Pacer Virtual Challenges Reviews

Pacer Virtual Challenges Reviews

undefined review of Happy Easter Day Virtual Race image 1 out of 1
Gerald S.
This is the 2nd version of the Pacer Easter medal. This one is better than the 1st one (both are good nonetheless). This medal has a bell and a cotton tail. It is extremely colorful. It is recommended to get 2 medals (the 1st version has a marathon on it). These Easter medals are great to wear during Easter (there are 2 different “religions” of Easter) every year.
Happy Easter Day Virtual Race
undefined review of Loch Ness Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 1
John C.
This finishing medal quality and appearance exceeded far beyond my expectations. Not only is it made with great craftsmanship, it includes a moving part that functions flawlessly! I am very pleased, so much so, I’ve already ordered and completed running the distances for: London, Rome, Venice and Roswell!
Loch Ness Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Day of the Dead Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 1
Richard I.
I did it for the beautiful medal, I liked the checkpoints, I learned something new. I would do another one. The only thing is my medal came way before I finished it. I waited to finish the race before opening.
Day of the Dead Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Las Vegas Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 2+1
Una M.
I have been doing these walks since lockdown. They really motivate me to get out and walking. I only do the walks of places I have visited and am always waiting in anticipation for the next one I will do. I love when I get the package before I complete the walk so I have it to open as soon as I get home.
Las Vegas Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Haunted Adventures - Sleepy Hollow image 1 out of 1
Caitlin M.
I enjoyed this much more than I expected! I can't say the challenge motivated me to walk more, but it did make me much more aware of how many steps I was taking each day. The medal is gorgeous, and much bigger than I imagined. On to the next one!!
Haunted Adventures - Sleepy Hollow
undefined review of Oregon Trail Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 2+1
Theresa G.
The Oregon Trail medal is a beautiful high-quality item. I was surprised at how nice & weighty it is. Will have to find a place to display it. Also, nice that I could receive it before I finished because this challenge will take at least a year if not two. I’m enjoying the challenge but wish there was a better way to know exactly where I am. There’s a Google map but it has no text so I have to compare it to my own Google app & try to figure out where I am by using the miles. I also wish there we...
Oregon Trail Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Mount Kilimanjaro Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 1
Syndie W.
I love these virtual challenges. So much fun being able to travel abroad on my treadmill. A must for those who enjoy walking/running. Keeps me motivated to get going, even after a long day of teaching. So much fun!
Mount Kilimanjaro Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Reykjavik Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 2+1
Karen G.
I was motivated to do this race because the medal is GORGEOUS and I’m planning a trip to Iceland. I wanted to see the country virtually before I see it in person. I can’t wait to register for my next one.
Reykjavik Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Zodiac Virtual Races - Pisces image 1 out of 1
Bianca B.
This is my third medal and the walking gets easier :). I got one for my husband aswell with his zodiak sign and we earned it together. It was a team efford ;).
Zodiac Virtual Races - Pisces
undefined review of The Bigfoot Trail Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 1
Tunde T.
I loved the trail, and it was so nice to see those sights where some of my favorite shows were filmed. 🥰 Still hope that some day I’ll be able to set foot on this epic place. 🥰
The Bigfoot Trail Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Boston Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 1
David M.
Done on the same day as the women's Olympic marathon, to show that an old fart can do one too. I'll admit that I cheat... I walk, don't run... but at age 72 I'm proud just to finish them. And this was my best time ever... 7:05:42 gun time. I even had enough gas in the tank to jog most of the final mile. Delighted with the result... and the medal.
Boston Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Zodiac Virtual Races - Aries image 1 out of 1
Gerald S.
I like the Aries medal and coin. I like the jewel that is the diamond, the birthstone in April. I like the ram that is exquisitely designed. The flowers are great as well. Overall, this medal and coin are just great things to have (especially the diamond).
Zodiac Virtual Races - Aries
undefined review of The Sun Virtual Challenge - 100km image 1 out of 1
Joseph B.
Such a fun race! It was great to do the Sun alongside the planets of the Solar System! I love how the planets rotate around the sun on the medal too!
The Sun Virtual Challenge - 100km
undefined review of Merry Christmas Virtual Races image 1 out of 3+2
Una M.
As always I loved these walks. I had set myself a goal to have all 5 finished for Christmas and I did the last one on Christmas morning. A nice Christmas present to myself. My little dog Kiki kept me company for them all. Looking forward to doing more walks in 2024.
Merry Christmas Virtual Races
undefined review of Boston Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 1
Michael M.
The Boston medal is made for any Boston Terrier fan. The historical landmarks are perfect for any American history aficionados. Those two facts will make it a charming addition to your medal collection.
Boston Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Haunted Adventures - Werewolf Trail image 1 out of 4+3
Tj H.
The Werewolf Trail was my first race, and it is still one of my favorites! Not only did I become more active, but I also got a chance to learn about the werewolf mythos and interesting historical facts along the way.
Haunted Adventures - Werewolf Trail
undefined review of North Pole Alaska Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 3+2
Alyssa S.
It was a neat experience to see a place I once called home and all the places they picked were good ones. You learn a lot from doing these walks and to get a medal after completing it makes it all that much more worth it. I plan to do a few more since it helped encourage me to walk more and push to my next goal.
North Pole Alaska Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Zodiac Virtual Races - Taurus image 1 out of 1
Gerald S.
This Taurus medal is decoratively nice. The bull is very decorative. It has the bronze, the only one I know about in the entire collection. It has the green jewel (emerald), also the only one. This is the great medal to have and to add to your collection (you should have many already at the time you get this zodiac).
Zodiac Virtual Races - Taurus
undefined review of Rovaniemi Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 1
Ian S.
I loved this challenge. It was so different to many of the other ones and the medal looks great. The motivation got me out and walking so I sm grateful👍👍
Rovaniemi Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Haunted Adventures Virtual Challenges image 1 out of 1
Mary F.
I have done a short, a mid length and a longer challenge now and loved them all. The detail and interaction with the virtual walk and street view are so much fun. The medals are a treasure as an ornament but the sense of accomplishment I get from knowing I earned them is really inspiring and motivating. I can't wait for the next one to start. Any step not going towards a challenge now feels wasted! 😅😍
Haunted Adventures Virtual Challenges
undefined review of Day of the Dead Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 1
David J.
La medalla es muy bella y representa bien la festividad de Día de muertos. En la foto se puede ver el Ángel de la independencia en Paseo de la Reforma, justo un check point del desafío virtual.
Day of the Dead Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Day of the Dead Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 2+1
Simon C.
Absolutely love this medal. I really enjoyed doing the Day of the Dead. The T shirt arrived very quickly, before I had finished the challenge. When the medal came in the mail I was thrilled to bits. It's a great piece, love the drop down jaw.
Day of the Dead Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Antarctica Ross Island Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 1
Elissa W.
I thoroughly enjoyed this challenge as Antarctica has always interested me. It was fun learning about it via the postcards. The medal itself is extremely high quality, the intricate carving on the letters "Ross Island" to match the landscape of Antarctica is outstanding. I'm also obsessed with the shelf layers and the little red boat. The Ross Island badge is removeable, and you'll find a depiction of local penguins underneath. I also like that every Pacer medal is a different shape. Many of t...
Antarctica Ross Island Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Maple Leaf Trail Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 1
Kim B.
It is awesome to get a challenge right in your own backyard. It was fun to track the progress from Toronto to Kingston, even arriving at the trailer in person on the same day I reached there virtually. The medal is beautiful and (yes very biased) my favourite so far. The Fall colors are chef's kiss!
Maple Leaf Trail Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Buzzing Buddies Virtual Race Series image 1 out of 1
Gerald S.
These Buzzing Buddies medals are beautiful and exquisite. Each of these medals has a different function, so they are in a variety of great things. The pins are also beautiful to have as well (they are great for their prices). The certificates, badges, medals, and pins are all worth them to have.
Buzzing Buddies Virtual Race Series
undefined review of Loch Ness Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 1
Kim B.
This is one of my favourite areas of Scotland to visit and to have it become a virtual challenge was awesome. Pacer does well to keep all of the challenges different and unique each time, but still hold onto what makes them reputable and great. The medal is stunning as always, and I love Nessie being front and center.
Loch Ness Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Kyoto Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 1
Gerald S.
This Kyoto challenge medal is nice. It has beautiful autumn colors with good gold. Although skinnier, it’s an excellent medal nonetheless. It has a good-looking bell to wear as well. This challenge is good to go into to learn about Japan’s imperial history. I like this medal.
Kyoto Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Haunted Adventures - Dracula's Road image 1 out of 1
Omar O.
I have travelled to romania before and actually followed to path of vlad tepas. This was an amazing nostalgic challenge. And to top it all ,the medal is just a piece of art. Perfect prize
Haunted Adventures - Dracula’s Road
undefined review of Loch Ness Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 1
Viktoriya Z.
As soon as saw that medal, I fall in love with it! 😍😊 this small LochNess beast is so nice, when it appears out of the water 😁👍 The design is outstanding, the back and front sides are both beautiful, even the string is absolutely amazing - the lake is shown on it. The only small issue with the mechanism, which is responsible for the appearing of the beast - it doesn't work smoothly and actually I need to use not the wave from the side, but the back part of the mechanism to make the beast appea...
Loch Ness Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Sahara Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 4+3
Viktoriya Z.
The medal is amazing! Quality is great, the design is stunning 😍 Even the back side looks like a front side - very colorful and interesting! It took around 2,5 weeks to get my medal in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The medal is well packed in a special box, so it was not damaged. Thanks!
Sahara Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Haunted Adventures - Sleepy Hollow image 1 out of 1
Peggy M.
I chose to do Sleepy Hollow because my ancestors were Dutch immigrants who lived in Tarrytown and some were buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. One of my ancestors married a woman named Catrina VanTassel. Washington Irving lived with them for a while and named Ichabod’s girlfriend after Catrina. I’m so glad I chose this challenge - I felt connected to it.
Haunted Adventures - Sleepy Hollow
undefined review of Haunted Adventures - Sleepy Hollow image 1 out of 1
Amelia C.
I needed something to motivate me to get out walking. I'm so glad I tried this! The feeling of accomplishment feels great! I've since signed up for 5 more challenges, I'm currently working on the Wizard one.
Haunted Adventures - Sleepy Hollow
undefined review of Amsterdam Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 1
Betty P.
I love this medal. Amsterdam is my home town, so it's really great to walk in this city and get a medal from it. With other medals I enjoy the city on streetview, but with this one I can see all the famous buildings and landscapes IRL.
Amsterdam Virtual Challenge
undefined review of Haunted Adventures Virtual Challenges image 1 out of 1
Wendy S.
Have had a fantastic time participating in the Haunted Adventure series virtual challenges. It has motivated me to be active every day. It heaps helped me change bad happens and actually fall in love with exercise. I love forward to moving everyday now. To receive a stunning medal for my efforts, it makes it even more rewarding.
Haunted Adventures Virtual Challenges
undefined review of Vienna Virtual Challenge image 1 out of 1
Renee C.
This summer I did a virtual walking tour of European cities. I thoroughly enjoyed the Vienna walk with its historic landscapes, and the music box medal is ingenious as well as beautiful.
Vienna Virtual Challenge
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