Seedsheets Reviews

Seedsheets Reviews

undefined review of Mini Herbs and Salads Bundle image 1 out of 1
Whitney W.
Usually have a green thumb and all my plants sprouted!! Can’t wait to see them grow :)
Mini Herbs and Salads Bundle
undefined review of Custom Family Size Garden image 1 out of 1
Lisa P.
This one I planted 6/7, it’s coming along nicely.
Custom Family Size Garden
undefined review of Custom Container Garden image 1 out of 1
Barbara H.
Very easy to set up and fast growing. This is the perfect gift for any level gardener.
Custom Container Garden
undefined review of Custom Container Garden image 1 out of 1
Jennifer A.
Everything is good so far. Sprouts are just starting to come up.
Custom Container Garden
undefined review of Tomato: Moskvich image 1 out of 1
Erica S.
My seeds sprouted so much in 1 week. Super excited to harvest my own veggies
Tomato: Moskvich
undefined review of Lettuce: Emerald Oak image 1 out of 1
Hailey D.
So far so good. Just planted yesterday!
Lettuce: Emerald Oak
undefined review of Custom Container Garden image 1 out of 1
Ashley B.
Seedsheets made gardening easy for this begginer! Love watching my plants grow!
Custom Container Garden
Kathy T.
Installed in early May. Only have a few carrots, two lettuce, 4 green bean plants, 3 chives. Nothing else is growing. Not sure I'd do this next year. Love the idea though.
Design Your Own Garden
Natalie K.
I didn't have a good experience. Did what it says when planting. When things started to sprout, only 2 plants each for Serrano peppers and jalepeno peppers. Very slow growth. Planted early June. Zuchinni sprouted beautifully, however only got about 6 zuchinni and stems seemed to rot from material holding water underneath. Cucumbers are pretty leafs and climbing, again not first bud. I feel too much moisture underneath and watered like it was suggested. I cut away all material for remai...
Design Your Own Garden
Jennifer N.
I like that seed sheet will send you extra seeds if your plants don’t sprout, and the customer service is excellent. The only trouble is- if you’ve planted the extra seed pod they sent bc the first one didn’t sprout and the extra one doesn’t sprout as well, then you might run out of time to plant. That’s what happens to me. One broccolini didn’t sprout and I used the extra seeds and then those didn’t sprout and I was sent an extra broccolini and those didn’t sprout either, so I said never mind...
Design Your Own Garden
undefined review of Custom Raised Bed Garden image 1 out of 1
Deya W.
Love my garden!!
Custom Raised Bed Garden
undefined review of Custom Family Size Garden image 1 out of 1
Laura R.
Just getting started only a few weeks so far. Easy to use and things are growing in every pod.
Custom Family Size Garden
undefined review of Custom Container Garden image 1 out of 1
Dawn W.
Seedsheets makes it easy to have a green thumb!
Custom Container Garden
Jennifer N.
It seems to work, because I forgot to use it and the plants looked light green. Then after I used the fertilizer, they got dark green. I’m just confused though, the bottle says monthly fertilizer, but then the instructions say weekly.
SUPER Fertilizer
Denise G.
My plants are doing well the ones that are growing. My bell peppers are not coming up. My carrots also. Only 2 patches are coming up. The rest are nothing.
Design Your Own Garden
Gabrielle S.
I like the sheets. They made planting a garden much easier. However, the garden markers are really low quality. I was excited that they had QR codes on them, but they sunbleached completely white in less than a week, so they weren't actually useful at all. Overall, that was my only issue though!
Design Your Own Garden
Christopher G.
Cool idea that kept the weeds away and made spacing easy, but only got about 80% germination. Only one of the cucumbers grew, three beans, and two beets. So probably gonna keep the sheet but drop in small plants into the holes next year.
Design Your Own Garden
Joanne A.
I wish there were more options per row. Also, nothing grew :( not even one! I thought for sure at least one of the plants would bloom, but nothing. So, I ended up pulling all of the black fabric out and planted my own seeds to see if it was the soil...I have zucchini, peppers, beans, corn, cuc's, and lettuce growing. I was really excited to use the product with a variety of plants/seeds. Wheat a great concept to get a garden planted sickly! I'm so disappointed. I might try again next year,...
Design Your Own Garden
Susan M.
Well, all started out well. about 70% of the seeds came up and were thriving in the first few weeks. Then, a BUNNY somehow got through a tiny gap in the wired, raised bed, and ate every leaf, killing my whole crop, except for the summer squash/zucchini. So, there you have it. I have since reinforced everything and rebuilt the wire fence and bought plants that were already budding and started again. Too much $ on the garden this year. But not your fault.
Design Your Own Garden
undefined review of Seedsheet Herb Garden image 1 out of 1
Connie L.
I water every morning and when I get home from work. Not sure why the last one took so long to finally start to sprout.
Seedsheet Herb Garden
Lisa L.
First time ordering and loved it! Very happy with the plants and so is my rabbit! Will definitely be purchasing some more!
Custom Container Garden
Becky S.
I got this for my daughter so my grandson could have his own little garden. It looks like it is coming along. Only had it for about a month.
Custom Container Garden
Lauren S.
So far, so good! All of the seed pods sprouted within a week and they’re growing quickly. The fabric garden containers look really nice, too.
Custom Container Garden
undefined review of Marigold: Tangerine Gem image 1 out of 1
Gladys S.
The marigolds look pretty good so far. They look strong and healthy
Marigold: Tangerine Gem
undefined review of Lettuce: Salad Blend image 1 out of 1
Gladys S.
Coming along
Lettuce: Salad Blend
undefined review of Custom Container Garden image 1 out of 1
Gladys S.
Custom Container Garden
undefined review of Pea: Dwarf Grey Sugar image 1 out of 1
Gladys S.
Look the best so far
Pea: Dwarf Grey Sugar
undefined review of Cucumber: Lemon image 1 out of 1
Gladys S.
Coming along
Cucumber: Lemon
undefined review of Calendula: Orange image 1 out of 1
Anne M.
Sprouting! Can’t wait!!
Calendula: Orange
undefined review of Greens: Spinach image 1 out of 1
Anne M.
Sprouting but apparently I don’t have to thin!
Greens: Spinach
undefined review of Custom Container Garden image 1 out of 1
Anne M.
Just patiently waiting!
Custom Container Garden
undefined review of Bean: Provider Bush image 1 out of 1
Anne M.
Not sprouting yet. Just started 6 days ago!
Bean: Provider Bush
undefined review of Beets image 1 out of 1
Christine C.
So easy and I’m already seeing baby sprouts
undefined review of Onions: Scallion image 1 out of 1
Catherine B.
This is my first time trying this. It will be 2 weeks tomorrow. I am going to put the plants outside this weekend
Onions: Scallion
undefined review of Carrot: Yaya image 1 out of 1
Kate U.
Too soon to tell but we are off to a good start!
Carrot: Yaya
undefined review of Basil: Sweet image 1 out of 1
Kate U.
Two weeks in with outdoor pots and daily watering and there they are! Happy little seedlings.
Basil: Sweet
undefined review of Custom Container Garden image 1 out of 1
Anita B.
Planted custom seed sheet less than a week ago and it’s already sprouted and continues to grow. Can’t wait to see the veggies and plants full grown.
Custom Container Garden
undefined review of Cauliflower image 1 out of 1
Rhonda S.
I love these little guys.
undefined review of Basil: Sweet image 1 out of 1
Rhonda S.
I am loving it this but afraid of thinning
Basil: Sweet
undefined review of Custom Container Garden image 1 out of 1
Susan T.
It’s coming along.
Custom Container Garden
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