Exshell Reviews

Exshell Reviews

Comme beaucoup de gens, j'ai essayé de manger plus sainement. J'ai toujours voulu faire du beurre d'arachide ou d'amande fait maison. J'ai commencé à chercher un robot ménager. J'ai fini par acheter ce mini-broyeur J'aime : 1. Excellentes évaluations des clients 2. Prix avantageux 3. Facile à nettoyer 4. Jolie petite taille, pas grande et lourde et facile à ranger dans une armoire de cuisine 5. Ça marche bien de faire du beurre d'arachide maison ! 6. Facile à utiliser Contre : 1. il faut du te...
Sonifer - machine multifonction 2-en-1
Ce produit est très bien, je l'ai acheté pour remplacer une litière ouverte depuis laquelle mon chat avait la mauvaise habitude d'uriner à côté. Maintenant, aucun pipi n'est sorti de la boîte jusqu'à présent.
PurrBox - Maison de toilette pour chat anti-déversements
Bon produit, je n'ai jamais senti d'urine quand je suis près de la boîte, mais elle est nettoyée au moins tous les deux jours. La porte et le rebord permettent de réduire les déchets sortant en dehors de la boîte.
PurrBox - Maison de toilette pour chat anti-déversements
La litière était un peu plus légère que ce à quoi je m'attendais. Mon chat était un peu hésitant à y entrer au début mais elle s'y est rapidement habitué. Seule plainte : Je n'ai pas réalisé que le chat ne peut entrer que par la porte d'entrée et doit sortir par le haut mais dans l'ensemble, mon chat et moi sommes satisfaits.
PurrBox - Maison de toilette pour chat anti-déversements
J'aime bien ces bacs fermés à litière ! Ils sont grands et esthétiques. Je n'ai pas un monstre problème avec les restes de litière mais c'est toujours agréable de moins nettoyer.
PurrBox - Maison de toilette pour chat anti-déversements
La meilleure litière pour chats que j'ai trouvée ! Ayant essayé quelques unes avant de trouver celle-ci, j'ai eu un gros problème avec toute la litière sur le sol. Cela ne fait pas de miracles si votre chat est créatif mais cela retient la plupart des particules et aussi l'odeur !!! Mes deux chats adorent - il leur a fallu un certain temps pour arriver à sortir par la petite porte, mais ils ont compris à la fin.
PurrBox - Maison de toilette pour chat anti-déversements
Je viens d'utiliser ce mini hachoir et je suis globalement très satisfait compte tenu du prix que j'ai payé. Il est exactement comme il l'indique (facile à utiliser et à nettoyer). Ce que j'aime le moins dans ce produit, cependant, c'est qu'il ne mélange/transforme pas uniformément les herbes mélangées avec l'huile et l'assaisonnement liquide. Mais ce n'est pas grave, j'ai juste improvisé et j'ai sorti la lame pour la mélanger uniformément avec une spatule en caoutchouc, ce qui a demandé peu d'e...
Sonifer - machine multifonction 2-en-1
Jean-christophe B.
Je viens de l'utiliser ce mercredi et j'ai été très surpris de l'efficacité. J'avais deux escaliers à monter avec 8 pièces de carton et deux plaques de bois. Je n'aurais pas pu faire cela sans utiliser cette chose. La prise en main est intuitive et peu gênante.
GorillaGripper - Heavy object gripper 110 Ibs
Christo T.
J'ai des lésions nerveuses aux poignets et cela me facilite la tâche. Je pense que j'aurais quand même apprécié des poignées plus larges, afin de rendre la manipulation des cloisons beaucoup plus facile.
GorillaGripper - Heavy object gripper 110 Ibs
Jules P.
Nous finissons notre sous-sol et cet outil est assez pratique. Il me permet de déplacer des cloisons sèches et des plaques de contreplaqué sans avoir besoin d'une deuxième paire de mains. Il n'endommage pas les cloisons sèches et fonctionne très bien. Je le recommande vivement. Il s'amortit en un seul projet.
GorillaGripper - Heavy object gripper 110 Ibs
This is great if you just want ice cream every once in awhile, without the mess of salt, ice, etc. My neighbors have one I was so impressed I am buying one. I just don't have room to buy a gallon of ice cream and store, so this is even better and you put fresh fruit in the mix. I have learned to not put to much mixture at once it works much better to pour a thin layer add your cookie or fruit and mix right on the cold surface. spread out and roll. If it gets too thick it draws too much cold from...
InCream™ - Instant Ice Cream Maker pan
Henry O.
Really good tool, every section has his own screw to set which is good and annoying at the same time, but looking for flexibility this is good, well constructed, I like it
Fun for the ice cream lover but made in very small quantities, does not stay frozen very long, makes one or two portions. The kids thought it was great, but not practical for an industrial grade ice cream service with my little monsters next to it.
InCream™ - Instant Ice Cream Maker pan
For the size, it does the job! I love it and use it when I need it on my car tires. Just needed it recently bc I ran over a screw or something. But it's fantastic at keeping the tire pressure until I get the hole patched up. The battery will need to be charged after each use of you utilize it for your car tires, so I wouldn't rely on it being able to do more than one tire per charge. Fills very slowly too, but that is to be expected with how tiny it is. Definitely reccomend for short tire fill u...
FastPump™ - Electric air pump car/bike ( 2 years warranty )
My hubby used this pump to inflate our tires on our wheelbarrow, and there was a heavy load of wet dirt and rocks in the barrow. The pump was slow to get the tires inflated, but eventually they were ready to roll. My hubby had to charge the device the night before to be sure it was ready to use. He thinks the size of this pump makes it a great travel pump for stuffing in a backpack for emergency use on a long bike ride. He's not too sure it would work for a large vehicle. I think it's a bit of a...
FastPump™ - Electric air pump car/bike ( 2 years warranty )
I use occurs for semi permanent and gel, for myself and my loved ones. Being a former beautician, this sander is of good quality for use at home or to start in the nails.
it works...ish. i have one temp control for my fridge/freezer; if i set the temp low enough to achieve the 0, or less than 0, degrees recommended then everything in my fridge also freezes. the work around is pretty simple and i think i like it better tbh: i stir up the first half of a standard vanilla recipe (3 cups total liquid) til it's sorta melty frozen yogurty add any mix-ins, smooth flat, then pop it back in thr freezer for about 10 minutes or so, then give it a few turns and transfer to p...
InCream™ - Instant Ice Cream Maker pan
I love the security of knowing that I have an air pump in my car. If one of my children is stranded on the road due to a flat tire, I have peace of mind knowing that they are able to inflate the tires. I have not been in any emergency situations yet, but I know when the time comes, I will be ready.
FastPump™ - Electric air pump car/bike ( 2 years warranty )
Pumped up a flat basketball in seconds. Used it to pump up bike tires too. Nice and compact, and uses the standard micro-usb that's so common so you don't need a new charger cable vs anything else.
FastPump™ - Electric air pump car/bike ( 2 years warranty )
Rowan N.
A very good camera that gives very nice video and usable images when receiving email alerts. It is relatively heavy and gives a good impression of solidity. The finishes are correct. The installation is really simple for a first use. Excellent IR brightness and perfect night operation. The rotation of the camera is great, as is the optical zoom, great range of movement in all directions. For an affordable budget, this is exactly what I expected.
EyeSecure™ - Photo-panoramic security camera
I bought this for my teenagers for Christmas. They love it! They make all kinds of ice creams and sorbets and then use this tray to freeze and roll their concoctions. You have to make sure the tray is frozen in the freezer first. Then you pour your mixture over the top, wait a minute or so, and then roll with the tools it comes with. Super fun!!
InCream™ - Instant Ice Cream Maker pan
I used up an entire charge filling up just one of my truck tires. Now these tires are quite big, so I would translate that into two tires on a small car. Also, when I checked the pressure on the tire it was 2 psi below the reading on the pump. Nevertheless, I do think this is a great thing to have for emergencies and I put it into the glove compartment of our car (not the truck). I recommend this pump for cars only. By the time I filled the truck tire, the end of the pump was so hot it burned my...
FastPump™ - Electric air pump car/bike ( 2 years warranty )
This ice cream maker is super easy to use and make ice cream with, however the problem is it only stays cold long enough for one single serve bowl of ice cream before having to refreeze. The directions say to let it set for 30 seconds before rolling but I've found that you have to let it set for at least 2 minutes in order for it to actually freeze well enough
InCream™ - Instant Ice Cream Maker pan
My girlfriend opens her little nail salon and starts to equip herself with equipment. I wanted to encourage her by giving her this electric nail clipper. I thought it would be useful for her clients.
I love this nail clipper I can't go back now that I've tested it! It cuts and files the nails to the right length and smoothes them so they don't get stuck.
Luke N.
I was looking for a camera with the ability to pan or zoom manually or automatically on an area or an object...in short with features that you don't necessarily find on a simple fixed ip camera. After some comparisons between several references I finally opted for this one which convinced me more when I read its technical characteristics and its size which is really very small compared to the others I tried. In short, a very good alternative to the more expensive and sometimes not better cameras...
EyeSecure™ - Photo-panoramic security camera
So close to 100% loving this product. I commute to work on my bicycle, in complete darkness this time if year, and this product helps me feel more safe. I’ll be honest, I don’t often use the turn signal or other indicators, but just the normal flashing alone I think helps makes me a lot more visible. I would use the indicators more, except that after a couple seconds I can’t tell from the controller what people behind me are seeing, which is not helpful. So, if I turn on the turn signal, space o...
SECUPLUS™ - Wireless LED signal vest
Robby M.
I pick this product up for icefishing, as I like to pack light ..storage bagneeds to be a little bit bigger because I noticed it can be a pain in the ass to stuff back in the bag after you are finished with it
FirePit™ - Portable campfire for camping
Mark F.
Great for camping. You don’t have to haul around a huge clunky fire pit any more. This thing folds up and is easy to store after use. During use the fire is easy to start bc of airflow from underneath. All that is left of the fire is ash when you are done. I highly recommend this product.
FirePit™ - Portable campfire for camping
Brian C.
Was definitely impressed by this product. Have used it in the backyard, on the beach, and even taken it to other people’s homes for impromptu s’mores. It’s not ultralight by any means, but have taken this on some short backpacking trips. Love how everything burns to a fine ash.
FirePit™ - Portable campfire for camping
Maria J.
We used this two times during our trip. It was easy to use and held up well with 4 medium size logs. We let embers burn down and it was an easy clean up in the morning. I recommend that users be sure to bring thongs or something similar to move logs during fire, this can be kind of tricky to do.
FirePit™ - Portable campfire for camping
Hallie P.
I wasnt sure about this at first but thought I would give it a try on my flyaways that really annoy me and I was pleasantly suprised. Works to keep those flyaways in place!
Flash Moment - hair finishing stick
Lena B.
I have a lot of baby hairs and this really helps me tame them for a sleeker look at work. Love it! And it came with two so I dont have to worry about running out anytime soon.
Flash Moment - hair finishing stick
David O.
Was looking for a keepsake for my nieces soon to be born son. There were many that were so cute but I kept looking for just the right one for this little one. Kept comparing all the others I looked at to this one. They're already framed, easy to use and all accessories are included. The ability to stand them up or hang them for display made these very versatile. Was more than happy with this choice. Now have to wait until the baby is born for them to use it. It was awesome that you emailed extra...
BabyArt - hand and foot print kit for baby (0 to 4 years)
I purchased this before in store a very long time ago. Was really surprised to have found it on this website after all those years for it to be the exact one and brand. Nothing bad to say blades are sharp and it holds 3 important items in a kitchen and doesn’t take up space
Multifunctional roll holder
I ended up not using the paper towel part, because I already have a paper towel holder in my kitchen, but the aluminum foil and plastic wrap, which I bought this product for, work wonderfully. It has made using them so much easier and efficient. I definitely recommend using it. I should also mention that the paper towel holder works great as well, even though I decided not to use it right now.
Multifunctional roll holder
It is easy to install and does what it’s supposed to do for way less than other storage solutions. The only thing I had an issue with was pushing my 27.5 MTB tires into it. It can be a little tricky at first and you will have to use some force but the tire eventually pops in.
Store-It - versatile bicycle storage rack
Owen B.
I bought it because my son ends up half-asleep when he sleeps and wanted something to hold his head. It's quick and easy to install. It is leather effect, imitation leather type but quite well made, my seats are leather and aesthetically perfect.
Car Headrest Pillow
Owen F.
We bought several sets and lined them in a row in our garage to organize/hang our handled tools; easy to install, but be careful not to over torque while driving in the screws or the base may crack. Once installed, effectively held our handled tools and brooms. Would definitely buy again.
Adjustable storage system for gardening and DIY tools
Meredith L.
Great drum. Once you light the pellets with a kitchen torch (not a Bic lighter but a torch), this thing gives off smoke for hours. The only problem I found is that the pellets fall out of the opening when full, but not a big deal
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