Betterbrand Reviews

Betterbrand Reviews

undefined review of BetterLungs Subscription image 1 out of 1
Worthen M.
I started using it 3 bottles ago . I have copd and was using breo when needed . For me better lungs seems to be working . I will continue as long as the product helps Thank you
BetterLungs Subscription
undefined review of BetterLungs® Subscription (Ships every 30 Days) image 1 out of 1
Stephen M.
I’ve added Better Lungs to my daily regimen of supplements. It does seem to improve my impaired breathing (smoker) and I feel less at risk from respiratory illness (like Covid19) .
BetterLungs® Subscription (Ships every 30 Days)
undefined review of Mullein Leaf Extract image 1 out of 1
Víctor P.
I’ve always had extra mucus and coughs, and I feel now when I’m using Mullein that my coughs are more efficient and I extract more mucus.
Mullein Leaf Extract
Gail C.
I bought this product for my son who has issues with occasional breathing plus he's a smoker so it helps to clear out his lungs. he takes it every morning. He says it really helps.
BetterLungs® Mullein + Chlorophyll
Argestine W.
My experience is wonderful, I cough up thick mucus and my sinuses are draining too, there use to be heavy mucus ther also! My lungs are clearing also, with the green mullein I can see the trash pulled up. My breathing is about 90 percent because I can pull up air deep ( which hasn’t been in several decades ! I am waiting on my order placed over last weekend, should be any day now. Thank you 🥰
BetterLungs® Mullein + Chlorophyll
Suzanne B.
My best friend was having respiratory issues. She was not doing well on the prescription she was given I gave her the thyme tea. It helped her much more than anything else she was taking
Thyme Tea Tin
Russell L.
I have been a Smoker for 50 plus years plus an allergy Sufferer I have noticed a big difference in my Breathing in the Month I've been using it there is still a lot of phlegm and mucus coming out of my system. I still have the Gummies to use to clear out my Lungs and Sinuses but am very much appreciative for this product
BetterLungs® Mullein + Chlorophyll
Cristina R.
Better lungs has helped my respiratory health tremendously!! Before starting with these supplements i would get bronchitis once a year. For the past three years, that hasnt happened. Thank you!
BetterLungs Subscription
Judy H.
I have been taking Mullien for 6 months. Starting with the tea and it worked great. But these drops are amazing. I had the flu and continued to use my drops and my lungs stayed clear and so did my chest. My sinuses did not get all clogged up either. The mucous was coughed out. I have not taken allergy meds since I started. For me it works great. I love it. Thank you.
BetterLungs® Mullein + Chlorophyll
Valentina B.
I received this item as a sample gift and when I took it I noticed that it had a really helpful effect on my feet which experienced numbness at times from a low back injury and my feet feel better than ever since I've been taking this product even though I didn't take it in relation to drinking alcohol, I just thought it would be a good idea when I saw how high the b vitamins were in it and gave it a try with good results.
BetterMorning® Packs
Dennis F.
Took the packet of Better Morning at night and woke up feeling invigorated, very alert, and happy to begin my day!! A truly great supplement and will recommend to family, friends, and everyone in between!
BetterMorning® Packs
I just renewed my order. i was not using it right. I was supported to take two drops> I was taking 2 droppers so I am out waiting for my order to come. I will send a picture when I get it.
Mullein Tincture
Teresa F.
I had had trouble breathing for nearly a year. My son saw Mullein Better Lungs and I decided to try it. It actually seems to have made a significant difference. I don't usually like gummies, but these are OK....actually, pretty good!
BetterLungs® Mullein Gummies
undefined review of BetterLungs® Mullein Leaf Extract image 1 out of 1
Frank R.
Received my 3 bottles quickly. Started right away taking it. 2 weeks now and im starting to feel the affect. Great Product. Must try if you want to clear up them lungs...
BetterLungs® Mullein Leaf Extract
undefined review of BetterLungs image 1 out of 1
Charlene P.
I can't believe how this cleared up my breathing on the first day. I stopped coughing all the time and feel a whole lot better!! Thanks!!!
Tommy F.
unfortunately, I still smoke. Your lung product helps me deal with the side effects greatly. Moma told me to never look a gift a gift horse in the mouth, but I haven't drank in 10 years, so the 4 pks. of morning after haven't really helped me. Was going to say something about it but now I don't have to cause I didn't get no gift this last time. PS. the "morning after" did not go to waste . I gave it to my sister cause she is very promiscuos.
Dutch B.
It just works , in the age we now live in it's hard to trust things we see and hear on the internet , and better brand product's just work ! Thanks Dutch bond.
BetterLungs® Mullein + Chlorophyll
William B.
This tea truly work for me and our friends that are using it now as well. Family and friends asked me what was I doing differently and I told everyone that I was drinking Better Brand Tea and it has truly helped my breathing issues. My Doctor told me last week that my lungs hadn't sounded this good in over a year. I'm back during yard work that I usually have to pay someone else to do. I'm going to continue to drink this tea and share it with family and friends as well.
BetterLungs® Tea
Svetlana S.
I love this product since it has all of the essential vitamins you need after enjoying drinks for an evening. I really, really, love the Mullein drops. They help with dry cough and help ease the dry coughs. I will definitely order this over and over. Overall, all of your products have been great. There are more that I am wanting to try.
BetterMorning® Packs
Lacey S.
I put this right under my tongue along with the elderberry tincture together and I feel amazing. I love all the samples I'm able to get from this amazing better brand company. I love to try new samples all the time. My all-time favorite vitamin from this company is the better lungs this is truly the best vitamin I have in my cupboard to take. I have suffered from childhood asthma and I know longer have any wheezing I never cough ever since I started taking this. Thank you so much betterbrand!
BetterLungs® Black Seed Oil Tincture
Lloyd K.
before i started using better brand mullein i was waking every other hour coughing my lung up now after using it for several weeks i sleep though out the night with no problem
BetterLungs® Mullein + Chlorophyll
Sandra A.
This product is amazing! My husband had a lot of phlegm that he was constantly hacking up. It was driving me crazy! Since starting this product, it has cleared. He's on his 2nd bottle and will continue to purchase. His mom has asthma and has also started using it. She loves it as well and is also on her 2nd bottle. Thank you for such a great product!!
BetterLungs® Mullein + Chlorophyll
Manuel G.
It helps so much with my clearing the lungs. I am dedicated to this after having COVID and using this product. I also share with others to purchases and they have had great results
BetterLungs® Mullein + Chlorophyll
undefined review of BetterLungs® Mullein Leaf Extract image 1 out of 1
Nikita T.
It’s really easy to use and I don’t taste it in my water! I don’t feel like I’m expectorating a lot of phglem but I feel like it’s getting better. The dropper never fills up to 1ml
BetterLungs® Mullein Leaf Extract
undefined review of BetterBasics: Fish Oil image 1 out of 1
Aaron S.
Well worth the purchase I mean it’s fish oil and you literally can’t go wrong with that 10/10 would recommend
BetterBasics: Fish Oil
undefined review of BetterLungs® image 1 out of 1
Rhett R.
It's a great product. I smoke daily and I'd say it improves my breathing by like 15-20%. Which is awesome. I can't really ask more from a product like this.
Calvin S.
This stuff works great! Started noticing a difference after about a week of taking daily dose. Unfortunately, I've vaped for years (working on quitting) and this product has helped me gain hope that my lungs can recover! I also recommend the BetterMushrooms for daily mental focus and clarity. Worth the money!
Benton W.
One of the VERY FEW products on the Mary today that ACTUALLY WORK ! Great results my lungs have never felt better won’t ever stop using this, I recommend this to anyone that breathes air
BetterLungs Subscription
undefined review of BetterLungs image 1 out of 1
Leonard H.
I have just completed a 2 months supply of Better Lungs. After 1 month, I noticed some improvement with my breathing. I have COPD and also use Symbicort. I then ordered a 4 bottle supply that was on special. This would allow me ample time to give a true assessment of the benefits of your product. After 2 months, I do feel a bit stronger but at this point nothing miraculous as a result of using Better Lungs. I can attest to the fact that there are no negative side effects, so I'm sure the n...
undefined review of BetterLungs Subscription image 1 out of 1
Shirley W.
I believe that I am feeling better today than I did before I was trying the Lungs capsules. I have severe COPD. So I need all the help I can get!!!
BetterLungs Subscription
Peggy S.
Excellant product. Works exactly as advertised. Over the last 6 months I've felt some amazing changes happening. My Asthma and Allergies that have plagued me since childhood are a minor irritation now. Even better my Stage 4 COPD seems to be reversing. My morning Pulse/Ox percentage has slowly gone from a waking/morning 88% to 94%. It is so nice to wake up without a headache and struggling to breathe. Taking the Elderberry Tincture and Mullein Gummys at night have allowed my lungs to clear...
BetterLungs® Elderberry Tincture
Janie B.
I’ve got asthma and beginning stage of COPD and so Before I started taking these pills I was having a lot of flare ups with my condition to Where I was having a hard time catching my breath a lot and so since I been taking them I don’t as many flare ups like I was so yea I think The Betterlungs has helped a lot . Thanks
Tammy P.
I've been using Better Lungs for years. I have mild COPD, I stayed using it when I was diagnosed several years ago. Since using it I don't have that lack of oxygen feeling and my COPD had stayed mild. My husband now takes it as does a few of my friends. I swear by it, it has helped me tremendously.
Sara G.
Being a past smoker and current vapor...My BF suggested that I try this product. It has been a life changer. Not only did it clean out my lungs but when I got a horrible cold it help move it along faster. I have been recommending this to all my family and friends!
BetterLungs® Mullein Leaf Extract
Tom T.
This is a very effective product, but prohibitively expensive. I am now in the process of making my own tincture using wild mullein harvested from my own property. If it doesn't work, I'll be back in touch!
BetterLungs® Mullein Leaf Extract
Donald M.
The product definitely works. The next day after having a few alcohol drinks the previous night I was amazed that I felt great the next day. No headache, No brain fog, etc. Thanks, Donald M
Sarah A.
These delicious gummies give me so much energy! I am no spring chicken…creeping up on 79 years of age..and have 3 dogs that require good long daily walks. No problem! Have a feeling of wellbeing that lasts all day. Love this product!
Linda K.
I was on bad shape. I have copd and i was finding it hard to get a good breath even with inhalers. I was pretty discouraged but the found your mullen product and now i 100% better. I use the tea all day long, two capsules daily and gummies once or twice a day. Im so happy to have found you
Jon R.
I’m 66 yrs young an i smoke almost a pack a day, I had some spots on my lungs but after starting Better lungs they shrunk or went away, I have 16 stairs up to my apartment an go up an down at least 3 times a day with no problem, love the results, thanks...
BetterLungs Subscription
Art M.
Tried this tea and I am truely impressed! It does clear up my breathing and feels good. I had doubts there would be a tea this effective! I am soon to order my next batch. A good investment!
Detox Tea
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