Petsmont Reviews

Petsmont Reviews

Eleanor J.
Worked great! My dogs bumps are almost gone. Saved me money and my dog from an operation. Very happy with the results!
Petsmont Buddy Guard Medium Dog
Rebecca A.
Our dogs like it and one of our dogs had a big ol bump on the right side of her tail. It has gotten small. Everyone’s noticed it
Petsmont Buddy Guard Toy Dog
Terence E.
I’ve been using the product for six weeks, and the lumps are still there. I have another jar, and will continue to use it until it’s gone. Hopefully the lumps will be gone, too!
Petsmont Buddy Guard Medium Dog
Karen W.
There is one large lump that disappeared. 2 other lumps had to be drained by the vet. I think it is helping.
Petsmont Buddy Guard Medium Dog
Connie R.
My 7 year old puppet has lumps bumps all over. He has three total and 1 just appeared less the 6 months ago. This one has reduced in size
Petsmont Buddy Guard Toy Dog
Karen F.
Our 15 year old yellow Lab has a better appetite, no lumps that we can find and is doing great.
Petsmont Buddy Guard Medium Dog-supply
Enrique S.
It works really good on my little dog the bump was huge and now it's's possible to come back? please let me know thanks
Petsmont Buddy Guard Toy Dog
Lori S.
Ripley's lumps are much small. A significant one on his side is shrinking but not completely gone. We'll keep giving it and hope it completely resolves.
Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog
Daniel M.
Helps one of my dogs lumps with the mushroom powder and helped another dogs skin issues with the salmon oil.
Buddy Guard + Omega Love+
Jeanine T.
The lumps and bumps are not completely gone but they have shrunk quite a bit I will same more as my precious progresses.
Petsmont Buddy Guard Small Dog
John N.
Dog has a half dollar sized lipoma on his rib cage……..not gone but it is smaller in size now. Not sure if related but he seems more playful……has more energy lately.
Petsmont Buddy Guard Toy Dog
Erin B.
I saw the lipoma bumps on my dog shrink significantly in under 2 weeks! My pup also seems more active and jogs around the house now!
Petsmont Buddy Guard Medium Dog
Shanda D.
After several weeks of taking Buddy Guard, our dog's allergies seemed to improve. He had noticeably less itching and scratching.
Petsmont Buddy Guard
Barbara A W.
Large lump has reduced to almost gone. He feels better as Dillion is almost 13 years old. So happy as I know it us working.
Petsmont Buddy Guard Medium Dog
Kati B.
My Chihuahua mix had a lipoma on her stomach that is tremendously reduced after just one month. My silky had growths on her ear that have almost disappeared.
Petsmont Buddy Guard Toy Dog
Karen S.
My 9yr old black lab had two very small fatty lumps. After a few months on Buddy Guard, both lumps are completely gone. Highly recommend!
Petsmont Buddy Guard Medium Dog
Hazel L.
My Female Labrador had a very large lump on her back. It has shrunk to 1/2 its original size. My male Labrador had multiple small bumps on his body and they have all gone. We use this 2 x a day. I am hoping my females bump will go away. We also have changed both dogs diet and snack foods.
Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog
Martha B.
Worked on my older border collie. Got rid of a few bumps around her neck. It did nothing for my rat terrier. She has a big lump on her rib cage and by her butt Neither one has responded and still ther months later.
Petsmont Buddy Guard
Denise S.
I have two dogs which I am giving this to. One is an older rescue with skin ulcers and I do believe that I am seeing changes as they “resolve” away which is the best way I can describe it. The other is a Yorkie that has more like a boil on her side. I can’t see any changes in the bump so far but I won’t give up. It has been three weeks.
Petsmont Buddy Guard Toy Dog
Kathleen C.
Casey has had a big fatty lump for years. It definitely is shrinking. Been using it since 10/1. Hopefully the entire lump will disappear by December!
Petsmont Buddy Guard Toy Dog
Shelley C.
My old doggo still has lumps and bumps but she is bright-eyed and still gets the zoomies at the park. My brother commented that she is looking good. She is 16.5. I think the shrooms are helping her!
Petsmont Buddy Guard Medium Dog
Cindy B.
I put my senior pup on this. It has been less than a month. I have seen a little bit of reducing in one of the lumps but not the other. But again it's been less than 30 days so I will try it for one more month to see how it works. Indiana does love the taste and looks forward to it in his food.
Petsmont Buddy Guard
Ralston-edlinger R.
Sorry to say that we had to put our Sir Winston down 2 weeks ago at the age of 12 1/2. He was a huge part of our lives and I do think that the Buddy Guard did give him and use some extra months. Marsha
Petsmont Buddy Guard
Robin C.
The bumps are still there but he isn’t scratching as much at all like a 2 out of 10!! His hair looks and feel’s better Will keep giving it to him Thank you
Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog
Carolyn F.
Had several lumps and bumps...some have flattened and other has shrunk to half the size...I will continue to give them to her
Petsmont Buddy Guard
Renee (.
We're still in the 2nd month, but we definitely see marked improvement in the size of our dog's lipomas. He has already had two surgeries for these, but now that he is a senior, we wanted to find something less invasive. This seems to be the answer we were hoping for. We're going to keep with it and we will keep you updated on the progress. But for now, we are very happy, hopeful, and optimistic. Kili's Mom and Dad
Petsmont Buddy Guard Medium Dog
Barbara S.
The softball size lump on our black lab shrank a little and isnt as tight as it was. At least it isnt getting larger. The smaller lumps all over the yellow lab are somewhat smaller but still there. The yellow lab is also arthritic and it may have helped some but he is also on HA injections and Dashuquin. Its seemingly taking all of that to keep him going along with the Buddy Guard. Both labs are 13 as of January 2. They are brothers. I am thankful for any help keeping them around and acti...
Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog
Sue E.
Still working on Sam's Lipoma. Definitely shrinking! Just got 5 more jars, hoping this will just about take it away.
Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog
Snow N.
It is not that it isn’t working, it’s likely taking time to have a noticeable impact. My dog likes it and i feel good about the product and understand that it is a process to rectify health in a senior canine.
Petsmont Buddy Guard Small Dog
Valerie B.
Buddy Guard possibly gave my dog more energy and maybe some small lumps shrank a little. But he is still getting lumps and the very large one on his chest has not gone down in size - maybe a little softer. He has been on it for 7 months.
Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog
Brooke F.
This definitely has prevented the mass from growing. It is still there and looks like it has gotten a little smaller but lumps are still there. My dog does seem to be less bothered by his lumps.
Petsmont Buddy Guard Medium Dog
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