Seedsheets Reviews

Seedsheets Reviews

Karen S.
Picture Perfect Pickling Fall Garden
Judy L.
All of the seeds have germinated! We will be taking the plants outdoors this coming week. Can't wait to see how much produce we get.
Greens: Spinach
Vanessa R.
So easy to use and after just 12 days my garden has started to bloom. Made a definite believer out of me!
Custom Raised Bed Garden
Marsha G.
I'm so excited watching my garden grow. I can't wait to eat them! I love the seed sheets. It makes life easier for me.
Garden Container
Tamera P.
My seeds are sprouting and growing fast already! Great concept, love my three garden bags so far! Herb, salad, and pizza
Culinary Container Garden Bundle
undefined review of Custom Raised Bed Garden image 1 out of 1
James S.
Seeds rapidly germinating, sprouting within a couple days of rollout! Very surprising. Looking forward to continued growth. Very impressed so far.
Custom Raised Bed Garden
undefined review of Custom Container Garden image 1 out of 1
Laurel L.
Love it & will definitely get more next year. Getting a lot of beans, peas & cucumbers out of it.
Custom Container Garden
undefined review of BASIC image 1 out of 1
Clinton K.
This is what they like đź‘Ť k like as babies!
undefined review of Custom Raised Bed Garden image 1 out of 1
Connie B.
Really appreciate the customer service and quick response time.
Custom Raised Bed Garden
undefined review of Custom Raised Bed Garden image 1 out of 1
Amy H.
A few items did not grow but over all great experience.
Custom Raised Bed Garden
Patricia S.
Love our seed sheet! This is our second year. It’s one of my favorite activities to do with my kids
Custom Raised Bed Seedsheet
Marion B.
I loved how easy it all was!! Unfortunately, some of the seeds didnt take. But that could be the crazy weather!
Design Your Own Garden
undefined review of Design Your Own Garden image 1 out of 4+3
Yvonne A.
I cannot believe how few seeds were included. This was very disappointing. I was not at all impressed I'm sorry to say.
Design Your Own Garden
undefined review of Design Your Own Garden image 1 out of 1
Le Anne S.
Had issues with the stakes not holding. I’m getting a good yield but had hoped for less weeding
Design Your Own Garden
Carmella W.
My brown thumb might just turn green for once. Every doy I am so excited to see my plants thriving. Great purchase.
Custom Container Garden
Terri L.
easy to use. filled it with potting soil and watered it. its only been a week and plants are sprouting. super excited!
Custom Family Size Garden
Barb D.
My Cherry Tomatoes haven't appeared yet but everything else is growing well! My 4x8' one is growing even BETTER! SOOO excited!
Custom Container Garden
Donlen R.
The planting and layout was very easy. Unfortunately, only one item of the eight successfully germinated and grew. Great idea that just did not seem to work out as well as expected. On the other hand, the bio weed fabric is wonderful
Design Your Own Garden
Damian B.
We live in Texas and I followed directions to a T when I set everything up, even did some research on best time to plant & what. Watered like instructions said EVERYTHING, even purchased the small bottle of food and We did not get a garden. Would not purchase again.
Design Your Own Garden
Angela L.
It was fun to plant although the cheap little spray nozzle did not work. I had a nice sprinkler on my hose nozzle that was gentle so I use that every day. However, only one zucchini grew out of the entire batch! That zucchini is beautiful, but not another sprout anywhere. So sad. And expensive! It would have been amazing had they all come up.
Design Your Own Garden
Erin S.
I was a little disappointed that there were several sheets instead of one large sheet, but it was still pretty easy to use and I love that extra seed pods were included. The growing guide was nicer as well. I wish we were able to choose tomatoes and cucumbers in one sheet, and it seemed like there might be less choices overall. I will say that it is growing beauifully as usual, so we are very happy.
Custom Raised Bed Seedsheet
Mandy H.
seriously easy. as a recovering plant killer and apartment dweller, seedsheets is perfect for fresh herbs and veggies year round.
Custom Container Garden
Mandy H.
bless seedsheets for making me feel like I have a "green thumb." I've never bothered to plant flowers before but they sprouted in a week!
Grow Your Own Serenity Flower Garden
Teri P.
So pleased! Everything has grown like crazy and no weeding. I will definitely be buying from you every year. Thank you!
Custom Raised Bed Garden
Lauren S.
Everything grew well except for the edamame. For some reason, that one line of plants did not take and everything else did. Easy to get going and keep track of. It's slow to start when starting with seeds and some don't always work (i.e. edamame), but otherwise it's great
Custom Raised Bed Seedsheet
Lydia H.
Several of the seeds didn't make it and the two marigolds didn't even appear. So far one of the cherry and one of the large tomato plants are doing well but still very small. The basil seems to be fine.
Easy Breezy Caprese Raised Bed Seedsheet
Benita P.
I ordered this item 2 weeks before Christmas after seeing Whoopi rave about it on the View. I am still waiting for my product to this date 8 weeks later. Benita
The Gift Of A Garden
Penny E.
I haven't planted yet. We recently moved and I'm saving my seeds to plant next Spring. I'm looking forward to it!
undefined review of SUPER image 1 out of 1
Michelle P.
We were pleased with our purchase. The seeds were high quality and it couldn't be easier to plant. Wonderful product.
Amanda P.
I am loving my seed sheet have already picked greenbeans from it and I have about 4 cantaloupe growing... I can't wait for next year.
Terie H.
Very proud of myself as I haven't been able to grow much in the past. Everything is coming up beautifully although I wish there had been more radishes!
Custom Basic Garden
Mackenzie B.
Been a natural gardener got these as a gift planted them in beds some did not grow so then I had to cut sheet to allow new plantings only have peas that are still doing well rest all replaced now may be good for open garden not a fan for beds
Design Your Own Garden
Erin P.
While I love picking out my pods one thing that I perhaps didn't realize, not being a seasoned gardener, was that the small space of the pods might hinder the growth of some items. I ordered radishes as one pod and got 5 radishes total and they were super small because they had nowhere to grow. My tomato plant in the middle pod shaded my green onions and so they didn't grow well either. I wish that instructions on how to 'farm' these items came with the seedsheet. Otherwise I love it. It's great...
Custom Container Garden
Ayanna B.
Every summer we try to grow something new with our kid. This year he’s been a lot involved in the choosing and maintenance. So this was very much the right purchase. We don’t even have anything edible yet, but he’s so excited to watch it all sprout and grow.
Custom Container Garden
Margaret M.
It took a long time to arrive. Late for growing tomatoes in our location. I'm worried container is too small for the 5 plants I ordered. Time will tell. My Sun Gold cherry tomato takes a huge pot to flourish.
Basil: Sweet
Kay H.
I like the way the container is put together. I set it up this morning and watered according to directions. That is all I can report at this time.
Custom Container Garden
Katherine W.
We haven’t planted them in the ground just yet so I’ll have to review after they are planted. I love the idea of it so tune in again after we plant!
Tomato: Moskvich
Maureen J.
Well, I expected my order in 2 weeks and it took 4. There is no phone number to contact so I sent 2 emails inquiring on the status of my order and never got a response. Customer service needs major improvements. I should have had a response and be informed of the delay. The plants are growing well but it's only been ten days.
Lettuce: Salad Blend
undefined review of Design Your Own Garden image 1 out of 3+2
Adam S.
I would say 1/5 of the pods actually sprouted. This is in irrigated planter beds with fresh soil. Will not buy again.
Design Your Own Garden
undefined review of Design Your Own Garden image 1 out of 2+1
Patricia Z.
Very easy to do fasting growing.
Design Your Own Garden
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