Tiagogo Reviews

Tiagogo Reviews

Melissa Reinhardt
This was not very expensive, and worth a shot for our cat. He's a bit too large for it though, so we have to give it to a friend with normal sized kitties. It is sturdy and breathable so cat is comfortable, but as they wiggle, their fur does get mussed up. They will probably spend and hour smoothing themselves out again. If you have a very fractious cat, I recommend also using a cone so they can't bend and bite. Watch out for reaching with the other paw as you trim nails. One drawback is if your...
PetClean™ Cat Shower Net Bag
Worked great, my cat struggled a bit but couldn't get out. Just a warning, if you have a bigger cat (mine is 15lbs) make sure the neck isnt too tight. I had to cut that area just a little bit bc I was nervous abt her ability to breath comfortably.
PetClean™ Cat Shower Net Bag
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