UKSarmSupplier Reviews - 157 Reviews |

UKSarmSupplier Reviews

Jack S
Wow Absolutely Blown Away by UNHINGED!!!! Never ever thought I could feel like this again! Being over 50 my training has been lethargic but after trying these after being recommended by a reliable source WOW!! I felt like I was 30 again!!! My strength increased, my confidence went through the roof and well Sex drive ....... Let’s say the wife was in for a surprise 😂😂 I couldn’t leave her alone! lol definitely recommend for any older guy 11/10 Well done UKSarmSupplier
Bulking SARM Stack RAD-140 & YK-11
Joshua J.
Well what can I say about venom it is mind blowing. The increase in strength I’ve had from using it is amazing. This is my 4th time buying it and results keep improving. I am a strong man I compete across the world currently in Thailand and I use it every day have done last 4 months. My advice is get it if you want massive results in strength and weight loss I’ve got one my clients use is as well, as I am a PT also and he has had some awesome results.
3 SARM Liquid Bulking Stack- MK-677, RAD-140 and LGD
Absolutely blown away with this game changing product. On my second bottle loving the results, increased strength & mass. No need for PED’s when you have venom in your arsenal . Does taste the best but the gainz Outweighs the taste ten fold 10/10
3 SARM Liquid Bulking Stack- MK-677, RAD-140 and LGD
Rafe B.
Haven’t felt anything like this before. Feel like a monster in and out of the gym, strength is unreal finally got a 315lb bench and happy with the overall results
Ultimate 6 SARM Formula - SYNERGY ULTRA - 102.5mg capsule x 60 Capsules
after about a week of useing MM i was lifting more just felt stronger every session every week now the weight is going up. muscles feel harder 100% recommend. and top servive from the guy at sport asylum thanks.
2 SARM Stack Ostarine & MK677 Muscle
These are the real deal, had so many comments of folk telling me how much of a beast I'm looking last couple of weeks. Just feel stronger and stronger each day. I will be ordering more but might look for the next lvl up but I will speak with sport asylum first for advice
2 SARM Stack Ostarine & MK677 Muscle
Rob Moore
10 days in - selected as a product tester - this stuff is INSANE. I cannot believe the changes in such a short time frame. I will update when cycle dun but I've used gear gear and this is changing my entire body (combined with hard training food sleep)
BodyBuilt Labs Black Series Ultimate 4 SARM Bulking & Muscle Stack
Luke H.
Was stacking Testolone with Ostarine and the strength/size gains are unreal, ran a 8 week cycle and dropped 6% bf on a really bad diet. Just ordered my second cycle,would definitely recommend.
Bodybuilt Labs RAD-140 Testolone Bulking SARMs 5mg 90 Capsules
Barrington V.
-Better sleep (sleep has been a problem for years, not since taking ultras) -Recovery, training twice a day when life doesn't get in the way. I haven't trained twice a day since early adulthood. - Concentration levels are up (probably because sleeping better) -Strength gains of course -Lean muscle gains -No aches or pains (I am using the bpc157 too, so it's no surprise I'm feeling indestructible) Lastly, I don't want the missus to read this review BUT performing like a stallion I would say. Def...
BodyBuilt Labs Black Series Ultimate 4 SARM Bulking & Muscle Stack
*Deeper sleep and better quality(from week 1) *Muscles feel fuller more pumped *Slight better sense of wellbeing (could well be diluted by the fact I'm a miserable shite) *Weigh Gain 5 weeks in I'm up 7-10 lbs (coupled with semi strict diet chicken , broccoli, rice you know the drill. *Strength is defiantly up also not by huge amounts by it's climbing so very good. *libido is up and I'm like a lion in heat
BodyBuilt Labs Black Series Ultimate 4 SARM Bulking & Muscle Stack
Meeks M.
My mate ran this and still is, I saw big changes quick so studied up on what these bad boys are and thought ok, expensive but all in 1 - worth it. 4 weeks in. Up a stone. I remain lean, I just look fuller my muscles look perma-pumped. Mentally - I feel great - physically - even better. Im stocking up next time any promo is on, which according to Wade won't happen often with this product if at all due to its cost to produce. If in doubt - crack on and thank me later.
BodyBuilt Labs Black Series Ultimate 4 SARM Bulking & Muscle Stack
Right I never write reviews but I feel like I need to,so it helps u guys out !!!Where to start ! I’ve been using for a couple of months now,I love these little things my strength gone through the roof I’ll give u an example I was benching 100kg wiv a struggle before ultras now I’m smashing out 140kg wiv brilliant form I’ve put a stone on I have so much more energy,body fat is burning off I’m seeing muscle in my abs region I’ve never seen before as I hold body fat,and sleeping like a princess,i ...
BodyBuilt Labs Black Series Ultimate 4 SARM Bulking & Muscle Stack
Connor R.
Been using mk677 for a couple of months now and my recovery, appetite, strength and energy levels are consistently high, no dips in strength either just a consistent rise, also quality fast feedback on any questions that arise or just general info I’m after, highly recommend these guys
Bodybuilt Labs MK-677 Ibutamoren 10mg 90 Capsules
Jonas A.
As said up 4kg in 8 weeks, no sides crazy strength wish I could stay on there all year round but going to come off for 12 weeks and add some LGD and yohimbine to the next stack.
Bodybuilt Labs RAD-140 Testolone Bulking SARMs 5mg 90 Capsules
Oli M.
Wow. Just wow. I have trouble putting on weight, muscle or fat, go to the gym 6 times a week, eat constantly, and nothing. Now suddenly I’m ripped! I genuinely can’t believe it. People in the gym who’ve seen me struggle for years and still only weigh 8 stone keep making comments and it’s only 5 weeks in. I’m so glad you put these SARMS together and so *%#*ing glad I stumbled upon your website! *I took this with 5mg YK-11. I’d like to see that included in the mix as it seems to be the only thing...
BodyBuilt Labs Black Series Ultimate 4 SARM Bulking & Muscle Stack
Anthony B.
Was a little sceptical about these at first as I have used from other stockists. I can say that I am very pleased with these, they are dosed adequately. I have te-ordersd and will be ordering again. Excellent product !
Bodybuilt Labs LGD-Max 4033 Ligandrol 10mg 90 Capsules
Definitely buy this product I used this along side with MK677 and the quality of the product along side the customer service was spot on. These bugs at Bulklab more some serious praise and I’d happily pay more for the products if needed! Well worth it!
Bodybuilt Labs LGD-Max 4033 Ligandrol 10mg 90 Capsules
Jameson R.
Contrary to other peoples opinions i decided to use this on a bulk, i managed to gain around 8 pounds of muscle whilst losing around 3 percent body fat which is truly mad for someone of my age (31)
Bodybuilt Labs Ostarine MK-2866 10mg 90 Capsules
Tony G.
Used lgd as part of a 10 week cut, on 1600 cals a day. Lost 11lbs of fat and 5%body fat but actually looked bigger and more vascular which really impressed me. Strength went up a little which I wasn't expecting as I was cutting! Overall I'm really impressed by lgd 4033 and next time I'll use this as part of a bulk and see how things go.
Bodybuilt Labs LGD-Max 4033 Ligandrol 10mg 90 Capsules
Kane C.
2nd bottle in. In brief, week 1 - noticed better sleep, found it hard to wake up, not much else, little lethargic. Week 2 - found I was adjusting to sleep depth (that is no doubt the MK677) found I was looking fuller, rounder. No noticeable strength gains - a couple of kg here and there nothing to write home about. Week 3, strength started kicking in, set some PB's on Squat and Deads, feel my recovery time improving and also I feel happier? I suffer from depression but I feel motivated and happi...
BodyBuilt Labs Black Series Ultimate 4 SARM Bulking & Muscle Stack
Mo A.
This stuff is the nutz, Believe the hype lol. everything changed. Strong as a mofo, gained 12lbs, feeling great, sleeping hard. Going to now buy 2 more for a second run while the promo is up. If you eat right, train hard you will get insane results. But don't expect to pop a pill and eat doritos and get dem gainzzz lol.
BodyBuilt Labs Black Series Ultimate 4 SARM Bulking & Muscle Stack
Larsen E.
Now almost entering into the dark territory that is being 50 years olde, I have been involved in research to slow the disease. Having just finished a spell of lgd and wanting to maintain the improvement I got hold of the mk677. It's great, better skin, hair fat loss and good maintenance of strength. They should do this on the NHS.
Bodybuilt Labs MK-677 Ibutamoren 10mg 90 Capsules
Mo K.
I won't repeat these reviews. I used 2 bottles. I gained 16 lbs, some body fat due to diet my fault. I felt great on it. Slept nice. Everyone is commenting. Very very good product.
BodyBuilt Labs Black Series Ultimate 4 SARM Bulking & Muscle Stack
undefined review of Reflex Labs MK-677 Ibutamoren 10mg 90 Capsules image 1 out of 1
Increased strength and power fairly quickly
Reflex Labs MK-677 Ibutamoren 10mg 90 Capsules
Cameron T.
I got my order delivered pretty quick. My lab rat is eager to stack it with MK677. Can anyone advise on how much dose can my rat take on one day?
Bodybuilt Labs LGD-Max 4033 Ligandrol 10mg 90 Capsules
Michael A.
I always take 30mg a day. Have been taking it for 6 weeks and is by far my favourite sarm. It took a few weeks to really notice much physical/appearance changes but it’s really enabled me to morph my body
Bodybuilt Labs RAD-140 Testolone Bulking SARMs 5mg 90 Capsules
undefined review of Reflex Labs Cardarine GW-501516 10mg 90 Capsules image 1 out of 1
Sam P.
Great little shred with this, thanks guys!!
Reflex Labs Cardarine GW-501516 10mg 90 Capsules
undefined review of Reflex Labs MK-677 Ibutamoren 10mg 90 Capsules image 1 out of 1
Cedric R.
Great stuff!!
Reflex Labs MK-677 Ibutamoren 10mg 90 Capsules
undefined review of Reflex Labs Ostarine MK-2866 10 mg 90 Capsules image 1 out of 1
Clear progression made and felt good throughout the cycle
Reflex Labs Ostarine MK-2866 10 mg 90 Capsules
undefined review of Reflex Labs Cardarine GW-501516 10mg 90 Capsules image 1 out of 1
Reflex Labs Cardarine GW-501516 10mg 90 Capsules
Scott G.
Put 5 pound on in the first week can't wait to see the results in a month keep posted 💪💪💪
3 SARM Liquid Bulking Stack- MK-677, RAD-140 and LGD
Michael C.
Great product with awesome gains
Ultimate 6 SARM Formula - SYNERGY ULTRA - 102.5mg capsule x 60 Capsules
undefined review of Bodybuilt Labs RAD-140 Testolone Bulking SARMs 5mg 90 Capsules image 1 out of 1
Tom W.
Stacked this with MK and it's been amazing, feel so much stronger!
Bodybuilt Labs RAD-140 Testolone Bulking SARMs 5mg 90 Capsules
undefined review of Bodybuilt Labs RAD-140 Testolone Bulking SARMs 5mg 90 Capsules image 1 out of 1
Robbie I.
Love the products from UKSarmSupplier- feel amazing on them with no side effects!
Bodybuilt Labs RAD-140 Testolone Bulking SARMs 5mg 90 Capsules
On a bulking phase right now, gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks from using this, feeling like a beast in the gym as well!
Bulking SARM Stack RAD-140 & YK-11
David G.
Great product and affordable ( although slightly increased prices now but still decent value) genuine, quick delivery, very happy. Excellent personal service to keep you informed, well done guys!
Bodybuilt Labs RAD-140 Testolone Bulking SARMs 5mg 90 Capsules
Darren R.
Was thinking it was overpriced but the results are defo worth it, the time you put into the gym training without them is crazy
BodyBuilt Labs Black Series Ultimate 4 SARM Bulking & Muscle Stack
Benny L.
The product itself is great and works wonders, took a little while to "kick in", but once they did the results were great. Would recommend.
Bodybuilt Labs LGD-Max 4033 Ligandrol 10mg 90 Capsules
Arran P.
My order arrived promptly and after taking the product for 3 weeks I’ve definitely seen an improvement,I will buy again.
Bodybuilt Labs RAD-140 Testolone Bulking SARMs 5mg 90 Capsules
These really are crazy, made my bulk 10x easier. Put about 11lbs of muscle on over a 3 month cycle and ive been lifting for 3 solid years
Bodybuilt Labs LGD-Max 4033 Ligandrol 10mg 90 Capsules
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