JTCalls Reviews

JTCalls Reviews

Seth Z.
Love my new SFX. I am new to calling so its a great call that doesnt require a lot of air! Definatley need some proactice with the honk haha! Definately plan to purchase a duck call next from JT.
SFX Goose Call
Grant Y.
I have been using goose calls from Tim Grounds and Saunders. My son sent me the SFX and I ordered the Short Fuse for comparison. Both of these calls are much easier to call than the short reeds. At the present time these calls will be my “ go to goose calls” for the coming season because I like the ability to call using only one hand.
Short Fuse Goose Call
Kevin G.
Best duck call out there, me personally I’m a chatter kind of guy and struggle with my quacks, but not with the OMEN I’m quackin and chatter is even better!! Thanks jt!
OMEN Duck Call
undefined review of Crystal Over Slate Pot Call - All Weather image 1 out of 1
Dennis R.
Great call, looks great, sounds great and is very well made. A++++
Crystal Over Slate Pot Call - All Weather
undefined review of OMEN Duck Call image 1 out of 3+2
Nickey H.
Both ducks were killed from using the omen call.
OMEN Duck Call
undefined review of CQ2 Duck Call image 1 out of 1
William T.
Sounds great and can’t wait to us it next duck season!!
CQ2 Duck Call
Alfred S.
Great call. I probably have 25/30 friction calls. This is the best by far I have ever had. I been turkey hunting for 65 years. I only wish I would have had this call years ago.
Crystal Over Slate Pot Call - All Weather
Matthew C.
Very impressed with these calls. The pot call has exceptional sound and tone. Having two sides that can be utilized while sounding slightly different allows to sound like two different birds. The mount calls are excellent as I am not the most experienced or gifted mouth caller I found these to be very easy to run and they had an outstanding size fittment for my mouth. Some come way to big and require trimming…not these. Very impressed and happy! Waiting for a small rain proof box call plea...
Ceramic / Diaphragm Combo
Ray R.
We need a couple calls that run in the rain . Between Massachusetts and Newhampshire we have weather and we hunt harder than most people . Thank you for a great call .
Aluminum Over Slate Pot Call - All Weather
Matthias R.
I called in a few birds with this call. My son got his first Gobbler . It had a 10 inch beard and he was pumped:) I lost the striker and would love to get another one but it looks like there out of stock. I have a few other strikers that work but still liked the one that came with it better.
Ceramic Over Glass All Weather Pot Call
Brian V.
I just bought this combo pack and all 3 calls sound great. I'm very happy with JT calls so far. I bought the ceramic over glass call last season and plan to buy the crystal over slate this season. Keep up the good work!!
Mouth Call Combo Pack
Nolan S.
I’ve tried my share of mouth calls from Woodhaven, fox pro, primos, mossy oak, Shane Simpson, etc and by far get the most realistic sound of the combo JT mouth call, especially the high excitement hen yelp. With that being said first 2 days I had the JT combo call in my mouth I killed 2 public birds on different pieces. I’ve killed most of my birds on public but these birds were by far the most fired up. The first bird must’ve gobbled 200 times within 200yds and 60 of those were within 30yds jus...
Combo Cut Diaphragm
undefined review of SFX Goose Call image 1 out of 1
James T.
Great sound, easy to use call.
SFX Goose Call
Jonathan D.
I’m a guide in the Midwest, actually had a client kill a bird this morning hung up at 70 yards, the purr on the slate was all it took to get him to 30!
Crystal Over Slate Pot Call - All Weather
I had a professional turkey call hear the pot call and he took my call from me all day. This is an 82 year old man that has planted turkeys with NWTF for many years in Oregon and he could not believe how good it sounded. When I bring new calls he always tells me to throw it away, “ That’s Garbage” he would say. This pot call call, Ceramic on Glass is a great call.
Ceramic Over Glass All Weather Pot Call
Jimmy R.
Have been out and used it once and was in light rain conditions. Call works well. Had birds gobbling right off. No birds yet but liking the call. Going to try again later this week.
Crystal Over Slate Pot Call - All Weather
Arnulfo G.
Nice mouth calls they sound great. Fit is great for my particular tounge and roof. Also I'm in love with the waterproof slate and glass pot call i purchased from you Jake. Nice work! Can't wait to use them all again next season.
Gobbler Slayer Combo Pack
Briner C.
well i really like the sound but while i was hunting it was in my hunting vest pocket and it cracked. was trying to figure out how to take care of it i know that it has a warranty please let me know how to do it thank
Ceramic Over Glass All Weather Pot Call
undefined review of Short Fuse Goose Call image 1 out of 1
Chisolm N.
I loved this call so much that when I lost my lanyard it was the first one I replaced!
Short Fuse Goose Call
undefined review of SFX Goose Call image 1 out of 1
Timothy C.
Absolutely love this call!
SFX Goose Call
undefined review of Short Fuse Goose Call image 1 out of 1
Timothy C.
By far my favorite goose call
Short Fuse Goose Call
Zachary T.
Thank you Jake. I appreciate the follow up. Call is great! Season opens up for me April 22nd so I can't wait to get out there and chase some long beards. I appreciate the stickers and handwritten note as well. It's great to see small businesses out there that take the extra step to take care of their clients.
Aluminum Over Slate Pot Call - All Weather
Ryn H.
Used this call straight out of the box on opening morning in Central FL and got the job done. Called in a young Tom pretty easily. Love both the crystal and the slate on this call. The crystal is a little louder, which was needed as it was a little windy that morning. Switched to the slate as he got in closer. So far very pleased. Need the waterproof(ness) of this call as many of our turkey season mornings are foggy. Love the call.
Crystal Over Slate Pot Call - All Weather
Ramsey D.
Great sounding diaphragm call! And great crystal over slate call as well!! Will get to put them to work in the field in a week and expect them to work great!!
Batwing diaphragm
Jeremy Y.
This is my go-to call now! I use both the crystal and slate to sound like two hens. I’ve been using it in FL chasing Osceola and it had stood up to the moisture. Very happy with this call so I’ll definitely be getting more from you guys.
Crystal Over Slate Pot Call - All Weather
Billy B.
I have been turkey hunting for 30 years now and have purchased a lot of different types of calls through out my career. This call is one of the best calls I’ve had in my career of hunting! I will be taking my two grand boys out for the 1st hunt this year! Hopefully they will allow me to send pictures of their birds! Thanks again,
Crystal Over Slate Pot Call - All Weather
Joel L.
Easiest best sounding calls I’ve ever used. I purchased all 3 mouth calls and I feel like a professional! Each call has a description of what the call is best suited for and is spot on when it comes to sound and clarity. I give these calls. 10 out of 10
Gobbler Slayer Combo Pack
Daniel L.
I have been looking hard for water proof calls and this is it. The sound is great. I try new mouth calls every year and these are probably some of my favorite new mouth calls.
Ceramic / Diaphragm Combo
Tony P.
Purchased at the end of the season but it's sound is clear with really good volume. And I had to to try it wet and it still works as advertised. Nice call !!
Crystal Over Slate Pot Call - All Weather
Andy H.
Had great luck with my glass over slate call I have to get some mouth calls too, so far I’m just practicing with them. Next year I plan on calling for myself, my wife and three kids. I’ll be to keep you updated with our success!
Gobbler Slayer Combo Pack
Michael S.
Everything I’ve got from JT’s from slate calls, mouth diaphragms and strikers have all been top notch. Definitely ranks with the best. I promise you if you’ll just try something…. Anything from JT’s it’ll be your favorite. Very happy and impressed with your stuff brother. Thank you
Waterproof Striker
Richard J.
One of the best pot calls out of the box that I have ever purchased. The wateproof functionality was none like I have ever eperienced in my 35 years of turkey hunting.
Ceramic Over Glass Waterproof Pot Call
Sam K.
Between meeting the crew at the Iowa Whitetail Classic, ordering stuff online, getting the notes from Jake and the stickers…. I’d say this is the most wholesome company around as well as the best part…. Producing a call that actually works!
Ceramic Over Glass Waterproof Pot Call
undefined review of OMEN Duck Call image 1 out of 1
David S.
Top notch call, easy to blow and ducks love it!
OMEN Duck Call
Joseph J.
originally ordered the omen i have never used a single reed before. got the omen with in two days and was trying my best to sound like a duck. talking with jake he suggested a few things but it didnt work for me. i know it was 100% me and not the call. he offered to send me the double reed cq2. it arrived with in two days as well. the cq2 sounds great to me and is user friendly. i will try it out this season and see if the ducks like it as much as i do. A+ on the fast shipping and customer servi...
CQ2 Duck Call
Evan F.
The quality of these calls are absolute fire! They look great, sound even better, their affordable, and the business morals JT has is outstanding. A++ on the shipping and processing. If I could rate everything on a 1-10 scale overall, I’d give it a 25! Thanks JT!
LBO Duck Call
undefined review of OMEN Duck Call image 1 out of 1
Luke L.
Great calls! Both goose and duck Exceptional craftsmanship
OMEN Duck Call
I ordered the CQ2 because I liked the Omen so much and wanted to add a double reed to my lanyard. It was a great decision! The call sounds great to me, the other hunters I hunt with, and most importantly the ducks! I didn’t think I’d like a call more than I like the Omen…but the CQ2 is the first one I grab now
CQ2 Duck Call
undefined review of CQ2 Duck Call image 1 out of 1
Alexander G.
Great call! Very easy to use for a beginner or a veteran caller!
CQ2 Duck Call
Mitchell G.
I’ve used your products for the past years man turkey duck goose. Get the job done thank you, might have to send you my goose call to get re tuned
Aluminum / Diaphragm Combo
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