Reactive Outdoor Reviews

Reactive Outdoor Reviews

Cornelia Z.
Ich konnte das Zelt noch nicht draußen aufstellen. Immer, wenn ich Zeit hatte, hat es geregnet. Da geh ich jetzt nicht bevorzugt zelten 😉. Aber ich hab das Zelt mal im Wohnzimmer aufgebaut und kann daher vermelden: Es lässt sich alleine gut auf- und wieder abbauen (auch von einer 1,56 cm großen Frau) und es ist groß genug, um mit ein oder zwei Leuten darin zu übernachten.
Ayeda Z.
Very easy to set up - once you know what you are doing. I didn't stretch it enough I think as I was using it for one but think it would be big enough for me and two daughters.
3 Secs Tent
Keith H.
me and my partner love it been out door camp been one with the out doors fell in all over again thank you for tent put up in 3 mins been in the dry as rain hit us
3 Secs Tent
Werner D.
Es stimmt wirklich .Das Zelt(2-3 Personen), lässt sich ruckzuck aufbauen ohne das man sich die Finger einklemmt . Überlege ein zweites Zelt zu kaufen ,nur für meine Jungs. Bei dem Günstigen Preis sollte man zuschlagen.
Jeffrey F.
Ich finde den Aufbau dieser Zelte einfach fantastisch! Aufklappen, hochziehen, fertig und beim Zusammenlegen braucht man auch nur eine Person. So für eine schnelle Reise oder ein Festival, ist es ein toller Schlafplatz!
Charles E.
Used for motorcycle trip. Perfect size for transporting on the bike and setup/take down was quick and easy. I would say tho the 1-2 person tent is better used for just 1 person and gear. You could not stow gear in this tent with 2 people using it.
3 Secs Tent (Motocamping)
Sedric K.
I put it up the day I got it. SUPER EASY to assemble and break back down, AND it has adequate space for my 6ft frame with no stress. Love it!! ❤️
3 Secs Tent
Michael D.
i set it up and took it back down to see if everything fit back in thestorage bag. set it up again and took it down and repacked. GREAT !!!! EVERYTHING WENT BACK IN STORAGE CONTAINER. THATS GOOD POOP.
3 Secs Tent
Kent M.
I love this tent for its ease of set up and packing away. It’s easy to carry and transport. It has great doorway access and I believe it is very good value for money. However, based on the measurements I thought I would be able to lay length ways end to end within touching the tent walls. At just over 181 cms or around 6 foot tall I’m unable to do that comfortably. Diagonally I can. It’s still a good tent to use and has enough storage space. So overall I’m happy with the product.
3 Secs Tent
Pam B.
This is my 3rd Purchase of the 3 second tent, because I am replacing all my other tents with this one! Love it!! I have been in some storms in this tent and had no problems at all!
3 Secs Tent
John K.
Bought two tents We have two large tents but these little fellows are great My grandchildren love them The fact that they can be erected and dismantled so swiftly is marvellous!
3 Secs Tent
Monika P.
Wir waren sehr überrascht, dass die Lieferung so prompt erfolgte. Das Produkt entsprach absolut den Beschreibungen. Das Zelt ist ultra schnell aufgebaut, hat eine super Qualität und ist wirklich sehr leicht vom Gewicht her. Wir können dieses Zelt allen outdoor-Fans wärmstens empfehlen. Das Preis-Leistungsangebot passt perfekt. Wir würden es sofort wieder kaufen.
Ralf B.
Hi ! Das Zelt ist der Hammer!! Ich war mit dem Zelt auf dem Motorrad in Belgien in Spa Bikers Festival!! Die Leute drumherum waren von den Socken!! Das haben sie noch nicht gesehen!! Das ist das beste Zelt auf diesen Planeten!! Ich danke euch für die Einfachheit!! Lg Ralf
3-Sekunden-Zelt (Moto-Camping)
Nigel H.
I didn't read the instructions and still put it up quickly. I didn't read the instructions on how to take it back down and still got it down and packed although it was a bit hit and miss . SoI decided to watch instructions on YouTube. Now I can do it like the man on YouTube in seconds. Moral. : Watch the instructions first !
3 Secs Tent
Robert J.
I set it up indoors. Have not put it to the test outdoors yet. But everything looks good, works good, and appears to be in order. Setting it up was much easier than taking it down and packing it away, but I finally packed it away: it took much more than three seconds. It's not as neatly packed as your guy in your video. I'm thinking a short bungee strap might be required to reduce the size. Packing it away was nerve-wracking because I thought I might break a pole or tear fabric. My new h...
3 Secs Tent
Adriana D.
Large tent is wonderful, fast set up and take down. My son and I had plenty of space for our 2 sleeping bags a pop up table and 2 chairs. Very pleased and happy with my tent. Thank you!
3 Secs Tent
Sarah K.
I bought your tent for my yearly overnight canoe trip on the Wisconsin River. I’m 75 and I need a tent I could manage by myself. This tent was great. It went up and down easily. It rained at 5 am the second day of our trip and I was cosy and dry. Thank you so much. Sarah
3 Secs Tent
Neil M.
it really is as easy as the video, i use mine for scooter events and find it easy to use and well made. we got rained on last weekend and the water just beeded off
3 Secs Tent (Motocamping)
Sue S.
Very easy to set-up. I purchased this tent for my road trip from Darwin to Brisbane. Just took me a little bit of thinking, about the way I needed to fold up the tent up, so that the next day it was just as simple to assemble. Overall, I love my 3 sec tent.
3 Secs Tent
Michelle K.
Wir hatten die Zelte nun bei verschiedenen Aktionen (z. B. Übernachtung bei der Jugendfeuerwehr Innen, Geburtstagszelten draußen etc...) in Aktion und sind sehr begeistert und angetan von den Zelten. Sie sind sehr gut durchlüftet, innen trocken und das auf und abbauen bekommt sogar meine 7 jährige Tochter alleine hin, worauf sie im übrigen sehr stolz ist. Alles in allem hat sich der Kauf sehr gelohnt.
Andrew D.
Well. I read lots of reviews and decided to make my purchase based on the ease of setting up and putting away -- when I took it out for the first time, I wasn’t disappointed – okay maybe not 3 seconds for me to put up for the first time but certainly not very long at all. I was also really impressed by the quality of the materials used, the stitching and the zips.. all really well made, with strength in all the key places…… Very happy with my purchase. Thank you
3 Secs Tent
Norbert C.
Das Zelt ist wirklich extrem schnell auf- und abgebaut. Wenn man das Innenzelt heraus nimmt, hat man ein klasse Sonnenzelt für den Badesee, der Wind kann gut durch wehen, entgegen einer Strandmuschel. Und das alles bei ähnlichem Gewicht und Packmaß wie ein Iglo-Zelt mit Stangen, oder die Wurfzelte, die es nur in runder Form gibt und z. B. für Motorradfahrer nicht geeignet sind. Die Verarbeitung ist auch sehr gut! Fazit: ein klasse Zelt für einen vernünftigen Preis!
Christian L.
J'ai déjà envoyer un avis mais qu'à cela ne tienne je ne peux que féliciter le service après vente qui après ma première déconvenue ma renvoyer une tente et celle -ci fonctionne à merveille que du bonheur un vrai plaisirs de s'en servir rapidité du montage et très facile à démonter et à ranger pour un poids non pénalisant. Merci encore à votre équipe de son dévouement à suivre les problème des clients et les résoudres
1 Petite + 1 Grande tente 3 Secs (formule familiale)
Scott W.
Took tent on my motorcycle for the first time, finally riding without the nagging thought of setting up my tent at the end of my ride! Just as advertised! Went up in no time!
3 Secs Tent (Motocamping)
Trent P.
An awesome tent! Though most impressive was the responsiveness of the tent at Reactive. In addition the turn around time for delivery to Australia was quite impressive. Well Done Team!
3 Secs Tent
Mr R.
Put up, not quite as quick as video but it was quite quick. Taking down and putting away took longer but I am sure with practise it will quite straight forward. Not used in rain yet but it seems like it will be adequate for your average British summer. Overall happy with purchase.
3 Secs Tent
Carl K.
It was fast and easy, I'm disabled, and I could put it up and it was waterproof! never had a tent this good!!! plan on buying a bigger one next year.
3 Secs Tent
Christian L.
Après la déconvenue de la première toile je remercie le service après vente de sa sollicitude à résoudre mon problème. Avec la nouvelle toile de tente tout c'est passer à merveille elle fonctionne très bien Merci pour tout. Cordialement
1 Petite + 1 Grande tente 3 Secs (formule familiale)
Klaus-dieter K.
Das Zelt ist der Hammer, superschnell aufgebaut, bei schlechtem Wetter ein angenehmer Aufenthaltsort, auch mit zwei Border Collies genügend Platz, der Abbau geht genauso schnell wie der Aufbau. Dieses Zelt ist mehr als empfehlenswert
Yonni M.
It certainly took me longer than 3 seconds lol but it was my first time! It probably took me 5 minutes to learn how to set it up and about 1 minute to lift off and finish the top. Then a few more to peg it down. I am very pleased with it - so much easier to set up in comparison to our other tent!
3 Secs Tent
Sabine S.
Das kleine hat mein Sohn benutzt und er war sehr zufrieden da alles so war wie in der Werbung schnelles aufbauen und abbauen. Und es war 100% wasserdicht da es dort wo er war 1x sehr stark geregnet hatte.
Célia H.
Impeccable !! en effet très rapide à monter et démonter, très pratique, petite à transporter et légère, achat qualitatif !! Attention livraison + longue que prévue (2 semaines pour moi et pratiquement 2 mois pour une amie...)
1 Petite + 1 Grande tente 3 Secs (formule familiale)
Shannon D.
My daughter is in year 9, as part of her study she had a solo 24hr trip. Due to suffering mental health issues she didn't want to go. I bought this tent in the hope it would ease her anxiety in setting up by herself. She not only completed the solo but loves this tent because of its ease of setting up and packing down, the best money spent right there!!!!!
3 Secs Tent
Neil F.
This little 2 man tent ⛺️ is great fits easily on the back of the bike 🏍️ and is a breeze to put up after a days ride a great purchase
3 Secs Tent
Adam H.
Wow. Super easy to put up, take down, and store. We bought this as part of our go-bag prep and have recommended it to other friends for theirs. As easy to use as advertised.
3 Secs Tent
Luci S.
It was so easy to set my tents up! I am a solo camper, so it is imperative that I can put up my own tents. I got both sizes, and they were equally easy to put up and take down. I'm a happy camper.
3 Secs Tent
Andrew B.
“All that ends well is well.” Customer service hit a home run with me. I was planning an out of town trip and shipping got messed up somehow on first order (or porch pirated), but Jethro was not only prompt at responding but even faster at shipping the replacement directly to my workplace. I am usually skeptical about products that appear on my Facebook reel as I’ve had difficulties before, but this is a legit product and company, buy with confidence. Oh, and the tent is great, haha!
3 Secs Tent
John F.
Great product it actually does what was advertised, delivery was excellent, I had it in a few days. I couldn't be more happier with the whole experience from these seller's thank you.
3 Secs Tent
Artie A.
Everything that I expected. Did a four-day camp with several friends, they were amazed with the ease and sort time I was able to set-up. Was even able to help them connect the poles for their tents!
3 Secs Tent
Christian S.
Hallo, habe das Zelt noch nicht benutzt aber im Garten schon paarmal aufgebaut weil es so Spaß macht😃😃👍, im September ist es aber bei der Motorradtour dabei !!! Dann bekommt ihr Bilder !!! Beste Grüße cs
3-Sekunden-Zelt (Moto-Camping)
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