of creation inshallah 💚
Naqshbandi SMC Turban Taj (Cone) - Multi Colour
undefined review of Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim image 1 out of 1
I’m very grateful for the Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim. I wear this everyday and have left my house and was reminded not long after that I need to go back home to get it. I have gifted these to my closets brothers and my two sons. They feel powerful and can be worn under our clothes as to keep it discreet. Thank you so much for the ability to have this form of spiritual protection. Peace and blessings be upon you Shaykh Nazim. 🖤🌹💚
Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim
undefined review of Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim image 1 out of 1
So grateful for the ability to protect myself and those whom I love. I have been inspired and blessed to gift these to others as well. Under the guidance and teachings of how to have respect as well as take care of them from Shaykh Nurjan. Thank you Shaykh Nazim for this immense blessing. Sincerely, David
Naqshbandi Taweez Necklace from Shaykh Nazim
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
SubhanAllah Alhandulliallah WA ShokranAllah beloved Sayyidi AlhanduliAllah WA ShukranAllah for all the opportunities and Heavenly teachings . Alláh AwJ keep blessing you, protecting you and your love ones and the Nazar of our beloved Sultan Prophet Muhammad ﷺ be upon all of us, eternallly Grateful. Allah Kareem 🤲🏼🌹🤲🏼
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh Ya Hamidu Wabihaq Sayyidina Muhammad (SAW) Ya Aliyu Wabihaq Imam Ali(AS) Ya Khalaq Wabihaq Sayyidatina Fatima al Khubra(AS) Ya Rahman Wabihaq Imam Hassan (AS) Ya Raheem Wabihaq Imam Hussain(AS) By The 5 Gates of The Divine Palace ubaidallah is asking Our Beloved Shaykh for Support and Sayyidina Adam (AS) and The Holly Family and Sayyidina Muhammad(SAW) for repentance for his shortcoming, wrong doing, bad character, bad manners and every...
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Alhamdulillah for the sake of Allah (AJ) we love you Sayyidi, shokran Sayyidi for everything, our shining representative of beloved Sayyidina Muhammad (saw) leading us to that light , we won’t stop till we reach where two rivers meet and embody Al-Wadud. Ameen 🤲🏼💚🌹
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh Ya Hamidu Wabihaq Sayyidina Muhammad (SAW) Ya Aliyu Wabihaq Imam Ali (AS) Ya Khalaq Wabihaq Sayyidatina Fatima Zahra (AS) Ya Rahman Wanihaq Imam Hassan (AS) Ya Raheem Wabihaq Imam Hussein (AS) By The 5 Gates of The Divine Palace the servant asking forgiveness for wrong doing, weakness, Sinns, past, present and future. May his Sinns be erased by The Eraser of sinns (SAW) and the heart be revived by The Reviver of Hearts (SAW) inshALLAH
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Taweez Card Naqshbandi 3x5 image 1 out of 2+1
SubanAllah what an absolute honor to be able to put these beautiful duas / Taweez in our home - the amount of blessings and miracles that our family has witnessed since finding this miraculous path - is beyond comprehension- the shaykh, the madad the associations - it’s like bringing paradise onto this earth - May Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi, everyone at the center and all of their loved ones - ameen
Taweez Card Naqshbandi 3x5
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 3+2
SubanAllah so unbelievably grateful to show a token of appreciation for Beloved Sayeedi - May Allah AZ raise his rank, may Allah Protect our beloved Sayeedi, everyone at SMC and all of their loved ones - Ameen
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh May Our Beloved Shaykh‘s Gifts spread through all Realities and stay inshAllah and the true kind and loving Reality of Muhammadun Rasulullah be kept alive with Imam Mahdi as Mahdiyyoon the Way Our Beloved Shaykh guides and prepares us inshAllah
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
I’ve always heard about taweez and never researched it, hearing that its use was shirk and all. I never understood why some Muslims make such attributes to something so wonderful. Needless to say, I love my sheikh Nurjan and sh Nazim rahimahullah, and try to follow their teachings and support when and where I can. I purchased one for myself, son, and mother. The necklaces are more dainty and beautiful than I expected. Pleasant surprise. Very intricate, and whomever sewed them did so with great c...
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of EVIL EYE 1 PCS 21*13cm Turkish Extra Large Pendant Blue Eye Interior With Petal Shape Charm image 1 out of 1
MashAllah beautiful decor and a very good size for hanging. It is a beautiful piece and is in sha Allah great to place near the entrance inside the house. Jazakallah Sayiddi for educating us.
EVIL EYE 1 PCS 21*13cm Turkish Extra Large Pendant Blue Eye Interior With Petal Shape Charm
undefined review of SMC Large organic tote bag #Essentials image 1 out of 1
Lovely quality- strong thick cotton, with beautiful logo embroidered on it, large enough to keep our "curriculum" text books and note books and take whenever we are working away from home, thank you for lovely product!
SMC Large organic tote bag #Essentials
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh May Prophet Muhammad (SAW) grant His Divine Love within the heart of the servants for the satisfaction of Our Beloved Shaykh inshALLAH, that the servants be a shadow under Our Beloved Shaykh Divine Feet devoid of light reflecting NurMuhammad (SAW) as Mahdiyyoons inshALLAH
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Thank you beloved Sayyadi for all your teachings and guidance. Thank you for keeping us under your nazar and sending your faize. Thank you for bringing blessings in our lives. Thank you Sayyadi for keep pushing negativity away from us with your immense lights. We are nothing. Please never always allow us to hold your rope of safety. Please allow our pegs to go deep and firm in your mountain of realities. Thank you beloved Sayyadi for everything.
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Digital Taweez - Downloadable image 1 out of 1
Extremely honoured to be able to display this in our home. This reminds us to always have our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in our thoughts and in our hearts JazaakAllah Khair to the SMC team
Digital Taweez - Downloadable
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Salam Alaykum Beloved Shaykh Ya Hamidu Wabihaq Sayyidina Muhammad(SAW) Ya Aliyu Wabihaq Imam Ali (AS) Ya Khalaq Wabihaq Sayyidatina Fatima Zahra (AS) Ya Rahman Wabihaq Imam Hassan(AS) Ya Raheem Wabihaq Imam Hussein (AS) by The 5 Gates of The Divine Palace the weak servant ask for Forgiveness By ALLAH(AJ) By Prophet Muhammad (SAW) By The Holly Family (AS) By Imam Ali (AS) By Imam Mahdi(AS) By Our Beloved Shaykh (AS)
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
It's an honour that Mawlana (Q) 🌹made everything easy for us made us to participate in good deeds Alhamdulillah wa Sukranillah, in reality it's not from us , it's from Mawlana (Q) 🌹he gives and he encouraging us to do good deeds like good Father Alhamdulillah wa Sukranillah. Allah bless you eternally Ya Mawlana (Q)🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 and forgive us. Amin Ya Rabbul Aalameen 🤲🏼
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
This is such a tiny tiny way to show appreciation for our beloved Sayeedi - I wish I could add like 10 zeros to the amount - Sayeedi deserves so much more - May Allah AZ protect our beloved Sayeedi everyone at the center and all of their loved ones - ameen
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Asalaamu Alaykum! Words are not enough to describe the blessing of guidance and teachings being given to us through Maulana Shaykh Nurjan 🙏🏽 Forever grateful Sayyidi for this immense gift of being granted a seat to be sat at your feet 🙏🏽
undefined review of GIFT TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Asalaamu Alaykum! Words are not enough to describe the blessing of guidance and teachings being given to us through Maulana Shaykh Nurjan 🙏🏽 Forever grateful Sayyidi for this immense gift of being granted a seat to be sat at your feet 🙏🏽
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
I am lowly, my mentor is exalted, I am in the company of the noble I will go to the truth-seekers who have never left alone the lowly ones Establish a firm footing at the threshold of the Murshid Do not make new friends, instead be like the lowly ones Visit the home of your spiritual guide like the Kaaba is visited during the Hajj Keep the fear of the Beloved, hold tight to the threshold of the gate
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Mawlana Shaykh Sayyadi Nurjan (Q) is no doubt Muhammadan representative on this earth. His (Q) mission is to fight against negativity at all social media platforms. And Al Hamdulillah He(Q) has achieved unprecedented success at all these platforms. May Allah AJ and Sayyedena Muhammad SAW allow us more and more strength to support Sayyadi Nurjan (Q) on his mission.
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
Our beloved Sayeedi is a rose 🌹in Sayyidina Muhammad - Salla Lahu Alayi wa Salams Rose Garden and we are so immensely blessed to enjoy its immense fragrance. ❤️ I wish i could give our beloved Sayeedi more than this tiny token of appreciation but as our beloved Sayeedi has taught us, nothing is wasted in the way of the Divine May Allah AZ shower his blessings and protections on our dear Sayeedi, everyone at SMC and all of their loved ones - ameen
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 3+2
Our beloved Sayeedi is the biggest treasure of this life - and Akhira - may Allah Az shower his blessings and protections on our beloved Sayeedi, everyone at SMC and all of their loved ones - Ameen May Allah Az increase this small token of appreciation to something worthy of our beloved Sayeedi - Recently I said something about a loved ones - she is better than me a million times but she doesn’t have our beloved Sayeedi - and Sayeedi makes all the difference - subanAllah
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
undefined review of Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN image 1 out of 1
SubhanAllah Alhandulliallah WA ShokranAllah beloved Sayyidi 🤲🏼🌹 Allah(AWJ) keep blessing you and your love ones & Nazar of our Sultán Prophet Muhammad ﷺ be upon all of us. Eternallly Grateful 🌹 Alhandulliallah WA ShokranAllah under your Nazar Allah Kareem 🤲🏼
Appreciation Hadaya TO SHAYKH NURJAN
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