The Flower Letters Reviews

The Flower Letters Reviews

Leanne H.
My Audrey Rose Collection was given to me for Christmas 2021 by a literature fan best friend. Obviously I am a long way through it now and have loved every letter. The only hard part is waiting for the next letter. The same friend bought me the wonderful specially designed storage box which is a wonderful addition. All in all they are the very best gifts I have ever received. I have loved Audrey Rose so much that I subscribed to the Adelaide Magnolia Collection as soon as it was released late la...
Adelaide Magnolia Collection Tin | Pre-Order
Susan R.
The Flower Letters experience is like none other. Snail Mail letters from other eras (and one that is a fantasy - looking forward to that one) sent to our home. We take turns reading them to each other. Then we discuss the story and what might happen next. The resource pages are super helpful with deciphering the jargon of the era. We have learned so much! We started with a WWII love story, moved on to a Gold Rush era murder mystery/love story, and now am enjoying an Edwardian era adventure. ...
Adelaide Magnolia Collection Tin | Pre-Order
Bernadene S.
I ordered these letters as a self care exercise as I love everything English! I can't wait for my letter to arrive and when it comes, I drop everything, make a good cupa tea and sit in my comfy chair to escape to a more genteel time. I love having a charming tin to store the letters and keep it by my chair to reread them when I need a perk me up.
Adelaide Magnolia Collection Tin | Pre-Order
Alison S.
I love this story and the flower letters concept. It is so much fun getting the letter in the actual mail and reading the story a little at a time. The extra inserts are always fun and add another dimension to the experience. I have subscriptions to both The Lilly Clara and Adelaide Magnolia stories. To get a year worth of letters 24, is a treat. They are pricy on my budget but I was able to purchase both with a bundle discount which is sometimes offered. These stories would be a great gift for ...
Adelaide Magnolia Collection Tin | Pre-Order
Jennie A.
I love my slow-mail Flower Letters! They are lovely, and great reading. The extra inserts are incredible and informative to that particular era. The tin box is absolutely beautiful and having two of them, I found that they are stackable.
Adelaide Magnolia Collection Tin | Pre-Order
Debbie W.
I'm really enjoying the Flower Letters.Only have 3 Adelaide Magnolia letters so far but am really enjoying them. Thank you so much! Thinking of the Wild West series next time!!
The Adelaide Magnolia Collection - Annual
Cavalene R.
Lily Clare was a gift from my daughter for my birthday last year. I have enjoyed the letters so much I purchased a subscription for my sisters for their birthdays and then two friends for Christmas. By sharing my story about my gift, I have had friends get excited and they too have started their subscriptions as well. The letters are very unique and filled with history. It is clear they have been written with love and care and a good deal of research.
The Lily Clara Collection - Annual
Mary A.
I wish one could edit information before confirming. Could the print used in the letter be bigger? My aunt ( and I am sure there are other older folks ) needs to use a magnifying glass to read it. ~ she has very good vision in general.
The Audrey Rose Tin
Kaaren G.
This was a gift to a dear friend and she is absolutely over the moon with the concept, art, and look of the package. She and her husband are reading the letters together and they are really enjoying the journey. Thank you for creating such a lovely and long-lasting gift.
Audrey Rose Collection Christmas Bundle
Glennis P.
I look forward to the letters. I date back in history to World War II as a young child and have no trouble knowing what it is all about. Good job you guys are doing with this. Very creative.
Audrey Rose Collection Christmas Bundle
Michele W.
What a beautiful way to stay connected with my mom. I don’t call or visit as much as I would like, but every two weeks, she is reading a beautiful love story, and reminded of how much I care about her, even far away. This week, she baked a recipe that came in her letters, and sent me pictures! Did I mention she is shut in due to a heart condition that could be deadly if I visited and gave her Covid? It’s the most beautiful gift I’ve ever had the joy of giving ❤️
The Audrey Rose Letters - Annual
Sherilyn Z.
I always have to reread the last couple of letters as my memory isn't the best, anymore. However, I'm always so excited to get the next letter. This was a Christmas gift from my son and daughter-in-law, and I love it! It's such fun to keep "getting it" over and over. I will be sad when the story is completed. What a wonderfully creative idea and so nicely produced! Many thanks to you both.
Audrey Rose Collection Christmas Bundle
Amber P.
Bought this as a birthday gift for my mom. She loves it!! My grandfather was in WW2 so I did the Audrey Rose letters since they're set in that time period. Every month she looks forward to the letters and she has even been sharing them with her sisters when they get together as well!!! This gift is giving her a whole year of joy!!!!
Audrey Rose Collection Tin
Mari Jo B.
The tin is beautiful and just the right size to hold the letters. If you don’t already have one really think about getting one to complete your collection! You too will be happy you did.
Lily Clara Collection Tin
Jennifer F.
I bought the Audrey Rose letters for my 16 year old daughter to share with her great grandmother. They both absolutely love engaging in the story and talking about the memories she has from the days gone by. So when the Norah chronicles came out I knew it was a fantastic opportunity for my daughter to engage grandma into a bit more of her world. It has brought them so close the past year and it has warmed my heart. Thank you for the wonderful gift!
The Norah Aven Chronicles - Annual
Patricia C.
I gifted the Audrey Rose collection to my niece for Christmas. So far she has received 2 letters. I was so excited for her to get her first letter and to see what she thought. However, she saved it and then the second one also for us to open and read together. I was so touched and love the opportunity this collection has given us. Both of us are so intriqued in the story and are looking forward to the next letter. PS: I plan to order the Lily Clara Collection and share it with my niece...
Audrey Rose Collection Christmas Bundle
Todd R.
My wife loves the letters except they are addressed to me. The letters are her Xmas gift and I’d love it if you would change the name from Todd to Lisa. That would be most appreciated. Cheers!
The Lily Clara Collection - Annual
Kari K.
I subscribed to the Audrey Rose Collection Christmas Bundle. The letter tin arrived and it is decorated in colorful poppies that are not only pretty but extremely relevant to the time period being chronicled through the letter between Audrey and Charlie. This collection is made up of everything I actually include in my letters to my friends and family. Lovely pictures and decorations on thick paper, artistic handwriting and extras included to round out the story. The letters actually sound like ...
Audrey Rose Collection Christmas Bundle
Bobi B.
I bought this collection as a gift for my sister. She just started receiving it in January as it was a Christmas gift, but so far she is really enjoying getting to know the characters and their stories. I like the fact that the gift is a year long gift and she can enjoy something new every month.
Audrey Rose Collection Christmas Bundle
Ingebjørg H.
I bought this for my family, and it was a huge hit. Both my kids (aged 9 and 12) loves the concept and the execution, and immidately asked when the next letter will arrive. Beautifull design and well written story, told through at very clever concept. I also bought a subscriotion to the WW2-letters for my parents, and they really love it as well. Shipping to Norway went smooth, and there are no import taxes as this count as letters, not goods. There was a bit of a wait for the first letter, b...
The Norah Aven Chronicles - Annual
Joyce R.
I especially like the Secret Language and that the note wasn't to long to deciper. I am really into this letter theme more than the one I had already been following. Mystery is fun.
The Norah Aven Chronicles Monthly (Ships every 1 Months)
Cathy E.
I love receiving the letters in the mail. I can’t wait for the third one to come. They are fun to read and I love the little extras that come with the letter. I also love the suggestions you send by email so I can look up the history during that time period. I’m enjoying that part of it very much as well. I would also like to say that your customer service is amazing. I had an issue in the beginning and I sent an email and I was contacted the next day. The issue is now resolved and I am ve...
Audrey Rose Collection Christmas Bundle
Sue J.
Receiving ‘snail mail’ is a special treat. I have received 2 letters and references to history are great. I am from New Mexico, so the western setting reminds me of home. I love the easy access to definitions to the unique words of that period; however, I sometimes find the font a bit difficult to read. Thank you for the thorough research.
The Lily Clara Collection Christmas Bundle
Kat J.
What a gentle way to take you back into time….when life was harder but so much better. Not having to leave one’s armchair we transported right into the letter’s scene! WWII is my favorite era and now I’m going to the wild Wild West! Thank you 🌺 🌸 letters for making my trips to the mailbox such a joy now! Your fan KaT
The Lily Clara Collection Christmas Bundle
Rebecca D.
I love the letters in the Audrey Rose Collection and I am only 2 letters in! I ordered the Valentines Bundle of Lily Clara which hasn't started yet but I am excited for the first letter. Sometimes we have to do things for ourselves that bring us joy! Thank you for this experience!
Audrey Rose Collection Christmas Bundle
Donna W.
I enjoy reading the letters in fact cant wait to get the next one .I thought why would I pay for these when I can go out and get a book but for some reason these are exciting to receive and wait for the next letter...thank you
The Audrey Rose Collection - Monthly (Ships every 1 Months)
Crystal B.
I bought this as a Christmas gift for my mom who told me not to buy her any more stuff for Christmas. She lives alone and so I thought this would be a perfect gift for her to receive all year long that wouldn’t take up much space. I want to get a subscription for myself someday but for now my mom seems to be enjoying receiving the letters. I can’t wait until I can visit and look at the letters with her.
The Lily Clara Collection Christmas Bundle
Maryetta D.
I gave this beautiful gift of letters to my daughter-in-law, and I haven't heard about her experience yet. I am sure she love them, as she is a lovely, educated and appreciative person.
The Lily Clara Tin
Natalie B.
I purchased this for my daughter in law for Christmas and so far she has only received one letter. I’m disappointed that it’s taking so long for her to get the next one.
Audrey Rose Collection Christmas Bundle
Tina Y.
I had purchased the same 3 Flower Letters for my mother in law and 2 sisters in law for Christmas. They are avid readers and I would never think of buying them a book as a gift but this was different and I took the chance. I am so glad I did. They absolutely love it and are enjoying reading the letters they receive twice a month. Before they received the letters they received the beautiful tin to store the letters in. Now when they talk via phone they are able to share about the story. I hi...
Audrey Rose Collection Christmas Bundle
Jane S.
I received the Lily Clara collection as a gift. With much anticipation I awaited the next letter. After the first few letters I ordered the Audrey Rose collection for a friend, and the Lily Clara collection for another friend. Then I bought the Audrey Rose Christmas Collection of Audrey Rose for myself. It’s about time for another letter to arrive. I wonder if it’ll be in the box today?
Lily Clara Collection Tin
Addy M.
I ordered the Audrey Rose subscription as a Christmas gift for my 14 year old daughter who is a history lover and she has absolutely loved it so far! I have also read the letters and they are both interesting and beautiful. I love that it is a gift she gets to enjoy for the whole year!
Audrey Rose Collection Christmas Bundle
Deborah W.
This is my 2nd flower letters purchase and am really enjoying both, starting with the fun of getting "fun" mail which is so rare these days. I also ordered my daughter your newest series for Christmas. I would live to see a series for say 10-12 year olds!
The Lily Clara Collection Christmas Bundle
Darcy A.
I ordered the Lily Clara story for my mom as a Mother's day gift. She absolutely fell in love with the whole concept of the letters. A special little addition are all the little extras you get in the envelopes. Letter #3 was missing, so I emailed the company and received a quick response back and within 2 days the new letter was mailed out withe tracking information. I will defiantly be purchasing another story for my mom. xoxo
The Lily Clara Letters: Western Romance Adventure - Prepaid
Leslie J.
My parents lived through WWII with its many challenges and struggles during this time. As I’ve now grown older my understanding of that period time, it was not easy. My father’s favorite song was “Sentimental Journey “. Learning about the lives of Audrey Rose and Charlie Burke may have been the very same things my parents encounter. They both are now deceased but fond memories have sparked my interest in learning more through the Flower Letters. I have went to your website for extended lea...
Audrey Rose Collection Christmas Bundle
Pamela L.
Got this for my sister (she's a reader). So far she has shared the story with me and we both are enjoying it. She looks forward to the next letter and so do I.
Audrey Rose Collection Christmas Bundle
Danna L.
I’ve purchased two of these packages as gifts, but this one I got myself. I absolutely love it? I’m a busy mom, so it’s a nice pace with fun stuff in each letter. I highly recommend this gift for any reader.
The Norah Aven Chronicles - Annual
Susie H.
I love this tin. It’s perfect to keep all my letters together so I can easily get to them when i want to reread them. . And they don’t get messed up either. A beautiful keepsake!
The Lily Clara Tin
Deborah B.
This story was purchased for my sister and my daughters who love everything Jane Austin. We have a big discussion after each letter arrives. A big hit with the family.
The Adelaide Magnolia Letters: Regency Romance - Prepaid
Laura F.
As an author, I'm captivated by the stories behind these letters & would love to see you devote one to the Georgian era/18th-century in future! I'm going to gift your Audrey Rose letters to a family member who I'm sure will love them like I do. Thank you for the burst of joy each month! The tin is beautiful, too as are your newsletters & videos!
The Adelaide Magnolia Letters: Regency Romance - Prepaid
The Flower Letters ReviewsMore details