BarkMute Reviews

BarkMute Reviews

undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
J. D.
So far it seems to be working The Great Dane has quite down But my Lab started to bark which he rarely did do to him being a šŸ•ā€šŸ¦ŗ Service Dog. Looking to purchase one for him. Thanks
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
S. M.
Bought 1 and liked it so much that I ordered 2 more! I love the fact it works without having to shock the dog. Even talked my cousin in to purchasing 2. The charge lasts a long time as well..
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
B. B.
I recently adopted a 1.5 year old German Shephard that had already been in 3 homes. I quickly realized that he was a barker. Anxiety barking for no reason. I did some research and found Bark Mute, with excellent reviews and no shock. He has had it on for 2 days when I take him outside and in the house. He barked once, and I heard the sound, and he stopped. I am happy to say he has not been Anxiety barking since, and even stopped barking at passersby in the yard. I am so happy with this collar th...
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
Y. V.
The experience is great I was just wondering if after a while if my pet is quiet does it shut off because I feel like I have to turn it back on every now and again
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ Collar image 1 out of 1
D. T.
I bought 2 of these for my male pugs and Iā€™m so happy with the results . I tried this on myself first to make sure it was not going to hurt them but simply a tickle . Itā€™s a fantastic purchase for all dogs that bark at passers by . They are more calm and relaxed than ever before
BarkMuteā„¢ Collar
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
H. K.
My pups barking was driving me crazy - especially when trying to talk on the phone. I put the collar on him and was shocked at how quickly it stopped him from barking. Up until now no command or anything I have done would quiet him down. Thank you - I'm so happy that this works so well. I told some friends about it and both of them also ordered the collar.
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
T. L.
Our dog never requires more than the ā€œbeepā€ setting and first vibration setting. We only put the collar on occasionally when he barks excessively or when we need quiet. I appreciate that this collar doesnā€™t hinder his play etc, even though heā€™s small.
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
C. D.
I`m really exciting of this product.We have a little dog and he loves barking anytime and everywhere.No matter what we do-he still barking.So,after using a lot of vibrating bark collars,I decided to use this one after many of good reviews. I put it the same day it comes,and when the collar provide vibration-my dog even don`t bark!!! I`m happy!Thanks a lot!I highly recommend this collar!
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
M. G.
It doesnā€™t even bother her!! Iā€™ve literally had this collar for 5 hours and I cannot believe it!!! I have a blue nose pit that is extremely friendly, but extremely loud when neighbors dogs come out. This thing fixed it. Thanks!!
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
R. D.
After putting the collar on Penny my husband went to the front door and rang the doorbell. She barked once and it beeped and I told her ā€œnoā€. She immediately barked a second time and it beeped again and she walked away from the door and never barked again. She usually barks continuously with no pause between barks. I praised her and petted her when she stopped barking. The other two stood quiet the whole time. Normally all 3 would have been barking nonstop until they saw that whoever was there h...
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
G. T.
Amazing results !!!!!!! Unbelievable !!!! Our little guy learned in One Day ! He ran and hid in his kennel after the third bark ! I felt sorry for him and took the collar off . I put it on the floor by the door . Not a bark all day ! I am BEYOND PLEASED !!!
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
L. P.
This collar has changed our life! I sincerely mean that! We love our baby Charlotte but her howling was out of control. We live in a very active neighborhood (everyone walks, jogs, bikes) and Charlotte was at it (howling and barking)all day. It was ear piercing and impossible to live with. Our neighbors were constantly complaining, with one even threatening violence against our pup. Things changed immediately after putting the collar on Charlotte! We can now enjoy her company inside and she can ...
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
R. C.
Put it on my dog who is 12 months old and straight away NO BARKING at the possum the birds and the dog next door ! It is a miracle and would recommend to all ! Have tried so many before this and the citronella ones just donā€™t work - I think she may even have loved the smell !!! Love love this product
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
A. C.
So far so good. we put on minimum and when Boo barks at first time, nothing happens only after second bark start to work heā€™s been wearing it for 3 days and only once it went all through vibration so he barks definitely much less and with much precautions
M. P.
Works very well Electric shock wasn't even a consideration for us. These vibrating collars work great. If our dog yaps. The collar will buzz, and she quiets right down, even if it isn't on her
2 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets
undefined review of 2 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets image 1 out of 1
C. W.
Great communication. I knew when my order was received, on the way and delivered. Since I only just received to product I cannot yet comment on it.
2 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
R. E.
Worked like a charm for our terrier mix who would grumpily bark whenever we would leave! Our neighbors no longer hate us!
T. W.
I have a large German Sherpherd who has the run of my big fenced in back yard when I leave him out he always runs to the far corner of the yard and will start barking even barks when our neighbor's dogs are not out I have told him there are no dogs out, Well ever since I have put the BARK MUTE on him when he is let out he stops and looks to the far corner to check out if there is any noise he just runs around but as soon as he hears another dog bark he heads in that direction when he gets there...
undefined review of 2 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets image 1 out of 1
S. M.
This product is awesome! Our dog, Georgia, would bark as soon as she heard any noises in the morning and wake up everyone. Now with BarkMute, she is quiet!
2 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
D. J.
Had a lot of problems at first trying to understand how it worked but once I figured it out itā€™s works wonderfully.
undefined review of 2 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets image 1 out of 1
C. S.
We love it! We have a terrier heeler mix and she is a barker and it has worked wonders for our family
2 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
J. W.
My Daschund barks at everyone and everything but she is now learning with the collar on and off that its better just to watch.
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ Collar image 1 out of 1
R. C.
Love love this product ! Best thing I ever got . She barked at everything and now with the collar not one peep . Miracle ! Would recommend for sur e
BarkMuteā„¢ Collar
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ Collar image 1 out of 1
M. R.
Very happy with this collar. We have tried and this One is it. We have so many complaints about coconuts barking. Not anymore. Thank you Barkmute!!
BarkMuteā„¢ Collar
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
M. W.
He slowed his barking down alot he seems to be more calm i love it best thing i have ever got..
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ Collar image 1 out of 1
B. G.
Have only had a few days but we hear a difference. Even just leaving collar out near the front door, helps!
BarkMuteā„¢ Collar
undefined review of 2 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets image 1 out of 1
H. S.
I really didn't think these would actually work BUT THEY DO!!!! stop my crazy barking dogs from barking at everyone and everything going past my house.
2 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
S. R.
This is Rue my 10 month old black lab, he's an excited barker, a protective barker, you name it he barks at took a couple days of him wearing his Barkmute collar, and us finding an effective level on it, but it does work. He's exposed to a lot of things every day because he goes everywhere with me. Some days it doesn't phase him much depending on the situation. What really amazes me though is if he isn't wearing it and he's wound up like the Energizer bunny I put his Barkmute collar on hi...
K. V.
We were skeptic at first. This dog barked so much. When we first put collar on he kept barking some... when we put the sound on with the vibration it got less. Within 24 hours he barely barks now. We love it. Thank you for a safer way to curb the baking!
J. S.
We thank you and the neighbors thank you for a product that actually solves the problem. It worked the first time we used it and it doesn't seem to bother her when we put it on. She is 85 pounds and is very much an outside dog. She barks some in the daytime which isn't the problem. The issue is that she prefers staying out at night. She is a rescue and will not be crated inside but has her own bed in the poolhouse and is free to come and go. At 2 A.M. or 4 A.M. the barking would start for an unk...
H. S.
Our dog is part pyrenees and prone to bark a lot. The Barkmute collar has pretty much cured her from excessive barking from day one! We are truly impressed, and enjoying our new quiet and calm dog. We just ordered another collar to gift to our neighbors' dog, who has been tormenting us with excessive barking for the last six years. We'll keep you posted....
C. L.
I have 3 little dogs that barked at ever noise the would hear I have tried lots of different collars and none worked . I decided to try one more collar and I am glad I did it only took a few hours of wearing for a couple of days and now they hardly bark I would definitely recommend these collars.
3 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets
B. W.
We have tried a couple other devices that were suppose to stop the barking, but, your device Bark Mute is the only one that actually works. We didn't want to stop all of her barking, like when she needs more water or to go out, we want her to tell us. We have used the device a couple of times and our pup is actually listening now when we ask her to stop barking. We really like that it does not shock her, but, she is surprised instead and reacts to the surprise by stopping to bark.
undefined review of BarkMuteā„¢ image 1 out of 1
J. W.
The collar worked great it helped within a day. I wanted to buy another one for my other dog but the one that I bought broke within a week :( which was disappointing because it did do the job.
L. P.
My dog barked at everything. Leaves blowing, birds landing in the yard, children riding their bikes. It was horrible. I tried a shock collar but I felt as if it was cruel. The bark collar just vibrates and gives out a high pitch tone. Needless to say my dog has stopped barking. My neighbors are amazed at how well it works. Truly amazing.
K. E.
Barkmute collar is by far the best thing ever. It really does work well! My dog is constantly barking at squirrels, birds other dogs, people anything that moves when we go on a walk. With Barkmute it makes such a pleasant walk from now on. I highly recommend buying it.
S. Q.
This bark collar works! I've had to make some adjustments to the sound as my dog sort of stops barking at the lowest but not every time. I would recomment this collar for anyone suffering from bark craziness.
L. S.
I have tried tried so called humane collars that issue a shock and they aren't by any means humane it traumatized my poor dog. Then I tried the ultra sonic sound remote but it only worked for a while and they barked through it in the end . But bark mute has saved us they still have a gentle woof but they stop instantly I am very happy and so are my neigbours. Thankyou
2 BarkMute Sets
E. F.
It was a miracle!! We couldnā€™t get my daughterā€™s rescue dog to stop barking at any noise real or in his head. We are very happy with the collar. She has ordered two more for her other two dogs because the rescue dog taught them to bark. They arenā€™t as bad, but having the collars is going to make live a lot more enjoyable.
E. B.
My dog is a barker. She barks at everything and everyone who goes in front of my house. The only thing that helps me stand it is putting on the collar. I just bought two more so that I will always be able to locate one (sometimes when I take it off, I forget where I put it). Most of the time now I don't even charge it. I just put it on her and she doesn't bark. She comes right over to me to have it put on when she sees it in my hand. I just recommended it, to some friends on Facebook. I t...
2 BarkMuteā„¢ Sets
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