Green Salt Reviews

Green Salt Reviews

undefined review of Green Salt image 1 out of 1
Joanna N.
I love Green Salt so much that I asked my local health food store (Nature's Food Patch in Clearwater, Florida) to carry it. After they checked out your link, they immediately decided to stock it in their store. Now I'm going to suggest that they carry the biodegradable dispensers!
Green Salt
undefined review of Green Salt image 1 out of 1
Shirley B.
Couldn't wait to get it. Started using it immediately. Put it on my salad, smothered cabbage and sliced tomatoes. I told my friends about it and they are very very interested. You have me sold. Customer for life. As I use it, I will be giving you more comments.
Green Salt
Julie M.
Love it on rice, veggie, eggs, you name it!! This stuff has really helped me completely lose my addiction to salt. I no longer use salt if I can avoid it. It's also amazing how salty everyday processed snacks, etc, taste to me. This has been helpful for my weight loss goals to eat healthy & cleanly. Good Stuff!!
All-Purpose Seasoning
Velia P.
I love this product because it adds good taste to my food and it contains far less sodium then regular salt. This is important to me because I have hyertension.. I highly recommend green salt.
Green Salt
Chris S.
Wanted a new taste experience, and ordered green salt! Like the flavour and texture, and it pairs well with all meals. I am really glad that I have green salt to enjoy every meal!
Green Salt
Marla D.
Absolutely incredible. The flavor reminds me of back when I used to eat sunflower seeds lol. Can't wait to make bread with it! Right now I'm just really enjoying the flavor of salt on my food again and keeping to my 1500 sodium or less per day. I'm so winning this low sodium diet thing now. I'll be back for more. And more and more lol.
Green Salt
Sue K.
I love Green Salt, it works just like salt! However I have congestive heart failure and I’m on a low sodium diet. As much as I adore Green Salt, I’m not certain it’s that good for me to use as a salt substitute.
Green Salt
Marla D.
Tried it on my veggies OMG wonderful flavor even better than the very well known low sodium seasoning! I hope they eventually make more seasoning blends. I want them all!
All-Purpose Seasoning
Kurt B.
Second order! I will continue to buy Greensalt as long as they make it. It seems expensive but it goes a long way. I use it before or after cooking and my family doesn't know the difference between Greensalt and table salt. My Blood pressure has dropped since using it and my sodium levels have decreased. If you have high blood pressure this is a wonderful way to flavor food while deceasing your sodium levels.
Green Salt
Rhonda T.
This has made my life so much easier especially when cooking. Green Salt is just regular salt but green and when sprinkle it on food with pepper you don’t notice it being green. I highly recommend it to anyone who is sodium restricted. Also everyone should use it because of to much sodium in the American diet because of prepackaged food. 💚
3 Month Supply
Chris V.
Been using green salt for a couple weeks. It tastes great and I'll never go back to table salt or sea salt. I've had high blood pressure on and off throughout life so green salt gives me piece of mind.
Green Salt
Ana L. G.
I'm in my 80s, have slightly elevated blood pressure, and decided some time ago to stop using salt, but at the time, I wasn't aware that there was something on the market that would replace it. When I read about it online, I decided to try it. Since then, I have been using Green Salt and I recommend it to anyone I know. I use it every day in any dish that calls for salt, and it works! My food tastes the same as when using regular salt, and it's made my life better because of the favorable imp...
Green Salt
Dorry O.
Great alternative for those whom must limit their sodium intake. It is salty but not overtly so. I find it to possess a subtle “earthy” flavor to me as well. The more I use it, the more I like it.
Green Salt
Dru T.
I was told to go on a low sodium diet last April, 2023 due to a health condition concerning my hearing. It is now February 2024. I ordered GreenSalt last spring and have been cooking exclusively with it since then. It has been a life saver for me and my husband, both lovers of good food with expansive, global flavors. I was also a food writer 20 years ago for a major daily newspaper. I like the taste. It is definitely salty to taste but with other bits of flavor associated with herbs and the sea...
Green Salt
Susan H.
I love this seasoning salt! I put it on everything; meat, cooked vegetables, salad. And I can be comfortable knowing that it won’t raise my blood pressure or make me retain water. And it’s delicious!
All-Purpose Seasoning
Marlynn S.
Love Green Salt. I am on a low sodium diet and Green Salt has made adhering to my sodium allowance so much easier! In addition, it doesn’t have any metallic aftertaste like so many other salt substitutes. I’ll forever be a customer!
Green Salt
Marianne C.
Since my husband’s heart attack we have had to limit his sodium intake. His dietitian recommended this product and I now use it almost exclusively. It tastes like salt and I’m glad that it is a natural product.
Green Salt
Kimberly T.
I love green salt. It gives me all the benefits of that great salt flavor without any of the additional sodium. I don't have to use as much to gain the salt flavor I desire.
Green Salt
Francine P.
So great for any dish, especially Asian and quite frankly any protein. We are low sodium and this is the product we were looking for. I have already told my friends who raved about my stuffed mushrooms. That was the yummy they were tasting. 😋
Green Salt
Therese F.
I love that is has less sodium. I love the flavor. I love that it is packed with vitamins, minerals and that it is from plants. I love that it uses land not usable for other crops. I love that it uses less fresh water to grow. I love that no pesticides or herbicides are used. What's not to love about Green Salt??!!
Green Salt
Kim H.
Delicious, complex, and can't tell at all that there's less sodiu8m, let alone less than half the sodium of salt. Perfect gift for a family member who had to drastically reduce her salt intake.
All-Purpose Seasoning
L M.
I love being able to swap healthier things into my diet without giving up flavor and this totally does the trick! I’m a big savory person- so definitely was consuming way more sodium than I shouldn’t been. Been using it in cooking as well as on the table for a week now and my boyfriend and I are totally satisfied :-)
Green Salt
Chandra S.
I bought 3 bags. One for my family and 2 as gifts. My wife's parents LOVE it. They've used it a bunch and actually love trying different salts. I've used it a few times and I think it's great. My son doesn't think it tastes as salty and sayd he has to use more. But I told him it was way healthier too. I'm taking my parents a bag in a week and I hope they love it too.. It came in great time, the package was sturdy, and the salt was dry and packaged well. The salt itself is a great color and easy ...
Green Salt
Wesley C.
I had no problems with the order or delivery. It tastes really good and used to replace my other salt. So I plan to keep using it. Great job guys.
Green Salt
Katherine M.
Green Salt has a lovely, subtle salty flavor which I’ve been enjoying on almost everything…popcorn, salads, veggies…you name it! It’s best used as an after cooking flavor booster as the delicate nature of it gets lost when heated up. Highly recommend!
Green Salt
Anita B.
I was skeptical at first, but I am surprised by how much I like this product. I've been replacing salt with this on most everything now, especially meats and vegetables. Looking forward to trying it on other things now too.
Green Salt
undefined review of Green Salt image 1 out of 1
William S.
Super fast shipping this green salt is healthy and has minimum sodium in it and it is all natural. Only salt anybody should ever use. Great product.
Green Salt
Kimberly M.
Such a great find to use on tofu where you salt the tofu with green salt and air fry it or even deep fry too. Woah so so yum. Also on salads and in pesto too. Even topped my popcorn with it
Green Salt
Leslie B.
I think this is a great alternative for salt. It’s salty enough on all cooked food except for steamed vegetables I find that steamed vegetables need more flavor than just this salt so I add a little extra regular salt but other than that I’ve been able to cook with it and use it on everything and it’s plenty salty enough and besides it’s so much healthier
Green Salt
Bisi I.
Really taste just like salt, I don't need to use much to give it that balanced taste that salt brings to a dish. At first because it it powdery I thought it wouldn't last very long and I'd have to use a lot to get the flavor, but that is not the case. A little will give you that salt taste needed. I must cut back on salt so it is ideal for me because even though it has a salt taste I feel that I'm able to my dependency on the heavy salt taste and regular salt is now too salty. That's a great ...
Green Salt
Thomas M.
I really love the flavor that it adds and it works so well with so many different foods. As one who needs to watch his blood pressure, this is the perfect salt alternative
Green Salt
Maureen R.
Have used your combination of green salt and herbs a few times I seasoned a steak with it tonight and it gave a nice flavor to it. I’m sure I will get a lot of use with it
All-Purpose Seasoning
Onarecker A.
My husband is on a low/no salt diet, and Green Salt enables him to 'have the taste' without the same bad effects of normal table salt. Thank you guys for this product! Anita Wood
Green Salt
Vera M.
I really like the complexity of the flavor, which is salty and umami and distinct, but still blends so nicely with anything I'm making. The nutritional benefits and reduced sodium impact make it the first "alternative" salt that I've really liked. Thank you!
Green Salt
Scott W.
As an individual who needs to consume less salt in their diet, the Salicornia Green Salt is ideal. Use it as you would salt for flavor without the negative effects of too much sodium!
Green Salt
Harjeet S.
So far so good. Getting used to cooking with the green salt, figuring out quantities. Taste is not altered at all with use of green salt, you cannot tell the difference between green salt and regular salt!
Green Salt
Sarah W.
Very pleased with this purchase. I have been using green salt for cooking mostly. Made a soup this weekend that needed a bit more salt, and felt a little "flat" tasting. Added the green salt and it improved the flavor two fold. The salt balance was good and then the umami that it added gave the soup such a great depth of flavor. Love it!
Green Salt
Annette E.
Green salt is very tasty, it tastes like salt. I have used it in most of my dishes. I hope it is healthy for people with kidney problems and heart problems since it is made from plants and taste so good.
Green Salt
Ravian C.
The taste is definitely different but it is salty and it does what you need it to do! I put it on everything from pasta, baked potatoes and even beans and rice 😄
Green Salt
Sharon H.
This is my first time trying green salt, and it is a good product. I love salt and need to be on a low sodium diet and it satisfy my salt craving. I shared a bag with a friend who is very sensitive to salt and love it too. I will be ordering more.
Green Salt
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