Boomers Forever Young Reviews - 2,633 Reviews |

Boomers Forever Young Reviews

undefined review of Boomer Boost image 1 out of 1
Edythe B.
I have been taking Boomer boost for the last year and a half and would never want to go without it. I put all my faith in Boomer Products quality and the people that have shared this with us every time you have a special I make sure I stock up so I won’t go without. I do have a nice little stash bag full of, Boomer, boost, gladiator, barley, probiotics, vitamin C, and a few other products. Thank you all for making it possible for us to have such great products we can trust. Best Products anywher...
Boomer Boost
undefined review of Employee Sub One Time Add On Myotrol image 1 out of 1
Dan H.
Sarah and I have been taking this for about 4 months. We see an increase in energy plus I see an increase in muscle mass. Which is a much wanted change since all the chemo I had caused a reduction in my muscles. All the staff are very friendly and helpful. We will continue working with Boomers for our needs Dan and Sarah
Employee Sub One Time Add On Myotrol
undefined review of Collagen Peptides image 1 out of 1
Barry T.
I'm stocking my inventory with Boomer Products. I find that's a great plan to ensure I have all of my needs taken care of in the supplemental community. I have been with you for more than 4 years and absolutely feel that you have a genuine concern for our prolong health. Thanks to you and your committed staff...
Collagen Peptides
undefined review of Turmeric Advanced with Bioperine image 1 out of 1
Cheri G.
I have been using Boomers Tumeric for almost a year, and it has done wonders for my Arthritis and even muscle pain. I work out every day and feel so much better. Thank you Boomers!
Turmeric Advanced with Bioperine
undefined review of Lignans image 1 out of 1
Ronald M.
I been on this product for over two months and I can’t be happier with the results. My inflammation has started to disappear, my energy level has been better each day. Thank you and I recommend your products to anyone that is a baby boomer.
undefined review of Dynamic Combo image 1 out of 1
Charles W.
I am an 80-year-old male relatively new customer who is a big call listener. I have been taking Boomer boost and gladiator barley for a little less than 90 days . Although I have not noticed any new “superpowers”, I have noticed an overall feeling of well-being; as well as more energy. I asked my primary care physician to add the C-reactive protein to my routine lab work -3.7. This is now my baseline and I look forward to the improvement on my next routine labs. Thanks !
Dynamic Combo
undefined review of Gladiator Barley image 1 out of 1
Margarita W.
As a 74 year old senior that lost my only son last year, I now have to focus more on maintaining my health. Gladiator barley is providing more strength and now I’m ready to incorporate Mietrol intro my health regime. It’s up to me to be more proactive in maintaining my healthy . Thank you to your staff, Stephanie was great in assisting me with my last order. Thank you Bruce, looking forward to using the Mietrol 👍🏻, Margaret
Gladiator Barley
undefined review of Free Clarity Factor with Probio Purchase image 1 out of 1
Irma E.
I love all of your products. I have been on boomer boost and Barley for over 3 years and Clarity Factor has awaken the sleepy parts of my thinking HOWEVER, I AM MOST surprised WITH MYOTROL Because of the hidden strength I niw have. I don't 2nd guess if I can lift anything anymore I just go ahead move it, lift it or kick the dern thing. I really feel strong. I use to take 1 pill because of my age 81..walking towards 82, but decided to take as recommended even if I don't go to a gym...
Free Clarity Factor with Probio Purchase
undefined review of Myotrol image 1 out of 1
John F.
I will be 80 years old in August. I’m an excellent health. I’ve been taking Boomer products for several years the blood test back up the results. Everything‘s working fine you before last I cut 40 quart of firewood then I got pneumonia that sent me back first time I’ve been sick in 35 years never had pneumonia before but taking this product change things I’m breathing better I have more energy and I’m working out. It’s only been a week but it’s improving already. I recommend it to anybody John F...
undefined review of Resveratrol Advanced Blend image 1 out of 1
Tee D.
I’m an 80-year old great grandma and a Big Time Boomer Booster. I’m happy every time I get my medical lab results reporting improvements EVERY time!! I’m no longer a pre-diabetic and all else appears to be in great shape. Thanks Big Call Bruce, Sue and Booming Bob! Special thanks to Stephanie and Lucy for your outstanding assistance! Tee D
Resveratrol Advanced Blend
undefined review of Collagen Peptides image 1 out of 1
Portia H.
Collagen peptides- It's an Awesome skin and joint combo when used with the heirloom barley and vitamin c! I used to have intense knee joint problems where I could hear my knee joints rubbing when i did anything strenuous, even walking. Since I've been using this combo it has literally enhanced the cartilage and reduced the grinding. I have always remained active (I will be 59 this year :) yes!) and due to running for exercise and standing on my feet for long hours back in my business/hair salon...
Collagen Peptides
undefined review of Gladiator Barley image 1 out of 2+1
Dan W.
Hello out there!! Been using the Boomer Products for over a year now, but just started w/ Boomer Boost and Gladiator Barley 3 mo. ago and Wow!! I have that Combo w/ my lunch (or one to go) instead of a small soda and gives me good energy and strength to workout and sing!, haha!! I'm a Mobile DJ/Karaoke Host and 2 other jobs that require me to be on the go.....These help me sustain my energy thru the day and in to the evenings for my events! Bob & Co. are Awesome! DANIMAL
Gladiator Barley
undefined review of Dynamic Intro Starter Kit image 1 out of 1
Janice J.
My husband and I've been doing this 2 wks now and I've stopped the energy drinks as I've not needed them and I'm feeling better and not as hungry my husband says the same....we on a good track
Dynamic Intro Starter Kit
undefined review of Myotrol Auto renew (Ships every 30 Days) image 1 out of 1
Dan H.
Sarah and I were splitting a bottle od myatrol. We were feeling some good results with especially energy. We decided to order a bottle for each of us this time and expect to feel more results'. Dan
Myotrol Auto renew (Ships every 30 Days)
undefined review of Probiotics image 1 out of 1
John F.
We love all Boomers products we’ve been taking them for years they’re really good and we were an excellent health for our age. We are strong and healthy and love boomer products boomer service is good and customer service is good. We’ve been in the health business for partners in a clinic in Las Vegas for yours never found a product as good as these, John and DELORIS
undefined review of Lignans image 1 out of 1
Jon S.
Both the good night formula and Linguins have transformed my prostate health almost over night . I feel much better. I’m sleeping markedly better with less need to go to the bathroom at night ..I highly recommend both products . Jon Sarver
undefined review of Dynamic Combo image 1 out of 1
Lindsey M.
I love the products. I am 75 and work 10 hours a day four days a week. I couldn't do it if not for the boost and barley. When I run out I really feel it in a day or two. It takes me a while to save up to buy more. I am always happy when I can get my next order. I feel like a new man. Hope the blessing comes soon so I can really stock up. I really trust you Bob. Thanks so much for great products that really work. Linds
Dynamic Combo
undefined review of Gladiator Barley image 1 out of 1
Tee D.
I am a committed customer of Boomer products. One important highlight is listening to Bob Gilpatrick on the Big Call every Tuesday & Thursday. Another attraction is the excellent Boomer Support from Lucy and Stephanie.! I’m making my own mistakes but it’s a wonderful learning experience. Glad to be a Boomer
Gladiator Barley
undefined review of Boomer Boost image 1 out of 1
James S.
I couldn’t afford the barley and the Boomer boost so I just took the Boomer boost and I’ve had better luck with that by itself than when I took the barley by itself. All the pain and my body has disappeared is the biggest thing that I have noticed just saying thank you does not dojustice to what you have done for me
Boomer Boost
undefined review of Good Night Formula image 1 out of 1
Edythe B.
I like to try something natural to help me sleep. I’ve been on anxiety medication for years trying to get off that also Prescribed sleeping medication got off that don’t wanna take any big Pharma Medications drugs trying to stick to natural stuff. This works for me. I think I started out two pills a night now I’m down to one pill so I can’t live without my good night formula love the company. Trust the products can’t get them any place else but through boomers best products ever . Thank you ...
Good Night Formula
undefined review of Boomer Boost image 1 out of 1
Lorraine E.
I have been taking boost for a few years. I try not to be out as I can feel the lack of it in my body. I try to take advantage of the sale but unfortunately I can only purchase one at a time. I love boomers products.
Boomer Boost
undefined review of Gladiator Barley image 1 out of 1
Scott S.
It all started about 4 1/2 years ago. I was fasting working and just drinking water in the next morning after pressure washing a house I found myself not being able to stand on my feet without muscle fatigue, and it lingered on for a while, trying to figure out what it was I asked the Lord in prayer and he said nutrition , so after that I started pursuing and looking for different ways to grab nutrition and put it back in my system. At that point, I was already dehydrated, sometimes not swea...
Gladiator Barley
undefined review of Resveratrol Advanced Blend image 1 out of 1
Judith H.
Thank you for the Resveratrol, I missed it last week and I could really tell the difference. I feel so much better now and I’m able to work longer. I’m 75 years old and I just quit work about three months ago. Thank you, Judy
Resveratrol Advanced Blend
undefined review of Myotrol image 1 out of 1
Michelle G.
Before myotrol I could do my stationary bike for 1hr and burn 400 cal. Now, I can go over and hour and burn 700 cal. I can just keep going. Also when I use my water rowing machine, before myotrol I could barely do 5 min., now I can row for 30 min. Also with my road bike I can ride for 11 miles. Thank you for a wonderful product 🥰
undefined review of Myotrol image 1 out of 1
Sheryl J.
Please feel free to edit as you like. The New Mayra is really a phenomenal product. The second the day after I took it for the first time, I felt more energy in my cells. My body started cracking spontaneously as I did my morning workout. I felt more energy to do my workout and throughout the day. Even at the end of the day I had energy left over which is been not happening. I’ve been very spent at the end of my days, my workday. So thank you very much for this great product. And thank you Bob...
undefined review of Good Night Formula image 1 out of 1
Edythe B.
Boomer has the best Products. I love the good night. Formula helps me get a better deep sleep, and if I get up, I can go back to sleep quickly works for me. I do tell my friends about it. Also, I think in this world today under the circumstances, we all have a hard time sleeping. We just need to put our trust in the Lord. Keep the faith, thank you thank you, Boomer and all the helpers that get these products out to us .
Good Night Formula
undefined review of Pro-Enzyme Pack image 1 out of 1
Dan H.
We have been using the probiotic for about 8 months. It is the best we have found. I take the digestive enzyme for about the same length of time. It has helped me immensely as my digestive system had been messed up from all the chemo I had from stage 4 nonhodgkin lymphoma. Praise God I have been cancer free for 12 years and the problems with my digestion has been almost completely corrected. We also have been using the circulation mat for 10 months. Sarah's BP has returned to the normal r...
Pro-Enzyme Pack
undefined review of Myotrol image 1 out of 1
Daniel C.
80 years old currently gaining strength. Have gained strength in all my exercises especially my leg press. Currently doing twenty five reps twice at 400 lbs. Total 20,000 lbs. Not bad for this old 101st Airborne Paratrooper with two full knee replacements and a recent torn Achilles Tendon Great product, very, very satisfied.
undefined review of Collagen Peptides image 1 out of 1
John F.
My wife DELORIS was 65 years old and this picture that’s when the barnacles started. She is now 89 and it’s amazing. Some of them were more than a half inch thick on her back and shoulders. The largest one fell off and like baby skin underneath it are coming off one by one. It’s amazing, the doctor was amazing she never saw anything like it. We were just at the doctors office yesterday, 5 April 2024. God bless from John and DELORIS.
Collagen Peptides
undefined review of Pro-Enzyme Pack image 1 out of 1
Dan H.
Sarah and I have been using the probiotic for over six months. It is the best we have ever used. I had been having digestive problems ever since I went through chemo. I started using the digestive enzyme and it completely corrected the problems I had been having. Dan and Sarah
Pro-Enzyme Pack
undefined review of Pro-Enzyme Pack image 1 out of 1
Dan H.
Sarah and I both take the probiotic. It is the best we have ever found. I take the digestive enzme, too. It is the first thing I have taken that does the total job for my digestive system
Pro-Enzyme Pack
undefined review of Gladiator Barley image 1 out of 1
Margarita W.
Enjoy the product greatly, taking Gladiator Barley with combination of Myotrol in the morning, I have all the energy needed to accomplish my daily obligations. “74” staying healthy and strong. Thank you Bob for your products, M
Gladiator Barley
undefined review of Employee Sub One Time Add On Myotrol image 1 out of 1
Gregg H.
I purchased a 2024 Phatmoto, gas powered 79cc mountain bike in March. It is a heavy duty bike with motor assist. It can be manually pedaled, however it's not an easy task. I've attempted several times but it was just to much work without the motor running. Last night for some reason..... I had this idea to take it for a ride , well I started pedaling it from the beginning and ( never) started the motor . My legs were like hey this is no big deal!!! I rode for quite a ways and finally turne...
Employee Sub One Time Add On Myotrol
undefined review of Gladiator Barley image 1 out of 1
Joyce A.
I should give you the before (tired, worn out look) and after pictures (revitalized, happier). All the clouds are going away and for the first time in my life I am taking better care of myself. I am feeling better, more energetic everyday, and I just started my "new me" routine. Thank you Boomer, I am so glad to have stumbled upon your site. The people's testimonies are true, and I second the motions of each one. -Joyce
Gladiator Barley
undefined review of Collagen Peptides image 1 out of 1
Dan H.
We have been taking the collegen for about two months. see a difference in my fingers growing faster. I feel we will see other changes as we continue to take it. The customer service is outstanding and I love th podcasts. Always look forward to the news letter and all the good tidbits for health Dan and Sarah
Collagen Peptides
undefined review of Dynamic Combo image 1 out of 1
Dan H.
We have been taking the dual pak for 5 months. We are seeing good resultsincluding energy and staminia.We have just started the collagen for one week as when it came in we were out of town and did not get it until we got back. We are looking forward to good results with my skin as my skin is very dry from all the chemo I took back in 2011 and 2012 and a stem cell transplant in 2012. I had stage 4 nonhodgens lymphoma. I have been cancer free since December 2012. The chemo did a number on my ...
Dynamic Combo
undefined review of Collagen Peptides 10.00% Off Auto renew image 1 out of 1
Duncan T.
Everyone thinks I'm a lot younger than what I am today is my 66th birthday and I don't look a day over 40 at least that's what my wife tells me and she's only 31 and we have a little 6-year-old so life is great and college and helps me stay looking this way thanks a lot I appreciate everything Boomers does Sincerely Duncan
Collagen Peptides 10.00% Off Auto renew
undefined review of Gladiator Barley Trial Size image 1 out of 1
Marylyn S.
Love the drink take it to work everyday. I need all the help to have enough energy to help customers habitat humanity is for people where people donate stuff and we resell it to help build houses and homes for people and it takes all your strength to help and do all this. If it hasn't been for this drink I would never make it through the day and I'm going to start reordering again pretty soon.
Gladiator Barley Trial Size
undefined review of Good Night Formula image 1 out of 1
Ginger S.
I've been taking the sleep formula for more than 3 years with great results. I've provided the formula to my daughter and her adult children and they love it too. A good night's sleep is a hugh part of staying well.
Good Night Formula
undefined review of Good Night Formula image 1 out of 1
Terry K.
I have been using good night formula for approximately five months. I now go to sleep within 5 to 10 minutes, it works great! Before that I tossed and turned and have not done that since using the product. I take one pill about 45 minutes before I go to bed
Good Night Formula
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