HelpMEHemp Reviews

HelpMEHemp Reviews

Jennifer D.
Hemp oil has been life changing for my entire family. But beyond impressed with what I’ve seen in results for my brother. He was in horrible hip pain daily and always felt achy. By day 3 he said he was feeling almost 90% recovered. His hip is 10 times better and all his aches are completely gone. We’ve also seen improvements in cognitive function with our son who suffered from a vaccine injury. Less agitation, less pain, keeps the inflammation done and reduced encephalopathy
Organic Unrefined Hemp Seed Oil
Sandra C.
Using so much antibacterial soap that my hands are chapped and hurting. This lotion kills the germs and feels great. Using on my wound scars as well. The Collidal Silver is keeping us healthy.
Silver Sanitizer Lotion
Donna N.
OMG every product I have bought is awesome! I have never been a believer until I used the products . The First Two product's I bought where the Organic Hemp oil & Magnesium spray. Gave me mobility back in right hand after. Then started Mega Body Butter, soften my Skin cancer spots ,face and arms. (Pulse the smell is awesome ) I am starting the Argan oil this weekend on hair. I will let you know how that works. Anyone in Bell County that knows me ,I dont believe in anything that cant prove me...
Healing bundle 🌎💯
Sara E.
Omg these little babies are super tasty! Like sunflower seeds without the shell madness! I add them in yogurt, overnight oats, smoothies, salads, sometimes in my bowl of spaghetti! Or eat a few handfuls plain. Either way! They taste great and add some serious filling to any food or snack. Also would highly recommend!
Hulled Hemp Seed
William L.
I have severe crippling rheumatoid arthritis , I smoke marijuana for the pain and swelling, after I applied this oil within 5 mins I could feel the difference in my hands , to be honest the pain went from 100% down to 30 % In about 30 mins and lasted for a few hours
Organic Unrefined Hemp Seed Oil
Mandi R.
My skin has never been more brighter and fuller looking, gives it a sun kissed look! The lime butter melts into your skin & the oils are both anti-aging and I like to use on skin as a all over moisturizer and in hair.
Healing Bundle 2
Trish G.
I've been using hemp oil on my face for 2 years and my skin has never looked better!! I recently started putting it in gel capsules and taking it and I have had the lightest cycles ever.
Organic hemp oil dropper & pumps
undefined review of Pure Argan Oil image 1 out of 1
Mary S.
Using the HelpMEHemp skin care line it has helped to relieve my psoriasis. Your products did for me what NO MEDICINE or PRESCRIPTION creams could. Thank you
Pure Argan Oil
undefined review of Organic Unrefined Hemp Seed Oil image 1 out of 1
Isabella M.
I fill better when i use the oil.
Organic Unrefined Hemp Seed Oil
Amber B.
Absolutely LOVE the omega lime body butter- we use it for everything from moisturizer (face and body) to diaper rash. Highly recommend!
Omega Lime Body Butter
Carla C.
Hemp Hulled Seeds ❤️ This is my most favorite addiction - Hemp Hulled Seeds.. .... They are very pure and tasty !!!! It gives what my body need. I mainly intake these on my daily nutrition to simply to fight inflammation - Fibromayglia but at the same it also helps aiding in my weight loss which I have had no clue at the time , why I am losing inches and weight!! A big plus there !! I highly recommend these healthy product and their other products as well... They have best qualities products ...
Hulled Hemp Seed
Neuropathy no more I had neuropathy and had freezing hand's and feet then in my forties I lost feeling in my big toe and then the rest of my toes over time I went to a couple of Drs but still no feeling so I lost hope I was taking butchers broom dandelion root and I was still no feeling I started taking the dandelion Hemp and my hands were hot after a hour or so after taking the mix and I was cooking dinner and was like what's going on any way I I asked Rob at help me hemp what kind of dandel...
Jay D.
Chronic ankle pain I had been a wrestler throughout high school and college and sprained my ankle over 10 times. The worst injury caused my ankle to swell up to the size of a grapefruit and it never really fully healed. Over the years the pain would increase and the swelling turned to scar tissue. Sometimes my ankle would give out while walking or going down stairs. I was skeptical when I first tried the hemp oil and magnesium spray. It was recommended to take it orally daily and rub some oi...
Organic Unrefined Hemp Seed Oil
Thyroid Balance Hi there!! Just wanted to let you know that Magesium Spray is my most favorite so far!! They actually works !! It helped to improves my thyroid balance 😘
Alkaline Magnesium Body Spray
Shelley F.
I couldn't be more excited about this product! It’s true! My daughter has severe psoriasis on her scalp. We’ve tried multiple remedies; essential oils, expensive shampoos and hydrocortisone creams and solutions to no avail! I came upon a post from another friend who was trying out the organic hemp oil she purchased from Help Me Hemp and saw that it can be used for psoriasis. I applied one coat to my daughters scalp before bed and the next morning we noticed a dramatic change! The redness,...
Organic Unrefined Hemp Seed Oil
Tim S.
Where ever I go Argan goes My Nail beds would rip and bleed my skin would show patches of wind damage my nose would bleed from dry painful scabs. I often obtain bruising up and down my shines. I have to say Argan is officially Packed with nutritional properties that heal quickly. I’m so happy to have learned of Argan, Thank you HelpMEHemp ! Healing is Earths most Amazing natural resource!!!
Pure Argan Oil
Weight loss Since using this hemp fiber I have no more bloating, more energy and feel good! My mood has changed and overall I feel great. I add to my morning smoothies, or oatmeal. Love all the nutritional value this has. I’m excited to try some of the blends. Thanks for your products.
Hemp Seed Fiber
Glowing Since using this product my skin is glowing, my wrinkles are disappearing. It is a great for a skin illuminator. Love that it has argan and hemp oil in it. Definitely will be purchasing again. Thanks HelpMEHemp!
Omega Lime Body Butter
Mary S.
Amazing hair growth product from HelpMEHemp As you know I suffer from psoriasis, I have a few spots in my scalp because of the ingredients in this product those spots are gone, it also makes my hair shiny & silky soft, the surprise side effect is it’s helping my hair grow!!! I love it you should try it it’s the bomb!!! The spots are gone and the pills, lotions and all from many doctors couldn’t get rid of it and this did! Thank you HelpMEHemp
Hemptastic Wild Hair Treatment
Nice heels now The only thing that has worked for my husbands psoriasis and my dry cracked heels. Amazing all natural product and love the scent of lime I will be purchasing again. Thank you
Omega Lime Body Butter
I need my “Lime” 2. 5 yr old won’t go to bed without his “Lime” My son has a nonspecific rash has been to dermatologist pediatricians all they can give him is harsh chemicals but with lime butter no chemicals as smooth out his skin and taking away the rash thank you !
Omega Lime Body Butter
A miracle in a spray bottle I was turned on to this amazing company from another hemp cbd company. I struggle daily with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia and chronic pain. Some days it is devastating. From my first spray before bed, overnight to the next morning I woke up NOT in pain. My body did not crack or feel stiff at all. I then used it again concertrating on my trouble areas and went about my day. I could do normal activities a bit slower than another's usual, but I was walking pain free. I ...
Alkaline Magnesium Body Spray
Amazing Oil! I first started using this a little over a month ago. My friend Colleen shared some samples with me and explained the results she had experienced. Man am I hooked. I take a tablespoon a day and use it now as my moisturizer at night. In one weeks time I had 3 different coworkers tell me my skin was “glowing” after I had been using for about 3 weeks. My skin is sooo soft. I have only the monthly mild breakouts but it has really cut those down as well. My 14 yo daughter is now usi...
Organic Unrefined Hemp Seed Oil
Magnesium how cool can you be ?! Your magnesium compared to the magnesium is my daughter has received has given her a cooling sensation something she wants to use on her body she is magnesium deficient and every other product has caused burning and itching she refusesd to use until help me Hemps magnesium spray how cool thank you !
Alkaline Magnesium Body Spray
Carri S.
Amazing! This is by far my favorite product so far! I have been using for a little over a week and the difference that I can see in my skin already is crazy. The small lines are disappearing, my skin is velvety and has a dewey look. And it feels plump and healthy! Love this!
Pure Argan Oil
SO Wonderful Without going into too much detail, I suffer from stress-induced problems that leave me feeling fatigue and weakness more often than not, and worst case scenario lead me to having seizures. I have been given pharmaceutical medication in the past, and it has left me feeling like an absolute zombie. Through the yoga community I found this product and I have been using it for around a month now... it is WONDERFUL!! At first I tried the smoothie route, but knew it wasn't something I wo...
Maca Root
AMAZING I absolutely love this body butter! I have the worst dry and cracked skin on my feet. I have used many many products on my feet that claim they are a miracle. Within one week of using this daily -my feet are healed! I love the smell and texture of it as well! Its amazing!
Omega Lime Body Butter
Jessica H.
Amazing Results I have been using Goji plant protein in my smoothies every day... along with hulled hemp seeds . Incorporating these products into my daily meals. I have suffered from scalp psoriasis and these products and the nutrients they acquire really have helped flare ups and inflammation . Essential nutrients that we may not get otherwise is now apart of our daily intake. My 10 year old is getting vitamins in an all natural product that he enjoys. So many great products. So many great re...
Melissa L.
Neuropathy pain I have suffered with neuropathy pain for over two years. I have tried lyrica, cymbolta, gabipention and others and nothing helped. June 12, 2019 I had RFA to burn off some nerves on some mortion neuromas but the pain clinic said there wasn’t much else to do for the neuropathy pain. I was visiting with and she told me about the magnesium spray and I used the spray for two days and I was completely neuropathy pain free! Two years of tears, pain and ready to c...
Alkaline Magnesium Body Spray
Living on the Go Fast and easy this protein was my go to for living on the road! HelpMeHemp always delivered and explained the proteins Alkaline properties. Hemp Plant has the fine ability to breakdown in water offering a nice nutty flavor and providing all amino acids. This product was just what my lifestyle needed to power me through with a healthy mind, body, spirit.
Hemp Seed Protein
Jeffie M.
Never ate fruit For 15 years I never touched a piece of fruit, I just went along eating every other form of sugar not realizing how unnatural it was to not even want the fruit. I was saddened by my sugar addiction and began adding hemp plant fiber into my drinking water every morning and every evening quickly the nutritional properties began to work for me healing and relaxing my cravings . I’m happy to say thank you HelpMEHemp I now eat and enjoy natural sugars!!
Hemp Seed Fiber
Protein pack I started adding one to two tbsp daily in my morning yogurt with fresh fruits. I noticed within a couple days I began eating lunch a little later. Definitely fills you up and reduces sugar cravings. Love these seeds. Love the protein these offer!
Hulled Hemp Seed
Brett B.
This oil has answered my prayers I have been suffering from some type of severe allergy that my doctor has not even been able to diagnose yet and when I breakout, I get these huge hives all over my body that feel like bee stings and they itch intensely. This is ongoing around the clock and I’ve taken so much Benadryl it doesn’t work on me anymore. I walked into the store and received the grand tour of all the amazing products offered with an in-depth description of them with a hot cup of coff...
Organic Unrefined Hemp Seed Oil
Ed S.
Toxic Body aches Fatigue and muscle aching plagued me at times, I couldn’t do physical work due to the excessive stress running through my body. I start rations of oil here and there but then on night my body so weak it reeked of free radicals. I spread the oil on my body before bed..... when I woke up and got on my feet To start my day I felt stronger , lighter, cleaner , healthier it’s amazing no pain, I’m impressed . HelpMEHemp Inc. speaks truths of the healing properties that ...
Organic Unrefined Hemp Seed Oil
Coughing I started taking hemp oil to relieve a chronic cough I’ve had for 20 years. No one could help me. The oil has reduced the cough considerably. I’m hoping eventually to lose the cough completely. I’ll continue taking the hemp oil. So far it’s the only thing that has helped me.
Organic Unrefined Hemp Seed Oil
Marilyn S.
Sugar and pain gone 6 months ago I was told that I was borderline diabetic and they put me on meds for it I took it for awhile and then stopped taking it and then about 2 months ago I started using your hemp oil and went to eye doctor and have no sugar it's amazing oil I love it also my knee is very bad and since taking this oil orally I am completely pain free so thank you so much. It's an amazing moisturizer for your face also love it
Organic Unrefined Hemp Seed Oil
Miracle oil This oil is a miracle. I haven’t been sick since I started using a few months ago. I feel a overall boost in my immune system! Not only that but applying to my skin it has given me such a beautiful glow. I get compliments all the time! I also give to my dogs for there coat and digestive issues. Hence why I call it miracle oil. Thank you for another great product!
Organic Unrefined Hemp Seed Oil
The Best scub!! I look forward to using this scrub every day even if I can smell it on my hands! It’s amazing, my skin feels rejuvenated. My cracked heels are already looking better. I love it so much. A return buy always. It’s great that it has actual hemp seed in it. I cannot get over the amazing smell!
The Hemp Seed Scrub (Warm)& (Cool)
Healthy Path - Love this Oil Having a child with a life threatening disease is stressful, scary and heartbreaking. For the last few years I lost myself, stress ate and lived with anxiety daily. My son is stable right now and I realized I have to start taking care of myself. Luckily I saw a family members post about Help Me Hemp! I have started to eat healthy and exercise and noticed a difference in myself. The last few weeks I have also incorporated this Hemp Oil into my daily routine. I have ...
Organic Unrefined Hemp Seed Oil
Jen D.
Best oil This oil is amazing. It has helped skin issues with my entire family. I love using it on my hair as well to help with the fuzz and hard water we have. Great stuff!!
Pure Argan Oil
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