Fallenyetnotforgotten Reviews

Fallenyetnotforgotten Reviews

Vanessa W.
Not my first order, but these were bought for a Stem Cell Treatment for Veterans benefit ride. I ended up passing our 12!!!!! Everyone absolutely loved the coins. I am going to order again soon.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Gary S.
Pins are to big to wear on my cap, but will use on my backpack. Thanks for the free bee, your coins are worth every penny, especially when I See how much Veterans and police officers have responded when they receive one.
Free Mystery Pin Pack
Barry T.
As a veteran myself, I’m going to really enjoy passing these along to the guys I run into wearing their well worn hats adorned with many memories. I love seeing the smiles on their faces when I strike conversation with them starting with asking them to share a story about the hat they have on. Thanks for such cool stuff that shows appreciation for what these men and women have done for our freedom!!
Free Mystery Pin Pack
Many along with my parents served in WWII, they did not see themselves as heroes. It is fitting to thank all who served and sacrificed for our great country. Thank you to all our service family and friends.
Thank You For Our Freedom Coin
Randy C.
These are really great to have, I keep one in my wallet and when I see a veteran, I hand them one and say thank you. I get so many great reactions, lots of handshakes, especially from the Vietnam vets who were treated so poorly on their return. It is a simple act of kindness and a thank you for what these men and women went through. My only complaint is the plastic container each comes in, for us old salts, they are hard to open and I end up using pliers to break into each one... :-)
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Bob M.
I purchased a twenty lot .The quality is excellent, it is a fantastic coin.i gave one to a veteran this morning and he lit up he was very happy that I gave it to him,coin.he was very grateful.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Christopher P.
Purchased these to give to friends & family who have served. These are MUCH nicer than I expected. Very nice detail and great quality. I’ll definitely purchase more when I run out of these.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Charles H.
I have bought the 10 pack before. We are having our 60th Class Reunion in August and I know we have some Vietnam Veterans coming who served like me. So I wanted to hand them out to everyone. 🇺🇸 Charles Hylton Vietnam 65-66
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Robert M.
Thank you again, you guys don’t fail, They were great and they were gifts for soldiers who when they were in the service they didn’t have coins like we do now to say Thank you and you did a great job. That’s why I buy them by the bundles I take five with me every time I go to the VA and hand them out to Veterans from Nam and ww2 and I even found and gave two to a PFC from WW1. We both teared up cleared our throats and I shook his hand and walked away. And he started crying because he was so hap...
Free Mystery Gift
Ronald B.
In our Condo Association (539 residences) we honor our veterans during the year. I anonymously distributed 25 medallions last year, and personally handed some out to vets I know. This year I wanted to specially address areas of service and ordered five for Viet Nam Veterans.
Vietnam Veteran Coin
Ronald B.
In our Condo Association (539 residences) we honor our veterans during the year. I anonymously distributed 25 medallions last year, and personally handed some out to vets I know. This year I wanted to specially address areas of service and ordered five freedom medallions to hand out to strangers.
Thank You For Our Freedom Coin
K R.
i enjoy handing out the coins to Vets and or Active service members. its the least i can do knowing what some have had to endure being a Marine myself and coming from a Marine family and a long list of military relatives. very proud to support anyone that is willing to commit to serving and protecting, knowing that it could mean the ultinate sacrifice. Makes me proud to even know them
Thank You For Your Service Coin
Herman W.
Thank you coins arrived fast & as advertised. I have already ordered an additional 10 piece. They are a great way to just say, Thank You, to our Veterans. I am a satisfied customer and will be ordering even more. The pins are also great and look good on my cap. Thank you, Fallen But Not Forgotten, you are a fair, honest, organization.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Scott D.
This is my 2nd batch of 25. Every Veteran I give one to comments how nice it is. One chap even cried and one went to his truck and gave me one in return. I'll be back for more!
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Barry T.
As a veteran myself I really enjoy approaching people wearing their ball cap sharing their military history and asking them to share their story. The look on their face when I hand them a coin showing them gratitude and appreciation for their service is priceless. Thank you for producing this. To be able to bring a little smile to an old veteran’s face is priceless. We all need to share this appreciation and gratitude!!
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Stephen M.
Whenever I see a Veteran and hand them one of these coins, the look of appreciation on their face is priceless I want to continue to give these coins to our Veterans.
Thank You For Your Service Coin
Tim S.
I love the coin. I wish that I could buy a larger amount of coins for a lesser price. My Elks Club Veterans committee would love to buy coins but our limited resources keep us from doing this at the current price. Maybe eliminating the plastic sleeve could help to lower the price.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Michael C.
The Police coin is another beautiful piece that is well accepted and appreciated. I live in a town of 25,000 residents and our police force is fabulous. I purchased them after purchasing the military coin. My proudest moment was when I presented them to the Wounded Warriors baseball team, they were so appreciative. Keep up the great work.
Police - Thank You For Your Service Coin
Terry W.
I am an owner of mental health counseling clinics. We are fortunate to serve many veterans with our therapist and our TMS clinics. These coins were purchased as a gift for every veteran we serve. Initially I purchased only 20 because I wanted to see the quality. When they arrived, I along with our staff were amazed at their quality. We will be purchasing many more as gifts to honor these special men and women.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
George W.
Every coin I give to a veteran puts a smile on their faces. That’s worth the price of admission to me to see the reaction from them. Yong or old like me It’s the same feeling.
Thank You For Your Service Coin
Roy L.
Another beautiful gift of appreciation for those who serve as first responders. When I checked on my order, it was delayed due to the manufacturer; they suggested a similar coin but I stayed with my original order and when I received it, a couple of extra coins were included. So grateful, as I can now share with others in my life.
Police - Thank You For Your Service Coin
Rosemarie C.
I ordered these coins for all the Veterans on the Honor Flight SF Florida, 05/18/2024 Each Veteran was very surprised to receive them. It put a smile on every face especially Vietnam Veterans. Thank you for making these coins & the Pins also. I'm ordering more for our next flight. I also hand them to Veterans I see & its awesome to how grateful they are to receive it. Everyone should order them to give to any Veteran.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Stephen R.
These coins are beautiful. Every time I see a veteran or a police officer I don't want to walk away without giving them one. They are well done and appropriate to our country. I do "Back the Blue," anytime I can. I was military for 7 years and always recognize a veteran. Order these and you won't be disappointed, and I am a touch critic. Thank you all for reading, buy some coins now.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
George L B.
I am amazed at how some of the veterans react when I present the Thank You coin to them. While at bingo, I came across a group Nurses who I presented to them the coin. The look of surprise was something I will not forget. I have enjoyed presenting the coin to veterans and some replied, what me? I will continue to present veterans as long as I can.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Deborrah R.
My Son & I give these out in memory of my husband, my father, my brother, my brother in law & friends that have served and are in heaven and to thank all veterans that have served.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Doris N.
This was my second order of these coins. If I see someone with a cap that says they served in the military -I mostly see Viet Nam Veterans wearing caps - I talk to them and their spouse if there is one, for a few minutes - Tell them that my husband was also a Viet Nam Vet. Then i just simply say "Thank You" and hand them a coin. There have been tears because they haven't been forgotten, many hugs and thank yous and even one "very joking" marriage proposal.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Patrick P.
These Coins are very well made.. So far have handed out about 8 of the 30 so far.. The men and women have been so thrilled to receive.. I even wen back and ordered the TY for your service for Police and Fire as well.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
John R.
when I can give one of these coins to an officer, they are so surprised and appreciative. I once gave one to a park ranger who was in our area. he told me he had never received anything like it and was so happy you'd have thought it was a gold coin. he said it made his day. I carry a couple of the coins with me at all times to present to any police officer and tell them I appreciate they're service and sacrifice and tell them," God bless you"
Police - Thank You For Your Service Coin
Gene I.
I have ordered several times and always carry one or two of these thank you for your service coins to give to veterans and active duty servicemen. Their expressions of gratitude are evident.
Free Mystery Gift
Donald M.
Had a USPS delivery problem that Fallen Yet Not Forgotten Support cleared up and I received my order within a few days of notification!! More than pleased with the quality of the coins and those that I have handed out have been a hit with the recipients.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Richard S.
These coins are beautiful. I have given them out not only to fellow men and women veterans, but service people such as law enforcement, medical personnel. The reaction is very evident on their faces. Some cannot believe I care, several have had tears of gratitude, most just nod their head or say "thanks" guietly. It's a two way street, I am blessed because I got to share my thanks to others who help keep my country free, safe and healthy!
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Alan R.
I pass them out to any veteran I run into. They are always surprised & greatly appreciate the great looking medallion. As a Vietnam vet myself, it always gives me a feel good feeling to pass these out. Thank you.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Denise D.
I purchased 3 coins to share with American Legion Riders, to get their approval to give these to our veterans for Christmas. They loved them. I will be reordering. The coins are made beautifully. We also loved the stand and the engraved saying on it.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Jim B.
My first order was 20. I may be placing another order soon. I am an insurance agent and I give one to every veteran client that comes in my office. They are so thankful and it makes me so proud to honor them with a hand shake and a beautiful coin.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Carolyn S.
The thank you coins arrived on schedule, and they're really very nice. Late husband, current husband, 2 brothers, sis-in-law, son and uncle... all vets of 3 different wars. Will be using these for veteran friends and those at the VA in Denver.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
James M.
I am thrilled with these beautiful coins. They are exactly what I had hoped they would look like. I have already started handing the coins to Veterans I see in the malls or restaurants. When many of them read what the coin says, tears come to their eyes. I tell each recipient to always cherish this coin. It lets them know they are appreciated for their service, not just words. When I run out, I will be ordering more. This coin is exactly what I have been looking to buy. Thank you, "Fallen Yet No...
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Donna D.
We have 5 people in our family who are in the military and they loved the coin...made them cry because we thought of them and we have three vets that were in the Vietnam war and they really loved it too! Thank you!
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
James B.
I love the bundles because when I order them. It allows me to carry a few of them around. And then when I run across a veteran, no matter when he served, I give him a coin. Or I surprise him by laying it on a table next to him where he's sitting. When he's on a Ware, it makes me feel good because I do suffer from PTSD and it allows me to share.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Lewis S.
The Coins were outstanding . The quality is super nice. Have already given several to Veterans I have come across in my travels and their expression of gratitude and their expression of thanks having received this acknowledgement for their service to our GREAT NATION gives me great satisfaction as well.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
Mickael M.
I purchased 3 coins 1 for me (Veteran) and 2 for friends of mine that served in Vietnam. When I gave them to each it brought uncontrolled tears to their eyes. They told me that no one had every done anything like that for them.
Honoring All Who Served Thank You Coin
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