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Petsmont Reviews

undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 1
Laura M.
I always adopt senior dogs, this is my second set that I have given Buddy Guard and I have added the Salmon oil also as the Pittie has skin problems. Within a couple months both dogs have improved significantly from their condition when they were brought home. The little one is approx 15, the Pit 13 and the Husky is the young one at 8, I have started giving him Buddy Guard too!
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 2+1
Marci J.
My little girl sunny was covered with lumps and bumps. They thought it was arthritis or benign fatty sis well, let me tell you they are almost totally gone and the big one underneath her left arm which I could put my whole hand over is half the size this product is incredible, thank you Marci Jones
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 1
Joe B.
My lab had surgery for multiple lipomas. I started using BuddyGuard after he developed 3 more bumps following surgery. Since using BuddyGuard the bumps stopped growing. BiddyGuard is part of my labs daily diet now for over 2 years. He is healthy. No more bumps have emerged.
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard Small Dog image 1 out of 1
Jeff K.
Ready loves the taste! I put it on his food, mix alittle water , makes a “gravy” He has a large lump on his neck and it’s is getting smaller. Thank you! The power of mushrooms!
Petsmont Buddy Guard Small Dog
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog image 1 out of 3+2
Jocelyn C.
I'm so amazed with the result . My 2 fur babies , yellow Labradors , Prince (7 years old & Lady ( 6 years old) have lumps & bumps on their back & legs like the size of a marble & golf balls . Since I gave them the Buddy Guard for almost 3 months now , I noticed that those lumps & bumps are becoming smaller & softer & some of it , I don't feel it anymore as I tried to check them almost every night when they're asleep or just lying down . They love the taste of Buddy Guard , they're always excite...
Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog image 1 out of 5+4
Angela W.
We are on Kendal’s 2nd container of Buddy Guard. About 2 weeks into our first container, we began noticing that our 12 year old Doberman began to have more energy than usual. That has only continued as we have given him his daily dose. As well, I can report that he loves the taste of it! I mix it with a little water and put on his dry kibbles for lunch. One of his smaller lumps has completely disappeared, now that we are about 6 weeks into it. We will continue using it and will report back. Chee...
Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 2+1
Kimberly V.
So far I can see the wart on her face going down. The photos I posted aren’t great but I think you can see the difference. I noticed she has a little more energy for being almost 13. The lumps have not reduced yet but I’m hopeful that they will. It has only been 6 weeks which is not a long time.
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 1
Randy K.
Cassie still has some lumps but the size of all of them is slowly diminishing and getting softer. Still keeping an eye on them. Last week at our vet visit, she was surprised that they were getting softer and smaller.
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 4+3
Nancy W.
First the package was supposedly delivered but it didn't show up at my house. One quick call them ans they sent me another immediately. I started using it and there was. One especially ugly lump the size of a nichol and raised an inch Within I week that deflated and several of the small bumps disappeared Riser the black dog also had a skin problem which was very uncomfortable and it took about 2 months for that to get better. I will continue to give it to both RISER AND FLASH . Thank yo...
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 1
Stephanie V.
My big boy was diagnosed with cancer. As a result of a lump on his neck that burst open and seemingly got infected. I immediately changed his diet and added supplements. Including one with mushrooms. Soon after his scans came back clear. But he ended up with another lump in the same area on his neck. I finally added this product. After a few months I noticed the lump was gone. I didn't know what to expect, but WOW!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard Toy Dog image 1 out of 5+4
Sara P.
After one month I believe his lumps have actually decreased in size! My 10 1/2 year old chocolate lab seems to have more energy and we've been walking more and even jogging a little once again!
Petsmont Buddy Guard Toy Dog
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 5+4
Joe B.
My lab had surgery to remove fatty lumps. After surgery, more lumps began to grow. I started with Buddy Guard and it stopped the growth of the fatty masses. Buddy Guard is a part of my lab's daily diet. I believe it has prevented lumps from now only growing but forming on my dog.
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 1
Sara P.
My 11 year old chocolate lab Orvis had lots of lipomas, one especially large one behind his front left "armpit" that has gradually gotten bigger over the years. I was worried it may start becoming irritated when he walked but it has decreased in size, as have many of his others in the few months since using this product! I love it!!
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard Toy Dog image 1 out of 1
Adrianne R.
My 15 year old dog was starting to really slow down, losing some of her normal zest for life. Two years ago she was paralyzed by a stroke and ever since that time she severely curtailed her activities. However since starting your mushroom product her energy has returned quite noticeably. She’s even back to retrieving which I thought she’d given up forever!
Petsmont Buddy Guard Toy Dog
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 1
Nathalie M.
MacTavish has had 2 modules become large enough that they needed surgical removal. He is now on Buddy Guard and he still has a few small modules but they do not appear to be getting larger since he started taking Body Guard.
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard Small Dog image 1 out of 3+2
Jim S.
After 3 weeks the lumpy feeling on her belly and chest were gone. I also noticed the larger lumps on her hips and forehead were noticeably smaller . I know she is feeling better just by the way she is moving around. Thanks for a great product for our very loved family member.
Petsmont Buddy Guard Small Dog
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 1
Noreen P.
Sofie is 13 years old and had a bunch of lumps 2 large and 3 little. The big ones are almost gone and the little ones are very small. This stuff really works. It’s a great product
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard Medium Dog image 1 out of 1
Terry W.
I am thrilled with this product. Khloe is a 10 year old mixed breed who we adopted 2 years ago - she came with 2 lumps on her chest and 2 lumps on each outer thigh - the vet said not to worry but every time I pet her I feel them. They’ve been growing slowly to the size of grapes. The first week is a loading dose at double normal - I expected no results for 2 or 3 months but after 1 week all lumps were shrinking, after 3 weeks 3 out of 6 lumps are almost gone! This stuff is wonderful!
Petsmont Buddy Guard Medium Dog
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard Toy Dog image 1 out of 1
Stephanie C.
My fussy eater actually allows me to put this in her food, I noticed the bumps she has aren’t getting any bigger and hoping they start going away. She’s been using for almost 2 months and one order is going a long way considering she only weighs 6lbs and takes the smallest serving
Petsmont Buddy Guard Toy Dog
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 1
Merri Jo O.
I'm a skeptic. When it comes to "magical" potions and powders, I just don't believe the claims manufacturers make. My husband, on the other hand, at least gives the products a chance. He told me about Buddy Guard, so I ordered it for our older rescue dog's age-related lumps and bumps, thinking it would be a waste of money. Well, I'm eating my words. The proof is in the pictures! A little over a month on Buddy Guard, the size of the lump on Murphy's head is noticeably smaller and softer! I've als...
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard Small Dog image 1 out of 2+1
Rochelle M.
We have a 13 year old lab mix who has a lot of lumps and had low energy we started him on Buddy guard mushrooms and within two weeks we started seeing a difference in all his lumps!! Thank you so much for Buddy guard!
Petsmont Buddy Guard Small Dog
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog image 1 out of 1
Dixie M.
I have in ground fancy and a tractive device on her collar, so every night they report to me how much she has been out exercising and moving and how much time she's been sleeping. Since I started using this for her lumps her activities has went sky high. She is right up there and she is 9 years old and had two hip surgeries and she is competing with one and two year old dogs. I think she's even happier cuz she feels so much better and the lumps are shrinking slowly but as I said she is 9 years ...
Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard Medium Dog image 1 out of 2+1
Suzanne S.
I love my 11 year old doxy/boxer, Sadie. . She is a lumpy, bumpy girl! Nearing the bottom of our first container, its beginning to make a difference! The potato sized lump on her side and the lump on her back are both beginning to look a bit smaller. The others on her body do too! I’m looking forward to continued results! By the way, Sadie loves this in her dinner every night, an added plus! Thank you for a pup-approved, non-invasive product that works!
Petsmont Buddy Guard Medium Dog
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog-supply image 1 out of 3+2
Betty H.
Belle, my seven year old boxer, had a lipoma on her chest and has always had less energy than my other dogs. Since I’ve been giving her Buddyguard, her lump has become smaller and she seems to be a little more energetic. I’m encouraged and will continue to use Buddyguard. We’re on our second container of it.
Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog-supply
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 5+4
Joe B.
My lab had to have surgery to remove masses/lumps that were growing. Within a few months following surgery, he started to develop more fatty masses. I began using Buddy guard and the masses/lumps stopped growing and may have gotten a little smaller. Buddy guard is part of my labrador's daily diet to combat lumps and bumps. I would highly recommend Buddy Guard as a natural way to improve tour dog's health and to avoid surgery.
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 1
Shana Dumont G.
Dexter is 14 years old, and for the past 2 years, he's had a skin condition including itchiness and bumps that begin as open wounds. I started giving him this powder about a month ago, and his bumps are still there, but much less irritated and smaller. He has so many, I think it'll take more time, so he eats some with every meal. Thank you!
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 1
Carol S.
My dog is 13 years old he has small and much larger limbs. The small lumps are gone but I know the larger ones are going to take time to shrink due to the size of a grape fruit your product works great for my dog he a German shepherd mix. Thank you for helping are pets that we love like are kids.
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 2+1
Elizabeth S.
We have been giving our dog Riley Buddy Guard for several months now. The very large lump on his side has visibly shrunk, and the smaller one scattered around his body have definitely stopped growing and some have actually gotten smaller as well. We are very happy with the results and Riley loves the “gravy” on his food.
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 1
Joe B.
My lab has had surgery to remove the bumps that develop and are common with labs. These lumps are benign, and as in my lab, but grow and can be uncomfortable. Right after surgery I notice 3 more lumps. I started using BuddyGuard and noticed that the bumps stopped growing and may have shrunk a little. I use BuddyGuard daily and believe it is working for my dog.
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 4+3
Melanie B.
I started giving the powder to my Female GreatDane who is 8 years and she has lots of energy still. Plays with the young pups. Started my male who is 6. He is doing well too. They played outside for an hour and a half today. So thank you for your product!
Petsmont Buddy Guard
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog image 1 out of 1
Amber B.
Thunder is his name, a bit rough around the edges, you have to ask to pet…but he’s a big guy almost 90lbs & has had some injuries over the years & recently he started showing signs of arthritis, yelps sometimes when he gets up. After taking the Buddy within a month he was moving around better. He also has a growth on his neck we’ve been watching, that we’re barely allowed to touch, after thinking it was a tag or cancer now we think it’s a wart. That hasn’t changed much but I believe it’s helping...
Petsmont Buddy Guard Large Dog
undefined review of Petsmont Buddy Guard image 1 out of 1
Juliette J.
So happy to review this product. I/we have really had a phenomenal experience with Buddy Guard. Shani's fatty tumor on her chest is now about one third of its original size and shrinking. She has also two small warts on her side and neck. Moreover, her bowel habits have vastly improved, and most marvelous of all, she had a serious cough after a dental surgery, and it has all but gone away. Only a small, occasional cough when drinking water. I am very, very pleased and thankful for this product ...
Petsmont Buddy Guard
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