Anavrin Reviews

Anavrin Reviews

undefined review of Magic Pharmacist Book Nook | Anavrin (Dust Cover Included) image 1 out of 1
Sharon S.
This was my third book nook adventure and one of my favorites. I love making each and every item and adding my own twist. It is so easy to let your imagination and creativity flow to create your own one of kind book nook. I highly recommend Anavrin and I look forward to my next crafting project.
Magic Pharmacist Book Nook | Anavrin (Dust Cover Included)
undefined review of 1940s Train Cabin Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene) image 1 out of 1
Christen D.
I wasn’t sure if I could build a @byanavrin train puzzle in a day, but it turned out to be a blast! 🚂📚✨ The whole thing went smoothly, and now it’s a cool piece in my room. If you want something special for your space, definitely check out this 1940's train book nook. Grab one while the discount is still on—totally worth it!
1940s Train Cabin Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene)
undefined review of Butterfly of Unknown Lands Book Nook | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Kirsten N.
I bought this as a Christmas present to my mom and I, and we both absolutely loved making/displaying these. Mine was this butterfly one who honestly makes my bookshelf so much more interesting! We both plan on getting another one :)
Butterfly of Unknown Lands Book Nook | Anavrin
undefined review of Sam's Miniature Study Room | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Erica R.
The final outcome of Sam's study!! Absolutely amazing. Of so many crafts and miniature kits that i've built from multiple brands - Anavrin provide the best tools and equipment, extremely precise instruction manual (in English). Fantastic. Fast delivery as well. Now, on the project itself - took about a week of hard work (on & off) and now its looking so beautiful!!
Sam’s Miniature Study Room | Anavrin
undefined review of Sam's Miniature Study Room | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Anna M.
I hope this is allowed as a review because I truly had so much fun with this crafts - I used Sam's study to create a hat that my little brother wore to a Victorian era themed event that has a hat making contest - this hat won this year! My next Anavrin's will be done properly, but this one was so much fun!
Sam’s Miniature Study Room | Anavrin
undefined review of Sam's Miniature Study Room | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Miekes De M.
My 3rd Anavrin set is ready ! Sam’s Study became Miekes Study because I made some adjustments to this study ! The walls got a nice colour and I also personalised the frames with some of my favorite authors and books. Who doesn’t want to climb in the chair and read a good book? 📕📘📗📔
Sam’s Miniature Study Room | Anavrin
undefined review of Sam's Miniature Study Room | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Veronica M.
Remember don’t let the tiny details scare you,you will be surprised how easy it is when you give it a go! I’ll stick to this brand and continue to buy these fantastic little houses!!! Definitely not for kids or people who lack patience. But for me, I’m so impressed and excited about it! What a fantastic buy!!!!
Sam’s Miniature Study Room | Anavrin
undefined review of Sam's Miniature Study Room | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Mary E.
Here’s Sam’s Study! Finally finished my lockdown project. The only extra thing I did was use some extra fabric to make a pillow for the chair. As soon as I finished this, I ordered the jason kitchen 🙂
Sam’s Miniature Study Room | Anavrin
undefined review of Sam's Miniature Study Room | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Mavi P.
Sam's Study, done! An absolute beauty!! Perfect DIY craft kit with everything you need. Detailed instruction manual - a good entry for amateur crafting miniature kits as hobby! More pictures in my blog:
Sam’s Miniature Study Room | Anavrin
undefined review of Sam's Miniature Study Room | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Marilyn H.
I finished Sam's Study!!!!! It was great fun to do!!! I painted it green since I find white walls to be a blank canvas. The most challenging for me was the light fixture, but it's done and it works!!!
Sam’s Miniature Study Room | Anavrin
undefined review of Miller's Miniature Garden | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Julie-marine G.
Absolutely impressed by the quality of the material, the guidelines.... very high quality preparation, you have everything you need....beautiful family girls love it! Soooo cute!
Miller’s Miniature Garden | Anavrin
undefined review of Renaissance Grand Library | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
ME ENCANTÓ ARMARLO 😍🩷🌷 ➡️| ¿Fue fácil? NO, nunca había armado algo así, pero SIEMPRE quise. ⭐️| Estrellas: 5/5, quiero seguir haciendo otros modelos. ❤️| Enamorada: SIIII, me encanta armar cosas y esta no fue la excepción. Creo que es perfecta para las vacaciones o para pasar tiempo sin tecnología y descansar la vista. ✅| Dificultad: Es la primera vez que hago uno y la parte de la electricidad no fue muy fácil para mí. Recomiendo pedir ayuda y usar una pinza para manejar las piezas pequeñas.
Renaissance Grand Library | Anavrin
undefined review of 1940s Train Cabin Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene) image 1 out of 1
All aboard the Pocket Express! 🚂 When you hear the whistle…💨 hop on! 🤖 Pocket will take you wherever you want to go! Just tell us where you are, and we’ll make sure to pick you up at the next stop! 🚂🚂🚂 This is the 1940’s Book Nook kit by @byanavrin, and I had so much fun personalizing it for Pocket and his tiny family. ☺️ I have a feeling this new addition to the bookshelf will be a hit with the rest of the studio critters. Remember, your imagination can take you anywhere!
1940s Train Cabin Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene)
undefined review of Renaissance Grand Library | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Been a bit busy with girl therapy 💕📖, but crafting book nooks and listening to audiobooks make for the coziest nights! It’s the perfect combination for relaxation and creativity.
Renaissance Grand Library | Anavrin
undefined review of 1940s Train Cabin Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene) image 1 out of 1
Didem K.
1940’lar tren kabini booknook’u @byanavrin’den aldım ve gerçekten harika oldu! 🚂🥹 Tasarımı çok detaylı ve odama nostaljik bir hava kattı.Eğer DIY projelerine ve özel dekorlara ilgi duyuyorsanız, bu booknook’u kesinlikle tavsiye ederim.
1940s Train Cabin Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene)
undefined review of Sailing Memory Book Nook | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Karine C.
This is a very unique piece of art and play, so delicately done, it is interesting to do, step by step, well explained. My husband is very happy to do it, he told me he wants to order more when he finished this one. Thanks to Anavrin 👏🤗🌺
Sailing Memory Book Nook | Anavrin
undefined review of Eternal Bookstore Book Nook | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Lorna A.
This looks even better than expected! It took two weeks to complete and was a joy to make. I’ll definitely make another one. My only criticism is I wish the kit included glue and a file.
Eternal Bookstore Book Nook | Anavrin
undefined review of Sailing Memory Book Nook | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Sonya T.
It was easy and beautiful. A great beginner kit if you are wanting to get into miniatures or Book Nook. All you need is glue. The directions were super easy.
Sailing Memory Book Nook | Anavrin
undefined review of Sakura Densya Miniature Book Nook Shelf Insert | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Elio R.
It's a very amazing experience. The materials are very good, I have broken only one piece (...the last one!!). The final result is magic. I want another one...right now!! Congrats from Italy
Sakura Densya Miniature Book Nook Shelf Insert | Anavrin
undefined review of Sam's Miniature Study Room | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Ariane K.
Es war mein erstes Mal und es sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Sehr gut erklärt mit vielen Bildern. Sehr gute Qualität und wunderschön detailreich . Sehr zu empfehlen. Gerne wieder. Habe ca. 40h gebraucht bis es fertig war.
Sam’s Miniature Study Room | Anavrin
undefined review of Eternal Bookstore Book Nook | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Karen W.
I loved making this kit. It was so much fun to make and looks fantastic on my bookshelf. I added a few custom items I had (dog, cats, candlesticks, gargoyle, crystal ball, walking stick, coffee cup and glasses).
Eternal Bookstore Book Nook | Anavrin
undefined review of Sunshine Town Miniature Book Nook Shelf Insert | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Daniel R.
This was so much fun to assemble! I was nervous that I wouldn’t be able to do the wiring correctly but the directions were clear and I didn’t have a problem. I love to see it on my bookshelf.
Sunshine Town Miniature Book Nook Shelf Insert | Anavrin
undefined review of Eternal Bookstore Book Nook | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Karin G.
Assembling it was so much fun. It was also challenging, but never too diffult or too easy. The result is awesome, especially with the lights on inside. Definitely worth the price.
Eternal Bookstore Book Nook | Anavrin
undefined review of Eternal Bookstore Book Nook | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Pat R.
I started with constructing the 105 books. 105! Fascinating detail in the tiny things. I abandoned them every few days to do some construction or I'd go mad. How a person would do it without a Pritstick I can't imagine. Craft glue worked great for everything else. I've never done something like this before - and I loved it. Kept me out of mischief for about 2 weeks. I messed up with the light cord. I didn't pull it through far enough before it was too late so I need to use an external source f...
Eternal Bookstore Book Nook | Anavrin
undefined review of Magic Pharmacist Book Nook | Anavrin (Dust Cover Included) image 1 out of 3+2
Ephremia M.
Loved every second of it…Good and quality material, detailed design and printing. Easy and fun to make. Perfect gift and great hobby. Just perfect.
Magic Pharmacist Book Nook | Anavrin (Dust Cover Included)
undefined review of The Abandoned Submarine Book Nook | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Marc S.
This an addition review. I so enjoyed this kit I had to share it with other submarine fans. As cruiser on Disney's Treasure Maiden voyage I gave it to the crew of the Periscope Pub (themed to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea). This is a photo of the presentation
The Abandoned Submarine Book Nook | Anavrin
undefined review of JiuFen Old Street Book Nook | Anavrin (Ships out 10th January 2025) image 1 out of 1
Hätte nicht gedacht, dass mich das zusammenbauen so sehr beruhigt, fast wie meditieren :) So unglaublich viele durchdachte, lustige und schöne Details, ich bin wirklich begeistert! Hat mich viele Stunden beim Zusammenbauen beschäftigt und macht sich jetzt sehr schön im Bücherregal. Das einzige, was ich nicht ganz gelungen finde ist, dass rechts und links außen kleine "Nasen" hervorstehen. Die behindern das herausziehen von Büchern, die direkt am Book Nook anlehnen. Das ginge sicher auch mit glat...
JiuFen Old Street Book Nook | Anavrin (Ships out 10th January 2025)
undefined review of 1940s Train Cabin Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene) image 1 out of 5+4
Kevin M.
Loved it. I highly recommend watching the YouTube videos posted while doing your build. Helps with figuring out all the details involved
1940s Train Cabin Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene)
undefined review of 1940s Train Cabin Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene) image 1 out of 1
Russell C.
Fun to make although there were some small issues. All the wood, vinyl and plastic pieces popped out easily and fit together perfectly and were nicely produced. The paper pictures and metal foil in the box were somewhat crumpled from the shrink wrap packaging and the crinkles never did flatten out again regardless of the hours spend between heavy pages of a book I used to ‘iron’ them. On one of the ad videos the person states how she spent one Sunday to put this together and how nice it was t...
1940s Train Cabin Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene)
undefined review of Under The Sakura Tree Book Nook | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Chris W.
Christmas present for my partner. She loved it, had a great time putting it together, very well made and the details are incredible! Did need super glue to build fyi, not sure if something was missed but used gorilla super glue and it worked great. Highly recommended!
Under The Sakura Tree Book Nook | Anavrin
undefined review of Owl Bookstore DIY Book Nook | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Linda C.
Very happy with the quality of this item, enjoyed putting it together and love how it looks on my book shelf. Recommend!
Owl Bookstore DIY Book Nook | Anavrin
undefined review of The Abandoned Submarine Book Nook | Anavrin image 1 out of 3+2
Louis M.
Really enjoyed the kit. Wish it had a dust cover and was in a forced perspective. Things in the back are lost. But it was funny and well made.
The Abandoned Submarine Book Nook | Anavrin
undefined review of JiuFen Old Street Book Nook | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Mekhylah B.
Omg I really absolutely love it and enjoyed to make building an Jiufen old street is beautiful 😍 I'll order more soon. Thank you so much! 😊
JiuFen Old Street Book Nook | Anavrin
undefined review of 1940s Train Cabin Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene) image 1 out of 1
Ulrike P.
Bought for my niece and she loved it! It looks really good. Apparently the instructions were easy to follow and the spare parts helpful.
1940s Train Cabin Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene)
undefined review of Rose Detective Agency Book Nook | Anavrin image 1 out of 3+2
Donald W.
Very well detailed! Fairly easy to put together! The only real issue was the touch strip cable where a little short.
Rose Detective Agency Book Nook | Anavrin
undefined review of 1940s Train Cabin Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene) image 1 out of 1
Nicola S.
A difficult build, some of the instructions weren’t as clear as they could have been and there are places when two hands definitely weren’t enough! Finished product looks good, though and probably worth the stress of hoping it would all work in the end. Being able to easily remove the back panel would be good so you can adjust the moving scene if necessary.
1940s Train Cabin Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene)
undefined review of Miller's Miniature Garden | Anavrin image 1 out of 1
Alex D.
Loving this miniature so far!!! Every piece is beautifully prepared and ADORABLE! Instructions are a little spare but pictures are clear to follow. Thanks Anvarin!!!
Miller’s Miniature Garden | Anavrin
undefined review of Ginzan Onsen Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene) image 1 out of 1
Tracy W.
It was very enjoyable putting together but following the book, there were missing part numbers and steps I realized that weren’t shown at all but complete in the next pictured step. Luckily the video did have the step by step instructions and I referred back whenever I had trouble. There also weren’t enough of part 85 that holds the railings, I was one short. Otherwise, it was fun and relaxing to put together. I was sad when I was done though because I was done but…I was gifted both the Mira Mag...
Ginzan Onsen Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene)
undefined review of Elven Paradise Book Nook | Anavrin (New) image 1 out of 1
Yao Y.
Just see the photo tell the reason why I love it somuch. And the theme is just suitable for upcoming spring season.
Elven Paradise Book Nook | Anavrin (New)
undefined review of Ginzan Onsen Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene) image 1 out of 1
Barbara C.
This is a beautiful kit and the finished piece is wonderful. However the material is very fragile and difficult to work with.
Ginzan Onsen Book Nook | Anavrin (Motion Scene)
Anavrin ReviewsMore details